
来源:互联网 发布:linux nobody启动程序 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 04:16

1. make/core/

ifndef KATIhost_prebuilts := linux-x86  ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin)  host_prebuilts := darwin-x86  endif  .PHONY: run_soong_ui  run_soong_ui:      +@prebuilts/build-tools/$(host_prebuilts)/bin/makeparallel --ninja build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode $(MAKECMDGOALS)  .PHONY: $(MAKECMDGOALS)  $(sort $(MAKECMDGOALS)) : run_soong_ui      @#empty  

2. soong/soong_ui.bash

# Bootstrap microfactory from source if necessary and use it to build the# soong_ui binary, then run soong_ui.function run_go{    # Increment when microfactory changes enough that it cannot rebuild itself.    # For example, if we use a new command line argument that doesn't work on older versions.    local mf_version=2    local mf_src="${TOP}/build/soong/cmd/microfactory"    local out_dir="${OUT_DIR-}"    if [ -z "${out_dir}" ]; then        if [ "${OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE-}" ]; then            out_dir="${OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE}/$(basename ${TOP})"        else            out_dir="${TOP}/out"        fi    fi    local mf_bin="${out_dir}/microfactory_$(uname)"    local mf_version_file="${out_dir}/.microfactory_$(uname)_version"    local soong_ui_bin="${out_dir}/soong_ui"    local from_src=1    if [ -f "${mf_bin}" ] && [ -f "${mf_version_file}" ]; then        if [ "${mf_version}" -eq "$(cat "${mf_version_file}")" ]; then            from_src=0        fi    fi    local mf_cmd    if [ $from_src -eq 1 ]; then        mf_cmd="${GOROOT}/bin/go run ${mf_src}/microfactory.go"    else        mf_cmd="${mf_bin}"    fi    ${mf_cmd} -s "${mf_src}" -b "${mf_bin}" \            -pkg-path "android/soong=${TOP}/build/soong" -trimpath "${TOP}/build/soong" \            -o "${soong_ui_bin}" android/soong/cmd/soong_ui    if [ $from_src -eq 1 ]; then        echo "${mf_version}" >"${mf_version_file}"    fi    exec "${out_dir}/soong_ui" "$@"}

第一次执行, from_src为1:

varable value mf_cmd /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/prebuilts/go/linux-x86//bin/go run /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory/microfactory.go mf_src /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory mf_bin /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/microfactory_Linux soong_ui_bin /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/soong_ui


func main() {    var output, mysrc, mybin, trimPath string    var pkgMap pkgPathMapping    flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ExitOnError)    flags.BoolVar(&race, "race", false, "enable data race detection.")    flags.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "Verbose")    flags.StringVar(&output, "o", "", "Output file")    flags.StringVar(&mysrc, "s", "", "Microfactory source directory (for rebuilding microfactory if necessary)")    flags.StringVar(&mybin, "b", "", "Microfactory binary location")    flags.StringVar(&trimPath, "trimpath", "", "remove prefix from recorded source file paths")    flags.Var(&pkgMap, "pkg-path", "Mapping of package prefixes to file paths")    err := flags.Parse(os.Args[1:])    if err == flag.ErrHelp || flags.NArg() != 1 || output == "" {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage:", os.Args[0], "-o out/binary <main-package>")        flags.PrintDefaults()        os.Exit(1)    }    if mybin != "" && mysrc != "" {        rebuildMicrofactory(mybin, mysrc, &pkgMap)    }    mainPackage := &GoPackage{        Name: "main",    }    if path, ok, err := pkgMap.Path(flags.Arg(0)); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error finding main path:", err)        os.Exit(1)    } else if !ok {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Cannot find path for", flags.Arg(0))    } else {        if err := mainPackage.FindDeps(path, &pkgMap); err != nil {            fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)            os.Exit(1)        }    }    intermediates := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(output), "."+filepath.Base(output)+"_intermediates")    err = os.MkdirAll(intermediates, 0777)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to create intermediates directory: %ve", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    err = mainPackage.Compile(intermediates, trimPath)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to compile:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    err = mainPackage.Link(output)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to link:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }}


// rebuildMicrofactory checks to see if microfactory itself needs to be rebuilt,// and if does, it will launch a new copy instead of returning.func rebuildMicrofactory(mybin, mysrc string, pkgMap *pkgPathMapping) {    intermediates := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(mybin), "."+filepath.Base(mybin)+"_intermediates")    err := os.MkdirAll(intermediates, 0777)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to create intermediates directory: %v", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    pkg := &GoPackage{        Name: "main",    }    if err := pkg.FindDeps(mysrc, pkgMap); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)        os.Exit(1)    }    if err := pkg.Compile(intermediates, mysrc); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)        os.Exit(1)    }    if err := pkg.Link(mybin); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)        os.Exit(1)    }    if !pkg.rebuilt {        return    }    cmd := exec.Command(mybin, os.Args[1:]...)    cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin    cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout    cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr    if err := cmd.Run(); err == nil {        os.Exit(0)    } else if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {        os.Exit(e.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus())    }    os.Exit(1)}


varable value intermediates /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.microfactory_Linux_intermediates


// findDeps is the recursive version of FindDeps. allPackages is the map of// all locally defined packages so that the same dependency of two different// packages is only resolved once.func (p *GoPackage) findDeps(path string, pkgMap *pkgPathMapping, allPackages map[string]*GoPackage) error {    // If this ever becomes too slow, we can look at reading the files once instead of twice    // But that just complicates things today, and we're already really fast.    foundPkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(token.NewFileSet(), path, func(fi os.FileInfo) bool {        name := fi.Name()        if fi.IsDir() || strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") || name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '_' {            return false        }        if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" && strings.HasSuffix(name, "_darwin.go") {            return false        }        if runtime.GOOS != "linux" && strings.HasSuffix(name, "_linux.go") {            return false        }        return true    }, parser.ImportsOnly)    if err != nil {        return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing directory %q: %v", path, err)    }    var foundPkg *ast.Package    // foundPkgs is a map[string]*ast.Package, but we only want one package    if len(foundPkgs) != 1 {        return fmt.Errorf("Expected one package in %q, got %d", path, len(foundPkgs))    }    // Extract the first (and only) entry from the map.    for _, pkg := range foundPkgs {        foundPkg = pkg    }    var deps []string    localDeps := make(map[string]bool)    for filename, astFile := range foundPkg.Files {        p.files = append(p.files, filename)        for _, importSpec := range astFile.Imports {            name, err := strconv.Unquote(importSpec.Path.Value)            if err != nil {                return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid quoted string: <%s> %v", filename, importSpec.Path.Value, err)            }            if pkg, ok := allPackages[name]; ok && pkg != nil {                if pkg != nil {                    if _, ok := localDeps[name]; !ok {                        deps = append(deps, name)                        localDeps[name] = true                    }                }                continue            }            var pkgPath string            if path, ok, err := pkgMap.Path(name); err != nil {                return err            } else if !ok {                // Probably in the stdlib, compiler will fail we a reasonable error message otherwise.                // Mark it as such so that we don't try to decode its path again.                allPackages[name] = nil                continue            } else {                pkgPath = path            }            pkg := &GoPackage{                Name: name,            }            deps = append(deps, name)            allPackages[name] = pkg            localDeps[name] = true            if err := pkg.findDeps(pkgPath, pkgMap, allPackages); err != nil {                return err            }        }    }    sort.Strings(p.files)    if verbose {        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Package %q depends on %v\n", p.Name, deps)    }    for _, dep := range deps {        p.deps = append(p.deps, allPackages[dep])    }    return nil}


func ParseDir(fset *token.FileSet, path string, filter func(os.FileInfo) bool, mode Mode) (pkgs map[string]*ast.Package, first error)  

ParseDir calls ParseFile for all files with names ending in “.go” in the directory specified by path and returns a map of package name -> package AST with all the packages found.

If filter != nil, only the files with os.FileInfo entries passing through the filter (and ending in “.go”) are considered. The mode bits are passed to ParseFile unchanged. Position information is recorded in fset, which must not be nil.

If the directory couldn’t be read, a nil map and the respective error are returned. If a parse error occurred, a non-nil but incomplete map and the first error encountered are returned.

这里传入的path为 mysrc,该值由soong/soong_ui.bash传入

varable value mf_cmd /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/prebuilts/go/linux-x86//bin/go run /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory/microfactory.go mf_src /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory mf_bin /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/microfactory_Linux soong_ui_bin /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/soong_ui


intermediates /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.microfactory_Linux_intermediates filename /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory/microfactory.go


// Path takes a package name, applies the path mappings and returns the resulting path.//// If the package isn't mapped, we'll return false to prevent compilation attempts.func (p *pkgPathMapping) Path(pkg string) (string, bool, error) {    if p.paths == nil {        return "", false, fmt.Errorf("No package mappings")    }    for _, pkgPrefix := range p.pkgs {        if pkg == pkgPrefix {            return p.paths[pkgPrefix], true, nil        } else if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, pkgPrefix+"/") {            return filepath.Join(p.paths[pkgPrefix], strings.TrimPrefix(pkg, pkgPrefix+"/")), true, nil        }    }    return "", false, nil}````对应的类型为:<div class="se-preview-section-delimiter"></div>```go// pkgPathMapping can be used with flag.Var to parse -pkg-path arguments of// <package-prefix>=<path-prefix> mappings.type pkgPathMapping struct {    pkgs []string    paths map[string]string}


func (p *pkgPathMapping) Set(value string) error {    equalPos := strings.Index(value, "=")    if equalPos == -1 {        return fmt.Errorf("Argument must be in the form of: %q", p.String())    }    pkgPrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(value[:equalPos], "/")    pathPrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(value[equalPos+1:], "/")    if p.paths == nil {        p.paths = make(map[string]string)    }    if _, ok := p.paths[pkgPrefix]; ok {        return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate package prefix: %q", pkgPrefix)    }    p.pkgs = append(p.pkgs, pkgPrefix)    p.paths[pkgPrefix] = pathPrefix    return nil}
pkgPrefix android/soong pathPrefix /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong

soong/cmd/microfactory/microfactory.go import的包有:

import (    "bytes"    "crypto/sha1"    "flag"    "fmt"    "go/ast"    "go/parser"    "go/token"    "io"    "io/ioutil"    "os"    "os/exec"    "path/filepath"    "runtime"    "sort"    "strconv"    "strings"    "sync"    "syscall")

Package “main” depends on []

然后执行第二阶段:rebuildMicrofactory的pkg.Compile(intermediates, mysrc)

func rebuildMicrofactory(mybin, mysrc string, pkgMap *pkgPathMapping) {    ......    fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "@@@FindDeps")    if err := pkg.FindDeps(mysrc, pkgMap); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)        os.Exit(1)    }    fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "@@@@Compile" )    if err := pkg.Compile(intermediates, mysrc); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)        os.Exit(1)    }    ......}


intermediates /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.microfactory_Linux_intermediates mysrc /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory


func Command(name string, arg ...string) *Cmd

Command returns the Cmd struct to execute the named program with the given arguments.

It sets only the Path and Args in the returned structure.

If name contains no path separators, Command uses LookPath to resolve name to a complete path if possible. Otherwise it uses name directly as Path.

The returned Cmd’s Args field is constructed from the command name followed by the elements of arg, so arg should not include the command name itself. For example, Command(“echo”, “hello”). Args[0] is always name, not the possibly resolved Path.

func (c *Cmd) Run() error

Run starts the specified command and waits for it to complete.

The returned error is nil if the command runs, has no problems copying stdin, stdout, and stderr, and exits with a zero exit status.

If the command starts but does not complete successfully, the error is of type *ExitError. Other error types may be returned for other situations.


p.output /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.microfactory_Linux_intermediates/main/main.a main
func (p *GoPackage) Compile(outDir, trimPath string) error {    p.mutex.Lock()    defer p.mutex.Unlock()    if p.compiled {        return p.failed    }    p.compiled = true    // Build all dependencies in parallel, then fail if any of them failed.    var wg sync.WaitGroup    for _, dep := range p.deps {        wg.Add(1)        go func(dep *GoPackage) {            defer wg.Done()            dep.Compile(outDir, trimPath)        }(dep)    }    wg.Wait()    for _, dep := range p.deps {        if dep.failed != nil {            p.failed = dep.failed            return p.failed        }    }    p.pkgDir = filepath.Join(outDir, p.Name)    p.output = filepath.Join(p.pkgDir, p.Name) + ".a"    shaFile := p.output + ".hash"    hash := sha1.New()    fmt.Fprintln(hash, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, goVersion)    cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(goToolDir, "compile"),        "-o", p.output,        "-p", p.Name,        "-complete", "-pack", "-nolocalimports")    if race {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-race")        fmt.Fprintln(hash, "-race")    }    if trimPath != "" {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-trimpath", trimPath)        fmt.Fprintln(hash, trimPath)    }    for _, dep := range p.deps {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-I", dep.pkgDir)        hash.Write(dep.hashResult)    }    for _, filename := range p.files {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, filename)        fmt.Fprintln(hash, filename)        // Hash the contents of the input files        f, err := os.Open(filename)        if err != nil {            f.Close()            err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", filename, err)            p.failed = err            return err        }        _, err = io.Copy(hash, f)        if err != nil {            f.Close()            err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", filename, err)            p.failed = err            return err        }        f.Close()    }    p.hashResult = hash.Sum(nil)    var rebuild bool    if _, err := os.Stat(p.output); err != nil {        rebuild = true    }    if !rebuild {        if oldSha, err := ioutil.ReadFile(shaFile); err == nil {            rebuild = !bytes.Equal(oldSha, p.hashResult)        } else {            rebuild = true        }    }    if !rebuild {        return nil    }    err := os.RemoveAll(p.pkgDir)    if err != nil {        err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", p.Name, err)        p.failed = err        return err    }    err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p.output), 0777)    if err != nil {        err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", p.Name, err)        p.failed = err        return err    }    cmd.Stdin = nil    cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout    cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr    if verbose {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, cmd.Args)    }    err = cmd.Run()    if err != nil {        err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", p.Name, err)        p.failed = err        return err    }    err = ioutil.WriteFile(shaFile, p.hashResult, 0666)    if err != nil {        err = fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", p.Name, err)        p.failed = err        return err    }    p.rebuilt = true    return nil}


func rebuildmicrofactory(mybin, mysrc string, pkgmap *pkgpathmapping) {    ......    fmt.fprintln(os.stderr, "@@@@link" )    if err :=; err != nil {        fmt.fprintln(os.stderr, err)        os.exit(1)    }    ......}````Link的实现如下:<div class="se-preview-section-delimiter"></div>```gofunc (p *GoPackage) Link(out string) error {    if p.Name != "main" {        return fmt.Errorf("Can only link main package")    }    shaFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(out), "."+filepath.Base(out)+"_hash")    if !p.rebuilt {        if _, err := os.Stat(out); err != nil {            p.rebuilt = true        } else if oldSha, err := ioutil.ReadFile(shaFile); err != nil {            p.rebuilt = true        } else {            p.rebuilt = !bytes.Equal(oldSha, p.hashResult)        }    }    if !p.rebuilt {        return nil    }    err := os.Remove(shaFile)    if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {        return err    }    err = os.Remove(out)    if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {        return err    }    cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(goToolDir, "link"), "-o", out)    if race {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-race")    }    for _, dep := range p.deps {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-L", dep.pkgDir)    }    cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, p.output)    cmd.Stdin = nil    cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout    cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr    if verbose {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, cmd.Args)    }    err = cmd.Run()    if err != nil {        return err    }    return ioutil.WriteFile(shaFile, p.hashResult, 0666)}



func rebuildmicrofactory(mybin, mysrc string, pkgmap *pkgpathmapping) {    .......    cmd := exec.command(mybin, os.args[1:]...)    cmd.stdin = os.stdin    cmd.stdout = os.stdout    cmd.stderr = os.stderr    if err :=; err == nil {        os.exit(0)    } else if e, ok := err.(*exec.exiterror); ok {        os.exit(e.processstate.sys().(syscall.waitstatus).exitstatus())    }    os.exit(1)}



func main() {    ......    mainPackage := &GoPackage{        Name: "main",    }    if path, ok, err := pkgMap.Path(flags.Arg(0)); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error finding main path:", err)        os.Exit(1)    } else if !ok {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Cannot find path for", flags.Arg(0))    } else {        if err := mainPackage.FindDeps(path, &pkgMap); err != nil {            fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)            os.Exit(1)        }    }

flags.Arg(0): android/soong/cmd/soong_ui,该参数同样由soong/soong_ui.bash传递。
path: /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/soong_ui


import (  "context"  "os"  "path/filepath"  "strconv"  "strings"  "android/soong/ui/build"  "android/soong/ui/logger"  "android/soong/ui/tracer")````结果如下:  Package | depends on--------|--------------------------------"android/soong/ui/logger" | []  "android/soong/ui/tracer" | [android/soong/ui/logger]  "android/soong/ui/build" | [android/soong/ui/logger android/soong/ui/tracer]"main" | [android/soong/ui/build android/soong/ui/logger android/soong/ui/tracer]  第二次调用:  intermediates |  /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.microfactory_Linux_intermediates  --------------|------------------------------------------------filename      | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/microfactory/microfactory.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/cmd/soong_ui/main.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/util_linux.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/kati.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/context.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/logger/logger.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/tracer/tracer.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/tracer/ninja.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/ninja.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/signal.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/environment.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/soong.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/config.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/make.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/build.go  filename | /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong/ui/build/util.go  下一步:  <div class="se-preview-section-delimiter"></div>```gofunc main() {    ... ...    err = mainPackage.Compile(intermediates, trimPath)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to compile:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    err = mainPackage.Link(output)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to link:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }}


intermediates /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/out/.soong_ui_intermediates trimPath /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/soong


func main() {    ......    err = mainPackage.Link(output)    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to link:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }}

这里需要关注的传入的参数:为 out/soong_ui, 这个即为生成的可执行文件。

Step 3. soong_ui的执行


# Bootstrap microfactory from source if necessary and use it to build the# soong_ui binary, then run soong_ui.function run_go{    .....    ${mf_cmd} -s "${mf_src }" -b "${mf_bin}" \            -pkg-path "android/soong=${TOP}/build/soong" -trimpath "${TOP}/build/soong" \            -o "${soong_ui_bin}" android/soong/cmd/soong_ui    if [ $from_src -eq 1 ]; then        echo "${mf_version}" >"${mf_version_file}"    fi    exec "${out_dir}/soong_ui" "$@"}


func main() {    log := logger.New(os.Stderr)    defer log.Cleanup()    if len(os.Args) < 2 || !inList("--make-mode", os.Args) {        log.Fatalln("The `soong` native UI is not yet available.") } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel()    trace := tracer.New(log)    defer trace.Close()    build.SetupSignals(log, cancel, func() {        trace.Close()        log.Cleanup()    })    buildCtx := build.Context{&build.ContextImpl{        Context:        ctx,        Logger:         log,        Tracer:         trace,        StdioInterface: build.StdioImpl{},    }}    config := build.NewConfig(buildCtx, os.Args[1:]...)    log.SetVerbose(config.IsVerbose())    build.SetupOutDir(buildCtx, config)    if config.Dist() {        logsDir := filepath.Join(config.DistDir(), "logs")        os.MkdirAll(logsDir, 0777)        log.SetOutput(filepath.Join(logsDir, "soong.log"))        trace.SetOutput(filepath.Join(logsDir, "build.trace"))    } else {        log.SetOutput(filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "soong.log"))        trace.SetOutput(filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "build.trace"))    }    if start, ok := os.LookupEnv("TRACE_BEGIN_SOONG"); ok {        if !strings.HasSuffix(start, "N") {            if start_time, err := strconv.ParseUint(start, 10, 64); err == nil {                log.Verbosef("Took %dms to start up.",                    time.Since(time.Unix(0, int64(start_time))).Nanoseconds()/time.Millisecond.Nanoseconds())                buildCtx.CompleteTrace("startup", start_time, uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))            }        }    }    build.Build(buildCtx, config, build.BuildAll)}


    build.SetupSignals(log, cancel, func() {        trace.Close()        log.Cleanup()    })


    build.Build(buildCtx, config, build.BuildAll)


// Build the tree. The 'what' argument can be used to chose which components of// the build to run.func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    ctx.Verboseln("Starting build with args:", config.Arguments())    ctx.Verboseln("Environment:", config.Environment().Environ())    if inList("help", config.Arguments()) {        cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context, "make", "-f", "build/core/")        cmd.Env = config.Environment().Environ()        cmd.Stdout = ctx.Stdout()        cmd.Stderr = ctx.Stderr()        if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {            ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run make:", err)        }        return    }    SetupOutDir(ctx, config)    if what&BuildProductConfig != 0 {        // Run make for product config        runMakeProductConfig(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildSoong != 0 {        // Run Soong        runSoongBootstrap(ctx, config)        runSoong(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildKati != 0 {        // Run ckati        runKati(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildNinja != 0 {        // Write combined ninja file        createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx, config)        // Run ninja        runNinja(ctx, config)    }}


func runMakeProductConfig(ctx Context, config Config) {    // Variables to export into the environment of Kati/Ninja    exportEnvVars := []string{        // So that we can use the correct TARGET_PRODUCT if it's been        // modified by PRODUCT-* arguments        "TARGET_PRODUCT",        // compiler wrappers set up by make        "CC_WRAPPER",        "CXX_WRAPPER",        // ccache settings        "CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK",        "CCACHE_SLOPPINESS",        "CCACHE_BASEDIR",        "CCACHE_CPP2",    }    // Variables to print out in the top banner    bannerVars := []string{        "PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME",        "PLATFORM_VERSION",        "TARGET_PRODUCT",        "TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT",        "TARGET_BUILD_TYPE",        "TARGET_BUILD_APPS",        "TARGET_ARCH",        "TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT",        "TARGET_CPU_VARIANT",        "TARGET_2ND_ARCH",        "TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT",        "TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT",        "HOST_ARCH",        "HOST_2ND_ARCH",        "HOST_OS",        "HOST_OS_EXTRA",        "HOST_CROSS_OS",        "HOST_CROSS_ARCH",        "HOST_CROSS_2ND_ARCH",        "HOST_BUILD_TYPE",        "BUILD_ID",        "OUT_DIR",        "AUX_OS_VARIANT_LIST",        "TARGET_BUILD_PDK",        "PDK_FUSION_PLATFORM_ZIP",    }    allVars := append(append([]string{        // Used to execute Kati and Ninja        "NINJA_GOALS",        "KATI_GOALS",    }, exportEnvVars...), bannerVars...)    make_vars, err := DumpMakeVars(ctx, config, config.Arguments(), []string{        filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), "soong.variables"),    }, allVars)    if err != nil {        ctx.Fatalln("Error dumping make vars:", err)    }    // Print the banner like make does    fmt.Fprintln(ctx.Stdout(), "============================================")    for _, name := range bannerVars {        if make_vars[name] != "" {            fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stdout(), "%s=%s\n", name, make_vars[name])        }    }    fmt.Fprintln(ctx.Stdout(), "============================================")    // Populate the environment    env := config.Environment()    for _, name := range exportEnvVars {        if make_vars[name] == "" {            env.Unset(name)        } else {            env.Set(name, make_vars[name])        }    }    config.SetKatiArgs(strings.Fields(make_vars["KATI_GOALS"]))    config.SetNinjaArgs(strings.Fields(make_vars["NINJA_GOALS"]))}


// DumpMakeVars can be used to extract the values of Make variables after the// product configurations are loaded. This is roughly equivalent to the// `get_build_var` bash function.//// goals can be used to set MAKECMDGOALS, which emulates passing arguments to// Make without actually building them. So all the variables based on// MAKECMDGOALS can be read.//// extra_targets adds real arguments to the make command, in case other targets// actually need to be run (like the Soong config generator).//// vars is the list of variables to read. The values will be put in the// returned map.func DumpMakeVars(ctx Context, config Config, goals, extra_targets, vars []string) (map[string]string, error) {    ctx.BeginTrace("dumpvars")    defer ctx.EndTrace()    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context,        "make",        "--no-print-directory",        "-f", "build/core/",        "dump-many-vars",        "CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true",        "BUILD_SYSTEM=build/core",        "MAKECMDGOALS="+strings.Join(goals, " "),        "DUMP_MANY_VARS="+strings.Join(vars, " "),        "OUT_DIR="+config.OutDir())    cmd.Env = config.Environment().Environ()    cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, extra_targets...)    // TODO: error out when Stderr contains any content    cmd.Stderr = ctx.Stderr()    ctx.Verboseln(cmd.Path, cmd.Args)    output, err := cmd.Output()    if err != nil {        return nil, err    }    ret := make(map[string]string, len(vars))    for _, line := range strings.Split(string(output), "\n") {        if len(line) == 0 {            continue        }        if key, value, ok := decodeKeyValue(line); ok {            if value, ok = singleUnquote(value); ok {                ret[key] = value                ctx.Verboseln(key, value)            } else {                return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse make line: %q", line)            }        } else {            return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse make line: %q", line)        }    }    return ret, nil}


func (c *Cmd) Output() ([]byte, error)

Output runs the command and returns its standard output. Any returned error will usually be of type *ExitError.
If c.Stderr was nil, Output populates ExitError.Stderr.

include (BUILDSYSTEM)/envsetup.mkinclude(BUILD_SYSTEM)/clang/
include (BUILDSYSTEM)/combo/javac.mkJACK:=(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/jack
ifndef KATI
include (BUILDSYSTEM)/ninjaconfig.mkinclude(BUILD_SYSTEM)/

include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/

$(BUILD_SYSTEM) 为build/core/ 但是用的是/build/make/core/
core -> /home/kelvin/os/android-8.0.0_r4/build/make/core


func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    ......    if what&BuildProductConfig != 0 {        // Run make for product config        runMakeProductConfig(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildSoong != 0 {        // Run Soong        runSoongBootstrap(ctx, config)        runSoong(ctx, config)    }    ......}

runSoongBootstrap soong/ui/build/soong.go

func runSoongBootstrap(ctx Context, config Config) {    ctx.BeginTrace("bootstrap soong")    defer ctx.EndTrace()    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context, "./bootstrap.bash")    env := config.Environment().Copy()    env.Set("BUILDDIR", config.SoongOutDir())    cmd.Env = env.Environ()    cmd.Stdout = ctx.Stdout()    cmd.Stderr = ctx.Stderr()    ctx.Verboseln(cmd.Path, cmd.Args)    if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {        if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {            ctx.Fatalln("soong bootstrap failed with:", e.ProcessState.String())        } else {            ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run soong bootstrap:", err)        }    }}

这里的bootstrap.bash是哪一个? build/soong/bootstrap.bash

if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then    mkdir -p $BUILDDIR    if [[ $(find $BUILDDIR -maxdepth 1 -name Android.bp) ]]; then      echo "FAILED: The build directory must not be a source directory"      exit 1    fi    export SRCDIR_FROM_BUILDDIR=$(build/soong/scripts/ "$BUILDDIR")    sed -e "s|@@BuildDir@@|${BUILDDIR}|" \        -e "s|@@SrcDirFromBuildDir@@|${SRCDIR_FROM_BUILDDIR}|" \        -e "s|@@PrebuiltOS@@|${PREBUILTOS}|" \        "$SRCDIR/build/soong/" > $BUILDDIR/.soong.bootstrap    ln -sf "${SRCDIR_FROM_BUILDDIR}/build/soong/soong.bash" $BUILDDIR/soongfi"$SRCDIR/build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash" "$@"

这个片段会执行两次。 区别$#:Number of arguments passed to script
创建软链接:out/soong/soong -> ../../build/soong/soong.bash


"$SRCDIR/build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash" "$@"


$IN > $BUILDDIR/.minibootstrap/


echo "BOOTSTRAP=\"${BOOTSTRAP}\"" > $BUILDDIR/.blueprint.bootstrapecho "BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST=\"${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}\"" >> $BUILDDIR/.blueprint.bootstrap

生成 out/soong/.blueprint.bootstrap

sed -e "s|@@SrcDir@@|$SRCDIR|g"                        \    -e "s|@@BuildDir@@|$BUILDDIR|g"                    \    -e "s|@@GoRoot@@|$GOROOT|g"                        \    -e "s|@@GoCompile@@|$GOCOMPILE|g"                  \    -e "s|@@GoLink@@|$GOLINK|g"                        \    -e "s|@@Bootstrap@@|$BOOTSTRAP|g"                  \    -e "s|@@BootstrapManifest@@|$BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST|g" \    $IN > $BUILDDIR/.minibootstrap/


ninja_required_version = 1.7.0

g.bootstrap.buildDir = out/soong

g.bootstrap.BinDir = ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/bin

g.bootstrap.bootstrapCmd = ./bootstrap.bash

g.bootstrap.compileCmd = ./prebuilts/go/linux-x86//pkg/tool/linux_amd64/compile

g.bootstrap.goRoot = ./prebuilts/go/linux-x86/

g.bootstrap.goTestMainCmd = ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/bin/gotestmain

g.bootstrap.goTestRunnerCmd = ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner

g.bootstrap.linkCmd = ./prebuilts/go/linux-x86//pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link

g.bootstrap.srcDir = .

builddir = ${g.bootstrap.buildDir}/.minibootstrap

回过头来,执行下面一句 runSoong(ctx, config)

func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    ......if what&BuildSoong != 0 {    // Run Soong    runSoongBootstrap(ctx, config)    runSoong(ctx, config)}if what&BuildKati != 0 {    // Run ckati    runKati(ctx, config)}if what&BuildNinja != 0 {    // Write combined ninja file    createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx, config)    // Run ninja    runNinja(ctx, config)}}


func runSoong(ctx Context, config Config) {    ctx.BeginTrace("soong")    defer ctx.EndTrace()    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context, filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), "soong"), "-w", "dupbuild=err")    if config.IsVerbose() {        cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "-v")    }    env := config.Environment().Copy()    env.Set("SKIP_NINJA", "true")    cmd.Env = env.Environ()    cmd.Stdin = ctx.Stdin()    cmd.Stdout = ctx.Stdout()    cmd.Stderr = ctx.Stderr()    ctx.Verboseln(cmd.Path, cmd.Args)    if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {        if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {            ctx.Fatalln("soong bootstrap failed with:", e.ProcessState.String())        } else {            ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run soong bootstrap:", err)        }    }}

其中,filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), “soong”)为out/soong/soong

BUILDDIR="${BUILDDIR}" NINJA="prebuilts/build-tools/${PREBUILTOS}/bin/ninja" build/blueprint/blueprint.bash "$@"


# Build minibp and the primary"${NINJA}" -w dupbuild=err -f "${BUILDDIR}/.minibootstrap/"# Build the primary builder and the main"${NINJA}" -w dupbuild=err -f "${BUILDDIR}/.bootstrap/"# SKIP_NINJA can be used by wrappers that wish to run ninja themselves.if [ -z "$SKIP_NINJA" ]; then    "${NINJA}" -w dupbuild=err -f "${BUILDDIR}/" "$@"else    exit 0fi


out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build out/soong/build.ninja则由上一步生成。


func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    ... ...    if what&BuildSoong != 0 {        // Run Soong        runSoongBootstrap(ctx, config)        runSoong(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildKati != 0 {        // Run ckati        runKati(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildNinja != 0 {        // Write combined ninja file        createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx, config)        // Run ninja        runNinja(ctx, config)    }}


func runKati(ctx Context, config Config) {    ctx.BeginTrace("kati")    defer ctx.EndTrace()    genKatiSuffix(ctx, config)    executable := "prebuilts/build-tools/" + config.HostPrebuiltTag() + "/bin/ckati"    args := []string{        "--ninja",        "--ninja_dir=" + config.OutDir(),        "--ninja_suffix=" + config.KatiSuffix(),        "--regen",        "--ignore_optional_include=" + filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "%.P"),        "--detect_android_echo",        "--color_warnings",        "--gen_all_targets",        "-f", "build/core/",    }    if !config.Environment().IsFalse("KATI_EMULATE_FIND") {        args = append(args, "--use_find_emulator")    }    args = append(args, config.KatiArgs()...)    args = append(args,        "BUILDING_WITH_NINJA=true",        "SOONG_ANDROID_MK="+config.SoongAndroidMk(),        "SOONG_MAKEVARS_MK="+config.SoongMakeVarsMk())    if config.UseGoma() {        args = append(args, "-j"+strconv.Itoa(config.Parallel()))    }    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context, executable, args...)    cmd.Env = config.Environment().Environ()    pipe, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()    if err != nil {        ctx.Fatalln("Error getting output pipe for ckati:", err)    }    cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout    ctx.Verboseln(cmd.Path, cmd.Args)    if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {        ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run ckati:", err)    }    katiRewriteOutput(ctx, pipe)    if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {        if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {            ctx.Fatalln("ckati failed with:", e.ProcessState.String())        } else {            ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run ckati:", err)        }    }}


这一次指定的makefile为build/core/, 再次进入该函数,但是会有一些区别:
第一次进入的时候,没有定义KATI, 这一次进入的时候则定义定KATI. 所以会进入到不同的分支。

$(foreach mk,$(subdir_makefiles),$(info [$(call inc_and_print,subdir_makefiles_inc)/$(subdir_makefiles_total)] including $(mk) ...)$(eval include $(mk)))


var katiIncludeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\[\d+/\d+] )?including [^ ]+ ...$`)verbose := katiIncludeRe.MatchString(line)

在terminal看到的include xx.mk进度的语句:

        if smartTerminal && verbose {            ... ...            // Move to the beginning on the line, print the output, then clear            // the rest of the line.            fmt.Fprint(ctx.Stdout(), "\r", line, "\x1b[K")            haveBlankLine = false            continue        } 


func (c *Cmd) StdoutPipe() (io.ReadCloser, error)func (c *Cmd) Start() errorfunc NewScanner(r io.Reader) *Scannerfunc (s *Scanner) Scan() h


func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    ... ...    if what&BuildKati != 0 {        // Run ckati        runKati(ctx, config)    }    if what&BuildNinja != 0 {        // Write combined ninja file        createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx, config)        // Run ninja        runNinja(ctx, config)    }}

现在分析createCombinedBuildNinjaFile build/soong/ui/build/build.go :

func createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx Context, config Config) {    file, err := os.Create(config.CombinedNinjaFile())    if err != nil {        ctx.Fatalln("Failed to create combined ninja file:", err)    }    defer file.Close()    if err := combinedBuildNinjaTemplate.Execute(file, config); err != nil {        ctx.Fatalln("Failed to write combined ninja file:", err)    }}

config.CombinedNinjaFile()为 out/
builddir = out
include out/
include out/soong/
build out/ phony out/soong/


func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {    .....        // Run ninja        runNinja(ctx, config)    }}

runNinja的实现 build/soong/ui/build/ninja.go

func runNinja(ctx Context, config Config) {    ctx.BeginTrace("ninja")    defer ctx.EndTrace()    executable := "prebuilts/build-tools/" + config.HostPrebuiltTag() + "/bin/ninja"    args := []string{        "-d", "keepdepfile",    }    args = append(args, config.NinjaArgs()...)    var parallel int    if config.UseGoma() {        parallel = config.RemoteParallel()    } else {        parallel = config.Parallel()    }    args = append(args, "-j", strconv.Itoa(parallel))    if config.keepGoing != 1 {        args = append(args, "-k", strconv.Itoa(config.keepGoing))    }    args = append(args, "-f", config.CombinedNinjaFile())    if config.IsVerbose() {        args = append(args, "-v")    }    args = append(args, "-w", "dupbuild=err")    env := config.Environment().Copy()    env.AppendFromKati(config.KatiEnvFile())    // Allow both NINJA_ARGS and NINJA_EXTRA_ARGS, since both have been    // used in the past to specify extra ninja arguments.    if extra, ok := env.Get("NINJA_ARGS"); ok {        args = append(args, strings.Fields(extra)...)    }    if extra, ok := env.Get("NINJA_EXTRA_ARGS"); ok {        args = append(args, strings.Fields(extra)...)    }    if _, ok := env.Get("NINJA_STATUS"); !ok {        env.Set("NINJA_STATUS", "[%p %f/%t] ")    }    cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx.Context, executable, args...)    cmd.Env = env.Environ()    cmd.Stdin = ctx.Stdin()    cmd.Stdout = ctx.Stdout()    cmd.Stderr = ctx.Stderr()    ctx.Verboseln(cmd.Path, cmd.Args)    startTime := time.Now()    defer ctx.ImportNinjaLog(filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), ".ninja_log"), startTime)    if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {        if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {            ctx.Fatalln("ninja failed with:", e.ProcessState.String())        } else {            ctx.Fatalln("Failed to run ninja:", err)        }    }}


executable := "prebuilts/build-tools/" + config.HostPrebuiltTag() + "/bin/ninja"  

-d keepdepfile -j 8 -f out/ -w dupbuild=err

builddir = out
include out/
include out/soong/
build out/ phony out/soong/

最后/bin/ninja执行的-f 参数来自config.CombinedNinjaFile build/soong/ui/build/config.go

func (c *configImpl) CombinedNinjaFile() string {    return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "combined"+c.KatiSuffix()+".ninja")}


var combinedBuildNinjaTemplate = template.Must(template.New("combined").Parse(`builddir = {{.OutDir}}include {{.KatiNinjaFile}}include {{.SoongNinjaFile}}build {{.CombinedNinjaFile}}: phony {{.SoongNinjaFile}}`))

cmd.Path == prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ckati
cmd.Args== [prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ckati –ninja –ninja_dir=out
–ninja_suffix=-aosp_arm –regen –ignore_optional_include=out/%.P –detect_android_echo
–color_warnings –gen_all_targets -f build/core/ –use_find_emulator BUILDING_WITH_NINJA=true

所以,也就是ckati 将makefile生成了ninjia文件。



注意out/soong/soong是一个软链接。所以有会soong.bash. soong.bash会执行blueprint/blueprint.bash

# .blueprint.bootstrap provides saved values from the bootstrap.bash script:##   BOOTSTRAP#   BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST#source "${BUILDDIR}/.blueprint.bootstrap"GEN_BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST="${BUILDDIR}/.minibootstrap/"if [ -f "${GEN_BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}" ]; then    if [ "${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}" -nt "${GEN_BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}" ]; then        "${BOOTSTRAP}" -i "${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}"    fielse    "${BOOTSTRAP}" -i "${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST}"fi

需要注意的是,第一次编译和dirty build不同。

out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/minibp -t -b out/soong -d out/soong/.minibootstrap/ -o out/soong/.minibootstrap/ Android.bp


void GenerateNinja()  