使用 MapReduce 实现分组排名

来源:互联网 发布:网络侮辱罪立案标准 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 17:36





scores: name,age,gender,score


1. 输出男女组各前3名。


 1 class ContestStatTop3Mapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Text> { 2  3   private Text outKey = new Text(); 4   private Text outValue = new Text(); 5  6   @Override 7   public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { 8     // name, age, gender, score 9     String[] arr = value.toString().split(",");10     outKey.set(arr[2]); // gender11     outValue.set(arr[0] + "," + arr[1] + "," + arr[3]); // name,age,score12     context.write(outKey, outValue);13   }14 }15 16 class ContestStatTop3Reducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> {17 18 19   private Text outKey = new Text();20   private Text outValue = new Text();21 22   private int maxSize = 3;23 24   private List<ContestPerson> list = new ArrayList<>(maxSize);25 26   @Override27   public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {28     String gender = key.toString();29     int pos =0;30     int minScore = Integer.MAX_VALUE;31     list.clear();32     for (Text t : values) {33       String[] arr = t.toString().split(",");34       // name,age,score35       String name = arr[0];36       int age = Integer.parseInt(arr[1]);37       int score = Integer.parseInt(arr[2]);38       ContestPerson person = new ContestPerson(name,age,gender,score);39       if (list.size() < maxSize) { //always add if the size is less than maxSize40         list.add(person);41         if (score <= minScore) { // update minScore42           minScore = score;43           pos = list.size() - 1;// remember the position of person with minScore44         }45       } else {46         if(score > minScore){47         // remove the person with minScore48           list.remove(pos);49         // add the new person50           list.add(person);51         // update minScore52           minScore = person.score;53           pos = list.size() -1;54           for(int i = 0; i< list.size();i++){55             if(minScore > list.get(i).score){56               minScore = list.get(i).score;57               pos =i;58             }59           }60         }61       }62     }63     //output64     outKey.set(gender);65     for(ContestPerson person: list){66       outValue.set(person.toString());67       context.write(outKey, outValue);68 69     }70   }71 }

SQL 代码

 1 # option 1 2 select m.name,m.age,m.gender,m.score from scores as m 3 where 3>= ( 4 select count(*) from scores as s where m.gender = s.gender and m.score <= s.score 5 ) 6 order by m.gender,m.score desc,m.age,m.name; 7  8 # option 2 9 select m.name,m.age,m.gender,m.score from scores as m10 left join scores as s on m.gender = s.gender and m.score <=  s.score11 group by m.name,m.age,m.gender,m.score12 having count(*) <=313 order by m.gender,m.score desc,m.age,m.name;




 1 class ContestStatSortMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Text> { 2  3   private Text outKey = new Text(); 4   private Text outValue = new Text(); 5  6   @Override 7   public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { 8     // name, age, gender, score 9     String[] arr = value.toString().split(",");10     outKey.set(arr[2]); // gender11     outValue.set(arr[0] + "," + arr[1] + "," + arr[3]); // name,age,score12     context.write(outKey, outValue);13   }14 }15 16 class ContestStatSortReducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> {17 18 19   private Text outKey = new Text();20   private Text outValue = new Text();21 22   private int maxSize = 3;23 24   private List<ContestPerson> list = new ArrayList<>(maxSize);25 26   @Override27   public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {28     String gender = key.toString();29     list.clear();30     for (Text t : values) {31       String[] arr = t.toString().split(",");32       // name,age,score33       String name = arr[0];34       int age = Integer.parseInt(arr[1]);35       int score = Integer.parseInt(arr[2]);36       ContestPerson person = new ContestPerson(name,age,gender,score);37       list.add(person);38     }39     //sort by score desc, then by age asc, then by name asc40     Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<ContestPerson>() {41       @Override42       public int compare(ContestPerson o1, ContestPerson o2) {43         if (o1.score > o2.score) {44           return -1;45         } else if (o1.score < o2.score) {46           return 1;47         } else {48           if (o1.age > o2.age) {49             return 1;50           } else if (o1.age < o2.age) {51             return -1;52           } else {53             return o1.name.compareTo(o2.name);54           }55         }56       }57     });58     //output59     outKey.set(gender);60     for(ContestPerson person: list){61       outValue.set(person.toString());62       context.write(outKey, outValue);63     }64   }65 }


1 select m.name,m.age,m.gender,m.score from scores as m2 order by m.gender,m.score desc,m.age,m.name; 


 1 class ContestPerson extends  Object{ 2   public String name; 3   public int age; 4   public String gender; 5   public int score; 6   public ContestPerson(String name, int age, String gender,int score){ 7     this.name = name; 8     this.age = age; 9     this.gender = gender;10     this.score = score;11   }12   public String toString(){13     return this.name + ","+ this.age + "," + this.gender + "," + this.score;14   }15 }