3-4 计算长方形的周长和面积

来源:互联网 发布:盘古数据股票 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:23

3-4 计算长方形的周长和面积
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Problem Description

设计一个长方形类Rect,计算长方形的周长与面积。类中有私有数据成员Length(长)、Width(宽),由具有缺省参数值的构造函数对其初始化,函数原型为:Rect(double Length=0, double Width=0); 再为其定义拷贝构造函数,形参为对象的常引用,函数原型为:Rect(const Rect &); 编写主函数,创建Rect对象r1初始化为长、宽数据,利用r1初始化另一个Rect对象r2,分别输出对象的长和宽、周长和面积。

要求: 创建对象 Rect r1(3.0,2.0),r2(r1);


共有6行 ;
分别输出r1的长和宽; r1的周长; r1的面积;r2的长和宽; r2的周长; r2的面积;注意单词与单词之间用一个空格间隔
Example Input

56 32
Example Output

the length and width of r1 is:56,32
the perimeter of r1 is:176
the area of r1 is:1792
the length and width of r2 is:56,32
the perimeter of r2 is:176
the area of r2 is:1792

输入 -7.0 -8.0
the length and width of r1 is:0,0
the perimeter of r1 is:0
the area of r1 is:0
the length and width of r2 is:0,0
the perimeter of r2 is:0
the area of r2 is:0

#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Rect{public:    Rect(double Width,double Length);    Rect(const Rect& rect);    double getS();    double getC();    double getWidth() const;    double getLength() const;private:    double Width,Length;};double Rect::getWidth() const{    return this->Width;}double Rect::getLength() const{    return this->Length;}Rect::Rect(double Width = 0,double Length = 0){    if(Width<=0|| Length<=0)    {        this->Width = 0;        this->Length = 0;        return ;    }    this->Width = Width;    this->Length = Length;}Rect::Rect(const Rect &rect){    double Width = rect.getWidth();    double Length = rect.getLength();    if(Width<=0|| Length<=0)    {        this->Width = 0;        this->Length = 0;        return ;    }    this->Width = Width;    this->Length = Length;}double Rect::getS(){    return this->getWidth()*this->getLength();}double Rect::getC(){    return 2*(this->getLength()+this->getWidth());}int main(){    double Width,Length;    cin>>Length>>Width;    Rect r1(Width,Length);    cout<<"the length and width of r1 is:"<<r1.getLength()<<","<<r1.getWidth()<<endl;    cout<<"the perimeter of r1 is:"<<r1.getC()<<endl;    cout<<"the area of r1 is:"<<r1.getS()<<endl;    Rect r2(r1);    cout<<"the length and width of r2 is:"<<r2.getLength()<<","<<r2.getWidth()<<endl;    cout<<"the perimeter of r2 is:"<<r2.getC()<<endl;    cout<<"the area of r2 is:"<<r2.getS()<<endl;    return 0;}