services in OS implementations

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝美工要学哪些软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:09

As a structuring principle, we identify three categories of services in OS implementations: hardware services, user services, and application services.

  • Hardware services include the OS kernel and device drivers, which abstract and multiplex hardware, along with file systems and TCP/IP networking stack.
  • User services in the OS include the graphical user interface (GUI) shell and desktop, clipboard, search indexers, etc.
  • Application services in the OS include the API implementation; to an application, these comprise the OS personality. Applications services include frameworks, rendering engines, common UI controls, language runtimes, etc.

The application communicates with application services, which in turn communicate with hardware and user services.

操作系统 = 内核 + 系统程序

  • 编译环境包含汇编、C等低高级语言编译程序,连接程序和装载程序,这些程序将文本格式的程序语言转变为机器能识别和装载的机器代码。
  • 应用程序接口(API)包括内核提供的系统调用接口语言库函数(C、C++、JAVA等等)。系统调用是为了让应用程序使用内核服务,语言库函数是为了方便应用程序开发,所以将一些常用的基础功能预先编译以供食用,比如对C语言来说常用的C库等。
  • 用户接口(AUI)包括shell、系统服务程序(如X服务器等)和常用的应用程序(浏览器、字处理、编辑器)。


