448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

来源:互联网 发布:知乎澳大利亚会计硕士 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:45

Given an array of integers where 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n (n = size of array), some elements appear twice and others appear once.

Find all the elements of [1, n] inclusive that do not appear in this array.

Could you do it without extra space and in O(n) runtime? You may assume the returned list does not count as extra space.



class Solution {    public List<Integer> findDisappearedNumbers(int[] nums) {        List<Integer> dis = new ArrayList<Integer>();        for(int i = 0;i<nums.length;i++){            int a = Math.abs(nums[i])-1;//利用Math.abs(),避免array中含有相同的数值,多次取负变为正;取a为每个元素对应的数值-1就是为了方便将数值取负,且得到哪些数值没有出现过。            if(nums[a]>0){                nums[a] = -nums[a];            }        }        for(int i = 0;i<nums.length;i++){            if(nums[i]>0){                dis.add(i+1);//哪一个位置上的元素为正,说明在前述的操作中,没有对应的(位置+1)的元素出现过,否则a=(位置+1)-1,会使得这个位置上的元素变为负的            }        }        return dis;    }}