x &= (x-1)

来源:互联网 发布:apache ab 下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 07:02

最近在《the c programing language》看到这一个算法,一开始不太明白,仔细的分析了一下还是蛮高明的,上网搜索了一下,好些网友对此不是很了解,写在这里大家一起分享一下:

If x is odd, then (x-1) has the same bit representation as x except that the rightmost 1-bit is now a 0. In this case, (x & (x-1)) == (x-1). If x is even, then the representation of (x-1) has the rightmost zeros of x becoming ones and the rightmost one becoming a zero. Anding the two clears the rightmost 1-bit in x and all the rightmost 1-bits from (x-1). Here's the new version of bitcount

如果x是奇数,那么x的最低位必定为1,执行(x-1)后,除最低位变为零之外其它位均不变,然后与x相与,结果与(x-1)一样,既 (x & (x-1)) == (x-1). 如果x是个偶数,执行 (x-1)后,x最右边的非零位上的1变为0,其右边的零位全变为1,这样再与x相与后,x最右边的非零位上的1和(x-1)右边的那些1位都变为零。

