ResourceManager(五)—— ResourceCommon

来源:互联网 发布:mcs51单片机是几位 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:23


//#define Resource_UseLogusing System;using System.IO;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using Object = UnityEngine.Object;//这个类和BuildCommon很像public class ResourceCommon{    public static string textFilePath = Application.streamingAssetsPath;    public static string assetbundleFilePath = Application.dataPath + "/assetbundles/";    public static string assetbundleFileSuffix = ".bytes";    public static string DEBUGTYPENAME = "Resource";    //public static string mServerAssetPath = @"";    //Server AssetPath    public static string mServerAssetPath = "file:///c:/";    //封装了一些Debug.Log    public static void Log(string fileName)    {        //#if Resource_UseLog        Debug.Log (fileName, DEBUGTYPENAME, true);        //#endif    }    //根据资源路径获取资源名称    public static string getResourceName(string resPathName)    {        int index = resPathName.LastIndexOf ("/");        if (index == -1)        {            return resPathName;        }        else        {            return resPathName.Substring (index + 1, resPathName.Length - index - 1);        }    }    //这个挺奇怪的,去掉suffix然后返回    public static string getFileName(string fileName)    {        int index = fileName.IndexOf (".");        if (-1 == index)        {            throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");        }        return fileName.Substring (0, index);    }    //返回单纯的fileName    //例如Scenes/Scene1.unity.bytes    //返回"Scene1.unity"    public static string getFileName(string filePath, bool suffix)    {        if (!suffix)        {            string path = filePath.Replace ("\\", "/");            int index = path.LastIndexOf ("/");            if (-1 == index)            {                throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");            }            int index2 = path.LastIndexOf (".");            if (-1 == index2)            {                throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");            }            return path.Substring (index + 1, index2 - index - 1);        }        else        {            string path = filePath.Replace ("\\", "/");            int index = path.LastIndexOf ("/");            if (-1 == index)            {                throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");            }            return path.Substring (index + 1, path.Length - index - 1);        }    }    //返回文件夹名,但是传进来的必须是长目录的文件夹路径    public static string getFolder(string path)    {        path = path.Replace ("\\", "/");        int index = path.LastIndexOf ("/");        if (-1 == index)        {            throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");        }        return path.Substring (index + 1, path.Length - index - 1);    }    //返回后缀    public static string getFileSuffix(string filePath)    {        int index = filePath.LastIndexOf (".");        if (-1 == index)        {            throw new Exception ("can not find Suffix !!! the filePath is : " + filePath);        }        return filePath.Substring (index + 1, filePath.Length - index - 1);    }    //获取所给目录下的所有文件,recursion表示是否递归    public static void getFiles(string path, bool recursion, Dictionary<string, List<string>> allFiles, bool useSuffix, string suffix)    {        if (recursion)        {            string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories (path);            foreach (string dir in dirs)            {                if (getFolder(dir) == ".svn")                {                    continue;                }                getFiles (dir, recursion, allFiles, useSuffix, suffix);            }        }        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (path);        foreach (string file in files)        {            string fileSuffix = getFileSuffix (file);            if (fileSuffix == "meta" || fileSuffix == "dll")            {                continue;            }            if (useSuffix && fileSuffix != suffix)            {                continue;            }            string relativePath = file.Replace ("\\", "/");            relativePath = relativePath.Replace (Application.dataPath, "");            string fileName = getFileName (file, true);            if (allFiles.ContainsKey(fileName))            {                allFiles [fileName].Add (relativePath);            }            else            {                List<string> list = new List<string> ();                list.Add (relativePath);                allFiles.Add (fileName, list);            }        }    }    public static void CheckFolder(string path)    {        if (!Directory.Exists(path))        {            Directory.CreateDirectory (path);        }    }    //除去了文件名    public static string getPath(string filePath)    {        string path = filePath.Replace ("\\", "/");        int index = path.LastIndexOf ("/");        if (-1 == index)        {            throw new Exception ("can not find !!!");        }        return path.Substring (0, index);    }    public static string getLocalPath(string path)    {        string localPath = string.Format ("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, path);        if (!File.Exists(localPath))        {            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)            {                localPath = string.Format ("{0}/{1}", Application.streamingAssetsPath, path);            }            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)            {                localPath = string.Format ("file://{0}/{1}", Application.streamingAssetsPath, path);            }            return localPath;        }        return "file:///" + localPath;    }    //Server Path    public static string getServerPath(string path)    {        return string.Format ("{0}/{1}", mServerAssetPath, path);    }    //以bytes形式返回AssetBundle资源    public static byte[] getAssetBundleFileBytes(string path, ref int size)    {        string localPath;        //Android和IOS环境使用的沙箱目录        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)        {            localPath = string.Format ("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, path + ResourceCommon.assetbundleFileSuffix);        }        //Windows下使用assetbundle资源目录        else        {            localPath = ResourceCommon.assetbundleFilePath + path + ResourceCommon.assetbundleFileSuffix;        }        //首先检测沙箱目录中是否有更新资源        if (File.Exists(localPath))        {            try            {                FileStream bundleFile = File.Open(localPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);                byte[] bytes = new byte[bundleFile.Length];                bundleFile.Read(bytes, 0, (int)bundleFile.Length);                size = (int)bundleFile.Length;                bundleFile.Close();                return bytes;            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Debug.LogError (e.Message, "CreateAssetBundle", true);                return null;            }        }        //原始包中        else        {            TextAsset bundleFile = Resources.Load (path) as TextAsset;            if (null == bundleFile)            {                Debug.LogError ("load : " + path + " bundleFile error!!!", "CreateAssetBundle", true);            }            size = bundleFile.bytes.Length;            return bundleFile.bytes;        }    }    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    public delegate void Handle_CreateFromMemory(AssetBundleCreateRequest request, int size);    public static IEnumerator _CreateFromMemory(string path, Handle_CreateFromMemory handle)    {        int size = 0;        AssetBundleCreateRequest bundleRequest = AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory (ResourceCommon.getAssetBundleFileBytes (path, ref size));        yield return bundleRequest;        handle (bundleRequest, size);    }    public delegate void HandleFinishLoadAsyncFromAssetBundle(AssetBundleRequest request);    public static IEnumerator LoadAsyncFromAssetBundle(AssetBundle assetbundle, string name, System.Type type, HandleFinishLoadAsyncFromAssetBundle handle)    {        AssetBundleRequest request = assetbundle.LoadAsync (name, type);        yield return request;        handle (request);    }    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    //仅用于win_editor    //用于Debug    public static AssetBundle loadAssetBundleImmediateForDebug(string path)    {        string localPath = string.Format ("file://{0}/{1}", assetbundleFilePath, path + ResourceCommon.assetbundleFileSuffix);        WWW www = new WWW (localPath);        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))        {            Debug.LogError ("the assetbundle path is error: " + path + "\nand the localPath is : " + localPath);        }        while (true)        {            byte[] b = www.bytes;            if (www.isDone)            {                break;            }        }        return www.assetBundle;    }}