
来源:互联网 发布:判断微信浏览器 js 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 05:17

1. 创建 北京 和 上海 两个校区

  1. 创建 Linux \ Python \ Go 3个课程

  2. 创建 北京校区的Python 16期, Go开发第一期,和上海校区的Linux 10期 班级

  3. 管理员 创建了 北京校区的 学员 小晴 ,并将其 分配 在了 班级 python 16期

  4. 管理员 创建了 讲师 王二 , 并将其分配 给了 班级 python 16期

  5. 讲师 王二 创建 了一条 python 16期的 上课纪录 Day6

  6. 讲师 王二 为Day6这节课 所有的学员 批了作业 ,小晴得了A, 李雷得了C-, 赵帅得了B

  7. 学员李磊 查看了自己所报的所有课程

  8. 学员 李磊 在 查看了 自己在 py16期 的 成绩列表 ,然后退出了

  9. 学员小晴 给 讲师 王二好评


#Author :ywqCourse_list=[]class School(object):    def __init__(self,school_name):        self.school_name=school_name        self.students_list=[]        self.teachers_list=[]        global Course_list    def hire(self,obj):        self.teachers_list.append(        print('[System Notice]:现在雇佣新员工 %s,welcome!'    def enroll(self,obj):        self.students_list.append(        print('[System Notice]:学员%s 信息注册成功,ID:%s' %(, Grade(School):    def __init__(self,school_name,grade_code,grade_course):        super(Grade,self).__init__(school_name)        self.code=grade_code        self.course=grade_course        self.members=[]        Course_list.append(self.course)        print('[System Notice]:Now, school \'%s\' grade \'%s\' create course \'%s\' ' %(self.school_name,self.code,self.course))    def course_info(self):        print('''        Syllabus(课程大纲) of %s is :                day 1:                day 2:                day 3:                day 4:                day 5:               '''  %self.course)Python = Grade('BJ',16,'Python')Go = Grade('BJ',1,'Go')Linux = Grade('SH',10,'Linux')class School_member(object):    def __init__(self,name,age,sex,role):        self.age=age        self.role=role        self.course_list=[]        print('-----------My name is %s ,and I am a %s ------------ ' %(,self.role))stu_num_id=00class Students(School_member):    def __init__(self,name,age,sex,role,course):        super(Students,self).__init__(name,age,sex,role)        global stu_num_id        stu_num_id+=1        stu_id=course.school_name +'S'+str(course.code)+str(stu_num_id).zfill(2) #保证stu_num_id有两位数,        #只有一位数时前面填充0,只能对str类型操作        self.mark_list={}    def study(self,course):        print('------------I come here to learn %s ,ID %s ------------' %(course.course,    def pay(self,course):        print('------------I pay 2000$ for %s ------------' % course.course)        self.course_list.append(course.course)    def Praise(self,obj):        print('------------%s Praise %s:Wonderful! ------------' %(,    def mark_check(self):        for i in self.mark_list.items():            print(i)    def out(self):        print('[System Notice]:So sadly,the mark of %s  was so bad,he(she) opt out  at last ' Teachers(School_member):    def __init__(self,name,age,sex,role,course):        super(Teachers,self).__init__(name,age,sex,role)        global tea_num_id        tea_num_id+=1 #保证有两位数,个位数时往前面填充0        Tea_id=course.school_name +'T'+str(course.code)+str(tea_num_id).zfill(2)    def teach(self,course):        print('------------I come here to teach guys %s,id %s ------------' %(course.course,    def record_mark(self,Date,course,obj,level):        print('It is  %s \'s mark in the Day %s of the course %s : %s' %(,Date,course.course,level) )        obj.mark_list['Day'+Date]=levela=Students('小晴',21,'W','student',Python)Python.enroll(a)'李雷',22,'M','student',Python)Python.enroll(b)'赵帅',23,'M','student',Python)Python.enroll(c) = Teachers('王二',30,'M','teacher',Python)Python.hire(t)t.teach(Python)t.record_mark('6',Python,a,'A')t.record_mark('6',Python,c,'B')t.record_mark('1',Python,b,'C-')t.record_mark('2',Python,b,'C-')t.record_mark('3',Python,b,'C-')t.record_mark('4',Python,b,'C-')t.record_mark('5',Python,b,'C-')t.record_mark('6',Python,b,'C-')print(b.course_list)  #查看已报名课程b.mark_check()  #评分查询b.out()a.Praise(t)


[System Notice]:Now, school 'BJ' grade '16' create course 'Python' [System Notice]:Now, school 'BJ' grade '1' create course 'Go' [System Notice]:Now, school 'SH' grade '10' create course 'Linux' -----------My name is 小晴 ,and I am a student ------------ [System Notice]:学员小晴 信息注册成功,ID:BJS1601------------I come here to learn Python ,ID BJS1601 ------------------------I pay 2000$ for Python -----------------------My name is 李雷 ,and I am a student ------------ [System Notice]:学员李雷 信息注册成功,ID:BJS1602------------I come here to learn Python ,ID BJS1602 ------------------------I pay 2000$ for Python -----------------------My name is 赵帅 ,and I am a student ------------ [System Notice]:学员赵帅 信息注册成功,ID:BJS1603------------I come here to learn Python ,ID BJS1603 ------------------------I pay 2000$ for Python -----------------------My name is 王二 ,and I am a teacher ------------ [System Notice]:现在雇佣新员工 王二,welcome!------------I come here to teach guys Python,id BJT1601 ------------It is  小晴 's mark in the Day 6 of the course Python : AIt is  赵帅 's mark in the Day 6 of the course Python : BIt is  李雷 's mark in the Day 1 of the course Python : C-It is  李雷 's mark in the Day 2 of the course Python : C-It is  李雷 's mark in the Day 3 of the course Python : C-It is  李雷 's mark in the Day 4 of the course Python : C-It is  李雷 's mark in the Day 5 of the course Python : C-It is  李雷 's mark in the Day 6 of the course Python : C-['Python']('Day5', 'C-')('Day3', 'C-')('Day4', 'C-')('Day1', 'C-')('Day2', 'C-')('Day6', 'C-')[System Notice]:So sadly,the mark of 李雷  was so bad,he(she) opt out  at last ------------小晴 Praise 王二:Wonderful! ------------