Android Log的多场景使用

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝虎扑伙伴是真的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 20:31




package ls.utils;import;import;import;import android.text.TextUtils;import android.text.format.DateFormat;import android.util.Log;import com.config.AppConfig;/** * Title: Description: 日志工具类:开发过程中,日志输出 *  * @author song * @date 2014-9-9 下午1:22:55 * @version V1.0 */public class LogUtils {/** * isWrite:用于开关是否吧日志写入txt文件中</p> */private static final boolean isWrite = false;/** * isDebug :是用来控制,是否打印日志 */private static final boolean isDeBug = true;/** * 存放日志文件的所在路径 */private static final String DIRPATH = AppConfig.LOG_DIRPATH;// private static final String DIRPATH = "/log";/** * 存放日志的文本名 */private static final String LOGNAME = AppConfig.LOG_FILENAME;// private static final String LOGNAME = "log.txt";/** * 设置时间的格式 */private static final String INFORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";/** * VERBOSE日志形式的标识符 */public static final int VERBOSE = 5;/** * DEBUG日志形式的标识符 */public static final int DEBUG = 4;/** * INFO日志形式的标识符 */public static final int INFO = 3;/** * WARN日志形式的标识符 */public static final int WARN = 2;/** * ERROR日志形式的标识符 */public static final int ERROR = 1;/** * 把异常用来输出日志的综合方法 *  * @param @param tag 日志标识 * @param @param throwable 抛出的异常 * @param @param type 日志类型 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void log(String tag, Throwable throwable, int type) {log(tag, exToString(throwable), type);}/** * 用来输出日志的综合方法(文本内容) *  * @param @param tag 日志标识 * @param @param msg 要输出的内容 * @param @param type 日志类型 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void log(String tag, String msg, int type) {switch (type) {case VERBOSE:v(tag, msg);// verbose等级break;case DEBUG:d(tag, msg);// debug等级break;case INFO:i(tag, msg);// info等级break;case WARN:w(tag, msg);// warn等级break;case ERROR:e(tag, msg);// error等级break;default:break;}}/** * verbose等级的日志输出 *  * @param tag *            日志标识 * @param msg *            要输出的内容 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void v(String tag, String msg) {// 是否开启日志输出if (isDeBug) {Log.v(tag, msg);}// 是否将日志写入文件if (isWrite) {write(tag, msg);}}/** * debug等级的日志输出 *  * @param tag *            标识 * @param msg *            内容 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void d(String tag, String msg) {if (isDeBug) {Log.d(tag, msg);}if (isWrite) {write(tag, msg);}}/** * info等级的日志输出 *  * @param  tag 标识 * @param  msg 内容 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void i(String tag, String msg) {if (isDeBug) {Log.i(tag, msg);}if (isWrite) {write(tag, msg);}}/** * warn等级的日志输出 *  * @param tag 标识 * @param msg 内容 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void w(String tag, String msg) {if (isDeBug) {Log.w(tag, msg);}if (isWrite) {write(tag, msg);}}/** * error等级的日志输出 *  * @param  tag 标识 * @param  msg 内容 * @return void 返回类型 */public static void e(String tag, String msg) {if (isDeBug) {Log.w(tag, msg);}if (isWrite) {write(tag, msg);}}/** * 用于把日志内容写入制定的文件 *  * @param @param tag 标识 * @param @param msg 要输出的内容 * @return void 返回类型 * @throws */public static void write(String tag, String msg) {String path = FileUtils.createMkdirsAndFiles(DIRPATH, LOGNAME);if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) {return;}String log = DateFormat.format(INFORMAT, System.currentTimeMillis())+ tag+ "========>>"+ msg+ "\n=================================分割线=================================";FileUtils.write2File(path, log, true);}/** * 用于把日志内容写入制定的文件 *  * @param tag *            标签 * @param ex *            异常 */public static void write(Throwable ex) {write("", exToString(ex));}/** * 把异常信息转化为字符串 *  * @param ex 异常信息 * @return 异常信息字符串 */private static String exToString(Throwable ex) {Writer writer = new StringWriter();PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(writer);ex.printStackTrace(printWriter);printWriter.close();String result = writer.toString();return result;}}




if (DEBUG) {    Log.e(TAG, "err", e);}方案三:方案二虽然可以实现,但是还是比较复杂的。每次需要写三行,我们可以通过另一种方式实现这种策略(混淆配置)

-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log {    public static *** v(...);    public static *** d(...);    public static *** i(...);    public static *** w(...);    public static *** e(...);}






android.util.Log.isLoggable(TAG, level);


adb shell setprop log.tag.TAG VERBOSE

/packages/services/Telephony/src/com/android/services/telephony/  /* * Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package;import;import;import java.util.IllegalFormatException;import java.util.Locale;/** * Manages logging for the entire module. */final public class Log {    // Generic tag for all In Call logging    private static final String TAG = "Telephony";    public static final boolean FORCE_LOGGING = false; /* STOP SHIP if true */    public static final boolean DEBUG = isLoggable(android.util.Log.DEBUG);    public static final boolean INFO = isLoggable(android.util.Log.INFO);    public static final boolean VERBOSE = isLoggable(android.util.Log.VERBOSE);    public static final boolean WARN = isLoggable(android.util.Log.WARN);    public static final boolean ERROR = isLoggable(android.util.Log.ERROR);    private Log() {}    public static boolean isLoggable(int level) {        return FORCE_LOGGING || android.util.Log.isLoggable(TAG, level);    }    public static void d(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (DEBUG) {            android.util.Log.d(TAG, buildMessage(prefix, format, args));        }    }    public static void d(Object objectPrefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (DEBUG) {            android.util.Log.d(TAG, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args));        }    }    public static void i(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (INFO) {            android.util.Log.i(TAG, buildMessage(prefix, format, args));        }    }    public static void i(Object objectPrefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (INFO) {            android.util.Log.i(TAG, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args));        }    }    public static void v(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (VERBOSE) {            android.util.Log.v(TAG, buildMessage(prefix, format, args));        }    }    public static void v(Object objectPrefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (VERBOSE) {            android.util.Log.v(TAG, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args));        }    }    public static void w(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (WARN) {            android.util.Log.w(TAG, buildMessage(prefix, format, args));        }    }    public static void w(Object objectPrefix, String format, Object... args) {        if (WARN) {            android.util.Log.w(TAG, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args));        }    }    public static void e(String prefix, Throwable tr, String format, Object... args) {        if (ERROR) {            android.util.Log.e(TAG, buildMessage(prefix, format, args), tr);        }    }    public static void e(Object objectPrefix, Throwable tr, String format, Object... args) {        if (ERROR) {            android.util.Log.e(TAG, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args),                    tr);        }    }    public static void wtf(String prefix, Throwable tr, String format, Object... args) {, buildMessage(prefix, format, args), tr);    }    public static void wtf(Object objectPrefix, Throwable tr, String format, Object... args) {, buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args),                tr);    }    public static void wtf(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        String msg = buildMessage(prefix, format, args);, msg, new IllegalStateException(msg));    }    public static void wtf(Object objectPrefix, String format, Object... args) {        String msg = buildMessage(getPrefixFromObject(objectPrefix), format, args);, msg, new IllegalStateException(msg));    }    /**     * Redact personally identifiable information for production users.     * If we are running in verbose mode, return the original string, otherwise     * return a SHA-1 hash of the input string.     */    public static String pii(Object pii) {        if (pii == null || VERBOSE) {            return String.valueOf(pii);        }        return "[" + secureHash(String.valueOf(pii).getBytes()) + "]";    }    private static String secureHash(byte[] input) {        MessageDigest messageDigest;        try {            messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {            return null;        }        messageDigest.update(input);        byte[] result = messageDigest.digest();        return encodeHex(result);    }    private static String encodeHex(byte[] bytes) {        StringBuffer hex = new StringBuffer(bytes.length * 2);        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {            int byteIntValue = bytes[i] & 0xff;            if (byteIntValue < 0x10) {                hex.append("0");            }            hex.append(Integer.toString(byteIntValue, 16));        }        return hex.toString();    }    private static String getPrefixFromObject(Object obj) {        return obj == null ? "<null>" : obj.getClass().getSimpleName();    }    private static String buildMessage(String prefix, String format, Object... args) {        String msg;        try {            msg = (args == null || args.length == 0) ? format                    : String.format(Locale.US, format, args);        } catch (IllegalFormatException ife) {            wtf("Log", ife, "IllegalFormatException: formatString='%s' numArgs=%d", format,                    args.length);            msg = format + " (An error occurred while formatting the message.)";        }        return String.format(Locale.US, "%s: %s", prefix, msg);    }}


