Weblogic 12c 12.1.3 Linux 静默安装

来源:互联网 发布:java项目使用log4j 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:18

Weblogic 12c 12.1.3 Linux 静默安装

1.配置java JDK路径

Weblogic 12C 要求JDK 1.7 作者使用的是
注:作者过几天又安装了weblogic 这个版本要求 jdk 1.8
export JAVA_HOME=/app/weblogic/install/jdk1.7.0_80
export JRE_HOME=/app/weblogic/install/jdk1.7.0_80/jre
export CLASSPATH=.:JAVAHOME/lib/dt.jar:JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
export TMPDIR=/app/weblogic/tmp


Slient Mode静默方式
java -jar wls_121200.jar -silent -responseFile file -invPtrLoc file

-response file:响应文件
-invPtrLoc file:初始化环境文件

responseFile: wls.rsp内容

[ENGINE]#DO NOT CHANGE THIS.Response File Version=[GENERIC]#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle HomeORACLE_HOME=/app/weblogic/bea12c#Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. e.g. WebLogic Server, Coherence, Complete with Examples.INSTALL_TYPE=WebLogic Server#Provide the My Oracle Support Username. If you wish to ignore Oracle Configuration Manager configuration provide empty string for user name.MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=#Provide the My Oracle Support PasswordMYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=<SECURE VALUE>#Set this to true if you wish to decline the security updates. Setting this to true and providing empty string for My Oracle Support username will ignore the Oracle Configuration Manager configurationDECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true#Set this to true if My Oracle Support Password is specifiedSECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false#Provide the Proxy HostPROXY_HOST=#Provide the Proxy PortPROXY_PORT=#Provide the Proxy UsernamePROXY_USER=#Provide the Proxy PasswordPROXY_PWD=<SECURE VALUE>#Type String (URL format) Indicates the OCM Repeater URL which should be of the format [scheme[Http/Https]]://[repeater host]:[repeater port]COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL=

invPtrLoc: oraInst.loc 文件内容


开始安装 安装 wls.rsp,oraInst.loc必须指定绝对路径 java -jar fmw_12. -silent -responseFile /home/weblogic/wls.rsp -invPtrLoc /home/weblogic/oraInst.loc


创建 create_domain.resp 文件 文件内容

read template from "/app/weblogic/bea12c/wlserver/common/templates/wls/wls.jar";set JavaHome "/app/weblogic/install/jdk1.7.0_80";set ServerStartMode "dev"; find Server "AdminServer" as AdminServer;set AdminServer.ListenAddress "";set AdminServer.ListenPort "7001";//set AdminServer.SSL.Enabled "true";//set AdminServer.SSL.ListenPort "7002";//create a new userfind User "weblogic" as u1;set u1.password "resconfig2015";write domain to "/app/weblogic/bea12c/user_projects/domains/res_domain/"; // The domain name will be "demo-domain"close template;

**进入目录 /app/weblogic/bea12c/wlserver/common/bin
./config.sh -mode=silent -silent_script=/app/weblogic/install/create_domain.resp -logfile=/app/weblogic/create_domain.log**

