
来源:互联网 发布:数控转塔冲床编程招聘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:57



输出分2行,分别以指数递降方式输出乘积多项式以及和多项式非零项的系数和指数。数字间以空格分隔,但结尾不能有多余空格。零多项式应输出0 0。

4 3 4 -5 2  6 1  -2 03 5 20  -7 4  3 1


15 24 -25 22 30 21 -10 20 -21 8 35 6 -33 5 14 4 -15 3 18 2 -6 15 20 -4 4 -5 2 9 1 -2 0



typedef struct Polynode *Polynomial;typedef struct Polynode{    int coe;    int exp;    Polynomial next;}PNode;...int main(){    Polynomial p1, p2, pm, pa;    p1 = Read();    p2 = Read();    pm = Multi(p1, p2);    Print_Polynomial(pm);    pa = Add(p1, p2);    Print_Polynomial(pa);    return 0;}

Read 函数的实现


Polynomial Read(){    Polynomial p, rear, temp;    int N, coe, exp;//  printf("Please input the number of terms of the polynomial\n");    scanf("%d", &N);    p = (Polynomial)malloc(sizeof(PNode));    p -> next = NULL;    rear = p;    while(N --)    {        scanf("%d %d", &coe, &exp);        Attach(coe, exp, &rear);    }    temp = p;    p = p -> next;    free(temp);    return p;}

Attach 函数实现


void Attach(int coefficient, int exponent, Polynomial *rear){    Polynomial p;    p = (Polynomial)malloc(sizeof(PNode));    p -> coe = coefficient;    p -> exp = exponent;    p -> next = NULL;    (*rear) -> next = p;    *rear = p;}


void Print_Polynomial(Polynomial p){    int flag = 0;    if(!p)    {        printf("0 0\n");        return;    }    while(p)    {        if(!flag)            flag = 1;        else            printf(" ");        printf("%d %d", p -> coe, p -> exp);        p = p -> next;    }    printf("\n");}



Polynomial Add(Polynomial p1, Polynomial p2){    Polynomial p, rear, temp_1, temp_2, temp;    p = (Polynomial)malloc(sizeof(PNode));    rear = p;    temp_1 = p1;    temp_2 = p2;    while(temp_1 && temp_2)    {        if(temp_1 -> exp + temp_2 -> exp)        {            if(temp_1 -> exp > temp_2 -> exp)            {                Attach(temp_1 -> coe, temp_1 -> exp, &rear);                temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;            }            else if(temp_1 -> exp < temp_2 -> exp)            {                Attach(temp_2 -> coe, temp_2 -> exp, &rear);                temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;            }            else            {                Attach(temp_1 -> coe + temp_2 -> coe, temp_1 -> exp, &rear);                temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;                temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;            }        }        else        {            temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;            temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;        }    }    if(!temp_1)    {        while(temp_2)        {            Attach(temp_2 -> coe, temp_2 -> exp, &rear);            temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;        }    }    if(!temp_2)    {        while(temp_1)        {            Attach(temp_1 -> coe, temp_1 -> exp, &rear);            temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;        }    }    rear -> next = NULL;    temp = p;    p = p -> next;    free(temp);    return p;}



Polynomial Multi(Polynomial p1, Polynomial p2){    Polynomial p, rear, temp_1, temp_2, temp;    int coefficient, exponent;    if(! p1 || ! p2)        return NULL;    temp_1 = p1;    temp_2 = p2;    p = (Polynomial)malloc(sizeof(PNode));    p -> next = NULL;    rear = p;    while(temp_2)    {        coefficient = temp_1 -> coe * temp_2 -> coe;        exponent = temp_1 -> exp + temp_2 -> exp;        Attach(coefficient, exponent, &rear);        temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;    }    temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;    while(temp_1)    {        rear = p;        temp_2 = p2;        while(temp_2)        {            coefficient = temp_1 -> coe * temp_2 -> coe;            exponent = temp_1 -> exp + temp_2 -> exp;            while(rear -> next && rear -> next -> exp > exponent)                rear = rear -> next;            if(rear -> next && rear -> next -> exp == exponent)            {                if(rear -> next -> coe + coefficient)                    rear -> next -> coe += coefficient;                else                {                    temp = rear -> next;                    rear -> next = temp -> next;                    free(temp);                }            }            else            {                temp = (Polynomial)malloc(sizeof(PNode));                temp -> next = NULL;                temp -> coe = coefficient;                temp -> exp = exponent;                temp -> next = rear -> next;                rear -> next = temp;                rear = rear -> next;            }            temp_2 = temp_2 -> next;        }        temp_1 = temp_1 -> next;    }    rear -> next = NULL;    temp = p;    p = p -> next;    free(temp);    return p;}