hadoop3.0.0 源码阅读之一:IPC Client部分

来源:互联网 发布:java微信昵称特殊字符 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 14:24



1.1 RPC的基础概念

RPC,即Remote Procdure Call,中文名:远程过程调用





1.2 RPC的显著特点


  (2)高性能:RPC Server能够并发处理多个来自Client的请求;

  (3)可控性:jdk中已经提供了一个RPC框架RMI,但是该PRC框架过于重量级并且可控之处比较少,所以Hadoop RPC实现了自定义的PRC框架。






1.4 Hadoop中的RPC机制(IPC)

同其他RPC框架一样,Hadoop RPC分为四个部分:


  (2)函数调用层:Hadoop RPC通过动态代理以及java反射实现函数调用;

  (3)网络传输层:Hadoop RPC采用了基于TCP/IPsocket机制;

  (4)服务器端框架层:RPC Server利用java NIO以及采用了事件驱动的I/O模型,提高RPC Server的并发处理能力;

1.5 Hadoop RPC设计技术






RPC是在分布式系统中必须要关注的,就是你在某一台机器要调用其他机器上的函数的时候,就可以用RPC,使得这个函数调用就像调用本地函数一样,你不需要担心底层如何实现的,就跟TCP一样, 上层调用无需关注下层实现。

Client的大致流程全在下面的代码中,你需要有的基础知识(1)动态代理 (2)JAVA NIO 。  


/*  需要的知识:1动态代理 2.JAVA NIO*//*  客户端所有的方法调用都重定向到了Invoker.invoke()方法中,  所以分析IPC的连接建立与方法调用就从Invoker类开始。  所有的ipc代理最后都会调用这个invoke()方法  @proxy  需要被代理的协议  @method 需要被ipc的方法  @args   参数*/// ProtobufRpcEngine.invoke()public Object invoke(Object proxy, final Method method, Object[] args)throws ServiceException {      long startTime = 0;      if (args.length != 2) { // RpcController + Message        throw new ServiceException("Too many parameters for request. Method: ["            + method.getName() + "]" + ", Expected: 2, Actual: "            + args.length);      }      if (args[1] == null) {        throw new ServiceException("null param while calling Method: ["            + method.getName() + "]");      }      // if Tracing is on then start a new span for this rpc.      // guard it in the if statement to make sure there isn't      // any extra string manipulation.      Tracer tracer = Tracer.curThreadTracer();      TraceScope traceScope = null;      if (tracer != null) {        traceScope = tracer.newScope(RpcClientUtil.methodToTraceString(method));      }      //IPC产生消息发送头,包括函数名,Protocol      RequestHeaderProto rpcRequestHeader = constructRpcRequestHeader(method);      //参数列表      Message theRequest = (Message) args[1];      //ipc调用的返回值      final RpcResponseWrapper val;      try {        /*        * 发送rpc请求,等待返回结果        * */        val = (RpcResponseWrapper) client.call(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER,            new RpcRequestWrapper(rpcRequestHeader, theRequest), remoteId,            fallbackToSimpleAuth);      } finally {        if (traceScope != null) traceScope.close();      }            if (Client.isAsynchronousMode()) {        final AsyncGet<RpcResponseWrapper, IOException> arr            = Client.getAsyncRpcResponse();        final AsyncGet<Message, Exception> asyncGet            = new AsyncGet<Message, Exception>() {          @Override          public Message get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception {            return getReturnMessage(method, arr.get(timeout, unit));          }          @Override          public boolean isDone() {            return arr.isDone();          }        };        ASYNC_RETURN_MESSAGE.set(asyncGet);        return null;      } else {        return getReturnMessage(method, val);      }} /**    * Make a call, passing <code>rpcRequest</code>, to the IPC server defined by   * <code>remoteId</code>, returning the rpc respond.   *   * @param rpcKind   * @param rpcRequest -  contains serialized method and method parameters   * @param remoteId - the target rpc server   * @param fallbackToSimpleAuth - set to true or false during this method to   *   indicate if a secure client falls back to simple auth   * @returns the rpc response   * Throws exceptions if there are network problems or if the remote code   * threw an exception.   */// Client.call()public Writable call(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind, Writable rpcRequest,      ConnectionId remoteId, AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth)      throws IOException {    return call(rpcKind, rpcRequest, remoteId, RPC.RPC_SERVICE_CLASS_DEFAULT,      fallbackToSimpleAuth);}/**   * Make a call, passing <code>rpcRequest</code>, to the IPC server defined by   * <code>remoteId</code>, returning the rpc response.   *   * @param rpcKind   * @param rpcRequest -  contains serialized method and method parameters   * @param remoteId - the target rpc server   * @param serviceClass - service class for RPC   * @param fallbackToSimpleAuth - set to true or false during this method to   *   indicate if a secure client falls back to simple auth   * @returns the rpc response   * Throws exceptions if there are network problems or if the remote code   * threw an exception.   */  /*  * 产生一个 call,传递rcpRequest到由remoteId指定的IPC server,并且返回一个 rpc response  *  * */// Client.call()Writable call(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind, Writable rpcRequest,ConnectionId remoteId, int serviceClass,AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth) throws IOException {    //产生一个回调实例    final Call call = createCall(rpcKind, rpcRequest);    //获得连接,里面包含握手,握手发送了一些基本消息    final Connection connection = getConnection(remoteId, call, serviceClass,        fallbackToSimpleAuth);    try {      checkAsyncCall();      try {        connection.sendRpcRequest(call);                 // send the rpc request      }     }     if (isAsynchronousMode()) {      final AsyncGet<Writable, IOException> asyncGet          = new AsyncGet<Writable, IOException>() {        @Override        public Writable get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)            throws IOException, TimeoutException{          boolean done = true;          try {            final Writable w = getRpcResponse(call, connection, timeout, unit);            if (w == null) {              done = false;              throw new TimeoutException(call + " timed out "                  + timeout + " " + unit);            }            return w;          } finally {            if (done) {              releaseAsyncCall();            }          }        }        @Override        public boolean isDone() {          synchronized (call) {            return call.done;          }        }      };      ASYNC_RPC_RESPONSE.set(asyncGet);      return null;    } else {      //返回rpc response      return getRpcResponse(call, connection, -1, null);    }}/** Get a connection from the pool, or create a new one and add it to the   * pool.  Connections to a given ConnectionId are reused. */// Client.Connetcion.getConnection()private Connection getConnection(ConnectionId remoteId,Call call, int serviceClass, AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth)throws IOException {    Connection connection;    /* we could avoid this allocation for each RPC by having a       * connectionsId object and with set() method. We need to manage the     * refs for keys in HashMap properly. For now its ok.     */    while (true) {      // These lines below can be shorten with computeIfAbsent in Java8      connection = connections.get(remoteId);      if (connection == null) {        // 初始化connection信息        connection = new Connection(remoteId, serviceClass);        //  putIfAbsent        /**         * If the specified key is not already associated         * with a value, associate it with the given value.         * This is equivalent to         * <pre>         *   if (!map.containsKey(key))         *       return map.put(key, value);         *   else         *       return map.get(key);</pre>         * except that the action is performed atomically.         * .....         */        //放入队列中,线程安全的放入        Connection existing = connections.putIfAbsent(remoteId, connection);        if (existing != null) {          connection = existing;        }      }      // 在该connection中加入一个call,线程安全的加      if (connection.addCall(call)) {        break;      } else {        // This connection is closed, should be removed. But other thread could        // have already known this closedConnection, and replace it with a new        // connection. So we should call conditional remove to make sure we only        // remove this closedConnection.        connections.remove(remoteId, connection);      }    }    // If the server happens to be slow, the method below will take longer to    // establish a connection.    //设置连接IO流    connection.setupIOstreams(fallbackToSimpleAuth);    return connection;}/**     * Add a call to this connection's call queue and notify     * a listener; synchronized.     * Returns false if called during shutdown.     * @param call to add     * @return true if the call was added.     *//*    往这个连接中加入一个call, 并且唤醒Connection run线程的等待    *///Client.Connection.addCall()private synchronized boolean addCall(Call call) {      if (shouldCloseConnection.get())        return false;      //加入calls发送队列汇总      calls.put(call.id, call);      //唤醒线程      notify();      return true;}/** Connect to the server and set up the I/O streams. It then sends     * a header to the server and starts     * the connection thread that waits for responses.     */    /*    * 建立这个socket 的IO 流    * *///Client.Connection.setupIOstreams()private synchronized void setupIOstreams(AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth) {      try {        Span span = Tracer.getCurrentSpan();        if (span != null) {          span.addTimelineAnnotation("IPC client connecting to " + server);        }        short numRetries = 0;        Random rand = null;        while (true) {          // 建立socket连接          setupConnection();          //获得这个socket连接的输入流          InputStream inStream = NetUtils.getInputStream(socket);          //获得输出流          OutputStream outStream = NetUtils.getOutputStream(socket);          // 写 rpc 请求头          /**           * Write the connection header - this is sent when connection is established           * +----------------------------------+           * |  "hrpc" 4 bytes                  |           * +----------------------------------+           * |  Version (1 byte)                |           * +----------------------------------+           * |  Service Class (1 byte)          |           * +----------------------------------+           * |  AuthProtocol (1 byte)           |           * +----------------------------------+           */          //第一次写,写header          writeConnectionHeader(outStream);          /*               private void writeConnectionHeader(OutputStream outStream)                  throws IOException {                DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(outStream));                // Write out the header, version and authentication method                // “hrpc”                out.write(RpcConstants.HEADER.array());                //version="9"                out.write(RpcConstants.CURRENT_VERSION);                out.write(serviceClass);                out.write(authProtocol.callId);                out.flush();              }          */          // 都是以 Ping请求发送的                if (doPing) {            inStream = new PingInputStream(inStream);          }          this.in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(inStream));          // SASL may have already buffered the stream          if (!(outStream instanceof BufferedOutputStream)) {            outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(outStream);          }          this.out = new DataOutputStream(outStream);          //将connectionHeader发送到服务端口          // 第二次写          writeConnectionContext(remoteId, authMethod);          // update last activity time          touch();          span = Tracer.getCurrentSpan();          if (span != null) {            span.addTimelineAnnotation("IPC client connected to " + server);          }          // start the receiver thread after the socket connection has been set          // up          //开启 connection线程,如果calls队列中有call,就会去接受消息          start();          return;        }      } }/*  发送rpc 请求  第三次写*/// Client.Connection.sendRpcRequest() public void sendRpcRequest(final Call call)        throws InterruptedException, IOException {      if (shouldCloseConnection.get()) {        return;      }      // Serialize the call to be sent. This is done from the actual      // caller thread, rather than the sendParamsExecutor thread,            // so that if the serialization throws an error, it is reported      // properly. This also parallelizes the serialization.      //      // Format of a call on the wire:      // 0) Length of rest below (1 + 2)      // 1) RpcRequestHeader  - is serialized Delimited hence contains length      // 2) RpcRequest      //      // Items '1' and '2' are prepared here.       final DataOutputBuffer d = new DataOutputBuffer();      /*      * call.rpcKind  rpc引擎      *      * */      RpcRequestHeaderaderProto header = ProtoUtil.makeRpcRequestHeader(          call.rpcKind, OperationProto.RPC_FINAL_PACKET, call.id, call.retry,          clientId);      header.writeDelimitedTo(d);      call.rpcRequest.write(d);      // 同步锁 sendRpcRequestLock        synchronized (sendRpcRequestLock) {        //为了后续的数据发送        Future<?> senderFuture = sendParamsExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {          // 发送具体回调函数给server端          @Override          public void run() {            try {              synchronized (Connection.this.out) {                if (shouldCloseConnection.get()) {                  return;                }                                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())                  LOG.debug(getName() + " sending #" + call.id);                // 获取数据长度                byte[] data = d.getData();                int totalLength = d.getLength();                out.writeInt(totalLength); // Total Length                out.write(data, 0, totalLength);// RpcRequestHeader + RpcRequest                out.flush();              }            } catch (IOException e) {              // exception at this point would leave the connection in an              // unrecoverable state (eg half a call left on the wire).              // So, close the connection, killing any outstanding calls              markClosed(e);            } finally {              //the buffer is just an in-memory buffer, but it is still polite to              // close early              IOUtils.closeStream(d);            }          }        });              try {          senderFuture.get();        }       }}//Client.Connection.run()public void run() {      try {        // 等待receive的工作        while (waitForWork()) {//wait here for work - read or close connection          receiveRpcResponse();        }      }       close();}private void receiveRpcResponse() {      if (shouldCloseConnection.get()) {        return;      }      //修改最后一次活动时间      touch();            try {        //读取数据头        int totalLen = in.readInt();        /**         * Protobuf type {@code hadoop.common.RpcResponseHeaderProto}         *         * <pre>         **         * Rpc Response Header         * +------------------------------------------------------------------+         * | Rpc total response length in bytes (4 bytes int)                 |         * |  (sum of next two parts)                                         |         * +------------------------------------------------------------------+         * | RpcResponseHeaderProto - serialized delimited ie has len         |         * +------------------------------------------------------------------+         * | if request is successful:                                        |         * |   - RpcResponse -  The actual rpc response  bytes follow         |         * |     the response header                                          |         * |     This response is serialized based on RpcKindProto            |         * | if request fails :                                               |         * |   The rpc response header contains the necessary info            |         * +------------------------------------------------------------------+         *         * Note that rpc response header is also used when connection setup fails.         * Ie the response looks like a rpc response with a fake callId.         * </pre>         */        RpcResponseHeaderProto header =            RpcResponseHeaderProto.parseDelimitedFrom(in);        checkResponse(header);        int headerLen = header.getSerializedSize();        headerLen += CodedOutputStream.computeRawVarint32Size(headerLen);        //获取callid号        int callId = header.getCallId();        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())          LOG.debug(getName() + " got value #" + callId);        //Rpc 回复的状态        RpcStatusProto status = header.getStatus();        //判断返回的rpc response 状态        if (status == RpcStatusProto.SUCCESS) {          Writable value = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(valueClass, conf);          value.readFields(in);                 // read value          // 移除这个callid          final Call call = calls.remove(callId);          // 设置返回值          call.setRpcResponse(value);                    // verify that length was correct          // only for ProtobufEngine where len can be verified easily          if (call.getRpcResponse() instanceof ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcWrapper) {            ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcWrapper resWrapper =                 (ProtobufRpcEngine.RpcWrapper) call.getRpcResponse();            if (totalLen != headerLen + resWrapper.getLength()) {               throw new RpcClientException(                  "RPC response length mismatch on rpc success");            }          }        } else { // Rpc Request failed          // Verify that length was correct          if (totalLen != headerLen) {            throw new RpcClientException(                "RPC response length mismatch on rpc error");          }                    final String exceptionClassName = header.hasExceptionClassName() ?                header.getExceptionClassName() :                   "ServerDidNotSetExceptionClassName";          final String errorMsg = header.hasErrorMsg() ?                 header.getErrorMsg() : "ServerDidNotSetErrorMsg" ;          final RpcErrorCodeProto erCode =                     (header.hasErrorDetail() ? header.getErrorDetail() : null);          if (erCode == null) {             LOG.warn("Detailed error code not set by server on rpc error");          }          RemoteException re = new RemoteException(exceptionClassName, errorMsg, erCode);          if (status == RpcStatusProto.ERROR) {            final Call call = calls.remove(callId);            call.setException(re);          } else if (status == RpcStatusProto.FATAL) {            // Close the connection            markClosed(re);          }        }      } catch (IOException e) {        markClosed(e);      }}