Hadoop 文件查看工具

来源:互联网 发布:电脑打不开软件没反应 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:33


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using System;using System.Globalization;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using System.Windows.Forms;using Microsoft.Hadoop.WebHDFS;namespace HdfsExplore{    public partial class Explorer : Form    {        private WebHDFSClient client;        public Explorer()        {            InitializeComponent();            if (!CreateClient())            {                return;            }            // 使用驱动器列表填充TreeView            PopulateDriveList();        }        //此过程使用驱动器列表填充TreeView        private async void PopulateDriveList()        {            TreeNode nodeTreeNode;            var imageIndex = 0;            var selectIndex = 0;            const int Removable = 2;            const int LocalDisk = 3;            const int Network = 4;            const int CD = 5;            //const int RAMDrive = 6;            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;            //清除TreeView            tvFolders.Nodes.Clear();            nodeTreeNode = new TreeNode("Hadoop Root", 0, 0);            tvFolders.Nodes.Add(nodeTreeNode);            //设置节点集合            var nodeCollection = nodeTreeNode.Nodes;            var x = await client.GetDirectoryStatus("/");            foreach (var mo in x.Directories)            {                //switch (int.Parse(mo["DriveType"].ToString()))                //{                //    case Removable:           //removable drives                //        imageIndex = 5;                //        selectIndex = 5;                //        break;                //    case LocalDisk:           //Local drives                //        imageIndex = 6;                //        selectIndex = 6;                //        break;                //    case CD:              //CD rom drives                //        imageIndex = 7;                //        selectIndex = 7;                //        break;                //    case Network:         //Network drives                //        imageIndex = 8;                //        selectIndex = 8;                //        break;                //    default:              //defalut to folder                //        imageIndex = 2;                //        selectIndex = 3;                //        break;                //}                imageIndex = 6;                selectIndex = 6;                //创建新的驱动器节点                nodeTreeNode = new TreeNode(mo.PathSuffix, imageIndex, selectIndex);                //添加新节点                nodeCollection.Add(nodeTreeNode);            }            //初始化文件ListView            InitListView();            Cursor = Cursors.Default;        }        private void tvFolders_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)        {            //选择文件夹时填充文件夹和文件            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;            //获取当前所选驱动器或文件夹            var nodeCurrent = e.Node;            //清除所有子文件夹            nodeCurrent.Nodes.Clear();            if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex == 0)            {                //重新填写驱动器列表                PopulateDriveList();            }            else            {                //填充子文件夹和文件夹文件                PopulateDirectory(nodeCurrent, nodeCurrent.Nodes);            }            Cursor = Cursors.Default;        }        protected void InitListView()        {            //初始化ListView控件            lvFiles.Clear();            //创建ListView的列标题            lvFiles.Columns.Add("名称", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left);            lvFiles.Columns.Add("大小", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Right);            lvFiles.Columns.Add("上次访问", 140, HorizontalAlignment.Left);            lvFiles.Columns.Add("上次修改", 140, HorizontalAlignment.Left);            lvFiles.Columns.Add("用有者", 75);            lvFiles.Columns.Add("权限", 75);        }        protected async void PopulateDirectory(TreeNode nodeCurrent, TreeNodeCollection nodeCurrentCollection)        {            TreeNode nodeDir;            var imageIndex = 2; //未选择的图像索引            var selectIndex = 3; //选择图像索引            if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex != 0)            {                //用文件夹填充树视图                try                {                    var directoryStatus = await client.GetDirectoryStatus(getFullPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath));                    var dirs = directoryStatus.Directories;                    //check path                    //if (!dirs.Any())                    //{                    //    MessageBox.Show("Directory or path " + nodeCurrent.ToString() + " does not exist.");                    //}                    //else                    //{                    //填充文件                    PopulateFiles(nodeCurrent);                    var stringDirectories = dirs.Select(x => x.PathSuffix).ToArray();                    var stringFullPath = "";                    var stringPathName = "";                    //循环遍历所有目录                    foreach (var stringDir in stringDirectories)                    {                        stringFullPath = stringDir;                        stringPathName = GetPathName(stringFullPath);                        //创建目录节点                        nodeDir = new TreeNode(stringPathName, imageIndex, selectIndex);                        nodeCurrentCollection.Add(nodeDir);                    }                    //}                }                catch (IOException e)                {                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Drive not ready or directory does not exist.");                }                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)                {                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Drive or directory access denided.");                }                catch (Exception e)                {                    MessageBox.Show("Error: " + e);                }            }        }        protected string GetPathName(string stringPath)        {            //获取文件夹的名称            var stringSplit = stringPath.Split('\\');            var _maxIndex = stringSplit.Length;            return stringSplit[_maxIndex - 1];        }        protected async void PopulateFiles(TreeNode nodeCurrent)        {            //使用文件填充列表视图            var lvData = new string[6];            //清除列表            InitListView();            if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex != 0)            {                var directoryStatus = await client.GetDirectoryStatus(getFullPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath));                try                {                    var files = directoryStatus.Files; // Directory.GetFiles(getFullPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath));                    var stringFileName = "";                    string dtCreateDate, dtModifyDate;                    Int64 lFileSize = 0;                    //循环遍历所有文件                    foreach (var file in files)                    {                        stringFileName = file.PathSuffix;                        //FileInfo objFileSize = new FileInfo(stringFileName);                        lFileSize = file.Length;                        dtCreateDate = Utility.JavaTicksToDatetime(file.AccessTime).ToString();                        //GetCreationTime(stringFileName);                        dtModifyDate = Utility.JavaTicksToDatetime(file.ModificationTime).ToString();                        //GetLastWriteTime(stringFileName);                        //创建列表视图数据                        lvData[0] = GetPathName(stringFileName);                        lvData[1] = formatSize(lFileSize);                        lvData[2] = dtCreateDate;                        lvData[3] = dtModifyDate;                        lvData[4] = file.Owner;                        lvData[5] = file.Permission;                        //创建实际列表项                        var lvItem = new ListViewItem(lvData, 0);                        lvFiles.Items.Add(lvItem);                    }                }                catch (IOException e)                {                    MessageBox.Show("错误:驱动器未准备好或目录不存在.");                }                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)                {                    MessageBox.Show("错误:驱动器或目录访问被拒绝.");                }                catch (Exception e)                {                }                // }            }        }        protected string getFullPath(string stringPath)        {            //获取完整路径            var stringParse = "";            //从路径中删除根目录.            stringParse = stringPath.Replace("Hadoop Root\\", "/").Replace("\\", "/");            return stringParse;        }        protected string getFullPath(TreeNode nodeCurrent)        {            var path = nodeCurrent.FullPath;            return getFullPath(path);        }        protected string formatSize(Int64 lSize)        {            //格式编号为KB            var stringSize = "";            var myNfi = new NumberFormatInfo();            Int64 lKBSize = 0;            if (lSize < 1024)            {                if (lSize == 0)                {                    //0 byte                    stringSize = "0";                }                else                {                    //小于1K但不是零字节                    stringSize = "1";                }            }            else            {                //转换为KB                lKBSize = lSize / 1024;                //默认格式的格式数字                stringSize = lKBSize.ToString("n", myNfi);                //移除 decimal                stringSize = stringSize.Replace(".00", "");            }            return stringSize + " KB";        }        private void menuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            //退出应用            Close();        }        private void tvFolders_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)        {            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right) return;            if (e.Node == null) return;            //MessageBox.Show(e.Node.FullPath);            tvFolders.SelectedNode = e.Node;            InitcmsOneRout();            cmsOneRout.Show(tvFolders, e.X, e.Y);        }        private void InitcmsOneRout()        {            cmsOneRout = new ContextMenuStrip();            var tmiEditRoutStation = new ToolStripMenuItem("修改Owner");            cmsOneRout.Items.Add(tmiEditRoutStation);            var changePermission = new ToolStripMenuItem("修改权限");            changePermission.Click += changePress_Click;            cmsOneRout.Items.Add(changePermission);            var tmiDel = new ToolStripMenuItem("删除");            tmiDel.Click += tmiDel_Click;            cmsOneRout.Items.Add(tmiDel);        }        async void changePress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            //if (lvFiles.SelectedItems.Count == 0)            //    return;            if (tvFolders.SelectedNode == null)                return;            var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            //var remotefile = remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + lvFiles.SelectedItems[0].Text;            var permissions = await client.GetFileStatus(remotepath);            InputName ip = new InputName("修改权限(" + remotepath + ")", permissions.Permission);            if (ip.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)            {                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ip.StrInput))                {                    MessageBox.Show("不能为空项");                    return;                }                await client.SetPermissions(remotepath, ip.StrInput);            }        }        private void tmiDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            var path = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            //client = new WebHDFSClient(new Uri("http://zhangbaowei:50070"), "hadoop");            client.DeleteDirectory(path, true);            MessageBox.Show("删除完成");            tvFolders.SelectedNode.Remove();        }        private void menuItem5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            var parentPath = "/";            if (tvFolders.SelectedNode != null)            {                parentPath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            }            var name = new InputName();            if (name.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)                return;            var newname = name.StrInput;            client.CreateDirectory(parentPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + newname);        }        private void menuItem6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            showSetting();            PopulateDriveList();        }        private void showSetting()        {            var setting = new Setting();            if (setting.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)            {                CreateClient();            }        }        private bool CreateClient()        {            var url = AppConfig.GetValue("hdfsurl");            var username = AppConfig.GetValue("username");            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username))            {                MessageBox.Show("未进行正确配置");                showSetting();                return false;            }            client = new WebHDFSClient(new Uri(url), username);            return true;        }        private void menuItem7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            if (tvFolders.SelectedNode == null)            {                MessageBox.Show("未选中上传目标");                return;            }            OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();            of.Multiselect = true;            if (of.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)            {                var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);                var filename = of.FileNames;                foreach (var s in filename)                {                    client.CreateFile(s, remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + Path.GetFileName(s));                }                PopulateFiles(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            }        }        private void menuItem8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            var items = lvFiles.SelectedItems;            var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            foreach (var item in items)            {                var filename = ((ListViewItem)item).Text;                client.DeleteDirectory(remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + filename);            }        }        private async void lvFiles_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)        {            ListViewHitTestInfo info = lvFiles.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);            ListViewItem item = info.Item;            if (item != null)            {                //MessageBox.Show("The selected Item Name is: " + item.Text);                var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);                var remotefile = remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + item.Text;                var message = await client.OpenFile(remotefile);                var content = await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();                ContentViewer cv = new ContentViewer(content, remotefile);                cv.Show();            }            else            {                this.lvFiles.SelectedItems.Clear();                MessageBox.Show("No Item is selected");            }        }        private void lvFiles_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)        {            //判断鼠标是否右键            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)            {                if (this.lvFiles.SelectedItems.Count > 0)  //选中项                {                    var cmslv = new ContextMenuStrip();                    var tmiEditRoutStation = new ToolStripMenuItem("权限");                    tmiEditRoutStation.Click += tmiEditRoutStation_Click;                    cmslv.Items.Add(tmiEditRoutStation);                    var tmiDelte = new ToolStripMenuItem("删除");                    tmiDelte.Click += tmiDelte_Click;                    cmslv.Items.Add(tmiDelte);                    var downloadFile = new ToolStripMenuItem("下载");                    downloadFile.Click += downloadFile_Click;                    cmslv.Items.Add(downloadFile);                    cmslv.Show(lvFiles, e.Location);                    //this.lvFiles.ContextMenuStrip = cms选中菜单;                }                else   //未选中项                {                    //this.lvFiles.ContextMenuStrip = cms未选中菜单;                }            }        }        async void downloadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            if (lvFiles.SelectedItems.Count == 0)                return;            var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            var filefolder = new FolderBrowserDialog();            if (filefolder.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)                return;            var locafolder = filefolder.SelectedPath;            foreach (var lvFile in lvFiles.SelectedItems)            {                var removefilename = ((ListViewItem)lvFile).Text;                var remotefile = remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + removefilename;                var file = await client.OpenFile(remotefile);                var filebytes = await file.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();                var locafile = locafolder + "/" + removefilename;                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(locafile, filebytes);                //lvFiles.Items.Remove((ListViewItem)lvFile);            }            MessageBox.Show("下载成功");        }        async void tmiDelte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            if (lvFiles.SelectedItems.Count == 0)                return;            var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            foreach (var lvFile in lvFiles.SelectedItems)            {                var remotefile = remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + ((ListViewItem)lvFile).Text;                await client.DeleteDirectory(remotefile);                lvFiles.Items.Remove((ListViewItem)lvFile);            }        }        async void tmiEditRoutStation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            if (lvFiles.SelectedItems.Count == 0)                return;            var remotepath = getFullPath(tvFolders.SelectedNode);            var remotefile = remotepath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + lvFiles.SelectedItems[0].Text;            InputName ip = new InputName("修改权限(" + remotefile + ")");            if (ip.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)            {                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ip.StrInput))                {                    MessageBox.Show("不能为空项");                    return;                }                await client.SetPermissions(remotefile, ip.StrInput);            }        }    }}


