Good Numbers

来源:互联网 发布:bcg矩阵是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:58
if we sum up every digit of a number and the result can be exactly divided by 10, we say this number is a good number. 
You are required to count the number of good numbers in the range from A to B, inclusive.
The first line has a number T (T <= 10000) , indicating the number of test cases. 
Each test case comes with a single line with two numbers A and B (0 <= A <= B <= 1018).
For test case X, output "Case #X: " first, then output the number of good numbers in a single line.
Sample Input
21 101 20
Sample Output
Case #1: 0Case #2: 1          
The answer maybe very large, we recommend you to use long long instead of int.         分析:

发现有近似num / 10的规律,仔细观察后发现其实确实粗略来看是每10个出现一个和为10的倍数

因为对于一个数,例如1X,这时候个位只有10 - 1 = 9才满足,对于一个三位数例如12X,则由于1和2是确定的,所以在120 - 129这十个数的范围内(也就是个位0 - 9)只有10 - 1 - 2 = 7,即127满足,对于大一点的数,例如637859X,6 + 3 + 7 + 8 + 5 + 9 = 38,因为最后一位肯定只能为正(不可能为-8),所以只有最后一位为40 - 38 = 2,即6378592符合条件,所有的数都这么看,会发现每次高位确定了,其实在个位上只有0 - 9当中的一个数能够满足,这就印证了num / 10的规律


0 - 90 -> 90 / 10 = 9个


0 - 91 ->90 / 10 + 1 = 10个(由于91这个边界多加了一个)

处理方法是从90 / 10 * 10 = 90 -->91暴力扫一下,看有没有多出来一个能够满足各位和是10的倍数的,发现91是,所以就在9的基础上加1,因为我们证明了个位0 - 9有且只有一个数满足,所以只要扫过去发现一个直接返回就行了

import java.util.*;public  class Main{   static Scanner in = new Scanner(;   static long get(long  num) { long n = num / 10 * 10;boolean flag = false;for (; n <= num; n++) {long tn = n, sum = 0;while (tn!=0) {sum += tn % 10;tn /= 10;}if (sum % 10 == 0) {flag = true;break;}}if (flag)return 1;elsereturn 0;}static long solve(long  num) {if (num < 0) return 0;if (num < 10) return 1;return num / 10 + get(num);}   public static void main(String args[]){         int k = in.nextInt();       int cas = 0;       while(k-->0) {       cas++;       long a = in.nextInt();       long b = in.nextInt();       long cnt = solve(b) - solve(a - 1);//-1就是为了把0算进去       System.out.println("Case #"+cas+": "+cnt);       }      }  }