
来源:互联网 发布:销售分析软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 16:24

7.3 试编程实现拉普拉斯修正的朴素贝叶斯分类器,并以西瓜数据集3.0为训练集,对p.151 “测1”样本进行判别。


# -*- coding:gbk -*-"""@Author: Victoria@Date: 2017.10.17 10:30"""import xlrdimport mathclass LaplacianNB():    """    Laplacian naive bayes for binary classification problem.    """    def __init__(self):        """        """    def train(self, X, y):        """        Training laplacian naive bayes classifier with traning set (X, y).        Input:            X: list of instances. Each instance is represented by (鑹叉辰锛屾牴钂傦紝鏁插0锛屾枃鐞嗭紝鑴愰儴锛岃Е鎰燂紝瀵嗗害锛屽惈绯栫巼)            y: list of labels. 0 represents bad, 1 represents good.        """        N = len(y)        self.classes = self.count_list(y)        self.class_num = len(self.classes)        self.classes_p = {}        #print self.classes        for c, n in self.classes.items():            self.classes_p[c] = float(n+1) / (N+self.class_num)        self.discrete_attris_with_good_p = []        self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p = []        for i in range(6):            attr_with_good = []            attr_with_bad = []            for j in range(N):                if y[j] == 1:                     attr_with_good.append(X[j][i])                else:                    attr_with_bad.append(X[j][i])            unique_with_good = self.count_list(attr_with_good)            unique_with_bad = self.count_list(attr_with_bad)            self.discrete_attris_with_good_p.append(self.discrete_p(unique_with_good, self.classes[1]))            self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p.append(self.discrete_p(unique_with_bad, self.classes[0]))        self.good_mus = []        self.good_vars = []        self.bad_mus = []        self.bad_vars = []        for i in range(2):            attr_with_good = []            attr_with_bad = []            for j in range(N):                if y[j] == 1:                    attr_with_good.append(X[j][i+6])                else:                    attr_with_bad.append(X[j][i+6])            good_mu, good_var = self.mu_var_of_list(attr_with_good)            bad_mu, bad_var = self.mu_var_of_list(attr_with_bad)            self.good_mus.append(good_mu)            self.good_vars.append(good_var)            self.bad_mus.append(bad_mu)            self.bad_vars.append(bad_var)    def predict(self, x):        """        """        p_good = self.classes_p[1]        p_bad = self.classes_p[0]        for i in range(6):            p_good  *= self.discrete_attris_with_good_p[i][x[i]]            p_bad *= self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p[i][x[i]]        for i in range(2):            p_good *= self.continuous_p(x[i+6], self.good_mus[i], self.good_vars[i])            p_bad *= self.continuous_p(x[i+6], self.bad_mus[i], self.bad_vars[i])        if p_good >= p_bad:            return p_good, p_bad, 1        else:            return p_good, p_bad, 0    def count_list(self, l):        """        Get unique elements in list and corresponding count.        """        unique_dict = {}        for e in set(l):            unique_dict[e] = l.count(e)        return unique_dict    def discrete_p(self, d, N_class):        """        Compute discrete attribution probability based on {0:, 1:, 2: }.        """        new_d = {}        #print d        for a, n in d.items():            new_d[a] = float(n+1) / (N_class + len(d))        return new_d    def continuous_p(self, x, mu, var):        p = 1.0 / (math.sqrt(2*math.pi) * math.sqrt(var)) * math.exp(- (x-mu)**2 /(2*var))        return p    def mu_var_of_list(self, l):        mu = sum(l) / float(len(l))        var = 0        for i in range(len(l)):            var += (l[i]-mu)**2         var = var / float(len(l))        return mu, varif __name__=="__main__":    lnb = LaplacianNB()    workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("../../数据/3.0.xlsx")    sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")    X = []    for i in range(17):        x = sheet.col_values(i)        for j in range(6):            x[j] = int(x[j])        x.pop()        X.append(x)    y = sheet.row_values(8)    y = [int(i) for i in y]    #print X, y    lnb.train(X, y)    #print lnb.discrete_attris_with_good_p    label = lnb.predict([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.697, 0.460])    print "predict ressult: ", label


predict ressult:  (0.03191920486294201, 4.9158340214165893e-05, 1)#分别为正类概率,父类概率以及分类结果
0 0