ReactNative 滑动字母选择城市 以及搜索功能

来源:互联网 发布:电力施工软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 19:18




  • 右侧字母选择器 高度问题,
  • 右侧字母选择器 如何使用手势检测panresponse
  • 右侧字母选择器 计算高度如何判断是触摸到那个字母上的(思考 如果是==native应用是如何做的==…刚看过 native应用的城市列表也是通过计算每个字母的高度来检测的)动态创建的控件

右边滑动的原理: 通过onlayout计算每个字母高度

,然后加入数组 , 手指触摸字母列表时 知道 触摸的y坐标

这样再减去列表距离顶部的距离 就是字母列表的初始坐标.根据





/** * Created by liuml on 2017/10/5. */import React, {Component} from 'react';import {    View,    Image,    TouchableOpacity,    Modal,    Text,    StatusBar,    ListView,    Platform,    Dimensions,    StyleSheet,    RefreshControl,    Alert,    TextInput,    PanResponder} from 'react-native';import _ from 'lodash';import NavigationBar from './compont/NavigationBar'const {width, height} = Dimensions.get('window')const SECTIONHEIGHT = 30, ROWHEIGHT = 40//这是利用lodash的range和数组的map画出26个英文字母var Util = require('./util/util');//工具类var ScreenUtil = require('./util/ScreenUtil');//工具类let city = [];//城市的数组 里面放的是对象var totalheight = [];//每个字母对应的城市和字母的总高度  比如所有a字母中数据的高度var lettersItemheight = [];//每个字母的y坐标var myLetters = [];//我的字母数组var myDataBlob = {};//获取到的数据var lettersBottom = 10;//字母列表距离底部高度var mySectionIDs = []; //组idvar myRowIDs = [];//组内var cityData = [];//获取到的数据var totalNumber = 10;//总条数的数据var searchHeight = 35;//搜索框高度var searchHeightMargin = 2;//搜索框marginvar lettersHeight;//字母列表高度var that ;export default class CityList extends Component {    constructor(props) {        super(props);        // 获取组中数据        var getSectionData = (myDataBlob, mySectionIDs) => {            // console.log("组id mySectionIDs = " + mySectionIDs);            // console.log(`组中数据 = ${myDataBlob[mySectionIDs]}`);            return myDataBlob[mySectionIDs];        };        // 获取行中的数据        var getRowData = (myDataBlob, mySectionIDs, myRowIDs) => {            // console.log(`行中数据 = ${myDataBlob[myRowIDs]}`);            return myDataBlob[myRowIDs];        };        this.state = {            dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({                getSectionHeaderData: getSectionData,                getRowData: getRowData,                rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2,                sectionHeaderHasChanged: (s1, s2) => s1 !== s2,            }),            isLoading: true,            lettersShow: true        }        that = this;    }    //加载数据    loadData = () => {        // var thiz = this;'', {},            (ret) => {                // console.log(ret);                if (ret.resCode == 1 && > 0) {                    cityData =;                    // console.log(cityData);                    totalNumber = ret.totalNumber;                    //一系列的操作 遍历数组                    console.log("正确的总数据: " + cityData);                    this.setData(cityData);                }            });    }    //设置数据    setData = (cityData) => {        for (let i = 0; i < cityData.length; i++) {            var mysectionName = 'Section_' + i;            let cityMode = cityData[i].data;            let zimu = cityData[i].zimu;            mySectionIDs.push(mysectionName)            myRowIDs[i] = [];            var innerLoop = cityData[i].data; //内循环中的城市            myDataBlob[mysectionName] = zimu;//把字母放入总数据            myLetters.push(zimu)//把字母放入用于右边的字母列表            for (let jj = 0; jj < innerLoop.length; jj++) {                let rowName = i + '_' + jj;                myRowIDs[i].push(rowName);                myDataBlob[rowName] = innerLoop[jj];            }            //组的高度  +  上行的高度 * 有多少行            var eachheight = SECTIONHEIGHT + ROWHEIGHT * cityMode.length            totalheight.push(eachheight)        }        let size = myLetters.length;        // console.log("字母数量" + size);        // console.log("lettersHeight = " + lettersHeight);        //关闭对话框 设置数据源        // console.log("打印setstate===================")        this.setState({            dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRowsAndSections(myDataBlob, mySectionIDs, myRowIDs),            isLoading: false,            lettersShow: true        })    }    //更新数据    updateData = (cityData) => {        console.log("更新的数据: " + cityData);        let myDataBlob = [], mySectionIDs = [], myRowIDs = [];        for (let i = 0; i < cityData.length; i++) {            let mysectionName = 'Section_' + i;            // let cityMode = cityData[i].data;            let zimu = cityData[i].zimu;            mySectionIDs.push(mysectionName)            myRowIDs[i] = [];            let innerLoop = cityData[i].data; //内循环中的城市            myDataBlob[mysectionName] = zimu;//把字母放入总数据            // myLetters.push(zimu)//把字母放入用于右边的字母列表            for (let jj = 0; jj < innerLoop.length; jj++) {                let rowName = i + '_' + jj;                myRowIDs[i].push(rowName);                myDataBlob[rowName] = innerLoop[jj];            }        }        // console.log("打印setstate===================")        this.setState({            dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRowsAndSections(myDataBlob, mySectionIDs, myRowIDs),            isLoading: false,            lettersShow: false        })    }    //返回箭头    handleBack = () => {        //把任务栈顶部的任务清除        this.props.navigation.goBack();    }    //左边的箭头    getNavLeftBtn = () => {        return <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center'}}>            <TouchableOpacity                activeOpacity={0.7}                onPress={this.handleBack}>                <Image source={require('../res/image/ic_arrow_back_white_36pt.png')}                       style={{width: 24, height: 24}}/>            </TouchableOpacity>        </View>;    }    //页面渲染加载完调用加载数据    componentDidMount() {        this.loadData();    }    //设置行    renderRow(rowData, rowId) {        return (            <TouchableOpacity                key={rowId}                style={{height: ROWHEIGHT, justifyContent: 'center', paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 30}}                onPress={() => {                    that.changedata(rowData)                }}>                <View style={styles.rowdata}><Text style={styles.rowdatatext}>{rowData}</Text></View>            </TouchableOpacity>        )    }    //设置组    renderSectionHeader = (sectionData, sectionID) => {        return (            <View style={{height: SECTIONHEIGHT, justifyContent: 'center', paddingLeft: 5, backgroundColor: 'gray'}}>                <Text style={{color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold', marginLeft: 10}}>                    {sectionData}                    {/*{console.log(`sectionData = ${sectionData}`)}*/}                </Text>            </View>        )    }    // render ringht index Letters 右边的字母    // onLayout 测量字母    renderLetters(letter, index) {        return (            <TouchableOpacity                onLayout={({nativeEvent: e}) => this.oneLetterLayout(e)}                key={index} activeOpacity={0.7}                onPressIn={() => {                    this.scrollTo(index)                }}>                <View                    style={styles.letter}>                    <Text style={styles.letterText}>{letter}</Text>                </View>            </TouchableOpacity>        )    }    //回调改变显示的城市    changedata = (cityname) => {        const {navigation} = this.props;        const {state, goBack} = navigation;        console.log(state);        console.log(cityname);        state.params.callback(cityname)        goBack();    }    //touch right indexLetters, scroll the left    scrollTo = (index) => {        let position = 0;        for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {            position += totalheight[i]        }        this._listView.scrollTo({            y: position, animated: true        })    }    //搜索框高度    searchLayout = (e) => {        // console.log('searchLayout 高度' + e.layout.height);    }    //字母高度    lettersLayout = (e) => {        // console.log('lettersLayout 高度' + e.layout.height);        // console.log('lettersLayout y坐标' + e.layout.y);        lettersHeight = height - searchHeight * 2 - searchHeightMargin * 2;        // console.log('字母列表高度 = ' + lettersHeight);        // console.log('height = ' + height);    }    //每个字母高度    oneLetterLayout = (e) => {        // console.log('lettersLayout 高度' + e.layout.height);        // console.log('每个字母高度 y坐标' + e.layout.y);        // if (lettersItemheight.length >= 0) {        //     lettersItemheight = [];        // }        if (lettersItemheight.length != myLetters.length) {            lettersItemheight.push(e.layout.y);        }    }    //文本改变    changeText = (text) => {        // console.log("改变的文本: " + text);        text = text.trim();        if (text != "") {            if (/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(text)) {//是否有中文                console.log("===有中文===")                let mCityData = [];                console.log("原始数据: " + cityData);                let k = 0;                for (let i = 0; i < cityData.length; i++) {                    let data = [];                    data = cityData[i].data;                    // console.log("data = " + data);                    // console.log("data 长度 = " + data.length);                    let isHas = false;//是否存在                    var itemData = [];//这里是匹配的城市数据                    for (let j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {                        // console.log("字符串是否相等"+data[j].includes(text));                        // console.log("输入框内: "+text);                        // console.log("数据内: "+data[j]);                        // itemData = cityData[i];                        if (data[j].includes(text)) {                            console.log("正确的itm data = " + cityData[i].data);                            itemData.push(data[j]);                            // mCityData.push(data);                            isHas = true;//                        }                    }                    //内层循环结束                    console.log("itemData = " + itemData);                    if (isHas) {                        let obj;                        obj = {'zimu': cityData[i].zimu, 'data': itemData, 'id': cityData[i].id};                        console.log("添加的数据 " + obj.zimu + " " +;                        console.log("添加的数据 " + obj);                        mCityData[k] = obj;                        k++;                    }                }                // console.log("过滤后的数据: " + mCityData[0].data);                // console.log("过滤后的数据: " + mCityData[1].data);                // console.log("过滤后的数据长度: " + mCityData.length);                // console.log("过滤后的数据: "+mCityData );                //, i) => {                //     console.log("\n" +;                // })                this.updateData(mCityData);            } else {//否则是英文                for (let i = 0; i < cityData.length; i++) {                    console.log("===英文===")                    // console.log("打印字母 " + cityData[i].zimu);                    // console.log("打印改变的文字 " + text.toLowerCase());                    if (cityData[i].zimu == text.toUpperCase()) {                        // if (cityData[i].zimu.indexOf(text) != -1) {                        let mCityData = [];                        mCityData.push(cityData[i]);                        this.updateData(mCityData);                        return;                    }                }            }        } else {            // ,i)=>{            //     console.log(item);            // })            // console.log(myDataBlob);            // console.log(mySectionIDs);            // console.log(myRowIDs);            //            // console.log("打印setstate===================")            console.log("===数据为空刷新===")            this.setState({                dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRowsAndSections(myDataBlob, mySectionIDs, myRowIDs),                isLoading: false,                lettersShow: true            })        }    }    componentWillMount() {        this._panGesture = PanResponder.create({            //要求成为响应者:            onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => {                // console.log('触摸 当响应器产生时的屏幕坐标 \n x:' + gestureState.x0 + ',y:' + gestureState.y0);                let value = gestureState.y0 - searchHeight * 2 - lettersBottom + 1;                // console.log("点击的点 : " + value);                for (let i = 0; i < lettersItemheight.length; i++) {                    if (value < 0) {                        this.scrollTo(0);                    } else if (value > lettersItemheight[i]) {                        this.scrollTo(i);                    }                }            },            onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => {                // console.log('移动 最近一次移动时的屏幕坐标\n moveX:' + gestureState.moveX + ',moveY:' + gestureState.moveY);                // console.log('移动 当响应器产生时的屏幕坐标\n x0:' + gestureState.x0 + ',y0:' + gestureState.y0);                // console.log('移动 从触摸操作开始时的累计纵向路程\n dx:' + gestureState.dx + ',dy :' + gestureState.dy);                let value = gestureState.moveY - searchHeight * 2 - lettersBottom + 1;                // console.log("移动的点 " + value);                for (let i = 0; i < lettersItemheight.length; i++) {                    if (value < 0) {                        this.scrollTo(0);                    } else if (value > lettersItemheight[i]) {                        this.scrollTo(i);                    }                }                // console.log(this.mul(sub, myLetters.length));            },            onResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => true,            onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => {                // console.log('抬手 x:' + gestureState.moveX + ',y:' + gestureState.moveY);            },            onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => {                // console.log(`结束 = evt.identifier = ${evt.identifier} gestureState = ${gestureState}`);            },        });    }    //做一些清除操作 避免再次进入会有数据异常    componentWillUnmount() {        myLetters = [];        myDataBlob = {};//获取到的数据        mySectionIDs = []; //组id        myRowIDs = [];//组内        cityData = [];//获取到的数据        lettersItemheight = [];    }    //渲染    render() {        return (            <View style={styles.container}>                <NavigationBar                    onLayout={({nativeEvent: e1}) => this.navigationLayout(e1)}                    ref={(ref) => this.myNavigationBar = ref}                    title="选择城市"                    leftButton={this.getNavLeftBtn()}                ></NavigationBar>                <View                    onLayout={({nativeEvent: e}) => this.searchLayout(e)}                    style={styles.searchBox}>                    <Image source={require('../res/image/search_bar_icon_normal.png')} style={styles.searchIcon}/>                    <TextInput style={styles.inputText}                               onChangeText={(text) => this.changeText(text)}                               underlineColorAndroid='transparent' //设置下划线背景色透明 达到去掉下划线的效果                               placeholder='请输入城市名称或首字母'/>                </View>                <ListView                    contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer}                    ref={listView => this._listView = listView}                    dataSource={this.state.dataSource}                    renderRow={this.renderRow}                    renderSectionHeader={this.renderSectionHeader}                    enableEmptySections={true}                    initialListSize={totalNumber}                    refreshControl={                        <RefreshControl                            refreshing={this.state.isLoading}                            tintColor="#63B8FF"                            title="正在加载..."                            titleColor="#63B8FF"                            colors={['#63B8FF']}                        />                    }                />                {                    //判断是否显示右边字母列表                    this.state.lettersShow == false ? (null) :                        (   <View                                ref="ref_letters"                                {...this._panGesture.panHandlers}                                onLayout={({nativeEvent: e}) => this.lettersLayout(e)}                                style={styles.letters}>                                {, index) => this.renderLetters(letter, index))}                            </View>                        )                }            </View>        );    }};const styles = StyleSheet.create({    container: {        flex: 1,        flexDirection: 'column'    },    contentContainer: {        width: width,        paddingBottom: 20,        backgroundColor: 'white',    },    //字母列表的样式    letters: {        flexDirection: 'column',        position: 'absolute',        height: height - searchHeight - searchHeight - lettersBottom - StatusBar.currentHeight,        top: searchHeight + searchHeight + 4,        bottom: lettersBottom,        right: 10,        backgroundColor: 'transparent',        justifyContent: 'space-between',        alignItems: 'center',    },    // height 字母的高度间距    // width 字母的宽度    letter: {        height: height * 3.3 / 100,        width: width * 3 / 50,        justifyContent: 'center',        alignItems: 'center',    },    letterText: {//右边list字母的样式        textAlign: 'center',        fontSize: height * 1.1 / 50,        color: 'black'    },    rowdata: {//下划线的样式        borderBottomColor: '#faf0e6',        borderBottomWidth: 0.5    },    rowdatatext: {        color: 'gray',    },    searchBox: {//最外层搜索框包裹        height: searchHeight,        borderColor: 'black',        flexDirection: 'row',   // 水平排布        borderRadius: 10,  // 设置圆角边        backgroundColor: '#FFF',        borderWidth: 0.8,        borderRadius: 10,        borderColor: 'gray',        alignItems: 'center',        marginLeft: 8,        paddingTop: 0,        marginTop: searchHeightMargin,        marginBottom: searchHeightMargin,        paddingBottom: 0,        marginRight: 8,    },    searchIcon: {//搜索图标        height: 20,        width: 20,        marginLeft: 5,        resizeMode: 'stretch'    },    inputText: {//搜索框        backgroundColor: 'transparent',        fontSize: 13,        paddingBottom: 0,        paddingTop: 0,        flex: 1,    },})

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