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论文链接:Densely Connected Convolutional Networks




2.Dense Block 结构

如下图所示,每层实现了一组非线性变换Hl(.),可以是Batch Normalization (BN) ,rectified linear units (ReLU) , Pooling , or Convolution (Conv). 第l层的输出为xl
dense block
对于ResNet: xl=Hl(xl1)+xl1,这样做的好处是the gradient flows directly through the identity function from later layers to the earlier layers.
同时,由于identity function 和 H的输出通过相加的方式结合,会妨碍信息在整个网络的传播。受GooLeNet的启发,DenseNet通过串联的方式结合: xl=Hl([x0,x1,....xl1])
这里Hl(.)是一个Composite function,是三个操作的组合:BN−>ReLU−>Conv(3×3)。
每个DenseBlock的之间层称为transition layers,由BN−>Conv(1×1)−>averagePooling(2×2)组成。
Growth rate:由于每个层的输入是所有之前层输出的连接,因此每个层的输出不需要像传统网络一样多。这里Hl(.)的输出的特征图的数量都为k,k即为Growth Rate,用来控制网络的“宽度”(特征图的通道数).比如说第l层有k(l1)+k0的输入特征图,k0是输入图片的通道数。

虽然说每个层只产生k个输出,但是后面层的输入依然会很多,因此引入了Bottleneck layers 。本质上是引入1x1的卷积层来减少输入的数量,Hl的具体表示如下:
文中将带有Bottleneck layers的网络结构称为DenseNet-B。
除了在DenseBlock内部减少特征图的数量,还可以在transition layers中来进一步Compression。如果一个DenseNet有m个特征图的输出,则transition layer产生 ⌊θm⌋个输出,其中0<θ≤1。对于含有该操作的网络结构称为DenseNet-C。

同时包含Bottleneck layer和Compression的网络结构为DenseNet-BC。


3.1 Densenet
cov1→cov2→block1→transition1→block2→transition2→block3→transition3→block4→block3_up →bn_relu_conv→block2_up→bn_relu_conv→block1_up→bn_relu_conv→ unsample1→bn_relu_conv3→bn_sigmoid_conv

def dense_net(image,img_name_index, is_training=True):    with tf.variable_scope('conv1') as scope:        l = conv2d(image, 3, 16, 3, 1)        l = batch_norm_layer(l, is_training)        l = tf.nn.relu(l)    with tf.variable_scope('conv2') as scope:        l = conv2d(l, 16, 32, 3, 2)        l = batch_norm_layer(l, is_training)        l_fisrt_down = tf.nn.relu(l)    l = tf.nn.max_pool(l_fisrt_down, [1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')    with tf.variable_scope('block1') as scope:        l = conv2d(l, 32, growth_rate, 3, 1)        for i in range(dense_block1_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))        block1, l = add_transition_average('transition1', l, is_training,                                           input_filters=growth_rate * (dense_block1_num + 1),                                           output_filters=32)    with tf.variable_scope('block2') as scope:        l = conv2d(l, 32, growth_rate, 3, 1)        for i in range(dense_block2_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))        block2, l = add_transition_average('transition2', l, is_training,                                           input_filters=growth_rate * (1 + dense_block2_num),                                           output_filters=32)    with tf.variable_scope('block3') as scope:        l = conv2d(l, 32, growth_rate, 3, 1)        for i in range(dense_block3_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))        block3, l = add_transition_average('transition3', l, is_training,                                           input_filters=growth_rate * (1 + dense_block3_num),                                           output_filters=32)    with tf.variable_scope('block4') as scope:        l = conv2d(l, 32, growth_rate, 3, 1)        for i in range(dense_block4_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))            # l = add_transition_average('transition4', block4, is_training, input_filters=growth_rate * dense_block4_num,            #                            output_filters=32)    with tf.variable_scope('block3_up') as scope:        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, growth_rate * (1 + dense_block4_num), 32, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv1')        l = upsample(l, 32, 32, 3, 2)        l = tf.concat([l, block3], 3)        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, growth_rate, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv2')        for i in range(dense_block3_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))    with tf.variable_scope('block2_up') as scope:        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, growth_rate * (1 + dense_block3_num), 32, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv1')        l = upsample(l, 32, 32, 3, 2)        l = tf.concat([l, block2], 3)        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, growth_rate, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv2')        for i in range(dense_block2_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))    with tf.variable_scope('block1_up') as scope:        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, growth_rate * (1 + dense_block2_num), 32, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv1')        l = upsample(l, 32, 32, 3, 2)        l = tf.concat([l, block1], 3)        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, growth_rate, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv2')        for i in range(dense_block1_num):            l = add_layer('dense_layer.{}'.format(i), l, is_training, input_filters1=growth_rate * (i + 1))    l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, growth_rate * (1 + dense_block1_num), 64, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv1')    with tf.variable_scope('upsample1') as scope:        l = upsample(l, 64, 64, 3, 2)        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, 32, 3, 1)    l = tf.concat([l, l_fisrt_down], 3)    l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, 64, 3, 1, name='bn_relu_conv2')    with tf.variable_scope('bn_relu_conv3') as scope:        l = upsample(l, 64, 64, 3, 2)        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 64, 16, 3, 1)    with tf.variable_scope('bn_sigmoid_conv') as scope:        l = bn_relu_conv(l, is_training, 16, 1, 1, 1)        image_conv = tf.nn.sigmoid(l)    saver = tf.train.Saver()    if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:        if img_name_index==0:            saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)            print('model restored')    return image_conv

3.2 reuse的使用

 if img_name_index==0:        output = inference(img_input,img_name_index,is_training=False,scope_reuse=False)    else:        output = inference(img_input,img_name_index,is_training=False,scope_reuse=True)

3.3 测试图片时,制作反转测试集方法

preds_x = np.squeeze(preds_all[0])preds_x90 = cv2.warpAffine(np.squeeze(preds_all[1],axis=0),M270,(224,224))preds_x180 = cv2.warpAffine(np.squeeze(preds_all[2],axis=0),M180,(224,224))preds_x270 = cv2.warpAffine(np.squeeze(preds_all[3],axis=0), M90, (224, 224))preds_xup_down = np.squeeze(preds_all[4][::-1,:,:])preds_xleft_right = np.squeeze(preds_all[5][:,::-1,:])preds=(preds_x+preds_x90+preds_x180+preds_x270+preds_xup_down+preds_xleft_right)

3.4 tips
* 输入神经网络的参数都是四维:batch、高度、宽度、feature map
* 如何deconv :(即如何使得包含深度特征的图片变大)
