
来源:互联网 发布:南开大学网络教学平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:50

dex2oat是ART运行模式下虚拟机必备的一个组件,主要用来把安装的apk和动态加载的dex等文件转换成oat文件,方便下一步的加载解析,获得其中的类并执行相关方法,所以本文以Android 6.0源码为例,对dex的处理流程尝试做一下分析,了解其中的处理情况。


int main(int argc, char** argv) {  int result = art::dex2oat(argc, argv);  if (!art::kIsDebugBuild && (RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND == 0)) {    exit(result);  }  return result;}


直接调用了同文件art 命名空间下的 dex2oat 函数,做下一步的处理:

static int dex2oat(int argc, char** argv) {  b13564922();  TimingLogger timings("compiler", false, false);  Dex2Oat dex2oat(&timings);  // Parse arguments. Argument mistakes will lead to exit(EXIT_FAILURE) in UsageError.  dex2oat.ParseArgs(argc, argv);  // Check early that the result of compilation can be written  if (!dex2oat.OpenFile()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Print the complete line when any of the following is true:  //   1) Debug build  //   2) Compiling an image  //   3) Compiling with --host  //   4) Compiling on the host (not a target build)  // Otherwise, print a stripped command line.  if (kIsDebugBuild || dex2oat.IsImage() || dex2oat.IsHost() || !kIsTargetBuild) {    LOG(INFO) << CommandLine();  } else {    LOG(INFO) << StrippedCommandLine();  }  if (!dex2oat.Setup()) {    dex2oat.EraseOatFile();    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  if (dex2oat.IsImage()) {    return CompileImage(dex2oat);  } else {    return CompileApp(dex2oat);  }}

1. 做一个arm上的workaround,这个与我们分析的主线暂时无关,了解一下就可以了。
2. 构造Dex2oat对象
3. 处理命令行参数
4. 先行判断对于文件是否有写的权限
5. 打印命令行参数
6. 判断dex2oat的setup是否完成
7. 根据是否image分别调用CompileImage或CompileApp的处理



static int CompileImage(Dex2Oat& dex2oat) {  dex2oat.Compile();  // Create the boot.oat.  if (!dex2oat.CreateOatFile()) {    dex2oat.EraseOatFile();    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Flush and close the boot.oat. We always expect the output file by name, and it will be  // re-opened from the unstripped name.  if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFile()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Creates the and patches the boot.oat.  if (!dex2oat.HandleImage()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // When given --host, finish early without stripping.  if (dex2oat.IsHost()) {    dex2oat.DumpTiming();    return EXIT_SUCCESS;  }  // Copy unstripped to stripped location, if necessary.  if (!dex2oat.CopyUnstrippedToStripped()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // FlushClose again, as stripping might have re-opened the oat file.  if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFile()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  dex2oat.DumpTiming();  return EXIT_SUCCESS;}



static int CompileApp(Dex2Oat& dex2oat) {  dex2oat.Compile();  // Create the app oat.  if (!dex2oat.CreateOatFile()) {    dex2oat.EraseOatFile();    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Do not close the oat file here. We might haven gotten the output file by file descriptor,  // which we would lose.  if (!dex2oat.FlushOatFile()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // When given --host, finish early without stripping.  if (dex2oat.IsHost()) {    if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFile()) {      return EXIT_FAILURE;    }    dex2oat.DumpTiming();    return EXIT_SUCCESS;  }  // Copy unstripped to stripped location, if necessary. This will implicitly flush & close the  // unstripped version. If this is given, we expect to be able to open writable files by name.  if (!dex2oat.CopyUnstrippedToStripped()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Flush and close the file.  if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFile()) {    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  dex2oat.DumpTiming();  return EXIT_SUCCESS;}



  // Create and invoke the compiler driver. This will compile all the dex files.  void Compile() {    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("dex2oat Compile", timings_);    compiler_phases_timings_.reset(new CumulativeLogger("compilation times"));    // Handle and ClassLoader creation needs to come after Runtime::Create    jobject class_loader = nullptr;    Thread* self = Thread::Current();    if (!boot_image_option_.empty()) {      ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();      OpenClassPathFiles(runtime_->GetClassPathString(), dex_files_, &class_path_files_);      ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);      // Classpath: first the class-path given.      std::vector<const DexFile*> class_path_files;      for (auto& class_path_file : class_path_files_) {        class_path_files.push_back(class_path_file.get());      }      // Store the classpath we have right now.      key_value_store_->Put(OatHeader::kClassPathKey,                            OatFile::EncodeDexFileDependencies(class_path_files));      // Then the dex files we'll compile. Thus we'll resolve the class-path first.      class_path_files.insert(class_path_files.end(), dex_files_.begin(), dex_files_.end());      class_loader = class_linker->CreatePathClassLoader(self, class_path_files);    }    driver_.reset(new CompilerDriver(compiler_options_.get(),                                     verification_results_.get(),                                     &method_inliner_map_,                                     compiler_kind_,                                     instruction_set_,                                     instruction_set_features_.get(),                                     image_,                                     image_classes_.release(),                                     compiled_classes_.release(),                                     nullptr,                                     thread_count_,                                     dump_stats_,                                     dump_passes_,                                     dump_cfg_file_name_,                                     compiler_phases_timings_.get(),                                     swap_fd_,                                     profile_file_));    driver_->CompileAll(class_loader, dex_files_, timings_);  }




CompilerDriver::CompilerDriver(const CompilerOptions* compiler_options,                               VerificationResults* verification_results,                               DexFileToMethodInlinerMap* method_inliner_map,                               Compiler::Kind compiler_kind,                               InstructionSet instruction_set,                               const InstructionSetFeatures* instruction_set_features,                               bool image, std::unordered_set<std::string>* image_classes,                               std::unordered_set<std::string>* compiled_classes,                               std::unordered_set<std::string>* compiled_methods,                               size_t thread_count, bool dump_stats, bool dump_passes,                               const std::string& dump_cfg_file_name, CumulativeLogger* timer,                               int swap_fd, const std::string& profile_file)    : swap_space_(swap_fd == -1 ? nullptr : new SwapSpace(swap_fd, 10 * MB)),      swap_space_allocator_(new SwapAllocator<void>(swap_space_.get())),      profile_present_(false), compiler_options_(compiler_options),      verification_results_(verification_results),      method_inliner_map_(method_inliner_map),      compiler_(Compiler::Create(this, compiler_kind)),      compiler_kind_(compiler_kind),      instruction_set_(instruction_set),      instruction_set_features_(instruction_set_features),      freezing_constructor_lock_("freezing constructor lock"),      compiled_classes_lock_("compiled classes lock"),      compiled_methods_lock_("compiled method lock"),      compiled_methods_(MethodTable::key_compare()),      non_relative_linker_patch_count_(0u),      image_(image),      image_classes_(image_classes),      classes_to_compile_(compiled_classes),      methods_to_compile_(compiled_methods),      had_hard_verifier_failure_(false),      thread_count_(thread_count),      stats_(new AOTCompilationStats),      dedupe_enabled_(true),      dump_stats_(dump_stats),      dump_passes_(dump_passes),      dump_cfg_file_name_(dump_cfg_file_name),      timings_logger_(timer),      compiler_context_(nullptr),      support_boot_image_fixup_(instruction_set != kMips && instruction_set != kMips64),      dedupe_code_("dedupe code", *swap_space_allocator_),      dedupe_src_mapping_table_("dedupe source mapping table", *swap_space_allocator_),      dedupe_mapping_table_("dedupe mapping table", *swap_space_allocator_),      dedupe_vmap_table_("dedupe vmap table", *swap_space_allocator_),      dedupe_gc_map_("dedupe gc map", *swap_space_allocator_),      dedupe_cfi_info_("dedupe cfi info", *swap_space_allocator_) {  DCHECK(compiler_options_ != nullptr);  DCHECK(verification_results_ != nullptr);  DCHECK(method_inliner_map_ != nullptr);  dex_to_dex_compiler_ = reinterpret_cast<DexToDexCompilerFn>(ArtCompileDEX);  compiler_->Init();  CHECK_EQ(image_, image_classes_.get() != nullptr);  // Read the profile file if one is provided.  if (!profile_file.empty()) {    profile_present_ = profile_file_.LoadFile(profile_file);    if (profile_present_) {      LOG(INFO) << "Using profile data form file " << profile_file;    } else {      LOG(INFO) << "Failed to load profile file " << profile_file;    }  }}



  • PreCompile
  • Compile
void CompilerDriver::CompileAll(jobject class_loader,                                const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,                                TimingLogger* timings) {  DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->IsStarted());  std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool(      new ThreadPool("Compiler driver thread pool", thread_count_ - 1));  VLOG(compiler) << "Before precompile " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);  PreCompile(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool.get(), timings);  Compile(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool.get(), timings);  if (dump_stats_) {    stats_->Dump();  }}


- 做校验
- 做类的初始化

void CompilerDriver::PreCompile(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,                                ThreadPool* thread_pool, TimingLogger* timings) {  LoadImageClasses(timings);  VLOG(compiler) << "LoadImageClasses: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);  const bool verification_enabled = compiler_options_->IsVerificationEnabled();  const bool never_verify = compiler_options_->NeverVerify();  // We need to resolve for never_verify since it needs to run dex to dex to add the  // RETURN_VOID_NO_BARRIER.  if (never_verify || verification_enabled) {    Resolve(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool, timings);    VLOG(compiler) << "Resolve: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);  }  if (never_verify) {    VLOG(compiler) << "Verify none mode specified, skipping verification.";    SetVerified(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool, timings);  }  if (!verification_enabled) {    return;  }  Verify(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool, timings);  VLOG(compiler) << "Verify: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);  if (had_hard_verifier_failure_ && GetCompilerOptions().AbortOnHardVerifierFailure()) {    LOG(FATAL) << "Had a hard failure verifying all classes, and was asked to abort in such "               << "situations. Please check the log.";  }  InitializeClasses(class_loader, dex_files, thread_pool, timings);  VLOG(compiler) << "InitializeClasses: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);  UpdateImageClasses(timings);  VLOG(compiler) << "UpdateImageClasses: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);}



void CompilerDriver::Compile(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,                             ThreadPool* thread_pool, TimingLogger* timings) {  for (size_t i = 0; i != dex_files.size(); ++i) {    const DexFile* dex_file = dex_files[i];    CHECK(dex_file != nullptr);    CompileDexFile(class_loader, *dex_file, dex_files, thread_pool, timings);  }  VLOG(compiler) << "Compile: " << GetMemoryUsageString(false);}



void CompilerDriver::CompileDexFile(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file,                                    const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,                                    ThreadPool* thread_pool, TimingLogger* timings) {  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("Compile Dex File", timings);  ParallelCompilationManager context(Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker(), class_loader, this,                                     &dex_file, dex_files, thread_pool);  context.ForAll(0, dex_file.NumClassDefs(), CompilerDriver::CompileClass, thread_count_);}

context.ForAll(0, dex_file.NumClassDefs(), CompilerDriver::CompileClass, thread_count_);这条语句中重要的是CompilerDriver::CompileClass,CompilerDriver::CompileClass代表一个回调函数,这个回调函数将一个dex中的类进行编译。

void CompilerDriver::CompileClass(const ParallelCompilationManager* manager,                                  size_t class_def_index) {  ATRACE_CALL();  const DexFile& dex_file = *manager->GetDexFile();  const DexFile::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file.GetClassDef(class_def_index);  ClassLinker* class_linker = manager->GetClassLinker();  jobject jclass_loader = manager->GetClassLoader();  Thread* self = Thread::Current();  {    // Use a scoped object access to perform to the quick SkipClass check.    const char* descriptor = dex_file.GetClassDescriptor(class_def);    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);    StackHandleScope<3> hs(soa.Self());    Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(        hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader)));    Handle<mirror::Class> klass(        hs.NewHandle(class_linker->FindClass(soa.Self(), descriptor, class_loader)));    if (klass.Get() == nullptr) {      CHECK(soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending());      soa.Self()->ClearException();    } else if (SkipClass(jclass_loader, dex_file, klass.Get())) {      return;    }  }  ClassReference ref(&dex_file, class_def_index);  // Skip compiling classes with generic verifier failures since they will still fail at runtime  if (manager->GetCompiler()->verification_results_->IsClassRejected(ref)) {    return;  }  const uint8_t* class_data = dex_file.GetClassData(class_def);  if (class_data == nullptr) {    // empty class, probably a marker interface    return;  }  CompilerDriver* const driver = manager->GetCompiler();  // Can we run DEX-to-DEX compiler on this class ?  DexToDexCompilationLevel dex_to_dex_compilation_level = kDontDexToDexCompile;  {    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);    StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());    Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(        hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(jclass_loader)));    dex_to_dex_compilation_level = driver->GetDexToDexCompilationlevel(        soa.Self(), class_loader, dex_file, class_def);  }  ClassDataItemIterator it(dex_file, class_data);  // Skip fields  while (it.HasNextStaticField()) {    it.Next();  }  while (it.HasNextInstanceField()) {    it.Next();  }  bool compilation_enabled = driver->IsClassToCompile(      dex_file.StringByTypeIdx(class_def.class_idx_));  // Compile direct methods  int64_t previous_direct_method_idx = -1;  while (it.HasNextDirectMethod()) {    uint32_t method_idx = it.GetMemberIndex();    if (method_idx == previous_direct_method_idx) {      // smali can create dex files with two encoded_methods sharing the same method_idx      //      it.Next();      continue;    }    previous_direct_method_idx = method_idx;    driver->CompileMethod(self, it.GetMethodCodeItem(), it.GetMethodAccessFlags(),                          it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def), class_def_index,                          method_idx, jclass_loader, dex_file, dex_to_dex_compilation_level,                          compilation_enabled);    it.Next();  }  // Compile virtual methods  int64_t previous_virtual_method_idx = -1;  while (it.HasNextVirtualMethod()) {    uint32_t method_idx = it.GetMemberIndex();    if (method_idx == previous_virtual_method_idx) {      // smali can create dex files with two encoded_methods sharing the same method_idx      //      it.Next();      continue;    }    previous_virtual_method_idx = method_idx;    driver->CompileMethod(self, it.GetMethodCodeItem(), it.GetMethodAccessFlags(),                          it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def), class_def_index,                          method_idx, jclass_loader, dex_file, dex_to_dex_compilation_level,                          compilation_enabled);    it.Next();  }  DCHECK(!it.HasNext());}


void CompilerDriver::CompileMethod(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,                                   uint32_t access_flags, InvokeType invoke_type,                                   uint16_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx,                                   jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file,                                   DexToDexCompilationLevel dex_to_dex_compilation_level,                                   bool compilation_enabled) {  CompiledMethod* compiled_method = nullptr;  uint64_t start_ns = kTimeCompileMethod ? NanoTime() : 0;  MethodReference method_ref(&dex_file, method_idx);  if ((access_flags & kAccNative) != 0) {    // Are we interpreting only and have support for generic JNI down calls?    if (!compiler_options_->IsCompilationEnabled() &&        InstructionSetHasGenericJniStub(instruction_set_)) {      // Leaving this empty will trigger the generic JNI version    } else {      compiled_method = compiler_->JniCompile(access_flags, method_idx, dex_file);      CHECK(compiled_method != nullptr);    }  } else if ((access_flags & kAccAbstract) != 0) {    // Abstract methods don't have code.  } else {    bool has_verified_method = verification_results_->GetVerifiedMethod(method_ref) != nullptr;    bool compile = compilation_enabled &&                   // Basic checks, e.g., not <clinit>.                   verification_results_->IsCandidateForCompilation(method_ref, access_flags) &&                   // Did not fail to create VerifiedMethod metadata.                   has_verified_method &&                   // Is eligable for compilation by methods-to-compile filter.                   IsMethodToCompile(method_ref);    if (compile) {      // NOTE: if compiler declines to compile this method, it will return null.      compiled_method = compiler_->Compile(code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, class_def_idx,                                           method_idx, class_loader, dex_file);    }    if (compiled_method == nullptr && dex_to_dex_compilation_level != kDontDexToDexCompile) {      // TODO: add a command-line option to disable DEX-to-DEX compilation ?      // Do not optimize if a VerifiedMethod is missing. SafeCast elision, for example, relies on      // it.      (*dex_to_dex_compiler_)(*this, code_item, access_flags,                              invoke_type, class_def_idx,                              method_idx, class_loader, dex_file,                              has_verified_method ? dex_to_dex_compilation_level : kRequired);    }  }  if (kTimeCompileMethod) {    uint64_t duration_ns = NanoTime() - start_ns;    if (duration_ns > MsToNs(compiler_->GetMaximumCompilationTimeBeforeWarning())) {      LOG(WARNING) << "Compilation of " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file)                   << " took " << PrettyDuration(duration_ns);    }  }  if (compiled_method != nullptr) {    // Count non-relative linker patches.    size_t non_relative_linker_patch_count = 0u;    for (const LinkerPatch& patch : compiled_method->GetPatches()) {      if (!patch.IsPcRelative()) {        ++non_relative_linker_patch_count;      }    }    bool compile_pic = GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic();  // Off by default    // When compiling with PIC, there should be zero non-relative linker patches    CHECK(!compile_pic || non_relative_linker_patch_count == 0u);    DCHECK(GetCompiledMethod(method_ref) == nullptr) << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);    {      MutexLock mu(self, compiled_methods_lock_);      compiled_methods_.Put(method_ref, compiled_method);      non_relative_linker_patch_count_ += non_relative_linker_patch_count;    }    DCHECK(GetCompiledMethod(method_ref) != nullptr) << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);  }  // Done compiling, delete the verified method to reduce native memory usage. Do not delete in  // optimizing compiler, which may need the verified method again for inlining.  if (compiler_kind_ != Compiler::kOptimizing) {    verification_results_->RemoveVerifiedMethod(method_ref);  }  if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);    LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected exception compiling: " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << "\n"        << self->GetException()->Dump();  }}


CompilerDriver::CompilerDriver(...){  ......  dex_to_dex_compiler_ = reinterpret_cast<DexToDexCompilerFn>(ArtCompileDEX);  ......}


extern "C" void ArtCompileDEX(art::CompilerDriver& driver, const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,                              uint32_t access_flags, art::InvokeType invoke_type,                              uint16_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,                              const art::DexFile& dex_file,                              art::DexToDexCompilationLevel dex_to_dex_compilation_level) {  UNUSED(invoke_type);  if (dex_to_dex_compilation_level != art::kDontDexToDexCompile) {    art::DexCompilationUnit unit(nullptr, class_loader, art::Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker(),                                 dex_file, code_item, class_def_idx, method_idx, access_flags,                                 driver.GetVerifiedMethod(&dex_file, method_idx));    art::optimizer::DexCompiler dex_compiler(driver, unit, dex_to_dex_compilation_level);    dex_compiler.Compile();  }}

而compiler_->Compile方法中,compiler_是通过Compiler的构造函数中Compiler::Create(this, compiler_kind)创建的(art\compiler\

Compiler* Compiler::Create(CompilerDriver* driver, Compiler::Kind kind) {  switch (kind) {    case kQuick:      return CreateQuickCompiler(driver);    case kOptimizing:      return CreateOptimizingCompiler(driver);    default:      LOG(FATAL) << "UNREACHABLE";      UNREACHABLE();  }}


Compiler* CreateQuickCompiler(CompilerDriver* driver) {  return QuickCompiler::Create(driver);}Compiler* QuickCompiler::Create(CompilerDriver* driver) {  return new QuickCompiler(driver);}


CompiledMethod* QuickCompiler::Compile(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,                                       uint32_t access_flags,                                       InvokeType invoke_type,                                       uint16_t class_def_idx,                                       uint32_t method_idx,                                       jobject class_loader,                                       const DexFile& dex_file) const {  // TODO: check method fingerprint here to determine appropriate backend type.  Until then, use  // build default.  CompilerDriver* driver = GetCompilerDriver();  VLOG(compiler) << "Compiling " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << "...";  if (Compiler::IsPathologicalCase(*code_item, method_idx, dex_file)) {    return nullptr;  }  if (driver->GetVerifiedMethod(&dex_file, method_idx)->HasRuntimeThrow()) {    return nullptr;  }  DCHECK(driver->GetCompilerOptions().IsCompilationEnabled());  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();  ClassLinker* const class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();  InstructionSet instruction_set = driver->GetInstructionSet();  if (instruction_set == kArm) {    instruction_set = kThumb2;  }  CompilationUnit cu(runtime->GetArenaPool(), instruction_set, driver, class_linker);  cu.dex_file = &dex_file;  cu.class_def_idx = class_def_idx;  cu.method_idx = method_idx;  cu.access_flags = access_flags;  cu.invoke_type = invoke_type;  cu.shorty = dex_file.GetMethodShorty(dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx));  CHECK((cu.instruction_set == kThumb2) ||        (cu.instruction_set == kArm64) ||        (cu.instruction_set == kX86) ||        (cu.instruction_set == kX86_64) ||        (cu.instruction_set == kMips) ||        (cu.instruction_set == kMips64));  // TODO: set this from command line  constexpr bool compiler_flip_match = false;  const std::string compiler_method_match = "";  bool use_match = !compiler_method_match.empty();  bool match = use_match && (compiler_flip_match ^      (PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file).find(compiler_method_match) != std::string::npos));  if (!use_match || match) {    cu.disable_opt = kCompilerOptimizerDisableFlags;    cu.enable_debug = kCompilerDebugFlags;    cu.verbose = VLOG_IS_ON(compiler) ||        (cu.enable_debug & (1 << kDebugVerbose));  }  if (driver->GetCompilerOptions().HasVerboseMethods()) {    cu.verbose = driver->GetCompilerOptions().IsVerboseMethod(PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file));  }  if (cu.verbose) {    cu.enable_debug |= (1 << kDebugCodegenDump);  }  /*   * TODO: rework handling of optimization and debug flags.  Should we split out   * MIR and backend flags?  Need command-line setting as well.   */  InitCompilationUnit(cu);  cu.StartTimingSplit("BuildMIRGraph");  cu.mir_graph.reset(new MIRGraph(&cu, &cu.arena));  /*   * After creation of the MIR graph, also create the code generator.   * The reason we do this is that optimizations on the MIR graph may need to get information   * that is only available if a CG exists.   */, nullptr));  /* Gathering opcode stats? */  if (kCompilerDebugFlags & (1 << kDebugCountOpcodes)) {    cu.mir_graph->EnableOpcodeCounting();  }  /* Build the raw MIR graph */  cu.mir_graph->InlineMethod(code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, class_def_idx, method_idx,                             class_loader, dex_file);  if (!CanCompileMethod(method_idx, dex_file, &cu)) {    VLOG(compiler)  << cu.instruction_set << ": Cannot compile method : "        << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);    cu.EndTiming();    return nullptr;  }  cu.NewTimingSplit("MIROpt:CheckFilters");  std::string skip_message;  if (cu.mir_graph->SkipCompilation(&skip_message)) {    VLOG(compiler) << cu.instruction_set << ": Skipping method : "        << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << "  Reason = " << skip_message;    cu.EndTiming();    return nullptr;  }  /* Create the pass driver and launch it */  PassDriverMEOpts pass_driver(GetPreOptPassManager(), GetPostOptPassManager(), &cu);  pass_driver.Launch();  /* For non-leaf methods check if we should skip compilation when the profiler is enabled. */  if (cu.compiler_driver->ProfilePresent()      && !cu.mir_graph->MethodIsLeaf()      && cu.mir_graph->SkipCompilationByName(PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file))) {    cu.EndTiming();    return nullptr;  }  if (cu.enable_debug & (1 << kDebugDumpCheckStats)) {    cu.mir_graph->DumpCheckStats();  }  if (kCompilerDebugFlags & (1 << kDebugCountOpcodes)) {    cu.mir_graph->ShowOpcodeStats();  }  /* Reassociate sreg names with original Dalvik vreg names. */  cu.mir_graph->RemapRegLocations();  /* Free Arenas from the cu.arena_stack for reuse by the cu.arena in the codegen. */  if (cu.enable_debug & (1 << kDebugShowMemoryUsage)) {    if (cu.arena_stack.PeakBytesAllocated() > 1 * 1024 * 1024) {      MemStats stack_stats(cu.arena_stack.GetPeakStats());      LOG(INFO) << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << " " << Dumpable<MemStats>(stack_stats);    }  }  cu.arena_stack.Reset();  CompiledMethod* result = nullptr;  if (cu.mir_graph->PuntToInterpreter()) {    VLOG(compiler) << cu.instruction_set << ": Punted method to interpreter: "        << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);    cu.EndTiming();    return nullptr;  }>Materialize();  cu.NewTimingSplit("Dedupe");  /* deduping takes up the vast majority of time in GetCompiledMethod(). */  result =>GetCompiledMethod();  cu.NewTimingSplit("Cleanup");  if (result) {    VLOG(compiler) << cu.instruction_set << ": Compiled " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);  } else {    VLOG(compiler) << cu.instruction_set << ": Deferred " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);  }  if (cu.enable_debug & (1 << kDebugShowMemoryUsage)) {    if (cu.arena.BytesAllocated() > (1 * 1024 *1024)) {      MemStats mem_stats(cu.arena.GetMemStats());      LOG(INFO) << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << " " << Dumpable<MemStats>(mem_stats);    }  }  if (cu.enable_debug & (1 << kDebugShowSummaryMemoryUsage)) {    LOG(INFO) << "MEMINFO " << cu.arena.BytesAllocated() << " " << cu.mir_graph->GetNumBlocks()                    << " " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);  }  cu.EndTiming();  driver->GetTimingsLogger()->AddLogger(cu.timings);  return result;}


ART世界探险(13) - 初入dex2oat
ART世界探险(16) - 快速编译器下的方法编译