Its rainning man!

来源:互联网 发布:spark时间序列算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:58

/** * CTU Open 2016 * Problem Solution: It's Raining *  * Case analysis. Main (but not the only) approach is to play  * colors one by one. * @author Josef Cibulka */#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <map>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>using namespace std;static const string colorList { "SDHC" };static const string rankList { "23456789XJQKA" };static const int rankCnt { 13 };vector<vector<int> > rows;vector<vector<int> > pairCnt;vector<int> tripleCnt;int quadCnt;struct VectorComparer{  bool operator ()(const vector<int>& a, const vector<int>& b) const  {    return a.size() > b.size();  }};  template <typename T>bool vectorContains(const vector<T> &vec, T item){  return (std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), item) != vec.end());}/** Exactly two card colors are present (they are colors 0 and 1).  * Solution exists iff there is at least one pair on these two colors. */bool check2Colors(){  return (pairCnt[0][1] >=1);}/** Exactly three card colors are present (0, 1 and 2).  * Solution exists iff either: * a) "Path": two distinct pairs of colors, or one pair and a triple or two triples. * b) "Jump": row 2 has only one element and this element is part of a triple. */bool check3Colors(){  int pairCntCnt = (pairCnt[0][1]>=1) + (pairCnt[0][2]>=1) + (pairCnt[1][2]>=1);  if(pairCntCnt + tripleCnt[3] >= 2) // path    return true;  if(rows[2].size() == 1 && tripleCnt[3] >= 1) // jump    return true;  return false;}bool check4ColorsPath(){     int pairCntCnt = 0;  int pairCntSum = 0;  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    for(int b=a+1; b<4; ++b)      if(pairCnt[a][b]>=1)      {        pairCntCnt++;        pairCntSum += pairCnt[a][b];      }  int tripleCntSum = 0;  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    tripleCntSum += tripleCnt[a];  if(quadCnt>=1)    return (quadCnt + tripleCntSum + pairCntCnt >= 2);  if(tripleCntSum >= 1)    return (tripleCntSum + pairCntCnt >= 3);  // Star centered in a.  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)   {    bool isStar = true;    for(int b=0; b<4; ++b)       for(int c=b+1; c<4; ++c)        if(b!=a && c!=a && pairCnt[b][c] >= 1)          isStar = false;    // Since the star covers all 4 colors, solution exists iff at least one edge of the star is at least double.    if(isStar)      return (pairCntSum >= 4);   }  return (pairCntCnt >= 3); // Three edges not forming a star and covering all colors => path.}bool check4ColorsRowWith1(){  int pairCntCnt = 0;  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    for(int b=a+1; b<4; ++b)      if(pairCnt[a][b]>=1)        pairCntCnt++;  int tripleCntCnt = 0;  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    if(tripleCnt[a]>=1)      tripleCntCnt++;  if(quadCnt >= 1)  {    if(rows[2].size() == 1)      return true;    return (pairCntCnt + tripleCntCnt >= 1);  }  if(tripleCnt[0] + tripleCnt[1] + tripleCnt[2] >= 1) // A triple covering the single card in row 3.    return true;  if(rows[2].size() == 1 && tripleCntCnt >= 1) // Observe that the triple covers the single card in row 2.    return true;  return false;}bool check4ColorsRowWith2(){   for(int row2=0; row2<4; ++row2)  {    int tripleCntCnt = 0;    if(rows[row2].size() != 2)      continue;    for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)      if(a!=row2 && tripleCnt[a]>=1)        tripleCntCnt++;    if(tripleCntCnt>=2)      return true; // Two distinct triples cover the two cards.  }  return false;}bool check4Colors(){  vector<bool> covered (4, false);  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    for(int b=a+1; b<4; ++b)      if(pairCnt[a][b]>=1)        covered[a]=covered[b]=true;  for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)    if(tripleCnt[a] >= 1)      for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)        if(i!=a)          covered[i] = true;  if(quadCnt>=1)    for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)      covered[i] = true;  bool allCovered = !vectorContains(covered, false);  if(!allCovered)    return false;  if(rows[3].size() == 1)    if(check4ColorsRowWith1())      return true;  if(rows[3].size() == 2)    if(check4ColorsRowWith2())      return true;  return check4ColorsPath();  }int main(void){  int cardCnt;  while(cin >> cardCnt)  {    rows = vector<vector<int> >(4, vector<int>());    pairCnt = vector<vector<int> >(4, vector<int>(4, 0));    tripleCnt = vector<int>(4, 0);    quadCnt = 0;    for(int i=0; i<cardCnt; ++i)    {      string card;      cin >> card;      int rank = rankList.find(card[0]);      int color = colorList.find(card[1]);      rows[color].push_back(rank);    }     sort(rows.begin(), rows.end(), VectorComparer());    /*cout << endl;      for(auto &row : rows)      if(row.size() > 0)            {      for(int i : row)      cout << i << " ";      cout << endl;      }*/    for(int i=0; i<rankCnt; i++)    {      auto contFunction = bind(vectorContains<int>, placeholders::_1, i);      int rankCardCnt = count_if(rows.begin(), rows.end(), contFunction);      //      cout << "ranks cnt: " << rankCardCnt << endl;      for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)        for(int b=a+1; b<4; ++b)        {          if(vectorContains(rows[a], i) &&              vectorContains(rows[b], i))          {            if(rankCardCnt == 2)            {              pairCnt[a][b]++;              pairCnt[b][a]++;            }            for(int c=b+1; c<4; ++c)            {              if(vectorContains(rows[c], i))              {                if(rankCardCnt == 3)                  tripleCnt[6-a-b-c]++;                if(c==2 && vectorContains(rows[3], i))                  quadCnt++;              }            }          }        }    }    /*cout << "Pairs:" << endl;      for(int a=0; a<3; ++a)      {      for(int b=a+1; b<4; ++b)      cout << pairCnt[a][b] << ", ";      cout << endl;      }      cout << "Triples:" << endl;      for(int a=0; a<4; ++a)      cout << tripleCnt[a] << ", ";      cout << endl;      cout << "Quadruples: " << quadCnt << endl;*/    bool result = false;    if(rows[1].size() == 0)      result = true;    else if(rows[2].size() == 0)      result = check2Colors();    else if(rows[3].size() == 0)      result = check3Colors();    else      result = check4Colors();    cout << (result ? "YES" : "NO") << endl;  }  return 0;}
