执行ssh-add时出现Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

来源:互联网 发布:整型数据 true 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 21:01

SSH private-keys are usually stored encrypted on the computers they are stored on. A pass-phrase is used to decrypt them when they are to be used. Since most people use SSH public-private key-pairs to get around typing in passwords all the time, the ssh-agentdaemon exists to store decrypted private-keys you plan on using in a given session. The thing most people get tripped up on when using ssh-agent is that what the program outputs, some borne or csh shell commands, needs to be run. It may look like ssh-agent has set some variables for you, but it has in fact done no such thing. If you call ssh-add without processing ssh-agent’s output, it will complain it is unable to open a connection to your authentication agent. The most straightforward way to run ssh-agent on the command line is as follows: eval `ssh-agent`. After doing this, calls to ssh-add should succeed without error.

执行ssh-add ~/.ssh/rsa


先执行  eval `ssh-agent`  (是~键上的那个`) 再执行 ssh-add ~/.ssh/rsa成功

ssh-add -l 就有新加的rsa了

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