
来源:互联网 发布:览物之情得无异乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:31




select cusid ,custname from customer:

select  *  from  customer:


select cusid ,custname from customer where custcity = "beijing":
select  *  from  custome where  custcity = "beijing":

select  *  from  custome where  custcity  is null:

(3)使用 between ....  and ...的查询

select pdid  from  product  where  pdprice  10 and 50;

相当于  select  pdid  from  product  where   pdprice >=10 and  <= 50;


select custphone  from  customer  where  custname (not) like  'liqi';

select custphone  from  customer  where  custname  like  '_qi';

select custphone  from  customer  where  custname  like  'li%';


select  *  from  customer  where  custcity  in ('beijing','guangzhou');

select  *  from  customer  where  custcity  ='beijing'  or 'custcity='guangzhou;

select  *  from  customer  where  custcity   in ('beijing','guangzhou');


select  custD,  custname,custphone into  BY_customer from  customer;


select * from product order by PdSuppler ,pdPrice DESC;



select  customer.custID,custname,orderID,orderaddress from  customer,orders where customer.custID = orders.custID;

select  customer.custID,custname,orderID,orderaddress from  customer,orders where customer.custID = orders.custID and  custcity = 'beijing';

select  orders.orderID,custname,orderaddress  from  customer inner join orders  on customer.custID=orders.custID where  custcity ='beijing';


select  customer.custID,custname,orderID,orderaddress from  customer left (right,full) join orders on customer.custID=orders.custID;



select  count(*)  as  ordernumber,sum(orderamount)  as  sumamount  from  orders;

(2)使用GROUP BY 的分组汇总查询

select  pdID ,sum(quantity) as total  from  orderdetail  group by pdID;

select  pdID ,sum(quantity) as total  from  orderdetail  group by sets  (pdID,(pdID,orderID,quantity));




select custname,custphone from customer where custID= (select custID from  orders where orderID='D201600152365');

select custname,custphone from customer where custID in  (select custID from  orders where orderID='D201600152365');

select custname,custphone from customer where orderamount>(select orderamount from  orders where orderID='D201600152365');


select * from  product where pdprice >all(select pdprice from  product where pdsupplier='tianjing');

select * from  product where pdprice <any(select pdprice from  product where pdsupplier='tianjing');

select * from  product where pdprice =any(select pdprice from  product where pdsupplier='tianjing');


select * from order A  where orderamount = (select max(orderamount ) from order B where B.custID=A.custID )  order by orderID;