android 6.0 7.0动态获取权限

来源:互联网 发布:kiel 软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:00

创建 PermissionsManager

public class PermissionsManager {    private static final String TAG = PermissionsManager.class.getSimpleName();    private final Set<String> mPendingRequests = new HashSet<String>(1);    private final Set<String> mPermissions = new HashSet<String>(1);    private final List<WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction>> mPendingActions = new ArrayList<WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction>>(1);    private static PermissionsManager mInstance = null;    public static PermissionsManager getInstance() {        if (mInstance == null) {            mInstance = new PermissionsManager();        }        return mInstance;    }    private PermissionsManager() {        initializePermissionsMap();    }    /**     * This method uses reflection to read all the permissions in the Manifest class.     * This is necessary because some permissions do not exist on older versions of Android,     * since they do not exist, they will be denied when you check whether you have permission     * which is problematic since a new permission is often added where there was no previous     * permission required. We initialize a Set of available permissions and check the set     * when checking if we have permission since we want to know when we are denied a permission     * because it doesn't exist yet.     */    private synchronized void initializePermissionsMap() {        Field[] fields = Manifest.permission.class.getFields();        for (Field field : fields) {            String name = null;            try {                name = (String) field.get("");            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {                Log.e(TAG, "Could not access field", e);            }            mPermissions.add(name);        }    }    /**     * This method retrieves all the permissions declared in the application's manifest.     * It returns a non null array of permisions that can be declared.     *     * @param activity the Activity necessary to check what permissions we have.     * @return a non null array of permissions that are declared in the application manifest.     */    @NonNull    private synchronized String[] getManifestPermissions(@NonNull final Activity activity) {        PackageInfo packageInfo = null;        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(1);        try {            Log.d(TAG, activity.getPackageName());            packageInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "A problem occurred when retrieving permissions", e);        }        if (packageInfo != null) {            String[] permissions = packageInfo.requestedPermissions;            if (permissions != null) {                for (String perm : permissions) {                    Log.d(TAG, "Manifest contained permission: " + perm);                    list.add(perm);                }            }        }        return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);    }    /**     * This method adds the {@link PermissionsResultAction} to the current list     * of pending actions that will be completed when the permissions are     * received. The list of permissions passed to this method are registered     * in the PermissionsResultAction object so that it will be notified of changes     * made to these permissions.     *     * @param permissions the required permissions for the action to be executed.     * @param action      the action to add to the current list of pending actions.     */    private synchronized void addPendingAction(@NonNull String[] permissions,                                               @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        if (action == null) {            return;        }        action.registerPermissions(permissions);        mPendingActions.add(new WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction>(action));    }    /**     * This method removes a pending action from the list of pending actions.     * It is used for cases where the permission has already been granted, so     * you immediately wish to remove the pending action from the queue and     * execute the action.     *     * @param action the action to remove     */    private synchronized void removePendingAction(@Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        for (Iterator<WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction>> iterator = mPendingActions.iterator();             iterator.hasNext(); ) {            WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction> weakRef =;            if (weakRef.get() == action || weakRef.get() == null) {                iterator.remove();            }        }    }    /**     * This static method can be used to check whether or not you have a specific permission.     * It is basically a less verbose method of using {@link ActivityCompat#checkSelfPermission(Context, String)}     * and will simply return a boolean whether or not you have the permission. If you pass     * in a null Context object, it will return false as otherwise it cannot check the permission.     * However, the Activity parameter is nullable so that you can pass in a reference that you     * are not always sure will be valid or not (e.g. getActivity() from Fragment).     *     * @param context    the Context necessary to check the permission     * @param permission the permission to check     * @return true if you have been granted the permission, false otherwise     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized boolean hasPermission(@Nullable Context context, @NonNull String permission) {        return context != null && (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, permission)                == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED || !mPermissions.contains(permission));    }    /**     * This static method can be used to check whether or not you have several specific permissions.     * It is simpler than checking using {@link ActivityCompat#checkSelfPermission(Context, String)}     * for each permission and will simply return a boolean whether or not you have all the permissions.     * If you pass in a null Context object, it will return false as otherwise it cannot check the     * permission. However, the Activity parameter is nullable so that you can pass in a reference     * that you are not always sure will be valid or not (e.g. getActivity() from Fragment).     *     * @param context     the Context necessary to check the permission     * @param permissions the permissions to check     * @return true if you have been granted all the permissions, false otherwise     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized boolean hasAllPermissions(@Nullable Context context, @NonNull String[] permissions) {        if (context == null) {            return false;        }        boolean hasAllPermissions = true;        for (String perm : permissions) {            hasAllPermissions &= hasPermission(context, perm);        }        return hasAllPermissions;    }    /**     * This method will request all the permissions declared in your application manifest     * for the specified {@link PermissionsResultAction}. The purpose of this method is to enable     * all permissions to be requested at one shot. The PermissionsResultAction is used to notify     * you of the user allowing or denying each permission. The Activity and PermissionsResultAction     * parameters are both annotated Nullable, but this method will not work if the Activity     * is null. It is only annotated Nullable as a courtesy to prevent crashes in the case     * that you call this from a Fragment where {@link Fragment#getActivity()} could yield     * null. Additionally, you will not receive any notification of permissions being granted     * if you provide a null PermissionsResultAction.     *     * @param activity the Activity necessary to request and check permissions.     * @param action   the PermissionsResultAction used to notify you of permissions being accepted.     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized void requestAllManifestPermissionsIfNecessary(final @Nullable Activity activity,                                                                      final @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        if (activity == null) {            return;        }        String[] perms = getManifestPermissions(activity);        requestPermissionsIfNecessaryForResult(activity, perms, action);    }    /**     * This method should be used to execute a {@link PermissionsResultAction} for the array     * of permissions passed to this method. This method will request the permissions if     * they need to be requested (i.e. we don't have permission yet) and will add the     * PermissionsResultAction to the queue to be notified of permissions being granted or     * denied. In the case of pre-Android Marshmallow, permissions will be granted immediately.     * The Activity variable is nullable, but if it is null, the method will fail to execute.     * This is only nullable as a courtesy for Fragments where getActivity() may yeild null     * if the Fragment is not currently added to its parent Activity.     *     * @param activity    the activity necessary to request the permissions.     * @param permissions the list of permissions to request for the {@link PermissionsResultAction}.     * @param action      the PermissionsResultAction to notify when the permissions are granted or denied.     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized void requestPermissionsIfNecessaryForResult(@Nullable Activity activity,                                                                    @NonNull String[] permissions,                                                                    @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        if (activity == null) {            return;        }        addPendingAction(permissions, action);        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {            doPermissionWorkBeforeAndroidM(activity, permissions, action);        } else {            List<String> permList = getPermissionsListToRequest(activity, permissions, action);            if (permList.isEmpty()) {                //if there is no permission to request, there is no reason to keep the action int the list                removePendingAction(action);            } else {                String[] permsToRequest = permList.toArray(new String[permList.size()]);                mPendingRequests.addAll(permList);                ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, permsToRequest, 1);            }        }    }    /**     * This method should be used to execute a {@link PermissionsResultAction} for the array     * of permissions passed to this method. This method will request the permissions if     * they need to be requested (i.e. we don't have permission yet) and will add the     * PermissionsResultAction to the queue to be notified of permissions being granted or     * denied. In the case of pre-Android Marshmallow, permissions will be granted immediately.     * The Fragment variable is used, but if {@link Fragment#getActivity()} returns null, this method     * will fail to work as the activity reference is necessary to check for permissions.     *     * @param fragment    the fragment necessary to request the permissions.     * @param permissions the list of permissions to request for the {@link PermissionsResultAction}.     * @param action      the PermissionsResultAction to notify when the permissions are granted or denied.     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized void requestPermissionsIfNecessaryForResult(@NonNull Fragment fragment,                                                                    @NonNull String[] permissions,                                                                    @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        Activity activity = fragment.getActivity();        if (activity == null) {            return;        }        addPendingAction(permissions, action);        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {            doPermissionWorkBeforeAndroidM(activity, permissions, action);        } else {            List<String> permList = getPermissionsListToRequest(activity, permissions, action);            if (permList.isEmpty()) {                //if there is no permission to request, there is no reason to keep the action int the list                removePendingAction(action);            } else {                String[] permsToRequest = permList.toArray(new String[permList.size()]);                mPendingRequests.addAll(permList);                fragment.requestPermissions(permsToRequest, 1);            }        }    }    /**     * This method notifies the PermissionsManager that the permissions have change. If you are making     * the permissions requests using an Activity, then this method should be called from the     * Activity callback onRequestPermissionsResult() with the variables passed to that method. If     * you are passing a Fragment to make the permissions request, then you should call this in     * the {@link Fragment#onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[])} method.     * It will notify all the pending PermissionsResultAction objects currently     * in the queue, and will remove the permissions request from the list of pending requests.     *     * @param permissions the permissions that have changed.     * @param results     the values for each permission.     */    @SuppressWarnings("unused")    public synchronized void notifyPermissionsChange(@NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] results) {        int size = permissions.length;        if (results.length < size) {            size = results.length;        }        Iterator<WeakReference<PermissionsResultAction>> iterator = mPendingActions.iterator();        while (iterator.hasNext()) {            PermissionsResultAction action =;            for (int n = 0; n < size; n++) {                if (action == null || action.onResult(permissions[n], results[n])) {                    iterator.remove();                    break;                }            }        }        for (int n = 0; n < size; n++) {            mPendingRequests.remove(permissions[n]);        }    }    /**     * When request permissions on devices before Android M (Android 6.0, API Level 23)     * Do the granted or denied work directly according to the permission status     *     * @param activity    the activity to check permissions     * @param permissions the permissions names     * @param action      the callback work object, containing what we what to do after     *                    permission check     */    private void doPermissionWorkBeforeAndroidM(@NonNull Activity activity,                                                @NonNull String[] permissions,                                                @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        for (String perm : permissions) {            if (action != null) {                if (!mPermissions.contains(perm)) {                    action.onResult(perm, Permissions.NOT_FOUND);                } else if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(activity, perm)                        != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {                    action.onResult(perm, Permissions.DENIED);                } else {                    action.onResult(perm, Permissions.GRANTED);                }            }        }    }    /**     * Filter the permissions list:     * If a permission is not granted, add it to the result list     * if a permission is granted, do the granted work, do not add it to the result list     *     * @param activity    the activity to check permissions     * @param permissions all the permissions names     * @param action      the callback work object, containing what we what to do after     *                    permission check     * @return a list of permissions names that are not granted yet     */    @NonNull    private List<String> getPermissionsListToRequest(@NonNull Activity activity,                                                     @NonNull String[] permissions,                                                     @Nullable PermissionsResultAction action) {        List<String> permList = new ArrayList<String>(permissions.length);        for (String perm : permissions) {            if (!mPermissions.contains(perm)) {                if (action != null) {                    action.onResult(perm, Permissions.NOT_FOUND);                }            } else if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(activity, perm) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {                if (!mPendingRequests.contains(perm)) {                    permList.add(perm);                }            } else {                if (action != null) {                    action.onResult(perm, Permissions.GRANTED);                }            }        }        return permList;    }}

在MainActivity的onCreate运行 PermissionsManager 即可

        PermissionsManager.getInstance().requestAllManifestPermissionsIfNecessary(this, new PermissionsResultAction() {            @Override            public void onGranted() {//          Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "All permissions have been granted", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }            @Override            public void onDenied(String permission) {                //Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Permission " + permission + " has been denied", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }        });
