spark dataframe dataset reducebykey用法

来源:互联网 发布:住范儿 价格 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:00
case class Record(ts: Long, id: Int, value: Int)如果是rdd,我们经常会用reducebykey获取到最新时间戳的一条记录,用下面的方法def findLatest(records: RDD[Record])(implicit spark: SparkSession) = {  records.keyBy({    (x, y) => if(x.ts > y.ts) x else y  }.values}在dataset中可以用一下方法:import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._val newDF = df.groupBy('id).agg.max(struct('ts, 'val)) as 'tmp).select($"id", $"tmp.*")为什么可以这样操作呢?因为对于struct,或者tuple类型而言,max方法默认按照第一个元素进行排序处理举个详细点的例子:import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._val data = Seq(  ("michael", 1, "event 1"),  ("michael", 2, "event 2"),  ("reynold", 1, "event 3"),  ("reynold", 3, "event 4")).toDF("user", "time", "event")val newestEventPerUser =   data    .groupBy('user)    .agg(max(struct('time, 'event)) as 'event)    .select($"user", $"event.*") // Unnest the struct into top-level columns.scala>                                                          |   user|time|  event|+-------+----+-------+|reynold|   3|event 4||michael|   2|event 2|+-------+----+-------+复杂一点可参考如下:case class AggregateResultModel(id: String,                                      mtype: String,                                      healthScore: Int,                                      mortality: Float,                                      reimbursement: Float)// assume that the rawScores are loaded behorehand from json,csv filesval groupedResultSet =[AggregateResultModel].groupByKey( item => (,item.mtype ))      .reduceGroups( (x,y) => getMinHealthScore(x,y)).map(_._2)// the binary function used in the reduceGroupsdef getMinHealthScore(x : AggregateResultModel, y : AggregateResultModel): AggregateResultModel = {    // complex logic for deciding between which row to keep    if (x.healthScore > y.healthScore) { return y }    else if (x.healthScore < y.healthScore) { return x }    else {      if (x.mortality < y.mortality) { return y }      else if (x.mortality > y.mortality) { return x }      else  {        if(x.reimbursement < y.reimbursement)          return x        else          return y      }    }  }
