
来源:互联网 发布:对淘宝店铺怎么投诉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:01
Introduction  介绍
Common concepts 总印象
Full-indexed search 全索引搜索
Automatical wildcards 自动通配
Search for structure elements 搜索结构化内容 
Quick-select 快速选择
Filter for search in history of changes 过滤搜索历史改变
Auto completion 自动完成
Favorites / bookmarks 书签
Favorites / bookmarks in list views 书签列表
Favorites / bookmarks of time-sheets 工时
Stay logged-in  保持登录
Calendar 日历
Quick-time-period-selection 快速时间区域设定
Holidays 假期
Support of different time zones 支持不同时区
View modes 查看模式
Calendar views: month, week, day 月历,周历,日历
Customizable views with fast switch 自定义视图快速切换
Drag & drop and range-select functionality 拖拽范围
Roadmap 路线图
Address book 地址薄
Reverse search of phone numbers 反向搜索电话
Personal favorites 个人爱好
Export of vcards 导出电子名片
Hint for Apple contacts 苹果联系人提示
Export of personal list of telephone numbers 导出个人电话号码联系列表
Personal list of phone numbers for your Snom telephone 
Export of the list of addresses 地址列表导出
Animation of phone number / zoom 目标电话
Direct call via telephony system 直接拨打via电话
Configuration 配置
Structure elements in ProjectForge (former tasks) 结构化任务
Consumption 缩写
Consumption bars for open structure elements
Consumption bars for finished structure elements
Suppressing the status of consumption bars
Booking of time sheets
Order book
E-mail notification 邮件通知 
Scripting in ProjectForge®
Example: Hibernate criterion API
Example: Usage of ProjectForge®filters
Usage of date values
Access rights (DAOs) 权限 
Creation of Excel sheets
Example: Excel export of simple lists
Example: Excel export of joined objects
Own join objects
Modification of existing Excel files
Cell formats
Excel and time periods
Creation of diagrams and charts
Creation of zip archives containing multiple files
Nested and indexed properties
Import of Excel files
Financial administration with ProjectForge®
Invoices 发票
Assignment of cost units 分配成本
Clone functionality for invoices (inbound and outbound) 克隆出入账
Liquidity planning / forecast
Calculation of expected dates of payments
Datev-Import (German)
Grundsätzliches zum ProjectForge®-Excel-Import
Schritt 1: Auswahl der zu importierenden Excel-Datei
Schritt 2: Daten werden eingelesen
Schritt 3: Verproben
Schritt 4: Prüfen, selektieren und Übernahme
Schritt 5: Import abgeschlossen
Import der Buchungskonten (Kontenplan)
Import der Buchungssätze (01-12)
Format 格式
Other imports 其他导入
Salaries of employees 薪水
Time sheets
Cost units 花费
Booking of time sheets 工时表
Monthly employee reports 月人工报表 
JIRA support 事务跟踪支持
Cost unit accounting 花费账户
Fraction of working time 小部分工时
Reporting via Report objectives (in progress) 
Data protection 数据保护
Passwords 密码
History of changes 历史改变
Logging 登录
Phone call - numbers 
Glossary 词汇表