
来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么删除硬盘文件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:52










找路径满足:假如当前节点是w(ai,bj),那么下一个节点必须是在   w(i+1,j),w(i,j+1),w(i+1,j+1)之间选择,并且路径必须是最短的。





function [Dist,D,k,w,rw,tw]=dtw(r,t,pflag)%% [Dist,D,k,w,rw,tw]=dtw(r,t,pflag)%% Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm% Dist is unnormalized distance between t and r% D is the accumulated distance matrix% k is the normalizing factor% w is the optimal path% t is the vector you are testing against% r is the vector you are testing% rw is the warped r vector% tw is the warped t vector% pflag  plot flag: 1 (yes), 0(no)%% Version comments:% rw, tw and pflag added by Pau Mic[row,M]=size(r); if (row > M) M=row; r=r'; end;[row,N]=size(t); if (row > N) N=row; t=t'; end;d=sqrt((repmat(r',1,N)-repmat(t,M,1)).^2); %this makes clear the above instruction Thanks Pau Micdd=abs(repmat(r',1,N)-repmat(t,M,1));dddD=zeros(size(d));D(1,1)=d(1,1);for m=2:M    D(m,1)=d(m,1)+D(m-1,1);endfor n=2:N    D(1,n)=d(1,n)+D(1,n-1);endfor m=2:M    for n=2:N        D(m,n)=d(m,n)+min(D(m-1,n),min(D(m-1,n-1),D(m,n-1))); % this double MIn construction improves in 10-fold the Speed-up. Thanks Sven Mensing    endendDist=D(M,N);n=N;m=M;k=1;w=[M N];wwhile ((n+m)~=2)    if (n-1)==0        m=m-1;    elseif (m-1)==0        n=n-1;    else        [values,number]=min([D(m-1,n),D(m,n-1),D(m-1,n-1)]);        switch number            case 1                m=m-1;            case 2                n=n-1;            case 3                m=m-1;                n=n-1;        end    end    k=k+1;    w=[m n; w]; % this replace the above sentence. Thanks Pau Micend[values,number]Dmnw% warped wavesrw=r(w(:,1));tw=t(w(:,2));%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if pflag        % --- Accumulated distance matrix and optimal path    figure('Name','DTW - Accumulated distance matrix and optimal path', 'NumberTitle','off');        main1=subplot('position',[0.19 0.19 0.67 0.79]);    image(D);    cmap = contrast(D);    colormap(cmap); % 'copper' 'bone', 'gray' imagesc(D);    hold on;    x=w(:,1); y=w(:,2);    ind=find(x==1); x(ind)=1+0.2;    ind=find(x==M); x(ind)=M-0.2;    ind=find(y==1); y(ind)=1+0.2;    ind=find(y==N); y(ind)=N-0.2;    plot(y,x,'-w', 'LineWidth',1);    hold off;    axis([1 N 1 M]);    set(main1, 'FontSize',7, 'XTickLabel','', 'YTickLabel','');        colorb1=subplot('position',[0.88 0.19 0.05 0.79]);    nticks=8;    ticks=floor(1:(size(cmap,1)-1)/(nticks-1):size(cmap,1));    mx=max(max(D));    mn=min(min(D));    ticklabels=floor(mn:(mx-mn)/(nticks-1):mx);    colorbar(colorb1);    set(colorb1, 'FontSize',7, 'YTick',ticks, 'YTickLabel',ticklabels);    set(get(colorb1,'YLabel'), 'String','Distance', 'Rotation',-90, 'FontSize',7, 'VerticalAlignment','bottom');        left1=subplot('position',[0.07 0.19 0.10 0.79]);    plot(r,M:-1:1,'-b');    set(left1, 'YTick',mod(M,10):10:M, 'YTickLabel',10*rem(M,10):-10:0)    axis([min(r) 1.1*max(r) 1 M]);    set(left1, 'FontSize',7);    set(get(left1,'YLabel'), 'String','Samples', 'FontSize',7, 'Rotation',-90, 'VerticalAlignment','cap');    set(get(left1,'XLabel'), 'String','Amp', 'FontSize',6, 'VerticalAlignment','cap');        bottom1=subplot('position',[0.19 0.07 0.67 0.10]);    plot(t,'-r');    axis([1 N min(t) 1.1*max(t)]);    set(bottom1, 'FontSize',7, 'YAxisLocation','right');    set(get(bottom1,'XLabel'), 'String','Samples', 'FontSize',7, 'VerticalAlignment','middle');    set(get(bottom1,'YLabel'), 'String','Amp', 'Rotation',-90, 'FontSize',6, 'VerticalAlignment','bottom');        % --- Warped signals    figure('Name','DTW - warped signals', 'NumberTitle','off');        subplot(1,2,1);    set(gca, 'FontSize',7);    hold on;    plot(r,'-bx');    plot(t,':r.');    hold off;    axis([1 max(M,N) min(min(r),min(t)) 1.1*max(max(r),max(t))]);    grid;    legend('signal 1','signal 2');    title('Original signals');    xlabel('Samples');    ylabel('Amplitude');        subplot(1,2,2);    set(gca, 'FontSize',7);    hold on;    plot(rw,'-bx');    plot(tw,':r.');    hold off;    axis([1 k min(min([rw; tw])) 1.1*max(max([rw; tw]))]);    grid;    legend('signal 1','signal 2');    title('Warped signals');    xlabel('Samples');    ylabel('Amplitude');    end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% testclear  clc  a=[8 9 1 9 6 1 3 5]';  b=[2 5 4 6 7 8 3 7 7 2]';  [Dist,D,k,w,rw,tw] = DTW(a,b,1);  fprintf('最短距离为%d\n',Dist)  fprintf('最优路径为')  w

3,代码实现-python code1--画图

from math import *import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpydef print_matrix(mat) :    print '[matrix] width : %d height : %d' % (len(mat[0]), len(mat))    print '-----------------------------------'    for i in range(len(mat)) :        print mat[i]#[v[:2] for v in mat[i]]def dist_for_float(p1, p2) :    dist = 0.0    elem_type = type(p1)    if  elem_type == float or elem_type == int :        dist = float(abs(p1 - p2))    else :        sumval = 0.0        for i in range(len(p1)) :            sumval += pow(p1[i] - p2[i], 2)        dist = pow(sumval, 0.5)    return distdef dtw(s1, s2, dist_func) :    w = len(s1)    h = len(s2)        mat = [([[0, 0, 0, 0] for j in range(w)]) for i in range(h)]        #print_matrix(mat)        for x in range(w) :        for y in range(h) :                        dist = dist_func(s1[x], s2[y])            mat[y][x] = [dist, 0, 0, 0]                #print_matrix(mat)    elem_0_0 = mat[0][0]    elem_0_0[1] = elem_0_0[0] * 2    for x in range(1, w) :        mat[0][x][1] = mat[0][x][0] + mat[0][x - 1][1]        mat[0][x][2] = x - 1        mat[0][x][3] = 0    for y in range(1, h) :        mat[y][0][1] = mat[y][0][0] + mat[y - 1][0][1]                    mat[y][0][2] = 0        mat[y][0][3] = y - 1    for y in range(1, h) :        for x in range(1, w) :            distlist = [mat[y][x - 1][1], mat[y - 1][x][1], 2 * mat[y - 1][x - 1][1]]            mindist = min(distlist)            idx = distlist.index(mindist)            mat[y][x][1] = mat[y][x][0] + mindist            if idx == 0 :                mat[y][x][2] = x - 1                mat[y][x][3] = y            elif idx == 1 :                mat[y][x][2] = x                mat[y][x][3] = y - 1            else :                mat[y][x][2] = x - 1                mat[y][x][3] = y - 1    result = mat[h - 1][w - 1]    retval = result[1]    path = [(w - 1, h - 1)]    while True :        x = result[2]        y = result[3]        path.append((x, y))        result = mat[y][x]        if x == 0 and y == 0 :            break            #print_matrix(mat)    return retval, sorted(path)def display(s1, s2) :    val, path = dtw(s1, s2, dist_for_float)        w = len(s1)    h = len(s2)        mat = [[1] * w for i in range(h)]    for node in path :        x, y = node        mat[y][x] = 0    mat = numpy.array(mat)        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)    c = plt.pcolor(mat, edgecolors='k', linewidths=4)    plt.title('Dynamic Time Warping (%f)' % val)    plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)    plt.plot(s2, range(len(s2)), 'g')        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)    plt.plot(range(len(s1)), s1, 'r')            plt.show()    s1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4]s2 = [3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4]s2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]s2 = [2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5]#val, path = dtw(s1, s2, dist_for_float)display(s1, s2)

4,代码实现-python  code2-只计算距离

import numpy as npfrom numpy import *from numpy.matlib import repmatdef DTW(r, t, plt=True):    M = len(r)    N = len(t)    r_array = np.matrix(r)    t_array = np.matrix(t)    ### 距离计算公式    distance_classical = abs(repmat(r_array.T, 1, N) - repmat(t_array, M, 1))    D = np.zeros(shape(distance_classical))    for m in range(1, M):        D[m, 0] = distance_classical[m, 0] + D[m - 1, 0]    for n in range(1, N):        D[0, n] = distance_classical[0, n] + D[0, n - 1]    for m in range(1, M):        for n in range(1, N):            D[m, n] = distance_classical[m, n] + min(D[m - 1, n], min(D[m - 1, n - 1], D[m, n - 1]))    Dist = D[m, n]
