SoftEther - 内网建站(无需路由端口映射), 搭建内部局域网

来源:互联网 发布:js this的理解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:08


  • Linux 下如何安装 - 操作系统 Ubuntu

             1. 下载 SoftEther


             2. 安装Pthread库.

                 Pthreads Wiki Site 

                 you can find the download from the link above.

                 If that gnu compilers & glibc installed on your Ubuntu system, then you have pthreads

                 Want to check it, use the commands


:~/Desktop$ locate pthread.h

                  it means that you already have Pthreads on your system.


              3. 安装 openssl

                  :~ apt-get install openssl

