cs224d 作业 problem set2 (二) TensorFlow 实现命名实体识别

来源:互联网 发布:apm调参软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:19

所有的这些包括之前的两篇都可以通过tensorflow 模型的托管部署到 google cloud 上面,发布成restful接口,从而与任何的ERP,CRM系统集成、



理论上来讲像啥 运输问题,规划问题,极值问题。都可以通过tensorflow来进行解决,最主要的是能成功地与其他系统进行结合


练习反向传播算法和训练深度神经网络,通过它们来实现命名实体识别 (人名,地名,机构名,专有名词)







下面初始化各变量的值(Random initialize)然后求损失函数对各个需要更新变量的导数(梯度)









(5)然后应用梯度下降方法,  新变量值=初始值+步长*梯度值  来更新每一个变量的值






'''Created on 2017年9月22日@author: weizhen'''import osimport getpassimport sysimport timeimport structimport numpy as npimport tensorflow as tffrom q2_initialization import xavier_weight_initimport data_utils.utils as duimport data_utils.ner as nerfrom utils import data_iteratorfrom model import LanguageModelclass Config(object):    """                    配置模型的超参数和数据信息             这个配置类是用来存储超参数和数据信息,模型对象被传进Config() 实例对象在初始化的时候    """    embed_size = 50    batch_size = 64    label_size = 5    hidden_size = 100    max_epochs = 50    early_stopping = 2    dropout = 0.9    lr = 0.001    l2 = 0.001    window_size = 3class NERModel(LanguageModel):    """    Implements a NER (Named Entity Recognition) model.          实现命名实体识别的模型          这个类实现了一个深度的神经网络用来进行命名实体识别        它继承自LanguageModel 一个有着add_embedding 方法,除了标准的模型方法    """    def load_data(self, debug=False):        """                    加载开始的word-vectors 并且开始训练 train/dev/test data        """        # Load the starter word vectors        self.wv, word_to_num, num_to_word = ner.load_wv('data/ner/vocab.txt', 'data/ner/wordVectors.txt')        tagnames = ['O', 'LOC', 'MISC', 'ORG', 'PER']        self.num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))        tag_to_num = {v:k for k, v in self.num_to_tag.items()}                # Load the training set        docs = du.load_dataset("data/ner/train")        self.X_train, self.y_train = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num, wsize=self.config.window_size)        if debug:            self.X_train = self.X_train[:1024]            self.y_train = self.y_train[:1024]                # Load the dev set (for tuning hyperparameters)        docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/dev')        self.X_dev, self.y_dev = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num, wsize=self.config.window_size)        if debug:            self.X_dev = self.X_dev[:1024]            self.y_dev = self.y_dev[:1024]                # Load the test set (dummy labels only)        docs = du.load_dataset("data/ner/test.masked")        self.X_test, self.y_test = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num, wsize=self.config.window_size)            def add_placeholders(self):        """                    生成placeholder 变量去接收输入的 tensors                    这些placeholder 被用作输入在模型的其他地方调用,并且会在训练的时候被填充数据                    当"None"在placeholder的大小当中的时候 ,是非常灵活的                    在计算图中填充如下节点:                    input_placeholder: tensor(None,window_size) . type:tf.int32                    labels_placeholder: tensor(None,label_size) . type:tf.float32                    dropout_placeholder: Dropout value placeholder (scalar), type: tf.float32                    把这些placeholders 添加到 类对象自己作为    常量        """        self.input_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, self.config.window_size], name='Input')        self.labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.config.label_size], name='Target')        self.dropout_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='Dropout')        def create_feed_dict(self, input_batch, dropout, label_batch=None):        """                    为softmax分类器创建一个feed字典                    feed_dict={                        <placeholder>:<tensor of values to be passed for placeholder>,                    }                                        Hint:The keys for the feed_dict should be a subset of the placeholder                         tensors created in add_placeholders.                    Hint:When label_batch is None,don't add a labels entry to the feed_dict                                        Args:                        input_batch:A batch of input data                        label_batch:A batch of label data                    Returns:                        feed_dict: The feed dictionary mapping from placeholders to values.        """        feed_dict = {                self.input_placeholder:input_batch,            }        if label_batch is not None:            feed_dict[self.labels_placeholder] = label_batch        if dropout is not None:            feed_dict[self.dropout_placeholder] = dropout        return feed_dict        def add_embedding(self):        # The embedding lookup is currently only implemented for the CPU        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):            embedding = tf.get_variable('Embedding', [len(self.wv), self.config.embed_size])            window = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.input_placeholder)            window = tf.reshape(                window, [-1, self.config.window_size * self.config.embed_size])            # ## END YOUR CODE            return window        def add_model(self, window):        """Adds the 1-hidden-layer NN        Hint:使用一个variable_scope ("layer") 对于第一个隐藏层                                另一个("Softmax")用于线性变换在最后一个softmax层之前                                确保使用xavier_weight_init 方法,你之前定义好的        Hint:确保添加了正则化和dropout在这个网络中                                正则化应该被添加到损失函数上,             dropout应该被添加到每一个变量的梯度上面        Hint:可以考虑使用tensorflow Graph 集合 例如(total_loss)来收集正则化                                 和损失项,你之后会在损失函数中添加的        Hint:这里会需要创建不同维度的变量,如下所示:            W:(window_size*embed_size,hidden_size)            b1:(hidden_size,)            U:(hidden_size,label_size)            b2:(label_size)        Args:            window: tf.Tensor of shape(-1,window_size*embed_size)        Returns:            output: tf.Tensor of shape(batch_size,label_size)        """        with tf.variable_scope('layer1', initializer=xavier_weight_init()) as scope:            W = tf.get_variable('w', [self.config.window_size * self.config.embed_size, self.config.hidden_size])            b1 = tf.get_variable('b1', [self.config.hidden_size])            h = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(window, W) + b1)            if self.config.l2:                tf.add_to_collection('total_loss', 0.5 * self.config.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(W))                with tf.variable_scope('layer2', initializer=xavier_weight_init()) as scope:            U = tf.get_variable('U', [self.config.hidden_size, self.config.label_size])            b2 = tf.get_variable('b2', [self.config.label_size])            y = tf.matmul(h, U) + b2            if self.config.l2:                tf.add_to_collection('total_loss', 0.5 * self.config.l2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(U))        output = tf.nn.dropout(y, self.dropout_placeholder)        return output        def add_loss_op(self, y):        """将交叉熵损失添加到计算图上        Hint:你或许可以使用tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits 方法来简化你的                                实现,                                或许可以使用tf.reduce_mean                                参数:               pred:A tensor shape:(batch_size,n_classes)                                返回值:                loss:A 0-d tensor (数值类型)        """        cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y, labels=self.labels_placeholder))        tf.add_to_collection('total_loss', cross_entropy)        loss = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('total_loss'))        return loss    def add_training_op(self, loss):        """设置训练目标                            创建一个优化器并且将梯度下降应用到所有变量的更新上面           Hint:对于这个模型使用tf.train.AdamOptimizer优化方法                                       调用optimizer.minimize()会返回一个train_op的对象            Args:                loss:Loss tensor,from cross entropy_loss            Returns:                train_op:The Op for training        """        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.config.lr)        global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)        train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)        return train_op        def __init__(self, config):        """使用上面定义好的函数来构造神经网络"""        self.config = config        self.load_data(debug=False)        self.add_placeholders()        window = self.add_embedding()        y = self.add_model(window)                self.loss = self.add_loss_op(y)        self.predictions = tf.nn.softmax(y)        one_hot_prediction = tf.arg_max(self.predictions, 1)        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.arg_max(self.labels_placeholder, 1), one_hot_prediction)        self.correct_predictions = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(correct_prediction, 'int32'))        self.train_op = self.add_training_op(self.loss)        def run_epoch(self, session, input_data, input_labels, shuffle=True, verbose=True):        orig_X, orig_y = input_data, input_labels        dp = self.config.dropout        # We 're interested in keeping track of the loss and accuracy during training         total_loss = []        total_correct_examples = 0        total_processed_examples = 0        total_steps = len(orig_X) / self.config.batch_size        for step, (x, y) in enumerate(data_iterator(orig_X, orig_y, batch_size=self.config.batch_size, label_size=self.config.label_size, shuffle=shuffle)):            feed = self.create_feed_dict(input_batch=x, dropout=dp, label_batch=y)            loss, total_correct, _ = session.run(                [self.loss, self.correct_predictions, self.train_op],                feed_dict=feed)            total_processed_examples += len(x)            total_correct_examples += total_correct            total_loss.append(loss)                        if verbose and step % verbose == 0:                sys.stdout.write('\r{}/{} : loss = {}'.format(step, total_steps, np.mean(total_loss)))            if verbose:                sys.stdout.write('\r')                sys.stdout.flush()            return np.mean(total_loss), total_correct_examples / float(total_processed_examples)        def predict(self, session, X, y=None):        """从提供的模型中进行预测"""        # 如果y已经给定,loss也已经计算出来了        # 我们对dropout求导数通过把他设置为1        dp = 1        losses = []        results = []        if np.any(y):            data = data_iterator(X, y, batch_size=self.config.batch_size,                                label_size=self.config.label_size, shuffle=False)        else:            data = data_iterator(X, batch_size=self.config.batch_size,                                 label_size=self.config.label_size, shuffle=False)        for step, (x, y) in enumerate(data):            feed = self.create_feed_dict(input_batch=x, dropout=dp)            if np.any(y):                feed[self.labels_placeholder] = y                loss, preds = session.run([self.loss, self.predictions], feed_dict=feed)                losses.append(loss)            else:                preds = session.run(self.predictions, feed_dict=feed)            predicted_indices = preds.argmax(axis=1)            results.extend(predicted_indices)        return np.mean(losses), results            def print_confusion(confusion, num_to_tag):    """Helper method that prints confusion matrix"""    # Summing top to bottom gets the total number of tags guessed as T    total_guessed_tags = confusion.sum(axis=0)    # Summing left to right gets the total number of true tags    total_true_tags = confusion.sum(axis=1)    print("")    print(confusion)    for i, tag in sorted(num_to_tag.items()):        print(i, "-----", tag)        prec = confusion[i, i] / float(total_guessed_tags[i])        recall = confusion[i, i] / float(total_true_tags[i])        print("Tag: {} - P {:2.4f} / R {:2.4f}".format(tag, prec, recall))    def calculate_confusion(config, predicted_indices, y_indices):    """帮助方法计算混淆矩阵"""    confusion = np.zeros((config.label_size, config.label_size), dtype=np.int32)    for i in range(len(y_indices)):        correct_label = y_indices[i]        guessed_label = predicted_indices[i]        confusion[correct_label, guessed_label] += 1    return confusiondef save_predictions(predictions, filename):    """保存predictions 到 提供的文件中"""    with open(filename, "w") as f:        for prediction in predictions:            f.write(str(prediction) + "\n")def test_NER():    """测试NER模型的实现            你可以使用这个函数来测试你实现了的命名实体识别的神经网络            当调试的时候,设置最大的max_epochs 在 Config 对象里边为1            这样便可以快速地进行迭代    """    config = Config()    with tf.Graph().as_default():        model = NERModel(config)                init = tf.initialize_all_variables()        saver = tf.train.Saver()                with tf.Session() as session:            best_val_loss = float('inf')            best_val_epoch = 0                        session.run(init)            for epoch in range(config.max_epochs):                print('Epoch {}'.format(epoch))                start = time.time()                # ##                train_loss, train_acc = model.run_epoch(session, model.X_train, model.y_train)                val_loss, predictions = model.predict(session, model.X_dev, model.y_dev)                print('Training loss : {}'.format(train_loss))                print('Training acc : {}'.format(train_acc))                print('Validation loss : {}'.format(val_loss))                if val_loss < best_val_loss:                    best_val_loss = val_loss                    best_val_epoch = epoch                    if not os.path.exists("./weights"):                        os.makedirs("./weights")                    saver.save(session, './weights/ner.weights')                if epoch - best_val_epoch > config.early_stopping:                    break                confusion = calculate_confusion(config, predictions, model.y_dev)                print_confusion(confusion, model.num_to_tag)                print('Total time: {}'.format(time.time() - start))            #saver.restore(session, './weights/ner.weights')            #print('Test')            #print('=-=-=')            #print('Writing predictions t o q2_test.predicted')            #_, predictions = model.predict(session, model.X_test, model.y_test)            #save_predictions(predictions, "q2_test.predicted")if __name__ == "__main__":    test_NER()        






WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\weizhen\Documents\GitHub\TflinearClassifier\q2_NER.py:291: initialize_all_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed after 2017-03-02.Instructions for updating:Use `tf.global_variables_initializer` instead.2017-10-02 16:31:40.821644: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.822256: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE2 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.822842: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE3 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.823263: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.823697: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.2 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.824035: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use AVX instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.824464: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use AVX2 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:40.824850: W c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\platform\cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use FMA instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.2017-10-02 16:31:42.184267: I c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\gpu\gpu_device.cc:887] Found device 0 with properties: name: GeForce 940MXmajor: 5 minor: 0 memoryClockRate (GHz) 1.189pciBusID 0000:01:00.0Total memory: 2.00GiBFree memory: 1.66GiB2017-10-02 16:31:42.184794: I c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\gpu\gpu_device.cc:908] DMA: 0 2017-10-02 16:31:42.185018: I c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\gpu\gpu_device.cc:918] 0:   Y 2017-10-02 16:31:42.185582: I c:\tf_jenkins\home\workspace\release-win\device\gpu\os\windows\tensorflow\core\common_runtime\gpu\gpu_device.cc:977] Creating TensorFlow device (/gpu:0) -> (device: 0, name: GeForce 940MX, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0)Epoch 00/3181.578125 : loss = 1.6745071411132812Training loss : 1.6745071411132812Training acc : 0.046875Validation loss : 1.6497892141342163[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     0     0  1268] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OC:\Users\weizhen\Documents\GitHub\TflinearClassifier\q2_NER.py:262: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide  prec = confusion[i, i] / float(total_guessed_tags[i])Tag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 3.293267250061035Epoch 10/3181.578125 : loss = 1.6299598217010498Training loss : 1.6299598217010498Training acc : 0.0625Validation loss : 1.6258254051208496[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     0     0  1268] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 3.019239664077759Epoch 20/3181.578125 : loss = 1.6292331218719482Training loss : 1.6292331218719482Training acc : 0.078125Validation loss : 1.6021082401275635[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     0     0  1268] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 2.9794013500213623Epoch 30/3181.578125 : loss = 1.6349217891693115Training loss : 1.6349217891693115Training acc : 0.015625Validation loss : 1.5785211324691772[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     0     0  1268] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 2.4377009868621826Epoch 40/3181.578125 : loss = 1.5779037475585938Training loss : 1.5779037475585938Training acc : 0.09375Validation loss : 1.5549894571304321[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     0     0  1268] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 2.4941294193267822Epoch 50/3181.578125 : loss = 1.5726330280303955Training loss : 1.5726330280303955Training acc : 0.078125Validation loss : 1.5313135385513306[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     1     0  1267] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 1.0000 / R 0.00083 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 2.4369616508483887Epoch 60/3181.578125 : loss = 1.530135989189148Training loss : 1.530135989189148Training acc : 0.046875Validation loss : 1.5071308612823486[[    0     0     0     0 42759] [    0     0     0     0  2094] [    0     0     6     0  1262] [    0     0     0     0  2092] [    0     0     0     0  3149]]0 ----- OTag: O - P nan / R 0.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 1.0000 / R 0.00473 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0613 / R 1.0000Total time: 2.4289004802703857Epoch 70/3181.578125 : loss = 1.4907350540161133Training loss : 1.4907350540161133Training acc : 0.0625Validation loss : 1.482757806777954[[  789     0     0     0 41970] [   19     0     0     0  2075] [    1     0     7     0  1260] [   45     0     1     0  2046] [   48     0     0     0  3101]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8747 / R 0.01851 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 0.8750 / R 0.00553 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0615 / R 0.9848Total time: 3.0616846084594727Epoch 80/3181.578125 : loss = 1.474185824394226Training loss : 1.474185824394226Training acc : 0.046875Validation loss : 1.4580132961273193[[ 7684     0     0     0 35075] [  364     0     0     0  1730] [   51     0    11     0  1206] [  445     0     1     0  1646] [  500     0     0     0  2649]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8496 / R 0.17971 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 0.9167 / R 0.00873 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0626 / R 0.8412Total time: 2.969224214553833Epoch 90/3181.578125 : loss = 1.498674988746643Training loss : 1.498674988746643Training acc : 0.28125Validation loss : 1.4329923391342163[[20553     0     1     0 22205] [ 1273     0     0     0   821] [  364     0     7     0   897] [  980     0     2     0  1110] [ 1426     0     0     0  1723]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8356 / R 0.48071 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 0.7000 / R 0.00553 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0644 / R 0.5472Total time: 2.5193586349487305Epoch 100/3181.578125 : loss = 1.4385690689086914Training loss : 1.4385690689086914Training acc : 0.421875Validation loss : 1.4074962139129639[[34564     0     4     0  8191] [ 1764     0     0     0   330] [  767     0     7     0   494] [ 1594     0     2     0   496] [ 2355     0     0     0   794]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8421 / R 0.80831 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 0.5385 / R 0.00553 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.0770 / R 0.2521Total time: 2.3797054290771484Epoch 110/3181.578125 : loss = 1.4594019651412964Training loss : 1.4594019651412964Training acc : 0.546875Validation loss : 1.3817591667175293[[40966     0     2     0  1791] [ 1976     0     0     0   118] [ 1088     0     4     0   176] [ 1900     0     0     0   192] [ 2814     0     0     0   335]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8404 / R 0.95811 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P 0.6667 / R 0.00323 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.1283 / R 0.1064Total time: 2.4073784351348877Epoch 120/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3720815181732178Training loss : 1.3720815181732178Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 1.3555692434310913[[42709     0     0     0    50] [ 2085     0     0     0     9] [ 1266     0     0     0     2] [ 2086     0     0     0     6] [ 3115     0     0     0    34]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8332 / R 0.99881 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P 0.3366 / R 0.0108Total time: 2.4379138946533203Epoch 130/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3634321689605713Training loss : 1.3634321689605713Training acc : 0.828125Validation loss : 1.328884482383728[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.8378336429595947Epoch 140/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3688112497329712Training loss : 1.3688112497329712Training acc : 0.75Validation loss : 1.302013635635376[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.7120652198791504Epoch 150/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3235018253326416Training loss : 1.3235018253326416Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 1.2748615741729736[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6104214191436768Epoch 160/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3185033798217773Training loss : 1.3185033798217773Training acc : 0.765625Validation loss : 1.2475427389144897[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.3700265884399414Epoch 170/3181.578125 : loss = 1.3193732500076294Training loss : 1.3193732500076294Training acc : 0.703125Validation loss : 1.2201541662216187[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.439958095550537Epoch 180/3181.578125 : loss = 1.2185351848602295Training loss : 1.2185351848602295Training acc : 0.75Validation loss : 1.1924999952316284[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.8921308517456055Epoch 190/3181.578125 : loss = 1.2128124237060547Training loss : 1.2128124237060547Training acc : 0.75Validation loss : 1.164793610572815[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.3643531799316406Epoch 200/3181.578125 : loss = 1.174509882926941Training loss : 1.174509882926941Training acc : 0.71875Validation loss : 1.137137770652771[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.7417917251586914Epoch 210/3181.578125 : loss = 1.056962490081787Training loss : 1.056962490081787Training acc : 0.84375Validation loss : 1.1092265844345093[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.5229830741882324Epoch 220/3181.578125 : loss = 1.1316486597061157Training loss : 1.1316486597061157Training acc : 0.796875Validation loss : 1.0816625356674194[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.7065508365631104Epoch 230/3181.578125 : loss = 1.073209524154663Training loss : 1.073209524154663Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 1.0542036294937134[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6912477016448975Epoch 240/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0102397203445435Training loss : 1.0102397203445435Training acc : 0.859375Validation loss : 1.0271364450454712[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.5654654502868652Epoch 250/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0918526649475098Training loss : 1.0918526649475098Training acc : 0.734375Validation loss : 1.001003623008728[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.663228750228882Epoch 260/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0216875076293945Training loss : 1.0216875076293945Training acc : 0.84375Validation loss : 0.9754133820533752[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.5872113704681396Epoch 270/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0990902185440063Training loss : 1.0990902185440063Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.9509017467498779[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.443047285079956Epoch 280/3181.578125 : loss = 0.9783419966697693Training loss : 0.9783419966697693Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.9272997379302979[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6797432899475098Epoch 290/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0568724870681763Training loss : 1.0568724870681763Training acc : 0.765625Validation loss : 0.904884934425354[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.3945367336273193Epoch 300/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0237849950790405Training loss : 1.0237849950790405Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.883781909942627[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.7488887310028076Epoch 310/3181.578125 : loss = 1.0338774919509888Training loss : 1.0338774919509888Training acc : 0.765625Validation loss : 0.8637697696685791[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.381608247756958Epoch 320/3181.578125 : loss = 0.9260292649269104Training loss : 0.9260292649269104Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.8448039889335632[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.5534446239471436Epoch 330/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8264249563217163Training loss : 0.8264249563217163Training acc : 0.875Validation loss : 0.8267776370048523[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.558243751525879Epoch 340/3181.578125 : loss = 0.9866911768913269Training loss : 0.9866911768913269Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.8101168274879456[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.464554786682129Epoch 350/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8703485727310181Training loss : 0.8703485727310181Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.7947656512260437[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.3714654445648193Epoch 360/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8071379661560059Training loss : 0.8071379661560059Training acc : 0.84375Validation loss : 0.7804707288742065[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.8228049278259277Epoch 370/3181.578125 : loss = 0.6435794234275818Training loss : 0.6435794234275818Training acc : 0.875Validation loss : 0.7670522928237915[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6811318397521973Epoch 380/3181.578125 : loss = 0.6902540326118469Training loss : 0.6902540326118469Training acc : 0.890625Validation loss : 0.7546741962432861[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.596187114715576Epoch 390/3181.578125 : loss = 0.6969885230064392Training loss : 0.6969885230064392Training acc : 0.859375Validation loss : 0.7434151768684387[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6147048473358154Epoch 400/3181.578125 : loss = 0.87004554271698Training loss : 0.87004554271698Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.7334315776824951[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.3841097354888916Epoch 410/3181.578125 : loss = 0.95426344871521Training loss : 0.95426344871521Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.7244532704353333[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.304476022720337Epoch 420/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8543925285339355Training loss : 0.8543925285339355Training acc : 0.78125Validation loss : 0.7163312435150146[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6401660442352295Epoch 430/3181.578125 : loss = 0.6948934197425842Training loss : 0.6948934197425842Training acc : 0.859375Validation loss : 0.7088930606842041[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.954803228378296Epoch 440/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8735166192054749Training loss : 0.8735166192054749Training acc : 0.796875Validation loss : 0.7022351622581482[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.6469264030456543Epoch 450/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8812070488929749Training loss : 0.8812070488929749Training acc : 0.828125Validation loss : 0.695988118648529[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.8571887016296387Epoch 460/3181.578125 : loss = 0.5007133483886719Training loss : 0.5007133483886719Training acc : 0.90625Validation loss : 0.690228283405304[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.360257625579834Epoch 470/3181.578125 : loss = 0.8069882988929749Training loss : 0.8069882988929749Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.6848161220550537[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.2997841835021973Epoch 480/3181.578125 : loss = 0.6994635462760925Training loss : 0.6994635462760925Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.6798946857452393[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.5274598598480225Epoch 490/3181.578125 : loss = 0.7816348075866699Training loss : 0.7816348075866699Training acc : 0.8125Validation loss : 0.6751761436462402[[42759     0     0     0     0] [ 2094     0     0     0     0] [ 1268     0     0     0     0] [ 2092     0     0     0     0] [ 3149     0     0     0     0]]0 ----- OTag: O - P 0.8325 / R 1.00001 ----- LOCTag: LOC - P nan / R 0.00002 ----- MISCTag: MISC - P nan / R 0.00003 ----- ORGTag: ORG - P nan / R 0.00004 ----- PERTag: PER - P nan / R 0.0000Total time: 2.7655985355377197
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