来源:互联网 发布:西安交通大学宿舍网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 15:49

Ice_cream’s world II

         After awarded lands to ACMers, the queen want to choose a city be her capital. This is an important event in ice_cream world, and it also a very difficult problem, because the world have N cities and M roads, every road was directed. Wiskey is a chief engineer in ice_cream world. The queen asked Wiskey must find a suitable location to establish the capital, beautify the roads which let capital can visit each city and the project’s cost as less as better. If Wiskey can’t fulfill the queen’s require, he will be punishing.


Every case have two integers N and M (N<=1000, M<=10000), the cities numbered 0…N-1, following M lines, each line contain three integers S, T and C, meaning from S to T have a road will cost C.


If no location satisfy the queen’s require, you must be output “impossible”, otherwise, print the minimum cost in this project and suitable city’s number. May be exist many suitable cities, choose the minimum number city. After every case print one blank.

Sample Input

3 10 1 14 40 1 100 2 101 3 202 3 30

Sample Output

impossible40 0


#include<iostream>///HDU - 2121 Ice_cream’s world II  无根最小生成树 朱刘算法+虚根#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#define INF 0x3f3f3f3fconst int MAXN=1005;using namespace std;struct Edge{    int u;///起始点    int v;///终节点    int w;///权值}edge[MAXN*MAXN];int closest[MAXN];///距离i最近的节点int vis[MAXN];///标记int id[MAXN];///节点i的新编号int in[MAXN];///i的最小入边权值int N,M;int minroot;int zhuliu(int root,int n,int m)///根节点编号,节点数量(0~n-1||0~N),边数量(0~m-1||0~M+N-1){    int ans=0;    int i,v,u,cnt;    while(true)    {        for(i=0;i<=n;i++)///初始化所有节点的最小的入边权值都是无穷大            in[i]=INF;        for(i=0;i<m;i++)///遍历m条边        {            u=edge[i].u;            v=edge[i].v;    ///边u->v的权值如果比当前v的最小的入边权值还小,则更新最小权值,更新距离节点v最近的节点是u            if(u!=v&&edge[i].w<in[v])            {                in[v]=edge[i].w;                closest[v]=u;                if(u==root)minroot=i;///先加入的是未加虚根的最小入权值,只有真正的根最小入权值没变,其它的根的最小入权值已经一定比sum+1要小了            }        }///找每个节点入边的最小权值        ///除了树根以外,存在一个边没有入边,则不能挑出一些边使nodenum个节点连在一起不存在最小树形图        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            if(i==root)continue;            if(in[i]==INF)return -1;        }        ///2.是否存在环        cnt=0;        memset(vis,-1,sizeof(vis));        memset(id,-1,sizeof(id));        in[root]=0;        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            ans+=in[i];///第一轮的时候,会把每个节点的最小入边都加到里面。后面可能会删除边的。            v=i;            ///从v一直往前找,如果有环则必回到自身,如果无环应该找到根            while(v!=root&&vis[v]!=i&&id[v]==-1)            {                vis[v]=i;                v=closest[v];            }            if(v!=root&&id[v]==-1)            {                ///将在一个环中的点缩成一个点,在一个环中的点的cnt(编号)都是相同的                for(int u=closest[v];u!=v;u=closest[u])                {                    id[u]=cnt;                }                id[v]=cnt++;            }        }        if(cnt==0)///cnt为0,代表无环,如果有环必进if条件,进if条件cnt比仍然加加            break;        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            if(id[i]==-1)                id[i]=cnt++;        }        ///构建新的图        for(i=0;i<m;i++)        {            int u=edge[i].u;///先保存原来节点的编号            int v=edge[i].v;            edge[i].u=id[u];///新图中u,v的编号            edge[i].v=id[v];            if(id[u]!=id[v])///u和v不在一个环中                edge[i].w=edge[i].w-in[v];        }        n=cnt;        root=id[root];    }    return ans;}int main(){    int S,T,C,sum,q;    while(scanf("%d%d",&N,&M)!=EOF)    {        sum=0;        for(int i=0;i<M;i++)        {            scanf("%d %d %d",&S,&T,&C);            edge[i].u=S;            edge[i].v=T;            edge[i].w=C;            sum=sum+C;        }        sum++;        for(int i=0;i<N;i++)        {            edge[M+i].u=N;///虚根            edge[M+i].v=i;            edge[M+i].w=sum;        }        int ans=zhuliu(N,N+1,M+N);        if(ans==-1||ans>=2*sum)            printf("impossible\n\n");        else            printf("%d %d\n\n",ans-sum,minroot-M);    }    return 0;}
