
来源:互联网 发布:找一份网络兼职 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:51



<bean id="simpleAsyncTaskExecutor"       class="org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor">      <property name="daemon" value="true"/>      <property name="concurrencyLimit" value="2"/>      <property name="threadNamePrefix" value="simpleAsyncTaskExecutor"/></bean>  






public class SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor extends CustomizableThreadCreator implements AsyncListenableTaskExecutor, Serializable {    //限流主要实现    private final SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.ConcurrencyThrottleAdapter concurrencyThrottle = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.ConcurrencyThrottleAdapter();    private ThreadFactory threadFactory;    //设置最大的线程数量    public void setConcurrencyLimit(int concurrencyLimit) {            this.concurrencyThrottle.setConcurrencyLimit(concurrencyLimit);    }    //是否开启了限流 限流数量大于0?    public final boolean isThrottleActive() {            return this.concurrencyThrottle.isThrottleActive();    }    //1.是否开启限流 否则不开启限流处理    //2.执行开始之前检测是否可以满足要求 当前数量++    //3.开启限流将执行的Runable进行封装,执行完成调用final方法 当前数量--    public void execute(Runnable task, long startTimeout) {            Assert.notNull(task, "Runnable must not be null");            if(this.isThrottleActive() && startTimeout > 0L) {                this.concurrencyThrottle.beforeAccess();                this.doExecute(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.ConcurrencyThrottlingRunnable(task));            } else {                this.doExecute(task);            }      }     //异步提交有返回值    public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {          FutureTask future = new FutureTask(task, (Object)null);          this.execute(future, 9223372036854775807L);          return future;      }      public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task) {          FutureTask future = new FutureTask(task);          this.execute(future, 9223372036854775807L);          return future;      }      public ListenableFuture<?> submitListenable(Runnable task) {          ListenableFutureTask future = new ListenableFutureTask(task, (Object)null);          this.execute(future, 9223372036854775807L);          return future;      }      public <T> ListenableFuture<T> submitListenable(Callable<T> task) {          ListenableFutureTask future = new ListenableFutureTask(task);          this.execute(future, 9223372036854775807L);          return future;      }      //拥有工厂?没有的话调用父类可以设置各种参数的创建线程      protected void doExecute(Runnable task) {          Thread thread = this.threadFactory != null?this.threadFactory.newThread(task):this.createThread(task);          thread.start();      }      //父类的方法,方便配置线程,方便xml设置线程参数CustomizableThreadCreator       public Thread createThread(Runnable runnable) {            Thread thread = new Thread(getThreadGroup(), runnable, nextThreadName());            thread.setPriority(getThreadPriority());            thread.setDaemon(isDaemon());            return thread;        } }
  1. 支持限流处理 2.异步注册线程返回结果



//下面只是对于操作进行简单的封装,最真的实现还是抽象的ConcurrencyThrottleSupport  private static class ConcurrencyThrottleAdapter extends ConcurrencyThrottleSupport {        private ConcurrencyThrottleAdapter() {        }        protected void beforeAccess() {            super.beforeAccess();        }        protected void afterAccess() {            super.afterAccess();        }    }
//这里是对于Runable对象执行在次封装,在执行完毕后处理限流操作private class ConcurrencyThrottlingRunnable implements Runnable {        private final Runnable target;        public ConcurrencyThrottlingRunnable(Runnable target) {   = target;        }        public void run() {            try {      ;            } finally {                SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.this.concurrencyThrottle.afterAccess();            }        }    }

简单的通过synchronized和wati and notify达到控制线程数量的效果,从而实现限流的策略。

public abstract class ConcurrencyThrottleSupport implements Serializable {    protected transient Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());    private transient Object monitor = new Object();    private int concurrencyLimit = -1;    private int concurrencyCount = 0;    public void setConcurrencyLimit(int concurrencyLimit) {        this.concurrencyLimit = concurrencyLimit;    }    public int getConcurrencyLimit() {        return this.concurrencyLimit;    }    public boolean isThrottleActive() {        return this.concurrencyLimit > 0;    }    protected void beforeAccess() {        if(this.concurrencyLimit == 0) {            throw new IllegalStateException("没有设置限制");        } else {            if(this.concurrencyLimit > 0) {                boolean debug = this.logger.isDebugEnabled();                Object var2 = this.monitor;                synchronized(this.monitor) {                    boolean interrupted = false;                    while(this.concurrencyCount >= this.concurrencyLimit) {                        if(interrupted) {                            throw new IllegalStateException("等待过程中发生中断异常");                        }                        try {                            this.monitor.wait();                        } catch (InterruptedException var6) {                            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                            interrupted = true;                        }                    }                    ++this.concurrencyCount;                }            }        }    }    protected void afterAccess() {        if(this.concurrencyLimit >= 0) {            Object var1 = this.monitor;            synchronized(this.monitor) {                --this.concurrencyCount;                this.monitor.notify();            }        }    }}


ListenableFutureTask 其实主要是依靠FutureTask这个JDK的封装,覆盖了原始的run方法,在run中封装可以获取到线程的返回值。
ListenableFutureTask 在次封装,由于FutureTask执行完成之后会调用done()空方法,ListenableFutureTask覆盖done方法可以获取到执行的结果,然后在调用前期注册的错误处理或者成功处理的方法,即可到达异步处理的效果。

public interface SuccessCallback<T> {    /**     * Called when the {@link ListenableFuture} successfully completes.     * @param result the result     */    void onSuccess(T result);}public interface FailureCallback {    /**     * Called when the {@link ListenableFuture} fails to complete.     * @param ex the exception that triggered the failure     */    void onFailure(Throwable ex);}public interface ListenableFuture<T> extends Future<T> {    //成功和失败的集合    void addCallback(ListenableFutureCallback<? super T> var1);    void addCallback(SuccessCallback<? super T> var1, FailureCallback var2);}


public class ListenableFutureTask<T> extends FutureTask<T> implements ListenableFuture<T> {    private final ListenableFutureCallbackRegistry<T> callbacks = new ListenableFutureCallbackRegistry();    public ListenableFutureTask(Callable<T> callable) {        super(callable);    }    public ListenableFutureTask(Runnable runnable, T result) {        super(runnable, result);    }    public void addCallback(ListenableFutureCallback<? super T> callback) {        this.callbacks.addCallback(callback);    }    public void addCallback(SuccessCallback<? super T> successCallback, FailureCallback failureCallback) {        this.callbacks.addSuccessCallback(successCallback);        this.callbacks.addFailureCallback(failureCallback);    }    //FutureTask执行完成后的回调,调用监听接口的实现类的方法    protected final void done() {        Object cause;        try {            Object ex = this.get();            //回调实现类的方法            this.callbacks.success(ex);            return;        } catch (InterruptedException var3) {            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();            return;        } catch (ExecutionException var4) {            cause = var4.getCause();            if(cause == null) {                cause = var4;            }        } catch (Throwable var5) {            cause = var5;        }        this.callbacks.failure((Throwable)cause);    }}


public class ListenableFutureCallbackRegistry<T> {    private final Queue<SuccessCallback<? super T>> successCallbacks = new LinkedList<SuccessCallback<? super T>>();    private final Queue<FailureCallback> failureCallbacks = new LinkedList<FailureCallback>();    private State state = State.NEW;    private Object result = null;    private final Object mutex = new Object();    /**     * Add the given callback to this registry.     * @param callback the callback to add     */    public void addCallback(ListenableFutureCallback<? super T> callback) {        Assert.notNull(callback, "'callback' must not be null");        synchronized (this.mutex) {            switch (this.state) {                case NEW:                    this.successCallbacks.add(callback);                    this.failureCallbacks.add(callback);                    break;                case SUCCESS:                    callback.onSuccess((T) this.result);                    break;                case FAILURE:                    callback.onFailure((Throwable) this.result);                    break;            }        }    }    /**     * Add the given success callback to this registry.     * @param callback the success callback to add     * @since 4.1     */    public void addSuccessCallback(SuccessCallback<? super T> callback) {        Assert.notNull(callback, "'callback' must not be null");        synchronized (this.mutex) {            switch (this.state) {                case NEW:                    this.successCallbacks.add(callback);                    break;                case SUCCESS:                    callback.onSuccess((T) this.result);                    break;            }        }    }    /**     * Add the given failure callback to this registry.     * @param callback the failure callback to add     * @since 4.1     */    public void addFailureCallback(FailureCallback callback) {        Assert.notNull(callback, "'callback' must not be null");        synchronized (this.mutex) {            switch (this.state) {                case NEW:                    this.failureCallbacks.add(callback);                    break;                case FAILURE:                    callback.onFailure((Throwable) this.result);                    break;            }        }    }    /**     * Trigger a {@link ListenableFutureCallback#onSuccess(Object)} call on all     * added callbacks with the given result.     * @param result the result to trigger the callbacks with     */    public void success(T result) {        synchronized (this.mutex) {            this.state = State.SUCCESS;            this.result = result;            while (!this.successCallbacks.isEmpty()) {                this.successCallbacks.poll().onSuccess(result);            }        }    }    public void failure(Throwable ex) {        synchronized (this.mutex) {            this.state = State.FAILURE;            this.result = ex;            while (!this.failureCallbacks.isEmpty()) {                this.failureCallbacks.poll().onFailure(ex);            }        }    }    private enum State {NEW, SUCCESS, FAILURE}}



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