
来源:互联网 发布:数据分析所用的方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 18:14


with student as (select 101 as sid, '张三' as sname, 10 as sage from dual union  select 102 as sid, '李四' as sname, 20 as sage from dual union  select 103 as sid, '王五' as sname, 30 as sage from dual)select * from student;


2.将查询结果转置(使用pivot和union all将上面的student表转置)


select '学号' as item,       to_char(mt1.mate1) as mate1,       to_char(mt1.mate2) as mate2,       to_char(mt1.mate3) as mate3  from (select *          from (select t1.tempType, t1.sid                  from (select decode(s.sid,                                      101, 'type1',                                      102, 'type2',                                      103, 'type3') as tempType,                               s.sid,                               s.sname,                               s.sage                          from student s) t1)        pivot(sum(sid)           for tempType in('type1' as mate1,                          'type2' as mate2,                          'type3' as mate3))) mt1union allselect '姓名' as item, mt2.*  from (select *          from (select t2.tempType, t2.sname                  from (select decode(s.sid,                                      101, 'type1',                                      102, 'type2',                                      103, 'type3') as tempType,                               s.sid,                               s.sname,                               s.sage                          from student s) t2)        pivot(max(sname)           for tempType in('type1' as mate1,                          'type2' as mate2,                          'type3' as mate3))) mt2union allselect '年龄' as item,       to_char(mt3.mate1) as mate1,       to_char(mt3.mate2) as mate2,       to_char(mt3.mate3) as mate3  from (select *          from (select t3.tempType, t3.sage                  from (select decode(s.sid,                                      101, 'type1',                                      102, 'type2',                                      103, 'type3') as tempType,                               s.sid,                               s.sname,                               s.sage                          from student s) t3)        pivot(sum(sage)           for tempType in('type1' as mate1,                          'type2' as mate2,                          'type3' as mate3))) mt3;



select col as item, mate1, mate2, mate3  from (select rn, col, val          from (select rownum rn,                       to_char(student.sid) as sid,                       student.sname,                       to_char(student.sage) as sage                  from student) unpivot(val for col in(sid, sname, sage)))pivot(max(val)   for rn in(1 as mate1, 2 as mate2, 3 as mate3));


with student as(select 101 as sid, '北京' as city, 10 as money from dual unionselect 102 as sid, '上海' as city, 20 as money from dual unionselect 103 as sid, '广州' as city, 30 as money from dual)select sid, city, money,to_char(round(money/sum(money) over(),2),'fm9999990.00') as moneyRatio from student;




with t_class as(select 1 as cid, '1班' as className from dual unionselect 2 as cid, '2班' as className from dual),t_student as(select 101 as sid, '张三' as sname, '北京' as scity, 1 as cid from dual union    select 102 as sid, '李四' as sname, '上海' as scity, 1 as cid from dual union    select 103 as sid, '王五' as sname, '广州' as scity, 1 as cid from dual union    select 104 as sid, '赵六' as sname, '深圳' as scity, 2 as cid from dual union    select 105 as sid, '钱七' as sname, '珠海' as scity, 2 as cid from dual union    select 106 as sid, '孙八' as sname, '厦门' as scity, 2 as cid from dual)



select tc.cid, tc.className,       wm_concat(ts.sid) as c_sid,       wm_concat(ts.sname) as c_sname,       wm_concat(ts.scity) as c_scity,       count(sid) as c_count  from t_class tc  left join t_student ts    on tc.cid = ts.cidgroup by tc.cid, tc.className;





select t2.cid, t1.className, t2.c_count  from t_class t1  left join (select tc.cid, count(sid) as c_count               from t_class tc               left join t_student ts                 on tc.cid = ts.cid              group by tc.cid) t2    on t1.cid = t2.cid;

select tc.cid, max(className) as className, count(sid) as c_count  from t_class tc  left join t_student ts    on tc.cid = ts.cid group by tc.cid;
