NO 76 Minimum Window Substring

来源:互联网 发布:javascript选项卡切换 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:42

/*Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).For example,S = "ADOBECODEBANC"T = "ABC"Minimum window is "BANC".给定字符串S和字符串T,找到S中的最小窗口,其中将包含复杂度O(n)中T中的所有字符。例如,S =“ADOBECODEBANC”T =“ABC”最小窗口为“BANC”。*/


string minWindow(string s, string t) {if ( == 0) return s;int lens = s.size();int lent = t.size();map<char, int> mt;//存储t中的映射关系map<char, int> m0;//存储t中的映射关系,置零for (int i = 0; i < lent; i++){if (mt.count(t[i]) == 0) {mt.insert(pair<char, int>(t[i], 0));m0.insert(pair<char, int>(t[i], 0));}mt[t[i]]++;}//构造m作为窗的判断条件map<char, int> m = mt;//截取的字符串长度,用作判断是否为最小窗口int len = INT_MAX;//结果string minString;//有效键值对个数int cnt = m.size();//窗的终点、起点int end = 0;int start;bool flag = false;for (end; end < lens; end++){//若含有键,m中值--if (m.count(s[end]) != 0){m[s[end]]--;//若该键对应值为0,有效键值对个数--if (m[s[end]] == 0){cnt--;}}//当有效键值对个数为0时,end为窗的终点if (cnt == 0){//由终点往前找起点start = end;//避免值为负数的情况m = m0;//起点找到的判断条件是有效键值对的个数恢复到t中有效键值对的个数while (cnt != mt.size()){//如果包含该键if (m.count(s[start]) != 0){//值++//如果值恢复为t中的值,有效键值对个数++if (++m[s[start]] == mt[s[start]]){cnt++;}}//如果有效键值对的个数恢复到了t中有效键值对的个数//找到了窗的起点startif (cnt == mt.size()){//如果此时的窗比之前的小,保存窗字符串if (len > end - start + 1){len = end - start + 1;minString = s.substr(start,len);}//释放start处的值//不管是否为最小窗,完成了一次start,end的截取后flag = true;m = m0;m[s[start]]++;}//未找到start,继续向前查找start--;}}if (flag){//释放后有效键值对个数为1cnt = 1;flag = false;}}return minString;}



string minWindow(string s, string t){if ( == 0) return s;int lens = s.size();int lent = t.size();map<char, int> mt;//存储t中的映射关系for (int i = 0; i < lent; i++){if (mt.count(t[i]) == 0) {mt.insert(pair<char, int>(t[i], 0));}mt[t[i]]++;}int cnt = mt.size();int end = 0;int start = 0;int head = 0;int len = INT_MAX;for (end; end < lens; end++){char tem = s[end];if (mt.count(tem) != 0){mt[tem]--;if (mt[tem] == 0){cnt--;}}while (cnt == 0){char tem = s[start];if (mt.count(tem) != 0){mt[tem]++;if (mt[tem]>0){cnt++;if (end - start+1 < len){len = end - start+1;head = start;}}}start++;}}if (len == INT_MAX) return "";return s.substr(head, len);}