ceph bufferlist

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝宠物店推荐 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 04:46



buffer list是ceph中的一个基础的数据结构,代码中大量的使用。


介绍buffer list之前,我们必须先介绍buffer::raw和buffer::ptr。相对于buffer list,这两个数据结构相对比较容易理解。

class buffer::raw {    public:        char *data;        unsigned len;        atomic_t nref;        mutable simple_spinlock_t crc_spinlock;        map<pair<size_t, size_t>, pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > crc_map;                ...}






    class buffer::raw_malloc : public buffer::raw {        public:            explicit raw_malloc(unsigned l) : raw(l) {                if (len) {                    data = (char *)malloc(len);                    if (!data)                        throw bad_alloc();                } else {                    data = 0;                }                inc_total_alloc(len);                inc_history_alloc(len);                bdout << "raw_malloc " << this << " alloc " << (void *)data << " " << l << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;            }            raw_malloc(unsigned l, char *b) : raw(b, l) {                inc_total_alloc(len);                bdout << "raw_malloc " << this << " alloc " << (void *)data << " " << l << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;            }            ~raw_malloc() {                free(data);                dec_total_alloc(len);                bdout << "raw_malloc " << this << " free " << (void *)data << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;            }            raw* clone_empty() {                return new raw_malloc(len);            }    };



    class buffer::raw_mmap_pages : public buffer::raw {        public:            explicit raw_mmap_pages(unsigned l) : raw(l) {                data = (char*)::mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, -1, 0);                if (!data)                    throw bad_alloc();                inc_total_alloc(len);                inc_history_alloc(len);                bdout << "raw_mmap " << this << " alloc " << (void *)data << " " << l << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;            }            ~raw_mmap_pages() {                ::munmap(data, len);                dec_total_alloc(len);                bdout << "raw_mmap " << this << " free " << (void *)data << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;            }            raw* clone_empty() {                return new raw_mmap_pages(len);            }    };



class buffer::raw_posix_aligned : public buffer::raw {        unsigned align;        public:        raw_posix_aligned(unsigned l, unsigned _align) : raw(l) {            align = _align;            assert((align >= sizeof(void *)) && (align & (align - 1)) == 0);#ifdef DARWIN            data = (char *) valloc (len);#else            data = 0;            int r = ::posix_memalign((void**)(void*)&data, align, len);            if (r)                throw bad_alloc();#endif /* DARWIN */            if (!data)                throw bad_alloc();            inc_total_alloc(len);            inc_history_alloc(len);            bdout << "raw_posix_aligned " << this << " alloc " << (void *)data << " l=" << l << ", align=" << align << " total_alloc=" << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;        }        ~raw_posix_aligned() {            ::free((void*)data);            dec_total_alloc(len);            bdout << "raw_posix_aligned " << this << " free " << (void *)data << " " << buffer::get_total_alloc() << bendl;        }        raw* clone_empty() {            return new raw_posix_aligned(len, align);        }    };




src/include/buffer_fwd.h#ifndef BUFFER_FWD_H#define BUFFER_FWD_Hnamespace ceph {  namespace buffer {    class ptr;    class list;    class hash;  }  using bufferptr = buffer::ptr;  using bufferlist = buffer::list;  using bufferhash = buffer::hash;}#endif


        class CEPH_BUFFER_API ptr {            raw *_raw;            unsigned _off, _len;          ......          }


   buffer::ptr& buffer::ptr::operator= (const ptr& p)    {        if (p._raw) {            p._raw->nref.inc();            bdout << "ptr " << this << " get " << _raw << bendl;        }        buffer::raw *raw = p._raw;         release();        if (raw) {            _raw = raw;            _off = p._off;            _len = p._len;        } else {            _off = _len = 0;        }        return *this;    }        buffer::raw *buffer::ptr::clone()    {        return _raw->clone();    }        void buffer::ptr::swap(ptr& other)    {        raw *r = _raw;        unsigned o = _off;        unsigned l = _len;        _raw = other._raw;        _off = other._off;        _len = other._len;        other._raw = r;        other._off = o;        other._len = l;    }       const char& buffer::ptr::operator[](unsigned n) const    {        assert(_raw);        assert(n < _len);        return _raw->get_data()[_off + n];    }    char& buffer::ptr::operator[](unsigned n)    {        assert(_raw);        assert(n < _len);        return _raw->get_data()[_off + n];    }        int buffer::ptr::cmp(const ptr& o) const    {        int l = _len < o._len ? _len : o._len;        if (l) {            int r = memcmp(c_str(), o.c_str(), l);            if (r)                return r;        }        if (_len < o._len)            return -1;        if (_len > o._len)            return 1;        return 0;    }




#ifndef BUFFER_FWD_H#define BUFFER_FWD_Hnamespace ceph {  namespace buffer {    class ptr;    class list;    class hash;  }  using bufferptr = buffer::ptr;  using bufferlist = buffer::list;  using bufferhash = buffer::hash;}#endifclass CEPH_BUFFER_API list {            // my private bits            std::list<ptr> _buffers;            unsigned _len;            unsigned _memcopy_count; //the total of memcopy using rebuild().            ptr append_buffer;  // where i put small appends

多个bufferptr形成一个list,这就是bufferlist。成员变量并无太多难以理解的地方,比较绕的是bufferlist的迭代器 ,理解迭代器,就不难理解bufferlist各个操作函数。

要理解bufferlist 迭代器,,首先需要理解迭代器成员变量的含义。

                        bl_t* bl;                        list_t* ls;  // meh.. just here to avoid an extra pointer dereference..                        unsigned off; // in bl                        list_iter_t p;                        unsigned p_off;   // in *p
  • bl:指针,指向bufferlist
  • ls:指针,指向bufferlist的成员 _buffers
  • p: 类型是std::list::iterator,用来迭代遍历bufferlist中的bufferptr
  • p_off : 当前位置在对应的bufferptr的偏移量
  • off: 如果将整个bufferlist看成一个buffer::raw,当前位置在整个bufferlist的偏移量

这个递进关系比较明显,从宏观的bufferlist,递进到内部的某个bufferptr,再递进到bufferptr内部raw数据区的某个偏移位置。 此外还包含了当前位置在整个bufferlist的偏移量off。


seek(unsigned o),顾名思义就是将位置移到o处,当然o指的是整个bufferlist的o处。ceph实现了一个更通用的advance,接受一个int型的入参。


    template<bool is_const>        void buffer::list::iterator_impl<is_const>::advance(int o)        {            //cout << this << " advance " << o << " from " << off << " (p_off " << p_off << " in " << p->length() << ")" << std::endl;            if (o > 0) {                p_off += o;                while (p_off > 0) {                    if (p == ls->end())                        throw end_of_buffer();                    if (p_off >= p->length()) {                        // skip this buffer                        p_off -= p->length();                        p++;                    } else {                        // somewhere in this buffer!                        break;                    }                }                off += o;                return;            }            while (o < 0) {                if (p_off) {                    unsigned d = -o;                    if (d > p_off)                        d = p_off;                    p_off -= d;                    off -= d;                    o += d;                } else if (off > 0) {                    assert(p != ls->begin());                    p--;                    p_off = p->length();                } else {                    throw end_of_buffer();                }            }        }    template<bool is_const>        void buffer::list::iterator_impl<is_const>::seek(unsigned o)        {            p = ls->begin();            off = p_off = 0;            advance(o);        }


template<bool is_const>    buffer::ptr buffer::list::iterator_impl<is_const>::get_current_ptr() const    {        if (p == ls->end())            throw end_of_buffer();        return ptr(*p, p_off, p->length() - p_off);    }


    void buffer::list::rebuild()    {        if (_len == 0) {            _buffers.clear();            return;        }        ptr nb;        if ((_len & ~CEPH_PAGE_MASK) == 0)            nb = buffer::create_page_aligned(_len);        else            nb = buffer::create(_len);        rebuild(nb);    }    void buffer::list::rebuild(ptr& nb)    {        unsigned pos = 0;        for (std::list<ptr>::iterator it = _buffers.begin();                it != _buffers.end();                ++it) {            nb.copy_in(pos, it->length(), it->c_str(), false);            pos += it->length();        }        _memcopy_count += pos;        _buffers.clear();        if (nb.length())            _buffers.push_back(nb);        invalidate_crc();        last_p = begin();    }


  {    bufferlist bl;    const std::string str(CEPH_PAGE_SIZE, 'X');    bl.append(str.c_str(), str.size());    bl.append(str.c_str(), str.size());    EXPECT_EQ((unsigned)2, bl.buffers().size());    bl.rebuild();    EXPECT_EQ((unsigned)1, bl.buffers().size());  }
