# Software-eng lab 4

来源:互联网 发布:乌鲁木齐 中亚 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 15:14

Riderppp 《软件工程(C编码实践篇)》MOOC课程作业






/* *  linklist.h *  主要是数据节点结构的定义以及寻找命令和显示全部命令的函数声明 *  by Riderppp from USTC */#ifndef _LINK_LIST_H_#define _LINK_LIST_H_#include "linktable.h" typedef struct DataNode{    tLinkTableNode *pNext;    char*    cmd;    char*    desc;    int      (*handler)();} tDataNode;tDataNode * FindCmd(tLinkTable *head, char *cmd);int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable *head);#endif 
/* *  linklist.c *  FindCmd函数和ShowAllCmd函数的定义 *  by Riderppp from USTC */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "linklist.h"tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char* cmd){     if (head == NULL || cmd == NULL)     {          return NULL;     }     tDataNode *pNode = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);     while (pNode != NULL)     {          if (strcmp(p->cmd, cmd) == 0)          {               return pNode;          }          p = (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);      }      return NULL;} int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable * head){     printf("Menu List:\n");     tDataNode *pNode = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);     while (pNode != NULL)     {          printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);      pNode = (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     }     return 0;}
/* *  linktable.h *  这个文件主要是链表基本函数的声明 *  by Riderppp from USTC */#ifndef _LINK_TABLE_H_#define _LINK_TABLE_H_#define SUCCESS 0#define FAILURE (-1)#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct LinkTableNode{     struct LinkTableNode *pNext;}tLinkTableNode;typedef struct LinkTable{     tLinkTableNode *pHead;     tLinkTableNode *pTail;     int         SumOfNode;}tLinkTable;tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable();int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);tLinkTableNode * GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);#endif 
/* *  linktable.c *  链表基本操作函数的定义 *  by Riderppp from USTC */#include "linktable.h"tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable(){     tLinkTable *pTable = (tLinkTable*)malloc(sizeof(tLinkTable));     if(pTable == NULL){          return NULL;     }     pTable->pHead = NULL;     pTable->pTail = NULL;     pTable->SumOfNode = 0;     return pTable;}int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode){     if (pLinkTable == NULL)      {          printf("The table is empty and cannot add this node!\n");         exit(0);      }     if (pNode == NULL)     {          printf("The node is empty and cannot add this node!\n");         return 0;     }     if (pLinkTable->pHead == NULL)     {          pLinkTable->pHead = pNode;         pLinkTable->SumOfNode = 1;     }     if (pLinktable -> pTail == NULL){          pLinkTable -> pTail = pNode;     }     else     {          pLinkTable->pTail->pNext = pNode;         pLinkTable->pTail = pLinkTable -> pTail -> pNext;     }     pLinkTable->SumOfNode++;      return 0;}tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable){     if (pLinkTable == NULL || pLinkTable -> pHead == NULL)      {          return NULL;      }     return pLinkTable->pHead;}tLinkTableNode * GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode){     if (pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL)      {          return NULL;     }     tLinkTableNode * p = pLinkTable -> pHead;     while(p != NULL){          if(p == pNode)               return p -> pNext;          p = p -> pNext;     }     return NULL;}
/* *  menu.c *  主函数,初始化功能界面以及调用命令函数 *  by Riderppp from USTC */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "linklist.h"#include "linktable.h"int Help();int Quit();#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128#define DESC_LEN    1024#define CMD_NUM     10typedef struct DataNode{    tLinkTableNode * pNext;    char * cmd;    char * desc;}DataNode;int InitMenuData(tLinkTable ** ppLinkTable){     //四个功能     *ppLinkTable = CreateLinkTable();     tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));     pNode->cmd = "help";     pNode->desc = "Menu List:";     pNode->handler = Help;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     pNode = (tDataNode*)(tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));     pNode->cmd = "version";     pNode->desc = "Menu Program V2.5";     pNode->handler = NULL;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));     pNode->cmd = "quit";     pNode->desc = "Bye~";     pNode->handler = Quit;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));     pNode->cmd = "hello";     pNode->desc = "hello :)";     pNode->handler = NULL;     AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     return 0; }tLinkTable * head = NULL;int main (){    InitMenuData(&head);    while (1)    {     char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];     printf("Input a cmd number > ");     scanf("%s", cmd);     tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);         if (p == NULL)     {          printf("This is a wrong cmd!\n");          continue;     }     printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);         if (p->handler != NULL)     {          p->handler();     }    }}int Help(){     ShowAllCmd(head);     return 0;}int Quit(){    exit(0);    return 0;}






编译时报错undefined reference,百度了一下发现是链接时候的顺序不对,调整一下就好了

ref: undefined reference to错误的解决方法
