[Lintcode] #112 删除排序链表中的重复元素

来源:互联网 发布:帝国cms绑定域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:18



给出 1->1->2->null,返回 1->2->null

给出 1->1->2->3->3->null,返回 1->2->3->null

/** * Definition for ListNode * public class ListNode { *     int val; *     ListNode next; *     ListNode(int x) { *         val = x; *         next = null; *     } * } */public class Solution {    /*     * @param head: head is the head of the linked list     * @return: head of linked list     */    public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {        // write your code here        ListNode re = head;while (head != null) {        while (head.next != null && head.val == head.next.val)        head.next = head.next.next;        head = head.next;        }        return re;    }}

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