
来源:互联网 发布:知乎 绶带 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:27








[wuzi:] supervisord



#!/usr/bin/pythonfrom supervisor.supervisord import mainmain()

运行的开始函数开始于main, main中主要运行代码为:

    while 1:        # if we hup, restart by making a new Supervisor()        # the test argument just makes it possible to unit test this code        options = ServerOptions()        d = Supervisor(options)        d.main(None, test, first)

3).d.main(None, test, first),主要执行了运行时的参数日志等初始化工作,并生成子进程,打开http服务器等工作。
d.main(None, test, first)代码为:

 def main(self, args=None, test=False, first=False):.......(省略部分初始化代码)    def run(self, test=False):        self.processes = {}        for program in self.options.programs:            name = 根据初始化后的配置文件生成相应的子进程实例            self.processes[name] = self.options.make_process(program)          try:# 生成pid文件            self.options.write_pidfile()# 打开http服务器                       self.options.openhttpserver(self)# 设置注册的信号量            self.options.setsignals()# 主进程是否成为守护进程            if not self.options.nodaemon:                self.options.daemonize()# 运行异步io服务器            self.runforever(test)        finally:            self.options.cleanup()    def runforever(self, test=False):        timeout = 1# 获取已经注册的句柄        socket_map = self.options.get_socket_map()        while 1:# mood表示主进程状态1为运行            if self.mood > 0:                self.start_necessary()            r, w, x = [], [], []            process_map = {}            # process output fds# 子进程管道数据操作            for proc in self.processes.values():                proc.log_output()                drains = proc.get_pipe_drains()                for fd, drain in drains:                    r.append(fd)                    process_map[fd] = drain            # medusa i/o fds# 网络socket io操作            for fd, dispatcher in socket_map.items():                if dispatcher.readable():                    r.append(fd)                if dispatcher.writable():                    w.append(fd)# mood为主程序为停止状态            if self.mood < 1:                if not self.stopping:                    self.stop_all()                    self.stopping = True                # if there are no delayed processes (we're done killing                # everything), it's OK to stop or reload                delayprocs = self.get_delay_processes()                if delayprocs:                    names = [ for p in delayprocs]                    namestr = ', '.join(names)          'waiting for %s to die' % namestr)                else:                    break            try:# 依次遍历注册的文件句柄                r, w, x =, w, x, timeout)            except select.error, err:                if err[0] == errno.EINTR:                    self.options.logger.log(self.options.TRACE,                                            'EINTR encountered in select')                else:                    raise                r = w = x = []            for fd in r:# 如果是子进程的管道事件                if process_map.has_key(fd):                    drain = process_map[fd]                    # drain the file descriptor                    drain(fd)# 如果是客户端的rpc读事件                if socket_map.has_key(fd):                    try:                        socket_map[fd].handle_read_event()                    except asyncore.ExitNow:                        raise                    except:                        socket_map[fd].handle_error()            for fd in w:# 如果是客户端rpc写事件                if socket_map.has_key(fd):                    try:                        socket_map[fd].handle_write_event()                    except asyncore.ExitNow:                        raise                    except:                        socket_map[fd].handle_error()# 判断配置子进程的状态,来决定该子进程是否运行(这其中是由于有些进程可以配置延迟执行),通过调用子进程实例的spwn()方法来运行子进程            self.give_up()# 杀死没有要杀死但还没杀死的进程            self.kill_undead() # 获取已经死亡的子进程信息            self.reap()# 处理信号            self.handle_signal()            if test:                break


for program in self.options.programs:            name = 根据初始化后的配置文件生成相应的子进程实例            self.processes[name] = self.options.make_process(program)  找到options.py中,1029行,    def make_process(self, config):        from supervisord import Subprocess        return Subprocess(self, config)其中Subprocess类的主要方法: def spawn(self):        """Start the subprocess.  It must not be running already.        Return the process id.  If the fork() call fails, return 0.        """        pname = 如果该实例已经有pid文件则该实例已经运行        if            msg = 'process %r already running' % pname            self.options.logger.critical(msg)            return# 相应状态的初始化        self.killing = 0        self.spawnerr = None        self.exitstatus = None        self.system_stop = 0        self.administrative_stop = 0        # 最后一次启动时间        self.laststart = time.time()# 获取配置子进程的执行命令        filename, argv, st = self.get_execv_args()# 检查该配置文件是否可以运行这些执行命令        fail_msg = self.options.check_execv_args(filename, argv, st)        if fail_msg is not None:            self.record_spawnerr(fail_msg)            return        try:# 生成管道,生成与主进程通信的管道            self.pipes = self.options.make_pipes()        except OSError, why:            code = why[0]            if code == errno.EMFILE:                # too many file descriptors open                msg = 'too many open files to spawn %r' % pname            else:                msg = 'unknown error: %s' % errno.errorcode.get(code, code)            self.record_spawnerr(msg)            return        try:# 生成子进程            pid = self.options.fork()        except OSError, why:            code = why[0]            if code == errno.EAGAIN:                # process table full                msg  = 'Too many processes in process table to spawn %r' % pname            else:                msg = 'unknown error: %s' % errno.errorcode.get(code, code)            self.record_spawnerr(msg)            self.options.close_pipes(self.pipes)            return        if pid != 0:            # Parent   = pid# 关闭父进程中管道的写            for fdname in ('child_stdin', 'child_stdout', 'child_stderr'):                self.options.close_fd(self.pipes[fdname])  'spawned: %r with pid %s' % (pname, pid))            self.spawnerr = None            self.delay = time.time() + self.config.startsecs            self.options.pidhistory[pid] = self            return pid        else:            # Child            try:                # prevent child from receiving signals sent to the                # parent by calling os.setpgrp to create a new process                # group for the child; this prevents, for instance,                # the case of child processes being sent a SIGINT when                # running supervisor in foreground mode and Ctrl-C in                # the terminal window running supervisord is pressed.                # Presumably it also prevents HUP, etc received by                # supervisord from being sent to children.                self.options.setpgrp()# 0 将子进程的标准输入重定向到管道                self.options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdin'], 0)# 1 将子进程的标准输出重定向到管道                self.options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdout'], 1)# 2 将子进程的标准错误重定向到管道                self.options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stderr'], 2)# 关闭子进程管道的读                for i in range(3, self.options.minfds):                    self.options.close_fd(i)                # sending to fd 1 will put this output in the log(s)                msg = self.set_uid()                if msg:                    self.options.write(                        1, "%s: error trying to setuid to %s!\n" %                        (pname, self.config.uid)                        )                    self.options.write(1, "%s: %s\n" % (pname, msg))                try:# 子进程开始执行                    self.options.execv(filename, argv)                except OSError, why:                    code = why[0]                    self.options.write(1, "couldn't exec %s: %s\n" % (                        argv[0], errno.errorcode.get(code, code)))                except:                    (file, fun, line), t,v,tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback()                    error = '%s, %s: file: %s line: %s' % (t, v, file, line)                    self.options.write(1, "couldn't exec %s: %s\n" % (filename,                                                                      error))            finally:# 子进程执行完毕后,退出                self.options._exit(127)其中,make_pipes()方法位于options.py中1033行,    def make_pipes(self):        """ Create pipes for parent to child stdin/stdout/stderr        communications.  Open fd in nonblocking mode so we can read them        in the mainloop without blocking """        pipes = {}        try:            # 生成一个子进程标准输入管道的读和写句柄pipes['child_stdin'], pipes['stdin'] = os.pipe()# 生成一个子进程标准输出管道的读和写句柄            pipes['stdout'], pipes['child_stdout'] = os.pipe()# 生成一个子进程标准错误管道的读和写句柄            pipes['stderr'], pipes['child_stderr'] = os.pipe()# 将主进程中要读的管道设置成非阻塞,使之在异步io中不阻塞整个循环            for fd in (pipes['stdout'], pipes['stderr'], pipes['stdin']):                fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | os.O_NDELAY)            return pipes        except OSError:            self.close_pipes(pipes)            raise


            for proc in self.processes.values():                proc.log_output()                drains = proc.get_pipe_drains()                for fd, drain in drains:                    r.append(fd)                    process_map[fd] = drain


    def get_pipe_drains(self):        if not self.pipes:            return []        drains = ( [ self.pipes['stdout'], self.drain_stdout],                   [ self.pipes['stderr'], self.drain_stderr] )        return drains


 def drain_stdout(self, *ignored):#将管道中的内容读出并保存        output = self.options.readfd(self.pipes['stdout'])        if self.config.log_stdout:            self.logbuffer += output            for fd in r:                if process_map.has_key(fd):                    drain = process_map[fd]                    # drain the file descriptor# 其中drain就是self.drain_stdout或者self.drain_stderr                    drain(fd)  

由于rpc的处理方式,使用了python中的asyncore, asynchat这两个包作为基础进行扩展。


    ser=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)    ser.bind(('',8000))    ser.listen(5)    while 1:        client,addr=ser.accept()        print 'accept %s connect'%(addr,)        data=client.recv(1024)        print data        client.send('get')        client.close()


socket_map 为包全局的描述符的字典
init(self, sock=None, map=None) 如果传入的sock为None则实例化为ser实例,如果sock不为None则是处理请求实例,并将该sock设置为非阻塞,加入socket_map中
add_channel(self, map=None) 添加socket_map中为自己的实例
del_channel(self, map=None) 删除socket_map中为自己的实例
create_socket(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) 创建ser实例,并将该实例设置为非阻塞,并加入socket_map中
set_socket(self, sock, map=None) 添加sock到socket_map中
set_reuse_addr(self) 设置ser监听的端口能够在断开监听后立马重新被监听

readable(self) 该sock是否可读
writable(self) 该sock是否可写
listen(self, num) 设置ser监听的数量
bind(self, addr) 设置ser监听的端口
connect(self, address) 设置连接地址
accept(self) 接收新的连接请求
send(self, data) 发送数据
recv(self, buffer_size) 接收数据
close(self) 关闭连接
handle_read_event(self) 处理读事件,如果是新请求则接收,如果是连接发送数据则接收
handle_connect_event(self) 处理新连接进来的请求
handle_write_event(self) 处理连接的写请求


class async_chat(asyncore.dispatcher):    """This is an abstract class.  You must derive from this class, and add    the two methods collect_incoming_data() and found_terminator()"""    # these are overridable defaults# 接收缓存区大小ac_in_buffer_size = 65536# 发送数据缓冲区大小    ac_out_buffer_size = 65536    # we don't want to enable the use of encoding by default, because that is a    # sign of an application bug that we don't want to pass silently    use_encoding = 0    encoding = 'latin-1'    def __init__(self, sock=None, map=None):        # for string terminator matching# 初始化接收缓冲区        self.ac_in_buffer = b''        # we use a list here rather than io.BytesIO for a few reasons...        # del lst[:] is faster than bio.truncate(0)        # lst = [] is faster than bio.truncate(0)# 分段接收数据的列表        self.incoming = []        # we toss the use of the "simple producer" and replace it with        # a pure deque, which the original fifo was a wrapping of# 发送数据时使用的队列数据结构        self.producer_fifo = deque()# 调用dispatcher的构造方法,将sock设置成非阻塞,将sock添加到socket_map        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock, map)# 获取接收到的数据    def collect_incoming_data(self, data):        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented in subclass")    def _collect_incoming_data(self, data):        self.incoming.append(data)# 将所有接收到的数据    def _get_data(self):        d = b''.join(self.incoming)        del self.incoming[:]        return d# 查找接收数据中的分隔符    def found_terminator(self):        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented in subclass")# 设置接收数据中的分隔符    def set_terminator(self, term):        """Set the input delimiter.        Can be a fixed string of any length, an integer, or None.        """        if isinstance(term, str) and self.use_encoding:            term = bytes(term, self.encoding)        elif isinstance(term, int) and term < 0:            raise ValueError('the number of received bytes must be positive')        self.terminator = term# 获取已经设置的分隔符    def get_terminator(self):        return self.terminator    # grab some more data from the socket,    # throw it to the collector method,    # check for the terminator,    # if found, transition to the next state.# 处理读事件    def handle_read(self):        try:            data = self.recv(self.ac_in_buffer_size)        except BlockingIOError:            return        except OSError as why:            self.handle_error()            return        if isinstance(data, str) and self.use_encoding:            data = bytes(str, self.encoding)# 将读出的数据存入到接收缓冲区        self.ac_in_buffer = self.ac_in_buffer + data        # Continue to search for self.terminator in self.ac_in_buffer,        # while calling self.collect_incoming_data.  The while loop        # is necessary because we might read several data+terminator        # combos with a single recv(4096).        while self.ac_in_buffer:# 获取接收的数据长度            lb = len(self.ac_in_buffer)# 获取设置的分隔符            terminator = self.get_terminator()            if not terminator:                # no terminator, collect it all# 将已经接收的数据处理                self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer)# 将接收缓冲区设置为空                self.ac_in_buffer = b''# 如果设置分隔符是数字则接收相应长度的数据            elif isinstance(terminator, int):                # numeric terminator                n = terminator                if lb < n:                    self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer)                    self.ac_in_buffer = b''# 将设置的分隔符长度减去已经接收的数据长度                    self.terminator = self.terminator - lb                else:   # 清楚已经接收的数据                    self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer[:n])# 留下超出长度的部分                    self.ac_in_buffer = self.ac_in_buffer[n:]# 重置                    self.terminator = 0                    self.found_terminator()            else:                # 3 cases:                # 1) end of buffer matches terminator exactly:                #    collect data, transition                # 2) end of buffer matches some prefix:                #    collect data to the prefix                # 3) end of buffer does not match any prefix:                #    collect data                terminator_len = len(terminator)# 在接收缓冲区中查找分隔符                index = self.ac_in_buffer.find(terminator)                if index != -1:                    # we found the terminator                    if index > 0:                        # don't bother reporting the empty string                        # (source of subtle bugs)                        self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer[:index])# 将剩下的数据保留到接收数据缓冲区                    self.ac_in_buffer = self.ac_in_buffer[index+terminator_len:]                    # This does the Right Thing if the terminator                    # is changed here.                    self.found_terminator()                else:                    # check for a prefix of the terminator# 检查接收缓冲区是否已分隔符结尾                    index = find_prefix_at_end(self.ac_in_buffer, terminator)                    if index:                        if index != lb:                            # we found a prefix, collect up to the prefix# 如果是分隔符结尾则结束本次处理                            self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer[:-index])                            self.ac_in_buffer = self.ac_in_buffer[-index:]                        break                    else:                        # no prefix, collect it all# 将接收缓冲区数据处理并重置                        self.collect_incoming_data(self.ac_in_buffer)                        self.ac_in_buffer = b''def handle_write(self):# 将处理的数据全部发送出去        self.initiate_send()def handle_close(self):# 关闭连接        self.close()def push(self, data):# 将连接处理后的数据全部加入发送缓冲区        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):            raise TypeError('data argument must be byte-ish (%r)',                            type(data))        sabs = self.ac_out_buffer_size# 如果要发送出去的数据大于发送缓冲区大小,就使用生产者模式发送        if len(data) > sabs:            for i in range(0, len(data), sabs):                self.producer_fifo.append(data[i:i+sabs])        else:            self.producer_fifo.append(data)        self.initiate_send()    def push_with_producer(self, producer):        self.producer_fifo.append(producer)        self.initiate_send()    def readable(self):        "predicate for inclusion in the readable for select()"        # cannot use the old predicate, it violates the claim of the        # set_terminator method.        # return (len(self.ac_in_buffer) <= self.ac_in_buffer_size)        return 1    def writable(self):        "predicate for inclusion in the writable for select()"        return self.producer_fifo or (not self.connected)    def close_when_done(self):        "automatically close this channel once the outgoing queue is empty"        self.producer_fifo.append(None)def initiate_send(self):# 如果当前生产者队列不为空,连接未关闭就发送数据        while self.producer_fifo and self.connected:            first = self.producer_fifo[0]            # handle empty string/buffer or None entry            if not first:# 如果数据生产者没有数据则删除该生产者,如果为None则所有数据已经发送完成,并关闭连接                del self.producer_fifo[0]                if first is None:                    self.handle_close()                    return            # handle classic producer behavior            obs = self.ac_out_buffer_size            try:                data = first[:obs]            except TypeError:                data = first.more()                if data:                    self.producer_fifo.appendleft(data)                else:                    del self.producer_fifo[0]                continue            if isinstance(data, str) and self.use_encoding:# 将发送数据改为字节类型                data = bytes(data, self.encoding)            # send the data            try:    # 发送数据                num_sent = self.send(data)            except OSError:                self.handle_error()                return            if num_sent:                if num_sent < len(data) or obs < len(first):# 如果发送的数据还没有完成则继续发送                    self.producer_fifo[0] = first[num_sent:]                else:                    del self.producer_fifo[0]            return    def discard_buffers(self):        # Emergencies only!        self.ac_in_buffer = b''        del self.incoming[:]        self.producer_fifo.clear()


def openhttpserver(self, supervisord):        from http import make_http_server        try:            self.httpserver = make_http_server(self, supervisord)        except socket.error, why:            if why[0] == errno.EADDRINUSE:                port = str(self.http_port.address)                self.usage('Another program is already listening on '                           'the port that our HTTP server is '                           'configured to use (%s).  Shut this program '                           'down first before starting supervisord. ' %                           port)        except ValueError, why:            self.usage(why[0])在http.py文件中,def make_http_server(options, supervisord):    if not options.http_port:        return# 配置的用户名和密码    username = options.http_username    password = options.http_password    class LogWrapper:        def log(self, msg):            if msg.endswith('\n'):                msg = msg[:-1]      wrapper = LogWrapper()    family =    # 如果是socket监听if family == socket.AF_INET:# 主要分析socket连接        host, port = options.http_port.address# 生成http_server        hs = supervisor_af_inet_http_server(host, port, logger_object=wrapper)# 如果是原始套接字    elif family == socket.AF_UNIX:        socketname = options.http_port.address        sockchmod = options.sockchmod        sockchown = options.sockchown        hs = supervisor_af_unix_http_server(socketname, sockchmod, sockchown,                                            logger_object=wrapper)    else:        raise ValueError('Cannot determine socket type %r' % family)    from xmlrpc import supervisor_xmlrpc_handlerfrom web import supervisor_ui_handler# 本次分析的rpchandler    xmlrpchandler = supervisor_xmlrpc_handler(supervisord)    tailhandler = logtail_handler(supervisord)    here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))    templatedir = os.path.join(here, 'ui')    filesystem = filesys.os_filesystem(templatedir)    uihandler = supervisor_ui_handler(filesystem, supervisord)    if username:        # wrap the xmlrpc handler and tailhandler in an authentication handler        users = {username:password}        from medusa.auth_handler import auth_handler        xmlrpchandler = auth_handler(users, xmlrpchandler)        tailhandler = auth_handler(users, tailhandler)        uihandler = auth_handler(users, uihandler)    else:        options.logger.critical('Running without any HTTP authentication '                                'checking')# 将handler注册到服务器类中    hs.install_handler(uihandler)    hs.install_handler(tailhandler)    hs.install_handler(xmlrpchandler)return hs
class http_server (asyncore.dispatcher):   SERVER_IDENT = 'HTTP Server (V%s)' % VERSION_STRING    channel_class = http_channeldef handle_accept (self):        self.total_clients.increment()        try:# 接收新请求            conn, addr = self.accept()        except socket.error:            # linux: on rare occasions we get a bogus socket back from            # accept.  socketmodule.c:makesockaddr complains that the            # address family is unknown.  We don't want the whole server            # to shut down because of this.            self.log_info ('warning: server accept() threw an exception', 'warning')            return        except TypeError:            # unpack non-sequence.  this can happen when a read event            # fires on a listening socket, but when we call accept()            # we get EWOULDBLOCK, so dispatcher.accept() returns None.            # Seen on FreeBSD3.            self.log_info ('warning: server accept() threw EWOULDBLOCK', 'warning')            return# 将新请求用该类实例化处理        self.channel_class (self, conn, addr)supervisor_http_server类的定义channel_class = deferring_http_channel所以通过deferring_http_channel处理该请求deferring_http_channel继承自http_server.http_channelhttp_server.http_channel继承自asynchat.async_chat由于当该链接有可读数据时,就出触发handle_read函数,而该函数在接收数据放入接收缓冲区后,就会调用 found_terminator函数,我们分析一下deferring_http_channel函数    def found_terminator (self):        """ We only override this to use 'deferring_http_request' class        instead of the normal http_request class; it sucks to need to override        this """# 如果当前请求实例存在则继续处理接收数据        if self.current_request:            self.current_request.found_terminator()# 如果不存在当前初始化实例        else:# 第一次接收的数据            header = self.in_buffer# 将接收缓冲区清空            self.in_buffer = ''# 将头部信息分离出来            lines = string.split (header, '\r\n')            # --------------------------------------------------            # crack the request header            # --------------------------------------------------            while lines and not lines[0]:                # as per the suggestion of http-1.1 section 4.1, (and                # Eric Parker <>), ignore a leading                # blank lines (buggy browsers tack it onto the end of                # POST requests)                lines = lines[1:]            if not lines:                self.close_when_done()                return# 第一行头部数据            request = lines[0]# 第一行数据的命令,uri,版本            command, uri, version = http_server.crack_request (request)# 处理剩下的头部信息            header = http_server.join_headers (lines[1:])            # unquote path if necessary (thanks to Skip Montanaro for pointing            # out that we must unquote in piecemeal fashion).            rpath, rquery = http_server.splitquery(uri)            if '%' in rpath:                if rquery:                    uri = http_server.unquote (rpath) + '?' + rquery                else:                    uri = http_server.unquote (rpath)# 实例化一个http_request实例            r = deferring_http_request (self, request, command, uri, version,                                         header)            self.request_counter.increment()            self.server.total_requests.increment()            if command is None:                self.log_info ('Bad HTTP request: %s' % repr(request), 'error')                r.error (400)                return            # --------------------------------------------------            # handler selection and dispatch            # --------------------------------------------------# 通过第一行信息来匹配注册的handlers            for h in self.server.handlers:# 调用handler中的match方法,如果匹配rpc方法就返回rpchandler                if h.match (r):                    try:# 将该处理实例保存                        self.current_request = r                        # This isn't used anywhere.                        # r.handler = h # CYCLE# handler处理该请求                        h.handle_request (r)                    except:                        self.server.exceptions.increment()                        (file, fun, line), t, v, tbinfo = \                               asyncore.compact_traceback()                        self.log_info(                            'Server Error: %s, %s: file: %s line: %s' %                            (t,v,file,line),                            'error')                        try:                            r.error (500)                        except:                            pass                    return            # no handlers, so complain            r.error (404)


    def match (self, request):        # Note: /RPC2 is not required by the spec, so you may override this method.        if request.uri[:5] == '/RPC2':            return 1        else:            return 0
class supervisor_xmlrpc_handler(xmlrpc_handler):def __init__(self, supervisord):# rpc调用类方发接口,通过该类实现rpc客户端的对主进程的操作        self.rpcinterface = RPCInterface(supervisord)# supervisord实例        self.supervisord = supervisord    def continue_request (self, data, request):        logger = self.supervisord.options.logger        try:# 解析出上传的内容,并通过xmlrpclib解析成方法            params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data)            try:                logger.debug('XML-RPC method called: %s()' % method)# 调用方法执行                value =, params)                logger.debug('XML-RPC method %s() returned successfully' %                             method)            except RPCError, err:                # turn RPCError reported by method into a Fault instance                value = xmlrpclib.Fault(err.code, err.text)                logger.warn('XML-RPC method %s() returned fault: [%d] %s' % (                    method,                    err.code, err.text))            if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):                # returning a function from an RPC method implies that                # this needs to be a deferred response (it needs to block).                pushproducer =                pushproducer(DeferredXMLRPCResponse(request, value))            else:                # if we get anything but a function, it implies that this                # response doesn't need to be deferred, we can service it                # right away.# 将方法执行的结果返回                body = xmlrpc_marshal(value)                request['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'                request['Content-Length'] = len(body)# 调用request.push方法,将body信息压入该内容自行阅读源码                request.push(body)# 执行完后将数据发送出去,该内容自行阅读源码                request.done()        except:            io = StringIO.StringIO()            traceback.print_exc(file=io)            val = io.getvalue()            logger.critical(val)            # internal error, report as HTTP server error            request.error(500)def call(self, method, params):# 调用rpcinterface的方法        return traverse(self.rpcinterface, method, params)该方法就是调用一个实例的方法def traverse(ob, method, params):    path = method.split('.')    for name in path:        if name.startswith('_'):            # security (don't allow things that start with an underscore to            # be called remotely)            raise RPCError(Faults.UNKNOWN_METHOD)        ob = getattr(ob, name, None)        if ob is None:            raise RPCError(Faults.UNKNOWN_METHOD)    try:        return ob(*params)    except TypeError:        raise RPCError(Faults.INCORRECT_PARAMETERS)


