fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'streambuf': No such file or directory解决方案

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝装修代码怎么使用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 05:10



前几天写了个代码,发现出问题,然后重新下载了一个VC++编译软件,结果发现报错提示Error spawning

#incldue<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){return 0;}



/****exception - Defines class exception and related functions**   Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.*   Modified January 1996 by P.J. Plauger**Purpose:*       Defines class exception (and derived class bad_exception)*       plus new and unexpected handler functions.**       [Public]*****/#if     _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif#ifndef _EXCEPTION_#define _EXCEPTION_#include <xstddef>#include <eh.h>#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(push,8)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */ #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_MAC)  #error ERROR: Only Mac or Win32 targets supported! #endif#ifndef _CRTIMP#ifdef  _NTSDK/* definition compatible with NT SDK */#define _CRTIMP#else   /* ndef _NTSDK *//* current definition */#ifdef  _DLL#define _CRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)#else   /* ndef _DLL */#define _CRTIMP#endif  /* _DLL */#endif  /* _NTSDK */#endif  /* _CRTIMP */typedef const char *__exString;class _CRTIMP exception{public:    exception();    exception(const __exString&);    exception(const exception&);    exception& operator= (const exception&);    virtual ~exception();    virtual __exString what() const;private:    __exString _m_what;    int _m_doFree;};_STD_BEGINusing ::exception;        // CLASS bad_exceptionclass _CRTIMP bad_exception : public exception {public:    bad_exception(const char *_S = "bad exception") _THROW0()        : exception(_S) {}    virtual ~bad_exception() _THROW0()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };_CRTIMP bool __cdecl uncaught_exception();_STD_END#ifdef __RTTI_OLDNAMEStypedef exception xmsg;        // A synonym for folks using older standard#endif#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(pop)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */#endif /* _EXCEPTION_ *//* * 1994-1995, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Modified January 1996 by P.J. Plauger * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */


// streambuf standard header#if     _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif#ifndef _STREAMBUF_#define _STREAMBUF_#include <xlocnum>#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(push,8)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */_STD_BEGIN        // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_streambuftemplate<class _E, class _Tr = char_traits<_E> >    class basic_streambuf {protected:    basic_streambuf()        : _Loc() {_Init(); }    basic_streambuf(_Uninitialized)        : _Loc(_Noinit) {}public:    typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> _Myt;    typedef _E char_type;    typedef _Tr traits_type;    virtual ~basic_streambuf()        {}    typedef _Tr::int_type int_type;    typedef _Tr::pos_type pos_type;    typedef _Tr::off_type off_type;    pos_type pubseekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W,        ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out)        {return (seekoff(_O, _W, _M)); }    pos_type pubseekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seek_dir _W,        ios_base::open_mode _M)        {return (pubseekoff(_O, (ios_base::seekdir)_W,            (ios_base::openmode)_M)); }    pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type _P,        ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out)        {return (seekpos(_P, _M)); }    pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type _P, ios_base::open_mode _M)        {return (seekpos(_P, (ios_base::openmode)_M)); }    _Myt *pubsetbuf(_E *_S, streamsize _N)        {return (setbuf(_S, _N)); }    locale pubimbue(const locale &_Ln)        {locale _Lo = _Loc;        imbue(_Ln);        _Loc = _Ln;        return (_Lo); }    locale getloc()        {return (_Loc); }    streamsize in_avail()        {return (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr()            ? egptr() - gptr() : showmanyc()); }    int pubsync()        {return (sync()); }    int_type sbumpc()        {return (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr()            ? _Tr::to_int_type(*_Gninc()) : uflow()); }    int_type sgetc()        {return (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr()            ? _Tr::to_int_type(*gptr()) : underflow()); }    streamsize sgetn(_E *_S, streamsize _N)        {return (xsgetn(_S, _N)); }    int_type snextc()        {return (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), sbumpc())            ? _Tr::eof() : sgetc()); }    int_type sputbackc(_E _C)        {return (gptr() != 0 && eback() < gptr()            && _Tr::eq(_C, gptr()[-1])            ? _Tr::to_int_type(*_Gndec())            : pbackfail(_Tr::to_int_type(_C))); }    void stossc()        {if (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr())            _Gninc();        else            uflow(); }    int_type sungetc()        {return (gptr() != 0 && eback() < gptr()            ? _Tr::to_int_type(*_Gndec()) : pbackfail()); }    int_type sputc(_E _C)        {return (pptr() != 0 && pptr() < epptr()            ? _Tr::to_int_type(*_Pninc() = _C)            : overflow(_Tr::to_int_type(_C))); }    streamsize sputn(const _E *_S, streamsize _N)        {return (xsputn(_S, _N)); }protected:    _E *eback() const        {return (*_IGbeg); }    _E *gptr() const        {return (*_IGnext); }    _E *pbase() const        {return (*_IPbeg); }    _E *pptr() const        {return (*_IPnext); }    _E *egptr() const        {return (*_IGnext + *_IGcnt); }    void gbump(int _N)        {*_IGcnt -= _N;        *_IGnext += _N; }    void setg(_E *_B, _E *_N, _E *_L)        {*_IGbeg = _B, *_IGnext = _N, *_IGcnt = _L - _N; }    _E *epptr() const        {return (*_IPnext + *_IPcnt); }    _E *_Gndec()        {++*_IGcnt;        return (--*_IGnext); }    _E *_Gninc()        {--*_IGcnt;        return ((*_IGnext)++); }    void pbump(int _N)        {*_IPcnt -= _N;        *_IPnext += _N; }    void setp(_E *_B, _E *_L)        {*_IPbeg = _B, *_IPnext = _B, *_IPcnt = _L - _B; }    void setp(_E *_B, _E *_N, _E *_L)        {*_IPbeg = _B, *_IPnext = _N, *_IPcnt = _L - _N; }    _E *_Pninc()        {--*_IPcnt;        return ((*_IPnext)++); }    void _Init()        {_IGbeg = &_Gbeg, _IPbeg = &_Pbeg;        _IGnext = &_Gnext, _IPnext = &_Pnext;        _IGcnt = &_Gcnt, _IPcnt = &_Pcnt;        setp(0, 0), setg(0, 0, 0); }    void _Init(_E **_Gb, _E **_Gn, int *_Gc,        _E **_Pb, _E **_Pn, int *_Pc)        {_IGbeg = _Gb, _IPbeg = _Pb;        _IGnext = _Gn, _IPnext = _Pn;        _IGcnt = _Gc, _IPcnt = _Pc; }    virtual int_type overflow(int_type = _Tr::eof())        {return (_Tr::eof()); }    virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type = _Tr::eof())        {return (_Tr::eof()); }    virtual int showmanyc()        {return (0); }    virtual int_type underflow()        {return (_Tr::eof()); }    virtual int_type uflow()        {return (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), underflow())            ? _Tr::eof() : _Tr::to_int_type(*_Gninc())); }    virtual streamsize xsgetn(_E * _S, streamsize _N)        {int_type _C;        streamsize _M, _Ns;        for (_Ns = 0; 0 < _N; )            if (gptr() != 0 && 0 < (_M = egptr() - gptr()))                {if (_N < _M)                    _M = _N;                _Tr::copy(_S, gptr(), _M);                _S += _M, _Ns += _M, _N -= _M, gbump(_M); }            else if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C = uflow()))                break;            else                *_S++ = _Tr::to_char_type(_C), ++_Ns, --_N;        return (_Ns); }    virtual streamsize xsputn(const _E *_S, streamsize _N)        {streamsize _M, _Ns;        for (_Ns = 0; 0 < _N; )            if (pptr() != 0 && 0 < (_M = epptr() - pptr()))                {if (_N < _M)                    _M = _N;                _Tr::copy(pptr(), _S, _M);                _S += _M, _Ns += _M, _N -= _M, pbump(_M); }            else if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(),                overflow(_Tr::to_int_type(*_S))))                break;            else                ++_S, ++_Ns, --_N;        return (_Ns); }    virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type, ios_base::seekdir,        ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out)        {return (streampos(_BADOFF)); }    virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type,        ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out)        {return (streampos(_BADOFF)); }    virtual _Myt *setbuf(_E *, streamsize)        {return (this); }    virtual int sync()        {return (0); }    virtual void imbue(const locale& _Loc)        {}private:    _E *_Gbeg, *_Pbeg;    _E **_IGbeg, **_IPbeg;    _E *_Gnext, *_Pnext;    _E **_IGnext, **_IPnext;    int _Gcnt, _Pcnt;    int *_IGcnt, *_IPcnt;    locale _Loc;    };#ifdef _DLL#pragma warning(disable:4231) /* the extern before template is a non-standard extension */extern template class _CRTIMP basic_streambuf<char, char_traits<char> >;extern template class _CRTIMP basic_streambuf<wchar_t, char_traits<wchar_t> >;#pragma warning(default:4231) /* restore previous warning */#endif      // _DLL_STD_END#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(pop)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */#endif /* _STREAMBUF_ *//* * Copyright (c) 1994 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */


// stdexcept standard header#if     _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif#ifndef _STDEXCEPT_#define _STDEXCEPT_#include <exception>#include <xstring>#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(push,8)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */_STD_BEGIN        // CLASS logic_errorclass _CRTIMP logic_error : public exception {public:    explicit logic_error(const string& _S)        : exception(""), _Str(_S) {}    virtual ~logic_error()        {}    virtual const char *what() const        {return (_Str.c_str()); }protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }private:    string _Str;    };        // CLASS domain_errorclass _CRTIMP domain_error : public logic_error {public:    explicit domain_error(const string& _S)        : logic_error(_S) {}    virtual ~domain_error()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS invalid_argumentclass invalid_argument : public logic_error {public:    explicit invalid_argument(const string& _S)        : logic_error(_S) {}    virtual ~invalid_argument()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS length_errorclass _CRTIMP length_error : public logic_error {public:    explicit length_error(const string& _S)        : logic_error(_S) {}    virtual ~length_error()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS out_of_rangeclass _CRTIMP out_of_range : public logic_error {public:    explicit out_of_range(const string& _S)        : logic_error(_S) {}    virtual ~out_of_range()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS runtime_errorclass _CRTIMP runtime_error : public exception {public:    explicit runtime_error(const string& _S)        : exception(""), _Str(_S) {}    virtual ~runtime_error()        {}    virtual const char *what() const        {return (_Str.c_str()); }protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }private:    string _Str;    };        // CLASS overflow_errorclass _CRTIMP overflow_error : public runtime_error {public:    explicit overflow_error(const string& _S)        : runtime_error(_S) {}    virtual ~overflow_error()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS underflow_errorclass _CRTIMP underflow_error : public runtime_error {public:    explicit underflow_error(const string& _S)        : runtime_error(_S) {}    virtual ~underflow_error()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };        // CLASS range_errorclass _CRTIMP range_error : public runtime_error {public:    explicit range_error(const string& _S)        : runtime_error(_S) {}    virtual ~range_error()        {}protected:    virtual void _Doraise() const        {_RAISE(*this); }    };_STD_END#ifdef  _MSC_VER#pragma pack(pop)#endif  /* _MSC_VER */#endif /* _STDEXCEPT_ *//* * Copyright (c) 1994 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */
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