
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝降价提醒 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 07:12




    对于8bit图像而言,amin = 0,amax = 255。





     其中,0<=qlow ,qhigh<=1,qlow+qhigh<=1,M*N为图像的像素数量。


2. 基本原理

        这种简单的白平衡算法是基于这么一种假设:图像中R、G、B最高灰度值对应于图像中的白点,最低灰度值的对应于图像中最暗的点。这种算法类似于自动对比度增强的方法,使用映射函数ax+b,尽可能的把彩色图像中R、G、B三个通道内的像素灰度值映射到[0.255]的范围内。由于一般图像中已经有很多图像的灰度值已经在[0,255]范围内(对应24bit BMP图像而言,每个通道内的像素都在此范围内。但是对于每个像素用16bit或更高的32bit表示的话,需要进过上述的映射方法,把像素灰度值映射到[0,255]范围内),因此,这种方法选取较高亮度的像素一定比例赋予255,选取较暗亮度的像素的一定比例赋予0。



      2.从排序的像素数组中选取一定比例的高亮和较暗像素。假设s = s1+s2 =[0,100],我们需要选取N*S/100个像素。其中Vmin和Vmax应该选择位于排序后数组的位置为N*S1   /100和N(1-*S2/100)-1处的像素灰度值。


    4.映射像素灰度值。使用函数f(x) =(x-Vmin)*(max-min)/(Vmax-Vmin)把原始图像中位于(Vmin,Vmax)的像素映射到[0,255]范围内。其中min,max分别为0和255。




/**Function: 一种简单的图像白平衡算法--对比度增强*/void quantiles_u8(const T_U8 *data, size_t img_size,  size_t nb_min, size_t nb_max,                  T_U8*ptr_min,T_U8 *ptr_max){ /*     * the histogram must hold all possible "unsigned char" values,     * including 0     */    size_t h_size = UCHAR_MAX + 1;    size_t histo[UCHAR_MAX + 1];    size_t i;    /* make a cumulative histogram */    memset(histo, 0x00, h_size * sizeof(size_t));    for (i = 0; i < img_size; i++)        histo[(size_t) data[i]] += 1;    for (i = 1; i < h_size; i++)        histo[i] += histo[i - 1]; /* get the new min/max */    if (NULL != ptr_min) {        /* simple forward traversal of the cumulative histogram */        /* search the first value > nb_min */        i = 0;        while (i < h_size && histo[i] <= nb_min)            i++;        /* the corresponding histogram value is the current cell position */        *ptr_min = (T_U8) i;    }    if (NULL != ptr_max) {        /* simple backward traversal of the cumulative histogram */        /* search the first value <= size - nb_max */        i = h_size - 1;        /* i is unsigned, we check i<h_size instead of i>=0 */        while (i < h_size && histo[i] > (img_size - nb_max))            i--;        /*         * if we are not at the end of the histogram,         * get to the next cell,         * the last (backward) value > size - nb_max         */        if (i < h_size - 1)            i++;        *ptr_max = (T_U8) i;    }    return;}void minmax_u8(const T_U8 *data, size_t size,   T_U8 *ptr_min, T_U8 *ptr_max){    T_U8 min, max;    size_t i;    /* compute min and max */    min = data[0];    max = data[0];    for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {        if (data[i] < min)            min = data[i];        if (data[i] > max)            max = data[i];    }    /* save min and max to the returned pointers if available */    if (NULL != ptr_min)        *ptr_min = min;    if (NULL != ptr_max)        *ptr_max = max;    return;}T_U8 *rescale_u8(T_U8 *data, size_t size,T_U8 min,T_U8 max){    size_t i;    if (max <= min)        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)            data[i] = UCHAR_MAX / 2;    else {        /* build a normalization table */        T_U8 norm[UCHAR_MAX + 1];        for (i = 0; i < min; i++)            norm[i] = 0;        for (i = min; i < max; i++)            /*             * we can't store and reuse UCHAR_MAX / (max - min) because             *     105 * 255 / 126.            -> 212.5, rounded to 213             *     105 * (double) (255 / 126.) -> 212.4999, rounded to 212             */            norm[i] = (T_U8) ((i - min) * UCHAR_MAX                                       / (double) (max - min) + .5);        for (i = max; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; i++)            norm[i] = UCHAR_MAX;        /* use the normalization table to transform the data */        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)            data[i] = norm[(size_t) data[i]];    }    return data;}T_U8 *balance_u8(T_U8* BMP8_data_img,size_t img_size,size_t nb_min, size_t nb_max){unsigned char min, max;    /* sanity checks */    if (NULL == BMP8_data_img) {        fprintf(stderr, "a pointer is NULL and should not be so\n");        abort();    }    if (nb_min + nb_max >= img_size) {        nb_min = (img_size - 1) / 2;        nb_max = (img_size - 1) / 2;        fprintf(stderr, "the number of pixels to flatten is too large\n");        fprintf(stderr, "using (size - 1) / 2\n");    }/* get the min/max */if (0 != nb_min || 0 != nb_max)quantiles_u8(BMP8_data_img,img_size, nb_min, nb_max, &min, &max);else        minmax_u8(BMP8_data_img, img_size, &min, &max);(void)rescale_u8(BMP8_data_img, img_size, min, max);return BMP8_data_img;}int Simplest_24bitcolor_balance(IMAGE_TYPE *BMP24_img,DWORD width,DWORD height,float smin,float smax){T_U32 lineByte,source_lineByte,source_index,dst_index;T_U16 k = 0,i,j;T_U8 *dst_Bmp24_img,*dst_BMP24_data,*R_img,*G_img,*B_img;int newbiBitCount =8;size_t img_size = width*height;float nb_min = img_size*smin/100.0,nb_max = img_size*smax/100.0;FILE *Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp = fopen("Simplest_24bitcolor_balance.bmp","wb");if(NULL == Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp){printf("Can't open Simplest_color_balance.bmp\n");return EXIT_FAILURE;}if (0. > smin || 100. <= smin || 0. > smax || 100. <= smax) {        fprintf(stderr, "the saturation percentages must be in [0-100[\n");        return EXIT_FAILURE;    }lineByte = (width * 8 / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;source_lineByte = ( (width * 24 / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4);dst_Bmp24_img = (T_U8*)malloc(source_lineByte*height+BMPHEADSIZE);R_img = (T_U8*)malloc(lineByte*height);G_img = (T_U8*)malloc(lineByte*height);B_img = (T_U8*)malloc(lineByte*height);Check_Malloc_TU8_Valid(dst_Bmp24_img);Check_Malloc_TU8_Valid(G_img);Check_Malloc_TU8_Valid(B_img);Check_Malloc_TU8_Valid(R_img);memcpy(dst_Bmp24_img,BMP24_img,source_lineByte*height+BMPHEADSIZE);dst_BMP24_data = dst_Bmp24_img+BMPHEADSIZE;for (i = 0; i < height;i++){source_index = i*source_lineByte;dst_index = i*lineByte;for (j = 0; j < width;j++){R_img[dst_index] = dst_BMP24_data[source_index+2];G_img[dst_index] = dst_BMP24_data[source_index+1];B_img[dst_index] = dst_BMP24_data[source_index+0];source_index += 3;dst_index += 1;}}(void)balance_u8(R_img,img_size,(size_t)nb_min,(size_t)nb_max);(void)balance_u8(G_img,img_size,(size_t)nb_min,(size_t)nb_max);(void)balance_u8(B_img,img_size,(size_t)nb_min,(size_t)nb_max);for (i = 0; i <height;i++){source_index = i*source_lineByte;dst_index = i*lineByte;for (j = 0; j <width;j++){ dst_BMP24_data[source_index+2] = R_img[dst_index]; dst_BMP24_data[source_index+1] = G_img[dst_index]; dst_BMP24_data[source_index+0] = B_img[dst_index];source_index += 3;dst_index += 1;}}fwrite(BMP24_img,BMPHEADSIZE, 1, Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp);fwrite(dst_BMP24_data, source_lineByte*height, 1, Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp);fclose(Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp);  Simplest_color_balance_BMP8Bit_fp = NULL;free(dst_Bmp24_img);free(R_img);free(G_img);free(B_img);return 0;}








simple white balance

Principles of Digital Image Processing-Fundamental Techniques