Linux Interrupt

来源:互联网 发布:深圳龙岗大运软件小镇 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:34


本文的代码分析基于linux kernel 3.18.22和arm64架构,最好的学习方法还是”RTFSC”

1. linux中断



在整个中断处理过程中,arm64的cpu全局中断是自动disable的(PSTATE寄存器中的interrupt bit被masks)。如果用户想支持interrupt nested,需要自己在中断服务程序中使能中断。linux现在是不使用中断嵌套的。


1.1 cpu中断打开/关闭

arm64关闭和打开本地cpu的全局中断的方法,是操作SPSR(Saved Process Status Register)寄存器IRQ mask bit。

Arm64 SPSR3


  • arch/arm64/include/asm/irqflags.h:
  • local_irq_disable() -> raw_local_irq_disable() -> arch_local_irq_disable()
  • local_irq_enable() -> raw_local_irq_enable() -> arch_local_irq_enable()
static inline void arch_local_irq_enable(void){    asm volatile(        // (1) 清除DAIF中的bit2 I标志位,打开中断        "msr    daifclr, #2     // arch_local_irq_enable"        :        :        : "memory");}static inline void arch_local_irq_disable(void){    asm volatile(        // (2) 设置DAIF中的bit2 I标志位,关闭中断        "msr    daifset, #2     // arch_local_irq_disable"        :        :        : "memory");}static inline unsigned long arch_local_irq_save(void){    unsigned long flags;    asm volatile(        // (3) 备份DAIF标志        "mrs    %0, daif        // arch_local_irq_save\n"        "msr    daifset, #2"        : "=r" (flags)        :        : "memory");    return flags;}static inline unsigned long arch_local_save_flags(void){    unsigned long flags;    asm volatile(        // (4) 恢复DAIF标志        "mrs    %0, daif        // arch_local_save_flags"        : "=r" (flags)        :        : "memory");    return flags;}

1.2 中断控制器GIC

上面描述了cpu对全局中断的处理,但是还有一个工作需要有人去做:就是把外部中断、内部中断、cpu间中断等各种中断按照优先级、亲和力、私有性等发送给多个cpu。负责这个工作的就是中断控制器GIC(Generic Interrupt Controller)。



  • Distributor。负责连接系统中所有的中断源,通过寄存器可以独立的配置每个中断的属性:priority、state、security、outing information、enable status。定义哪些中断可以转发到cpu core。
  • CPU Interface。cpu core用来接收中断,寄存器主要提供的功能:mask、 identify 、control states of interrupts forwarded to that core。每个cpu core拥有自己的cpu interface。


  • SGI(Software Generated Interrupt),Interrupt IDs 0-15。系统一般用其来实现IPI中断。
  • PPI(Private Peripheral Interrupt),Interrupt IDs16-31。私有中断,这种中断对每个cpu都是独立一份的,比如per-core timer中断。
  • SPI(Shared Peripheral Interrupt),Interrupt numbers 32-1020。最常用的外设中断,中断可以发给一个或者多个cpu。
  • LPI(Locality-specific Peripheral Interrupt)。基于message的中断,GICv2和GICv1中不支持。



  • drivers/irqchip/irq-gic.c:
static struct irq_chip gic_chip = {    .name           = "GIC",    .irq_mask       = gic_mask_irq,    .irq_unmask     = gic_unmask_irq,    .irq_eoi        = gic_eoi_irq,    .irq_set_type       = gic_set_type,    .irq_retrigger      = gic_retrigger,#ifdef CONFIG_SMP    .irq_set_affinity   = gic_set_affinity,#endif    .irq_set_wake       = gic_set_wake,};

1.3 linux中断处理流程




  • desc->handle_irq()。第一层次的中断处理函数,这个是系统在初始化时根据中断源的特征统一分配的,不同类型的中断源的gic操作是不一样的,把这些通用gic操作提取出来就是第一层次的操作函数。具体实现包括:

  • desc->action->handler()。第二层次的中断处理函数,由用户注册实现具体设备的驱动服务程序,都是和GIC操作无关的代码。同时一个中断源可以多个设备共享,所以一个desc可以挂载多个action,由链表结构组织起来。


1.4 中断服务注册


  • kernel/irq/manage.c:
  • request_irq() -> request_threaded_irq() -> __setup_irq()
static inline int __must_checkrequest_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags,        const char *name, void *dev){    return request_threaded_irq(irq, handler, NULL, flags, name, dev);}| →int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,             irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags,             const char *devname, void *dev_id){    struct irqaction *action;    struct irq_desc *desc;    int retval;    /*     * Sanity-check: shared interrupts must pass in a real dev-ID,     * otherwise we'll have trouble later trying to figure out     * which interrupt is which (messes up the interrupt freeing     * logic etc).     */    if ((irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && !dev_id)        return -EINVAL;    // (1)根据中断号找到对应的desc结构    desc = irq_to_desc(irq);    if (!desc)        return -EINVAL;    if (!irq_settings_can_request(desc) ||        WARN_ON(irq_settings_is_per_cpu_devid(desc)))        return -EINVAL;    // (2)如果action->handler为空,那么用户是想创建一个线程化中断    // 将线程化中断的action->handler初始化为irq_default_primary_handler()    // irq_default_primary_handler()非常简单,只是返回一个IRQ_WAKE_THREAD值    if (!handler) {        if (!thread_fn)            return -EINVAL;        handler = irq_default_primary_handler;    }    // (3)分配新的action数据结构    action = kzalloc(sizeof(struct irqaction), GFP_KERNEL);    if (!action)        return -ENOMEM;    action->handler = handler;    action->thread_fn = thread_fn;    action->flags = irqflags;    action->name = devname;    action->dev_id = dev_id;    chip_bus_lock(desc);    // (4)将新的action结构安装到desc中    retval = __setup_irq(irq, desc, action);    chip_bus_sync_unlock(desc);    if (retval)        kfree(action);#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ_FIXME    if (!retval && (irqflags & IRQF_SHARED)) {        /*         * It's a shared IRQ -- the driver ought to be prepared for it         * to happen immediately, so let's make sure....         * We disable the irq to make sure that a 'real' IRQ doesn't         * run in parallel with our fake.         */        unsigned long flags;        disable_irq(irq);        local_irq_save(flags);        handler(irq, dev_id);        local_irq_restore(flags);        enable_irq(irq);    }#endif    return retval;}|| →static int__setup_irq(unsigned int irq, struct irq_desc *desc, struct irqaction *new){    struct irqaction *old, **old_ptr;    unsigned long flags, thread_mask = 0;    int ret, nested, shared = 0;    cpumask_var_t mask;    if (!desc)        return -EINVAL;    if (desc->irq_data.chip == &no_irq_chip)        return -ENOSYS;    if (!try_module_get(desc->owner))        return -ENODEV;    /*     * Check whether the interrupt nests into another interrupt     * thread.     */    nested = irq_settings_is_nested_thread(desc);    // (4.1)判断中断是否是支持嵌套    if (nested) {        if (!new->thread_fn) {            ret = -EINVAL;            goto out_mput;        }        /*         * Replace the primary handler which was provided from         * the driver for non nested interrupt handling by the         * dummy function which warns when called.         */        new->handler = irq_nested_primary_handler;    } else {        // (4.2)判断中断是否可以被线程化        // 如果中断没有设置_IRQ_NOTHREAD标志 & 强制中断线程化标志被设置(force_irqthreads=1)        // 强制把中断线程化:        // new->thread_fn = new->handler;new->handler = irq_default_primary_handler;        if (irq_settings_can_thread(desc))            irq_setup_forced_threading(new);    }    /*     * Create a handler thread when a thread function is supplied     * and the interrupt does not nest into another interrupt     * thread.     */    // (4.3)如果是线程化中断,创建线程化中断对应的线程    if (new->thread_fn && !nested) {        struct task_struct *t;        static const struct sched_param param = {            .sched_priority = MAX_USER_RT_PRIO/2,        };        // 创建线程        t = kthread_create(irq_thread, new, "irq/%d-%s", irq,                   new->name);        if (IS_ERR(t)) {            ret = PTR_ERR(t);            goto out_mput;        }        sched_setscheduler_nocheck(t, SCHED_FIFO, &param);        /*         * We keep the reference to the task struct even if         * the thread dies to avoid that the interrupt code         * references an already freed task_struct.         */        get_task_struct(t);        // 赋值给->thread成员        new->thread = t;        /*         * Tell the thread to set its affinity. This is         * important for shared interrupt handlers as we do         * not invoke setup_affinity() for the secondary         * handlers as everything is already set up. Even for         * interrupts marked with IRQF_NO_BALANCE this is         * correct as we want the thread to move to the cpu(s)         * on which the requesting code placed the interrupt.         */        set_bit(IRQTF_AFFINITY, &new->thread_flags);    }    if (!alloc_cpumask_var(&mask, GFP_KERNEL)) {        ret = -ENOMEM;        goto out_thread;    }    /*     * Drivers are often written to work w/o knowledge about the     * underlying irq chip implementation, so a request for a     * threaded irq without a primary hard irq context handler     * requires the ONESHOT flag to be set. Some irq chips like     * MSI based interrupts are per se one shot safe. Check the     * chip flags, so we can avoid the unmask dance at the end of     * the threaded handler for those.     */    if (desc->irq_data.chip->flags & IRQCHIP_ONESHOT_SAFE)        new->flags &= ~IRQF_ONESHOT;    /*     * The following block of code has to be executed atomically     */    // (4.4)找到最后一个action结构    raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&desc->lock, flags);    old_ptr = &desc->action;    old = *old_ptr;    if (old) {        /*         * Can't share interrupts unless both agree to and are         * the same type (level, edge, polarity). So both flag         * fields must have IRQF_SHARED set and the bits which         * set the trigger type must match. Also all must         * agree on ONESHOT.         */        if (!((old->flags & new->flags) & IRQF_SHARED) ||            ((old->flags ^ new->flags) & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK) ||            ((old->flags ^ new->flags) & IRQF_ONESHOT))            goto mismatch;        /* All handlers must agree on per-cpuness */        if ((old->flags & IRQF_PERCPU) !=            (new->flags & IRQF_PERCPU))            goto mismatch;        /* add new interrupt at end of irq queue */        do {            /*             * Or all existing action->thread_mask bits,             * so we can find the next zero bit for this             * new action.             */            thread_mask |= old->thread_mask;            old_ptr = &old->next;            old = *old_ptr;        } while (old);        // 如果有多个action,共享标志设为1        shared = 1;    }    /*     * Setup the thread mask for this irqaction for ONESHOT. For     * !ONESHOT irqs the thread mask is 0 so we can avoid a     * conditional in irq_wake_thread().     */    if (new->flags & IRQF_ONESHOT) {        /*         * Unlikely to have 32 resp 64 irqs sharing one line,         * but who knows.         */        if (thread_mask == ~0UL) {            ret = -EBUSY;            goto out_mask;        }        /*         * The thread_mask for the action is or'ed to         * desc->thread_active to indicate that the         * IRQF_ONESHOT thread handler has been woken, but not         * yet finished. The bit is cleared when a thread         * completes. When all threads of a shared interrupt         * line have completed desc->threads_active becomes         * zero and the interrupt line is unmasked. See         * handle.c:irq_wake_thread() for further information.         *         * If no thread is woken by primary (hard irq context)         * interrupt handlers, then desc->threads_active is         * also checked for zero to unmask the irq line in the         * affected hard irq flow handlers         * (handle_[fasteoi|level]_irq).         *         * The new action gets the first zero bit of         * thread_mask assigned. See the loop above which or's         * all existing action->thread_mask bits.         */        new->thread_mask = 1 << ffz(thread_mask);    } else if (new->handler == irq_default_primary_handler &&           !(desc->irq_data.chip->flags & IRQCHIP_ONESHOT_SAFE)) {        /*         * The interrupt was requested with handler = NULL, so         * we use the default primary handler for it. But it         * does not have the oneshot flag set. In combination         * with level interrupts this is deadly, because the         * default primary handler just wakes the thread, then         * the irq lines is reenabled, but the device still         * has the level irq asserted. Rinse and repeat....         *         * While this works for edge type interrupts, we play         * it safe and reject unconditionally because we can't         * say for sure which type this interrupt really         * has. The type flags are unreliable as the         * underlying chip implementation can override them.         */        pr_err("Threaded irq requested with handler=NULL and !ONESHOT for irq %d\n",               irq);        ret = -EINVAL;        goto out_mask;    }    // (4.5)如果是第一个action,做一些初始化工作    if (!shared) {        ret = irq_request_resources(desc);        if (ret) {            pr_err("Failed to request resources for %s (irq %d) on irqchip %s\n",                   new->name, irq, desc->irq_data.chip->name);            goto out_mask;        }        init_waitqueue_head(&desc->wait_for_threads);        /* Setup the type (level, edge polarity) if configured: */        if (new->flags & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK) {            ret = __irq_set_trigger(desc, irq,                    new->flags & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK);            if (ret)                goto out_mask;        }        desc->istate &= ~(IRQS_AUTODETECT | IRQS_SPURIOUS_DISABLED | \                  IRQS_ONESHOT | IRQS_WAITING);        irqd_clear(&desc->irq_data, IRQD_IRQ_INPROGRESS);        if (new->flags & IRQF_PERCPU) {            irqd_set(&desc->irq_data, IRQD_PER_CPU);            irq_settings_set_per_cpu(desc);        }        if (new->flags & IRQF_ONESHOT)            desc->istate |= IRQS_ONESHOT;        if (irq_settings_can_autoenable(desc))            irq_startup(desc, true);        else            /* Undo nested disables: */            desc->depth = 1;        /* Exclude IRQ from balancing if requested */        if (new->flags & IRQF_NOBALANCING) {            irq_settings_set_no_balancing(desc);            irqd_set(&desc->irq_data, IRQD_NO_BALANCING);        }        // 设置中断亲和力        /* Set default affinity mask once everything is setup */        setup_affinity(irq, desc, mask);    } else if (new->flags & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK) {        unsigned int nmsk = new->flags & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK;        unsigned int omsk = irq_settings_get_trigger_mask(desc);        if (nmsk != omsk)            /* hope the handler works with current  trigger mode */            pr_warning("irq %d uses trigger mode %u; requested %u\n",                   irq, nmsk, omsk);    }    // (4.6)将新的action插入到desc链表中    new->irq = irq;    *old_ptr = new;    irq_pm_install_action(desc, new);    /* Reset broken irq detection when installing new handler */    desc->irq_count = 0;    desc->irqs_unhandled = 0;    /*     * Check whether we disabled the irq via the spurious handler     * before. Reenable it and give it another chance.     */    // (4.7)如果中断之前被虚假disable了,重新enable中断    if (shared && (desc->istate & IRQS_SPURIOUS_DISABLED)) {        desc->istate &= ~IRQS_SPURIOUS_DISABLED;        __enable_irq(desc, irq);    }    raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&desc->lock, flags);    /*     * Strictly no need to wake it up, but hung_task complains     * when no hard interrupt wakes the thread up.     */    // (4.8)唤醒线程化中断对应的线程    if (new->thread)        wake_up_process(new->thread);    register_irq_proc(irq, desc);    new->dir = NULL;    register_handler_proc(irq, new);    free_cpumask_var(mask);    return 0;mismatch:    if (!(new->flags & IRQF_PROBE_SHARED)) {        pr_err("Flags mismatch irq %d. %08x (%s) vs. %08x (%s)\n",               irq, new->flags, new->name, old->flags, old->name);#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ        dump_stack();#endif    }    ret = -EBUSY;out_mask:    raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&desc->lock, flags);    free_cpumask_var(mask);out_thread:    if (new->thread) {        struct task_struct *t = new->thread;        new->thread = NULL;        kthread_stop(t);        put_task_struct(t);    }out_mput:    module_put(desc->owner);    return ret;}

1.5 中断线程化



        t = kthread_create(irq_thread, new, "irq/%d-%s", irq,                   new->name);


root@:/ # ps | grep "irq/"                                                root      171   2     0      0     irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/389-chargerroot      239   2     0      0     irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/296-PS_int-root      247   2     0      0     irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/297-1124000root      1415  2     0      0     irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/293-goodix_root@a0255:/ # 




1.6 外设中断打开/关闭

前面的章节讲述了本地cpu全局中断的enable/disable。如果要操作单个中断源的enable/disable,使用enable_irq()/disable_irq()函数。最后调用主要是GIC chip相关的函数:

  • kernel/irq/manage.c:
  • enable_irq() -> __enable_irq() -> irq_enable()
void enable_irq(unsigned int irq){    unsigned long flags;    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_get_desc_buslock(irq, &flags, IRQ_GET_DESC_CHECK_GLOBAL);    if (!desc)        return;    if (WARN(!desc->irq_data.chip,         KERN_ERR "enable_irq before setup/request_irq: irq %u\n", irq))        goto out;    __enable_irq(desc, irq);out:    irq_put_desc_busunlock(desc, flags);}| →void __enable_irq(struct irq_desc *desc, unsigned int irq){    switch (desc->depth) {    case 0: err_out:        WARN(1, KERN_WARNING "Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d\n", irq);        break;    case 1: {        if (desc->istate & IRQS_SUSPENDED)            goto err_out;        /* Prevent probing on this irq: */        irq_settings_set_noprobe(desc);        irq_enable(desc);        check_irq_resend(desc, irq);        /* fall-through */    }    default:        desc->depth--;    }}|| →void irq_enable(struct irq_desc *desc){    // 操作GIC chip对应的函数    irq_state_clr_disabled(desc);    if (desc->irq_data.chip->irq_enable)        desc->irq_data.chip->irq_enable(&desc->irq_data);    else        desc->irq_data.chip->irq_unmask(&desc->irq_data);    irq_state_clr_masked(desc);}
  • kernel/irq/manage.c:
  • enable_irq() -> __enable_irq() -> irq_enable()
void disable_irq(unsigned int irq){    if (!__disable_irq_nosync(irq))        synchronize_irq(irq);}| →static int __disable_irq_nosync(unsigned int irq){    unsigned long flags;    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_get_desc_buslock(irq, &flags, IRQ_GET_DESC_CHECK_GLOBAL);    if (!desc)        return -EINVAL;    __disable_irq(desc, irq);    irq_put_desc_busunlock(desc, flags);    return 0;}|| →void __disable_irq(struct irq_desc *desc, unsigned int irq){    if (!desc->depth++)        irq_disable(desc);}||| →void irq_disable(struct irq_desc *desc){    // 操作GIC chip对应的函数    irq_state_set_disabled(desc);    if (desc->irq_data.chip->irq_disable) {        desc->irq_data.chip->irq_disable(&desc->irq_data);        irq_state_set_masked(desc);    }}| →void synchronize_irq(unsigned int irq){    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_to_desc(irq);    if (desc) {        __synchronize_hardirq(desc);        /*         * We made sure that no hardirq handler is         * running. Now verify that no threaded handlers are         * active.         */        // 如果是线程化中断,需要等到线程执行完成        wait_event(desc->wait_for_threads,               !atomic_read(&desc->threads_active));    }}

1.7 中断亲和力

同样基于GIC chip提供的能力,我们能配置中断源对cpu的亲和力。

  • kernel/irq/manage.c:
  • enable_irq() -> __enable_irq() -> irq_enable()
static inline intirq_set_affinity(unsigned int irq, const struct cpumask *cpumask){    return __irq_set_affinity(irq, cpumask, false);}| →int __irq_set_affinity(unsigned int irq, const struct cpumask *mask, bool force){    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_to_desc(irq);    unsigned long flags;    int ret;    if (!desc)        return -EINVAL;    raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&desc->lock, flags);    ret = irq_set_affinity_locked(irq_desc_get_irq_data(desc), mask, force);    raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&desc->lock, flags);    return ret;}|| →int irq_set_affinity_locked(struct irq_data *data, const struct cpumask *mask,                bool force){    struct irq_chip *chip = irq_data_get_irq_chip(data);    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_data_to_desc(data);    int ret = 0;    if (!chip || !chip->irq_set_affinity)        return -EINVAL;    if (irq_can_move_pcntxt(data)) {        ret = irq_do_set_affinity(data, mask, force);    } else {        irqd_set_move_pending(data);        irq_copy_pending(desc, mask);    }    if (desc->affinity_notify) {        kref_get(&desc->affinity_notify->kref);        schedule_work(&desc->affinity_notify->work);    }    irqd_set(data, IRQD_AFFINITY_SET);    return ret;}||| →int irq_do_set_affinity(struct irq_data *data, const struct cpumask *mask,            bool force){    struct irq_desc *desc = irq_data_to_desc(data);    struct irq_chip *chip = irq_data_get_irq_chip(data);    int ret;    // 操作GIC chip对应的函数    ret = chip->irq_set_affinity(data, mask, force);    switch (ret) {    case IRQ_SET_MASK_OK:    case IRQ_SET_MASK_OK_DONE:#ifdef CONFIG_MTK_IRQ_NEW_DESIGN        update_affinity_settings(desc, mask, true);#else        cpumask_copy(data->affinity, mask);#endif    case IRQ_SET_MASK_OK_NOCOPY:        irq_set_thread_affinity(desc);        ret = 0;    }    return ret;}

2. linux中断下半部




2.1 preempt_count

static __always_inline int preempt_count(void){    return current_thread_info()->preempt_count;    /* 0 => preemptable, <0 => bug */}





  • arch/arm64/kernel/entry.s:
  • el1_irq() -> __enable_irq() -> irq_enable()
    .align  6el1_irq:    kernel_entry 1    enable_dbg#ifdef CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS    bl  trace_hardirqs_off#endif#ifdef CONFIG_MTPROF    bl  MT_trace_hardirqs_off#endif    irq_handler#ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPT    get_thread_info tsk    ldr w24, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT]     // get preempt count    // (1)如果preempt_count!=0,不进行可抢占判断    cbnz    w24, 1f             // preempt count != 0    ldr x0, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS]        // get flags    // (2)如果preempt_count==0 & TIF_NEED_RESCHED被置位    // 进行调度    tbz x0, #TIF_NEED_RESCHED, 1f   // needs rescheduling?    bl  el1_preempt1:#endif#ifdef CONFIG_MTPROF    bl  MT_trace_hardirqs_on#endif#ifdef CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS    bl  trace_hardirqs_on#endif    kernel_exit 1ENDPROC(el1_irq)#ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPTel1_preempt:    mov x24, lr    // (3)抢占调度1:  bl  preempt_schedule_irq        // irq en/disable is done inside    ldr x0, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS]        // get new tasks TI_FLAGS    tbnz    x0, #TIF_NEED_RESCHED, 1b   // needs rescheduling?    ret x24#endif| →asmlinkage __visible void __sched preempt_schedule_irq(void){    enum ctx_state prev_state;    /* Catch callers which need to be fixed */    BUG_ON(preempt_count() || !irqs_disabled());    prev_state = exception_enter();    do {        __preempt_count_add(PREEMPT_ACTIVE);        local_irq_enable();        __schedule();        local_irq_disable();        __preempt_count_sub(PREEMPT_ACTIVE);        /*         * Check again in case we missed a preemption opportunity         * between schedule and now.         */        barrier();    } while (need_resched());    exception_exit(prev_state);}

虽然preempt_count>0就是禁止抢占,linux进一步按照各种场景对preempt_count bit进行了资源划分:

reserved bits bit21 bit20 bit19-bit16 bit15-bit8 bit7-bit0 PREEMPT_ACTIVE NMI HARDIRQ SOFTIRQ PREEMPT
/* * PREEMPT_MASK:    0x000000ff * SOFTIRQ_MASK:    0x0000ff00 * HARDIRQ_MASK:    0x000f0000 *     NMI_MASK:    0x00100000 * PREEMPT_ACTIVE:  0x00200000 */#define PREEMPT_BITS    8#define SOFTIRQ_BITS    8#define HARDIRQ_BITS    4#define NMI_BITS    1


  • 普通场景(PREEMPT_MASK)。对应函数preempt_disable()、preempt_enable()。
  • 软中断场景(PREEMPT_MASK)。对应函数local_bh_disable()、local_bh_enable()。
  • 普通中断场景(HARDIRQ_MASK)。对应函数__irq_enter()、__irq_exit()。
  • NMI中断场景(NMI_MASK)。对应函数nmi_enter()、nmi_exit()。


#define in_irq()        (hardirq_count())#define in_softirq()        (softirq_count())#define in_interrupt()      (irq_count())#define in_serving_softirq()    (softirq_count() & SOFTIRQ_OFFSET)#define in_nmi()    (preempt_count() & NMI_MASK)#define hardirq_count() (preempt_count() & HARDIRQ_MASK)#define softirq_count() (preempt_count() & SOFTIRQ_MASK)#define irq_count() (preempt_count() & (HARDIRQ_MASK | SOFTIRQ_MASK \                 | NMI_MASK))

2.2 softirq



  • 系统支持固定的几种软中断,softirq_vec数组用来记录这些软中断执行函数:
enum{    HI_SOFTIRQ=0,    TIMER_SOFTIRQ,    NET_TX_SOFTIRQ,    NET_RX_SOFTIRQ,    BLOCK_SOFTIRQ,    BLOCK_IOPOLL_SOFTIRQ,    TASKLET_SOFTIRQ,    SCHED_SOFTIRQ,    HRTIMER_SOFTIRQ,    RCU_SOFTIRQ,    /* Preferable RCU should always be the last softirq */    NR_SOFTIRQS};// 注册软中断的服务程序void open_softirq(int nr, void (*action)(struct softirq_action *)){    softirq_vec[nr].action = action;}//TASKLET_SOFTIRQ、HI_SOFTIRQ两个软中断用来给tasklet服务。    open_softirq(TASKLET_SOFTIRQ, tasklet_action);    open_softirq(HI_SOFTIRQ, tasklet_hi_action);
  • 使用irq_stat[cpu].__softirq_pending来记录每个cpu上所有softirq的pending状态,raise_softirq()用来置位一个softirq pending:
void raise_softirq(unsigned int nr){    unsigned long flags;    local_irq_save(flags);    raise_softirq_irqoff(nr);    local_irq_restore(flags);}| →inline void raise_softirq_irqoff(unsigned int nr){    __raise_softirq_irqoff(nr);    if (!in_interrupt())        wakeup_softirqd();}|| →void __raise_softirq_irqoff(unsigned int nr){    trace_softirq_raise(nr);    or_softirq_pending(1UL << nr);}||| →#define or_softirq_pending(x)  (local_softirq_pending() |= (x))#ifndef __ARCH_IRQ_STATextern irq_cpustat_t irq_stat[];        /* defined in asm/hardirq.h */#define __IRQ_STAT(cpu, member) (irq_stat[cpu].member)#endif  /* arch independent irq_stat fields */#define local_softirq_pending() \    __IRQ_STAT(smp_processor_id(), __softirq_pending)
  • softirq的执行有两个时刻:在退出中断irq_exit()时或者在softirqd线程当中:



root@:/ # ps | grep softirq                                               root      3     2     0      0     smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/0root      12    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/1root      16    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/2root      20    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/3root      24    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/4root      28    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/5root      32    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/6root      36    2     0      0     __kthread_ 0000000000 R ksoftirqd/7


  • 在irq_exit()->__do_softirq()中运行,时间超过2ms。
  • 在irq_exit()->__do_softirq()中运行,轮询软中断超过10次。
  • 在irq_exit()->__do_softirq()中运行,本线程需要被调度。
  • 调用raise_softirq()唤醒软中断时,不在中断环境中。


2.3 tasklet



  • per-cpu变量tasklet_vec/tasklet_hi_vec以链表的形式记录了当前cpu需要处理的tasklet任务:
void __init softirq_init(void){    int cpu;    for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) {        // (1)tasklet_vec为低优先级的tasklet链表        per_cpu(tasklet_vec, cpu).tail =            &per_cpu(tasklet_vec, cpu).head;        // (2)tasklet_hi_vec为高优先级的tasklet链表        per_cpu(tasklet_hi_vec, cpu).tail =            &per_cpu(tasklet_hi_vec, cpu).head;    }}
  • push一个tasklet任务:
static inline void tasklet_schedule(struct tasklet_struct *t){    if (!test_and_set_bit(TASKLET_STATE_SCHED, &t->state))        __tasklet_schedule(t);}| →void __tasklet_schedule(struct tasklet_struct *t){    unsigned long flags;    local_irq_save(flags);    // (1)将新的tasklet插入到本cpu链表尾部    t->next = NULL;    *__this_cpu_read(tasklet_vec.tail) = t;    __this_cpu_write(tasklet_vec.tail, &(t->next));    // (2)raise软中断来处理tasklet    raise_softirq_irqoff(TASKLET_SOFTIRQ);    local_irq_restore(flags);}
  • 处理一个tasklet任务:
static void tasklet_action(struct softirq_action *a){    struct tasklet_struct *list;    local_irq_disable();    // (1)list取出当前链表中所有已有的tasklet    list = __this_cpu_read(tasklet_vec.head);    // (2)tasklet_vec.head和tasklet_vec.tail返回初始化状态,继续接收新的tasklet    __this_cpu_write(tasklet_vec.head, NULL);    __this_cpu_write(tasklet_vec.tail, this_cpu_ptr(&tasklet_vec.head));    local_irq_enable();    // (3)逐个处理取出的list链表中的 tasklet    while (list) {        struct tasklet_struct *t = list;        list = list->next;        // (4)tasklet互斥锁,保证tasklet同时只能在一个cpu上执行        if (tasklet_trylock(t)) {            if (!atomic_read(&t->count)) {                // (6)在tasklet运行前清除TASKLET_STATE_SCHED标志                // 这个时候tasklet可以重新加入新的队列了,但是还不能执行                if (!test_and_clear_bit(TASKLET_STATE_SCHED,                            &t->state))                    BUG();                // (7)执行实际的tasklet处理函数                t->func(t->data);                // (8)释放tasklet锁,其他cpu可以运行这个tasklet了                tasklet_unlock(t);                continue;            }            tasklet_unlock(t);        }        local_irq_disable();        // (5)如果获取tasklet互斥锁失败,先加入到cpu tasklet_vec链表中        // 下次执行        t->next = NULL;        *__this_cpu_read(tasklet_vec.tail) = t;        __this_cpu_write(tasklet_vec.tail, &(t->next));        __raise_softirq_irqoff(TASKLET_SOFTIRQ);        local_irq_enable();    }}


  1. ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A ↩
  2. ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A ↩
  3. ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A ↩
  4. GIC代码分析 ↩
  5. ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A ↩
  6. ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A ↩