libevent 事件的优先级队列

来源:互联网 发布:c语言数组合并 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 01:53



1. event_Base的优先级队列libevent中,每个event_base都有与之相关的一个或者多个优先级。可以调用event_base_priority_init设置event_base的优先级数目。/*npriorities为多少,就代表要建多少个尾队列数组,  * base->nactivequeues 表示数据个数 * base->activequeues表示数组首地址*/intevent_base_priority_init(struct event_base *base, int npriorities){    int i;    if (N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base) || npriorities < 1        || npriorities >= EVENT_MAX_PRIORITIES)        return (-1);    if (npriorities == base->nactivequeues)        return (0);    /*libevent里面的优先级队列就是active队列数组,当epoll返回event时,根据event对应的优先级放入队列的active数组列表中,实现了优先级的概念     * 这个优先队列是一个链表头数组,每一个链表头代表一个队列,nactivequeues代表队列的个数,activequeues数组的头指针*/    /* 这里为啥只要释放base->activequeues, 如果有多个队列怎么办?     * 估计是默认只有一个优先级队列,所以此处只释放base->activequeues*/    if (base->nactivequeues) {        mm_free(base->activequeues);        base->nactivequeues = 0;    }    /*创建npriorities个优先队列*/    /* Allocate our priority queues */    base->activequeues = (struct event_list *)      mm_calloc(npriorities, sizeof(struct event_list));    if (base->activequeues == NULL) {        event_warn("%s: calloc", __func__);        return (-1);    }    base->nactivequeues = npriorities;    /*初始化队列头*/    for (i = 0; i < base->nactivequeues; ++i) {        TAILQ_INIT(&base->activequeues[i]);    }    return (0);}
  1. event的优先级

    int event_assign(struct event *ev, struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void (*callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg){if (!base)    base = current_base;_event_debug_assert_not_added(ev);ev->ev_base = base;.........if (base != NULL) {   /* by default, we put new events into the middle priority */    ev->ev_pri = base->nactivequeues / 2;}_event_debug_note_setup(ev);return 0;}

    也可以通过调用API event_priority_set 进行设置。

    /* Set’s the priority of an event - if an event is already scheduled

    • changing the priority is going to fail.
intevent_priority_set(struct event *ev, int pri){       _event_debug_assert_is_setup(ev);    if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE)        return (-1);    if (pri < 0 || pri >= ev->ev_base->nactivequeues)        return (-1);    ev->ev_pri = pri;    return (0);}
  1. 添加激活事件到优先队列
static intepoll_dispatch(struct event_base *base, struct timeval *tv){    struct epollop *epollop = base->evbase;    struct epoll_event *events = epollop->events;    int i, res;    long timeout = -1;    if (tv != NULL) {        timeout = evutil_tv_to_msec(tv);        if (timeout < 0 || timeout > MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC) {            /* Linux kernels can wait forever if the timeout is             * too big; see comment on MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC. */            timeout = MAX_EPOLL_TIMEOUT_MSEC;        }    }    epoll_apply_changes(base);    event_changelist_remove_all(&base->changelist, base);    EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    res = epoll_wait(epollop->epfd, events, epollop->nevents, timeout);    EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    if (res == -1) {        if (errno != EINTR) {            event_warn("epoll_wait");            return (-1);        }        return (0);    }    event_debug(("%s: epoll_wait reports %d", __func__, res));    EVUTIL_ASSERT(res <= epollop->nevents);    for (i = 0; i < res; i++) {        int what = events[i].events;        short ev = 0;        if (what & (EPOLLHUP|EPOLLERR)) {            ev = EV_READ | EV_WRITE;        } else {            if (what & EPOLLIN)                                ev |= EV_READ;            if (what & EPOLLOUT)                ev |= EV_WRITE;        }        if (!ev)            continue;        evmap_io_active(base, events[i].data.fd, ev | EV_ET);    }    .......    return (0);}

evmap_io_active 通过fd索引对应的hash数组,找到对应event,再调用event_active_nolock将event加入优先队列

voidevmap_io_active(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events){    struct event_io_map *io = &base->io;    struct evmap_io *ctx;    struct event *ev;#ifndef EVMAP_USE_HT    EVUTIL_ASSERT(fd < io->nentries);#endif    GET_IO_SLOT(ctx, io, fd, evmap_io);    EVUTIL_ASSERT(ctx);    TAILQ_FOREACH(ev, &ctx->events, ev_io_next) {        if (ev->ev_events & events)            event_active_nolock(ev, ev->ev_events & events, 1);    }} 

event_active_nolock调用event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);

voidevent_active_nolock(struct event *ev, int res, short ncalls){    struct event_base *base;    event_debug(("event_active: %p (fd "EV_SOCK_FMT"), res %d, callback %p",        ev, EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd), (int)res, ev->ev_callback));    /* We get different kinds of events, add them together */    if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) {        ev->ev_res |= res;        return;    }    base = ev->ev_base;    EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base);    ev->ev_res = res;    if (ev->ev_pri < base->event_running_priority)        base->event_continue = 1;    if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) {#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        if (base->current_event == ev && !EVBASE_IN_THREAD(base)) {            ++base->current_event_waiters;            EVTHREAD_COND_WAIT(base->current_event_cond, base->th_base_lock);        }#endif        ev->ev_ncalls = ncalls;        ev->ev_pncalls = NULL;    }    event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);    if (EVBASE_NEED_NOTIFY(base))        evthread_notify_base(base);}


static voidevent_queue_insert(struct event_base *base, struct event *ev, int queue){    EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base);    if (ev->ev_flags & queue) {        /* Double insertion is possible for active events */        if (queue & EVLIST_ACTIVE)            return;        event_errx(1, "%s: %p(fd "EV_SOCK_FMT") already on queue %x", __func__,            ev, EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd), queue);        return;    }    if (~ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_INTERNAL)        base->event_count++;    ev->ev_flags |= queue;    switch (queue) {    ........    case EVLIST_ACTIVE:        base->event_count_active++;        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->activequeues[ev->ev_pri],            ev,ev_active_next);        break;    .......    default:        event_errx(1, "%s: unknown queue %x", __func__, queue);    }}
  1. 最终调用event_process_active依次处理优先队列中的event
static intevent_process_active(struct event_base *base){                                                                                                                                                                                          /* Caller must hold th_base_lock */    struct event_list *activeq = NULL;    int i, c = 0;    /*循环优先队列,保证了优先级高(数组索引值小)的队列先执行*/    for (i = 0; i < base->nactivequeues; ++i) {        if (TAILQ_FIRST(&base->activequeues[i]) != NULL) {            base->event_running_priority = i;            activeq = &base->activequeues[i];            c = event_process_active_single_queue(base, activeq);            if (c < 0) {                base->event_running_priority = -1;                return -1;            } else if (c > 0)                break; /* Processed a real event; do not                    * consider lower-priority events */            /* If we get here, all of the events we processed             * were internal.  Continue. */        }    }    event_process_deferred_callbacks(&base->defer_queue,&base->event_break);    base->event_running_priority = -1;    return c;}


static int                                                                                                                                                                             event_process_active_single_queue(struct event_base *base,    struct event_list *activeq){    struct event *ev;    int count = 0;    EVUTIL_ASSERT(activeq != NULL);    for (ev = TAILQ_FIRST(activeq); ev; ev = TAILQ_FIRST(activeq)) {        /*如果event是EV_PERSIST,只是将ev从active队列中移除,         * 否者不是EV_PERSIST,则调用event_del_internal将ev从active 队列中移除,并从evmap_io或者evmap_signal中删除*/        if (ev->ev_events & EV_PERSIST)            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);        else            event_del_internal(ev);        if (!(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_INTERNAL))            ++count;        event_debug((             "event_process_active: event: %p, %s%scall %p",            ev,            ev->ev_res & EV_READ ? "EV_READ " : " ",            ev->ev_res & EV_WRITE ? "EV_WRITE " : " ",            ev->ev_callback));#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        base->current_event = ev;        base->current_event_waiters = 0;#endif        switch (ev->ev_closure) {        case EV_CLOSURE_SIGNAL:            event_signal_closure(base, ev);            break;        case EV_CLOSURE_PERSIST:            event_persist_closure(base, ev);            break;        default:        case EV_CLOSURE_NONE:            EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);            /*调用event回调函数*/            (*ev->ev_callback)(                ev->ev_fd, ev->ev_res, ev->ev_arg);            break;        }        EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        base->current_event = NULL;        if (base->current_event_waiters) {            base->current_event_waiters = 0;            EVTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST(base->current_event_cond);        }#endif        if (base->event_break)            return -1;        if (base->event_continue)            break;    }    return count;}