codeforces 335 C Sorting Railway Cars

来源:互联网 发布:java物流管理系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 02:18


An infinitely long railway has a train consisting of n cars, numbered from 1 to n (the numbers of all the cars are distinct) and positioned in arbitrary order. David Blaine wants to sort the railway cars in the order of increasing numbers. In one move he can make one of the cars disappear from its place and teleport it either to the beginning of the train, or to the end of the train, at his desire. What is the minimum number of actions David Blaine needs to perform in order to sort the train?


The first line of the input contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — the number of cars in the train.The second line contains n integers pi (1 ≤ pi ≤ n, pi ≠ pj if i ≠ j) — the sequence of the numbers of the cars in the train.


Print a single integer — the minimum number of actions needed to sort the railway cars.



54 1 2 5 3




44 1 3 2




In the first sample you need first to teleport the 4-th car, and then the 5-th car to the end of the train.







#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<string.h>#include<algorithm>#include<vector>#include<cmath>#include<stdlib.h>#include<time.h>#include<stack>#include<set>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<sstream>#define rep0(i,l,r) for(int i = (l);i < (r);i++)using namespace std;#define rep1(i,l,r) for(int i = (l);i <= (r);i++)#define rep_0(i,r,l) for(int i = (r);i > (l);i--)#define rep_1(i,r,l) for(int i = (r);i >= (l);i--)#define MS0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))#define MS_1(a) memset(a,-1,sizeof(a))#define MSinf(a) memset(a,0x3f,sizeof(a))#define MSfalse(a) memset(a,false,sizeof(a))#define pin1(a) printf("%d",(a))#define pin2(a,b) printf("%d %d",(a),(b))#define pin3(a,b,c) printf("%d %d %d",(a),(b),(c))#define pll1(a) printf("%lld",(a))#define pll2(a,b) printf("%lld %lld",(a),(b))#define pll3(a,b,c) printf("%lld %lld %lld",(a),(b),(c))#define pdo1(a) printf("%f",(a))#define pdo2(a,b) printf("%f %f",(a),(b))#define pdo3(a,b,c) printf("%f %f %f",(a),(b),(c))#define huiche puts("")#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f#define lson (ind<<1),l,mid#define rson ((ind<<1)|1),mid+1,r#define uint unsigned inttypedef pair<int,int> PII;#define A first#define B second#define pb push_back#define mp make_pair#define ll long long#define eps 1e-8#define pi acos(-1.0)inline void read1(int &num) {    char in;    bool IsN=false;    in=getchar();    while(in!='-'&&(in<'0'||in>'9')) in=getchar();    if(in=='-') {        IsN=true;        num=0;    } else num=in-'0';    while(in=getchar(),in>='0'&&in<='9') {        num*=10,num+=in-'0';    }    if(IsN) num=-num;}inline void read2(int &a,int &b) {    read1(a);    read1(b);}inline void read3(int &a,int &b,int &c) {    read1(a);    read1(b);    read1(c);}inline void read1(ll &num) {    char in;    bool IsN=false;    in=getchar();    while(in!='-'&&(in<'0'||in>'9')) in=getchar();    if(in=='-') {        IsN=true;        num=0;    } else num=in-'0';    while(in=getchar(),in>='0'&&in<='9') {        num*=10,num+=in-'0';    }    if(IsN) num=-num;}inline void read2(ll &a,ll &b) {    read1(a);    read1(b);}inline void read3(ll &a,ll &b,ll &c) {    read1(a);    read1(b);    read1(c);}inline void read1(double &num) {    char in;    double Dec=0.1;    bool IsN=false,IsD=false;    in=getchar();    while(in!='-'&&in!='.'&&(in<'0'||in>'9'))        in=getchar();    if(in=='-') {        IsN=true;        num=0;    } else if(in=='.') {        IsD=true;        num=0;    } else num=in-'0';    if(!IsD) {        while(in=getchar(),in>='0'&&in<='9') {            num*=10;            num+=in-'0';        }    }    if(in!='.') {        if(IsN) num=-num;        return ;    } else {        while(in=getchar(),in>='0'&&in<='9') {            num+=Dec*(in-'0');            Dec*=0.1;        }    }    if(IsN) num=-num;}inline void read2(double &a,double &b) {    read1(a);    read1(b);}inline void read3(double &a,double &b,double &c) {    read1(a);    read1(b);    read1(c);}///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------const int maxm = 1e5+100;int num[maxm];int dp[maxm];int len;int main() {//    freopen("in.txt","w+",stdout);    while(scanf("%d",&len)!=EOF)    {        rep0(i,0,len)            read1(num[i]);        MS0(dp);        int ans = 0;        rep0(i,0,len)        {            dp[num[i]] = dp[num[i]-1]+1;            ans = max(dp[num[i]],ans);        }        printf("%d\n",len-ans);    }      return 0;}