设计一个有getMin功能的栈 程序员代码面试指南

来源:互联网 发布:linux chmod 777 目录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:24

章一 栈与队列





1. pop,push,getMin操作的时间复杂度都为O(1)
2. 设计的栈可以使用现成的栈结构


  刚开始看到题目一愣,想的比较简单:直接用一个静态域存最小值不就行了么。后来看了一下解答,发现自己想的太简单了,如果用static field只能保证一直push()的情况下能始终保存最小值,但pop()掉最小值之后就无法在O(1)的时间下找到剩下的stack中的最小值了。后来看了解答感觉豁然开朗,尤其是还有两种解法,看着图解能很快的编出程序来了。
1. 本来想实现泛型的,后来发现比较的时候 <= 不能用,继承Comparable接口无法实现泛型类型E的compareTo()方法,上网没查到方法,好像通配符做不到。所以就以Integer类型为例了。
2. 注意检查空栈情况:这里说明下,throw new RuntimeException()是无需声明throws语句的,如果只是throw new Exception()的话,函数需要声明throws语句。
3. 注意短路运算符左右表达式的顺序


package StackandQueue;import java.util.Stack;public class StackwithGetMin1 {    //create two stacks for storage    private Stack<Integer> stackData;    private Stack<Integer> stackMin;    //Constructor: initialize the member object until it's created.    public StackwithGetMin1() {        stackData = new Stack<>();        stackMin = new Stack<>();    }    //push operation: push in the stackData first, then decide whether to push in the stackMin    public void push(int newValue) {        if(stackData.isEmpty() || newValue <= stackMin.peek()) {            stackMin.push(newValue);        }         stackData.push(newValue);    }    //Judge if the stack is empty first; then decide pop both the stacks or not    public int pop()  {        if(stackData.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is empty!!!");        }         int ret = stackData.peek();        if(ret == stackMin.peek()) {            stackMin.pop();        }         stackData.pop();        return ret;    }    // just return the top value in the stackMin    public int getMin()  {        if(stackMin.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is empty!!!");        }         return stackMin.peek();    }    //The main function is used for test!    public static void main(String[] args) {        StackwithGetMin1 stack = new StackwithGetMin1();        int[] stackArr = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1};        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            stack.push(stackArr[index]);        }        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            System.out.println(stack.getMin());            stack.pop();        }    }}


package StackandQueue;import java.util.Stack;public class StackwithGetMin2 {    private Stack<Integer> stackData;    private Stack<Integer> stackMin;    public StackwithGetMin2 () {        stackData = new Stack<>();        stackMin = new Stack<>();    }    public void push(int value) {        stackData.push(value);        if(stackMin.isEmpty() || (value <= stackMin.peek()) ) {            stackMin.push(value);        } else {            stackMin.push(stackMin.peek());        }    }    public int pop() {        if(stackMin.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is already empty!!!");        }        int ret = stackMin.peek();        stackMin.pop();        stackData.pop();        return ret;    }    public int getMin() {        if(stackMin.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is already empty!!!");        }        return stackMin.peek();    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        StackwithGetMin2 stack = new StackwithGetMin2();        int[] stackArr = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1};        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            stack.push(stackArr[index]);        }        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            System.out.println(stack.getMin());            stack.pop();        }    }}


package StackandQueue;import java.util.Stack;public class StackwithGetMin3<E> implements Comparable<E> {  //anything wrong here?    private Stack<E> stackData;    private Stack<E> stackMin;    public StackwithGetMin3 () {        stackData = new Stack<>();        stackMin = new Stack<>();    }    public void push(E value) {        stackData.push(value);        if(stackMin.isEmpty() || (value.compareTo(stackMin.peek()) <= 0) ) { //Here's the problem!!            stackMin.push(value);        } else {            stackMin.push(stackMin.peek());        }    }    public E pop() {        if(stackMin.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is already empty!!!");        }        E ret = stackMin.peek();        stackMin.pop();        stackData.pop();        return ret;    }    public E getMin() {        if(stackMin.isEmpty()) {            throw new RuntimeException("The stack is already empty!!!");        }        return stackMin.peek();    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        StackwithGetMin3<Integer> stack = new StackwithGetMin3<>();        int[] stackArr = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1};        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            stack.push(stackArr[index]);        }        for(int index = 0; index < stackArr.length; ++index) {            System.out.println(stack.getMin());            stack.pop();        }    }    @Override    public int compareTo(E o) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return 0;    }}