
来源:互联网 发布:linq去除重复数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 20:14





2.分别创建menu.c linktable.c linktable.h linklist.c linklist.h文件

#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include "linklist.h"  #include "linktable.h"  int Help();int Quit();int Add();int Sub();int Mult();int Divide();int Factorial();//阶乘运算int Fibonaci();//斐波那契数列#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128  #define DESC_LEN    1024  #define CMD_NUM     10  int InitMenuData(tLinkTable ** ppLinkTable)  {      *ppLinkTable = CreateLinkTable();      tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));      pNode->cmd = "help";      pNode->desc = "Menu List:";      pNode->handler = Help;      AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);      pNode = (tDataNode*)(tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));      pNode->cmd = "version";      pNode->desc = "Menu Program V1.0";      pNode->handler = NULL;      AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);      pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));      pNode->cmd = "quit";      pNode->desc = "Quit from Menu Program V1.0";      pNode->handler = Quit;      AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);      pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "add";    pNode->desc = "Add two integer";    pNode->handler = Add;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "subtract";    pNode->desc = "Subtract two integer";    pNode->handler = Sub;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "Mult";    pNode->desc = "Mennu Program v1.0";    pNode->handler = Mult;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "divide";    pNode->desc = "Divide two integer";    pNode->handler = Divide;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "factorial";    pNode->desc = "Do factorial";    pNode->handler = Factorial;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    pNode = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode->cmd = "fibonaci";    pNode->desc = "Get the fibonaci NUM";    pNode->handler = Fibonaci;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);     return 0;   }  tLinkTable * head = NULL;  int main ()  {      InitMenuData(&head);      /* cmd line begins */      while (1)      {           char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];       printf("Input a cmd number > ");       scanf("%s", cmd);       tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);           if (p == NULL)       {            printf("This is a wrong cmd!\n");            continue;       }       printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);           if (p->handler != NULL)       {            p->handler();       }      }  }  int Help()  {       ShowAllCmd(head);  }  int Quit()  {      exit(0);  }  int Add(){    printf("pelease input two integers:\n");    int temp1,temp2;    scanf("%d%d",&temp1,&temp2);    printf("The result is :%d\n", temp1+temp2);    return 0;}int Sub(){    int temp1,temp2;    printf("please input two integers:\n");    scanf("%d%d", &temp1,&temp2);    printf("The result is :%d\n", temp1-temp2);    return 0;}int Mult(){    printf("pelease input two integers:\n");    int temp1,temp2;    scanf("%d%d",&temp1,&temp2);    printf("The result is :%d\n", temp1*temp2);    return 0;}int Divide(){    printf("pelease input two integers:\n");    int temp1,temp2;    scanf("%d%d",&temp1,&temp2);    printf("The result is :%d\n", temp1/temp2);    return 0;}int Factorial()//阶乘运算;{    printf("pelease input the number of integer:\n");    int count;    scanf("%d", &count);    if(count < 0)        return -1;    int i = 1;    int value = 1;    while(i <= count)    {        value *= i;        ++i;    }    printf("The result is:%d\n", value);    return 0;}int Fibonaci()//斐波那契数列计算;{    printf("pelease input the number of integer:\n");    int temp1=1,temp2=1;    int count;    scanf("%d", &count);    if(count < 0)    {        printf("The wrong number.\n");        return 0;    }    else if(count==1||count==2)    {        printf("The result is :1.\n");        return 0;    }    for(int i=3;i<=count;i++)    {        int temp;        temp = temp2;        temp2 += temp1;        temp1 = temp;    }    printf("The result is :%d\n", temp2);    return 0;}


#ifndef _LINK_TABLE_H_  #define _LINK_TABLE_H_  #define SUCCESS 0  #define FAILURE (-1)  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  /*  * LinkTable Node Type  */  typedef struct LinkTableNode  {       struct LinkTableNode *pNext;  }tLinkTableNode;  /*  * LinkTable Type  */  typedef struct LinkTable  {       tLinkTableNode *pHead;       tLinkTableNode *pTail;       int         SumOfNode;  }tLinkTable;  /*  * Create a LinkTable  */  tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable();  /*  * Delete a LinkTalbe  */  int DeleteLinkTable(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);  /*  * Add a LinkTableNode to LinkTable  */  int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);  /*  * Delete a LinkTableNode from LinkTable  */  int DelLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);  /*  * Get LinkTableHead  */  tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);  /*  * Get next LinkTableNode  */  tLinkTableNode * GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);  #endif /* _LINK_TABLE_H_ */  


#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include "linklist.h"  tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char* cmd)  {       if (head == NULL || cmd == NULL)       {            return NULL;       }       tDataNode *p = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);       while (p != NULL)       {            if (strcmp(p->cmd, cmd) == 0)            {                 return p;            }            p = (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode*)p);        }        return NULL;  }   /* Show all the cmd in Listlist */  int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable * head)  {       printf("Menu List:\n");       tDataNode *p = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);       while (p != NULL)       {            printf("%s - %s\n", p->cmd, p->desc);        p = (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode*)p);       }       return 0;  }  


#ifndef _LINK_LIST_H_  #define _LINK_LIST_H_  #include "linktable.h"   /* data struct and its operations */  typedef struct DataNode  {      tLinkTableNode *pNext;      char*    cmd;      char*    desc;      int      (*handler)();  } tDataNode;  /* find a cmd in the linklist and return the data node pointer */  tDataNode * FindCmd(tLinkTable *head, char *cmd);  /* show all cmd in linklist */  int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable *head);  #endif /*_Link_LIST_H_*/  


