rails 部分插件--解析

来源:互联网 发布:js同源策略 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 18:18


1. 下载fckeditor_plugin-0.5.1.zip,目前版本为0.5.12.

2. 解压到vendor/plugins目录下,并重命名为fckeditor.

3. 到该应用程序根目录下,运行rake fckeditor:install,执行自动安装.

4. 在相应的layout(以./layouts/company.html.erb为例)中添加 

 <%= javascript_include_tag :fckeditor %>

5. 修改视图中的相应textarea字段:(./views/companies/edit.haml或者 new.haml ) 




    = fckeditor_textarea("company","introduction", :toolbarSet => 'Simple',:width =>'90%', :height => '320px' ) 






  1. Install the calendar_date_select gem
      gem install calendar_date_select 
  2. Add a gem dependency to your rails project (in environment.rb)
      config.gem "calendar_date_select"
  3. Then, restart/start your rails project. All necessary files will be copied to your public folder.
  4. Now include this at the top of your layout: (you'll also need to include prototype, if you haven't already!)
    <%= calendar_date_select_includes "red" # or "blue", or "silver", or nil for the default! %># (if you want more control, you can get a list of stylesheets / javascripts via calendar_date_select_javascripts and calendar_date_select_stylesheets)
  5. See the Demo for various uses of CalendarDateSelect. 