Jmeter 用宏自动执行脚本的代码笔记

来源:互联网 发布:复旦大学香港大学知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 18:41


Dim conn, strCnn, cmd, rs'********************************************************************'设计说明: 连接Excel数据库(excel文件可以当做数据库读取数据)'调用举例: ConnectExcel    "***.xls"'********************************************************************Function ConnectExcel(ExcelPath)    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")    strCnn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & ExcelPath & ";Extended Properties=excel 8.0;Persist Security Info=False"    conn.Open strCnn    Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")    cmd.ActiveConnection = conn    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")    ConnectExcel = conn.State    End FunctionFunction ConnectDBC_PC(SysDBPwds, SysDBUserNames, SysDBDataSources)    'strCnn = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Password=" & SysDBPwd & ";User ID=" & SysDBUserName & ";Data Source=" & SysDBDataSource    'strConns = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=OMPUATDB;User ID=OMPBASE;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=" & "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = ompuat)))"    strCnn = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Password=" & (SysDBPwds) & ";User ID=" & SysDBUserNames & ";Data Source=" & SysDBDataSources    MsgBox strConns    'If conn.State = 0 Then            Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")            conn.Open strConns            Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")            cmd.ActiveConnection = conn            Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")    'End If    ConnectDBC_PC = conn.StateEnd FunctionFunction ConnectDBC_P()    'strCnn = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Password=" & SysDBPwd & ";User ID=" & SysDBUserName & ";Data Source=" & SysDBDataSource    'strConns = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=OMPUATDB;User ID=OMPBASE;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=" & "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = ompuat)))"    'strCnns = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Password=RPSCORE_SIT;User ID=rps;Data Source="     strConns = "DRIVER={MySql ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver};SERVER=;Database=test;Uid=rps;Pwd=rps;Stmt=set names GBK"     'strConns = "DRIVER={MySql ODBC 5.1  Driver};SERVER=;Database=test;Uid=rps;Pwd=rps;Stmt=set names GBK"              'If conn.State = 0 Then            Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")            conn.Open strConns            Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")            cmd.ActiveConnection = conn            Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")    'End If    ConnectDBC_P = conn.StateEnd Function'******************************************************************************'设计说明:断开业务数据库'调用举例:CloseDB_P'******************************************************************************Function CloseDB_P()        If rs.State > 0 Then       rs.Close    End If    Set rs = Nothing    Set cmd = Nothing    If conn.State > 0 Then       conn.Close    End If        Set conn = Nothing        End FunctionFunction SearchTestDataRows(testcasecode)   Dim rownum, RowCount   RowCount = Worksheets("TestData").UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count      rownum = -1   For i = 4 To RowCount     ' MsgBox "cell value = " & Worksheets("TestData").Cells(i, 4).Value & " , exp value = " & testcasecode      If CStr(Worksheets("TestData").Cells(i, 4).Value) = CStr(testcasecode) Then         rownum = i         Exit For      End If         Next   SearchTestDataRows = rownumEnd Function'================================================================' 导入测试用例及测试数据'================================================================= Sub ImportDataAll()    Dim P_Begin_ID, P_End_ID    Dim Vid    P_Begin_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 3).Value    P_End_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 3).Value    'MsgBox (P_Begin_ID & "--" & P_End_ID)    If P_Begin_ID = "" Or P_End_ID = "" Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框分别输入加载起始值和结束值")        Exit Sub    End If        If IsNumeric(P_Begin_ID) = False Or IsNumeric(P_End_ID) = False Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框输入数字")        Exit Sub    End If        If P_Begin_ID > P_End_ID Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须小于等于结束值")        Exit Sub    End If    If P_Begin_ID < 4 Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须大于等于4")    End If    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_Begin_ID, 1).Value    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_End_ID, 1).Value'*********       连接数据库     ************************************************************************    ConnectDBC_P        '查看是否连接成功,成功状态值为1    If conn.State = 0 Then       MsgBox "连接OMP数据库失败,请检查网络环境"    Else       'MsgBox "连接数据库成功"    End If     '   rs.Open "select id from testdata_cmp_panel   where id=20161000006", conn     '   Do While Not rs.EOF     '       MsgBox "search result ,id = " & rs("id")     '   Loop'*********************************************************************************    Dim i, j, StrSql_Insert, StrSql_Insert_Log    Dim row_begin, row_end    Dim childrow_begin, childrow_end, childrow_index    Dim childRowStr, childRowArr, childRowCount    Dim ir, colName, colValue, colStr, colIndex    Dim V_DataConcatChar, first_char, last_char    row_begin = P_Begin_ID    row_end = P_End_ID        If row_begin > 0 Then      ' row_end = (P_End_ID) - (P_Begin_ID) + row_begin       MsgBox "row_begin = " & row_begin & ",row_end = " & row_end              For i = row_begin To row_end        'MsgBox (i)        P_Number = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value        If IsNumeric(P_Number) = False Or IsNull(P_Number) Or P_Number = "" Then         GoTo Line1        Else        GoTo Line2        End If    Line2:'结束结束    14  versionid   FunctionModule  TestCaseCode    TestCaseDesc    WorkDirectorys  JmxFileName TestDataType    Testdata    expResult   actResult   testResult  testResultDesc'是否运行    系统编码    版本    功能模块    用例编码    用例描述    工作目录    jmx文件名(不带后缀)   数据类型  测试数据    预期结果    实际结果    测试结果    测试结果描述'Y   IBS V3.11   清单上传    TestCase001 正常运单    E:\\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\\JmeterAuto\\jmx\\   IBS-OrderService-auto   IBS-OrderService-auto       OK        '获取主表的数据        v_id = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value  '2 ID        'MsgBox "V_id = " & V_id        V_isrun = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 2).Value  '是否运行        If V_isrun = "" Or IsNull(V_isrun) Then            V_isrun = "N"        End If        V_syscode = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 3).Value '系统编码        V_versionid = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 4).Value '版本        V_FunctionModule = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 5).Value '功能模块        V_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 6).Value '用例编码        V_TestCaseDesc = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 7).Value '用例名称        V_WorkDirectorys = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 8).Value '工作目录        V_JmxFileName = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 9).Value 'jmx文件名        V_TestDataType = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 10).Value '测试数据类型        V_Testdata = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 11).Value '测试数据        V_expResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 12).Value '预期结果        V_actResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 13).Value ' 实际结果        V_testResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 14).Value '测试结果        V_testResultDesc = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 15).Value '测试结果描述               StrSql_delete = "delete from `jmetertestcasemanager`   where TestCaseCode = '" & V_TestCaseCode & "'"        'MsgBox StrSql_delete        conn.Execute StrSql_delete                StrSql_delete = "delete from `jmetertestdatamanager`   where TestCaseCode = '" & V_TestCaseCode & "'"        'MsgBox StrSql_delete        conn.Execute StrSql_delete        'MsgBox "删除主表成功"               StrSql_Insert = "insert into `jmetertestcasemanager`(" _                        & " `id`  ,`isrun` ,`syscode`,`versionid`,`FunctionModule`,`TestCaseCode`,`TestCaseDesc`,`WorkDirectorys`,`JmxFileName`,`TestDataType`," _                        & "`Testdata`,`expResult` ,`actResult`,`testResult`,`testResultDesc`" _                         & " )" _                        & "values(" & v_id & ",'" & V_isrun & "','" & V_syscode & "','" & V_versionid & "','" & V_FunctionModule & "','" & V_TestCaseCode & "','" & V_TestCaseDesc & "','" & V_WorkDirectorys & "','" & V_JmxFileName & "', " _                        & "'" & V_TestDataType & "','" & V_Testdata & "','" & V_expResult & "','" & V_actResult & "','" & V_testResult & "','" & V_testResultDesc & "')"           'MsgBox StrSql_Insert       ' Worksheets("加载巴枪数据-模型").Cells(100, 8).Value = StrSql_Insert        conn.Execute StrSql_Insert        'MsgBox "插主表成功"                childRowStr = SearchTestDataRows(V_TestCaseCode)               'MsgBox "childRowStr = " & childRowStr        If Not IsNull(childRowStr) Or (childRowStr <> "") Then                childrow_index = CInt(childRowStr)                               'MsgBox "childrow_index = " & childrow_index               '获取子表的数据                j = childrow_index                VD_id = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 1).Value                VD_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 4).Value '用例编码                VD_versionid = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 5).Value ' 版本                 'MsgBox "VD_versionid = " & VD_versionid                For ir = 8 To 255                    colStr = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, ir).Value                    If Not IsNull(colStr) And (colStr <> "") And Len(colStr) > 0 And (Not IsEmpty(colStr)) Then                        ' MsgBox "colStr = " & colStr                        'colStr = CStr(colStr)                        colIndex = InStr(colStr, "=")                        'MsgBox "colIndex = " & colIndex                        If colIndex > 0 Then                            colName = Left(colStr, colIndex - 1)                            colValue = Mid(colStr, colIndex + 1)                                                        first_char = Left(colName, 1)                            last_char = Right(colName, 1)                            'MsgBox "first_char = " & first_char & " , last_char = " & last_char                            If V_TestDataType = "XML" Or V_TestDataType = "xml" Then                                If first_char = "<" And last_char = ">" Then                                    V_DataConcatChar = "INS"                                    'MsgBox "colName 1 = " & colName                                    colName = Mid(colName, 2, Len(colName) - 2)                                    'MsgBox "colName 2 = " & colName                                                                    Else                                    V_DataConcatChar = "="                                End If                            ElseIf V_TestDataType = "JSON" Or V_TestDataType = "json" Then                                V_DataConcatChar = ":"                            End If                            ' MsgBox "V_DataConcatChar = " & V_DataConcatChar                                                                                   '新增数据                            StrSql_Insert = "insert into `jmetertestdatamanager`(" _                                              & "`versionid` ,`TestCaseCode`,`DataType`, `DataConcatChar`,`ColName`,`colValue`" _                                               & " ) values( '" & VD_versionid & "','" & VD_TestCaseCode & "','" & V_TestDataType & "','" & V_DataConcatChar & "','" & colName & "','" & colValue & "')"                                'MsgBox "StrSql_Insert = " & StrSql_Insert                            conn.Execute StrSql_Insert                        End If                    Else                        Exit For                    End If                        Next        End If                        newHour = Hour(Now())        newMinute = Minute(Now())        newSecond = Second(Now()) + 1        waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)        Application.Wait waitTime        Line1:        Next        End If            'MsgBox (i & "--" & row_end)        If i = row_end + 1 Then        MsgBox ("jemeter测试用例及测试数据导入数据库成功!")    End If                'rs.Close    'Set rs = Nothing    'conn.Close    'Set conn = Nothing    CloseDB_PEnd Sub'================================================================' 导入测试数据'================================================================= Sub ImportTestData_Click()    Dim P_Begin_ID, P_End_ID    Dim Vid    P_Begin_ID = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(1, 3).Value    P_End_ID = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(2, 3).Value    'MsgBox (P_Begin_ID & "--" & P_End_ID)    If P_Begin_ID = "" Or P_End_ID = "" Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框分别输入加载起始值和结束值")        Exit Sub    End If        If IsNumeric(P_Begin_ID) = False Or IsNumeric(P_End_ID) = False Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框输入数字")        Exit Sub    End If        If P_Begin_ID > P_End_ID Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须小于等于结束值")        Exit Sub    End If    If P_Begin_ID < 4 Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须大于等于4")    End If    Worksheets("TestData").Cells(1, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestData").Cells(P_Begin_ID, 1).Value    Worksheets("TestData").Cells(2, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestData").Cells(P_End_ID, 1).Value            '*********       连接数据库     ************************************************************************    ConnectDBC_P        '查看是否连接成功,成功状态值为1    If conn.State = 0 Then       MsgBox "连接数据库失败,请检查网络环境"    Else       'MsgBox "连接数据库成功"    End If     '   rs.Open "select id from testdata_cmp_panel   where id=20161000006", conn     '   Do While Not rs.EOF     '       MsgBox "search result ,id = " & rs("id")     '   Loop'*********************************************************************************    Dim i, j, StrSql_Insert, StrSql_Insert_Log    Dim row_begin, row_end    Dim childrow_begin, childrow_end    Dim childRowStr, childRowArr, childRowCount    Dim ir    Dim V_DataConcatChar, first_char, last_char        row_begin = P_Begin_ID    row_end = P_End_ID    If row_begin > 2 Then       'MsgBox "row_begin = " & row_begin & ",row_end = " & row_end              For j = row_begin To row_end        'MsgBox (i)        P_Number = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 1).Value        If IsNumeric(P_Number) = False Or IsNull(P_Number) Or P_Number = "" Then            GoTo Line1        Else           GoTo Line2        End If    Line2:                VD_id = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 1).Value        VD_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 4).Value '用例编码        VD_versionid = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 5).Value ' 版本        V_TestDataType = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 8).Value ' 版本                StrSql_delete = "delete from `jmetertestdatamanager`   where TestCaseCode = '" & VD_TestCaseCode & "'"        'MsgBox StrSql_delete        conn.Execute StrSql_delete        For ir = 9 To 255            colStr = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, ir).Value            If Not IsNull(colStr) And (colStr <> "") And Len(colStr) > 0 And (Not IsEmpty(colStr)) Then                   'colIndex = InStr(colStr, "=", 1)                   colIndex = InStr(colStr, "=")                   If colIndex > 0 Then                       colName = Left(colStr, colIndex - 1)                       colValue = Mid(colStr, colIndex + 1)                                              first_char = Left(colName, 1)                       last_char = Right(colName, 1)                      ' MsgBox "first_char = " & first_char & ",last_char = " & last_char & " , colName = " & colName                       If V_TestDataType = "XML" Or V_TestDataType = "xml" Then                           If first_char = "<" And last_char = ">" Then                               V_DataConcatChar = "INS"                              colName = Mid(colName, 2, Len(colName) - 2)                           Else                               V_DataConcatChar = "="                           End If                       ElseIf V_TestDataType = "JSON" Or V_TestDataType = "json" Then                           V_DataConcatChar = ":"                       End If                                             '新增数据                       StrSql_Insert = "insert into `jmetertestdatamanager`(" _                                         & " `versionid` ,`TestCaseCode`,`DataType`, `DataConcatChar`,`ColName`,`colValue`" _                                          & " ) values('" & VD_versionid & "','" & VD_TestCaseCode & "','" & V_TestDataType & "','" & V_DataConcatChar & "','" & colName & "','" & colValue & "')"                        'MsgBox "StrSql_Insert = " & StrSql_Insert                       conn.Execute StrSql_Insert                   End If            Else                Exit For            End If        Next        newHour = Hour(Now())        newMinute = Minute(Now())        newSecond = Second(Now()) + 1        waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)        Application.Wait waitTime        Line1:    NextEnd If'MsgBox (i & "--" & row_end)If j = row_end + 1 Then    MsgBox ("jemeter测试数据导入数据库成功!")End If'rs.Close'Set rs = Nothing'conn.Close'Set conn = NothingCloseDB_P'Application.ScreenUpdating = True'Application.EnableEvents = TrueEnd Sub'================================================================' 执行测试用例-导入数据库及数据库状态变更'================================================================= Sub ImportRunDataAll()    Dim P_Begin_ID, P_End_ID, StrSql_update    Dim Vid, nextjmxname, nextworkdirctorys    Dim runcount    P_Begin_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 3).Value    P_End_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 3).Value    'MsgBox (P_Begin_ID & "--" & P_End_ID)    If P_Begin_ID = "" Or P_End_ID = "" Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框分别输入加载起始值和结束值")        Exit Sub    End If        If IsNumeric(P_Begin_ID) = False Or IsNumeric(P_End_ID) = False Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框输入数字")        Exit Sub    End If        If P_Begin_ID > P_End_ID Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须小于等于结束值")        Exit Sub    End If    If P_Begin_ID < 4 Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须大于等于4")    End If    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_Begin_ID, 1).Value    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_End_ID, 1).Value    '----------------------------------------------------------------------    '更新测试统计表中的运行开始时间及运行日期    Worksheets("Summary").Cells(2, 2).Value = Date    SummaryTestDate = Date    Worksheets("Summary").Cells(3, 2).Value = Now    ScriptStartTime = Now    '----------------------------------------------------------------------    '*********       连接数据库     ************************************************************************    ConnectDBC_P        '查看是否连接成功,成功状态值为1    If conn.State = 0 Then       MsgBox "连接OMP数据库失败,请检查网络环境"    Else       'MsgBox "连接数据库成功"    End If     '   rs.Open "select id from testdata_cmp_panel   where id=20161000006", conn     '   Do While Not rs.EOF     '       MsgBox "search result ,id = " & rs("id")     '   Loop'*********************************************************************************    Dim i, j, k, StrSql_Insert, StrSql_Insert_Log    Dim row_begin, row_end    Dim childrow_begin, childrow_end, childrow_index    Dim childRowStr, childRowArr, childRowCount    Dim ir, colName, colValue, colStr, colIndex    Dim V_DataConcatChar, first_char, last_char        row_begin = P_Begin_ID    row_end = P_End_ID    '----------------------------------------------------------------    ' 将测试用例及测试数据表中所有行的执行状态更新为不执行 N    '----------------------------------------------------------------    StrSql_update = "update  `jmetertestcasemanager`   set isrun='N'"    'MsgBox StrSql_update    conn.Execute StrSql_update    StrSql_update = "update  `jmetertestdatamanager`   set isrun='N'"    'MsgBox StrSql_delete    conn.Execute StrSql_update    '----------------------------------------------------------------    '删除runningTestCase中的数据    deleteAllData    '----------------------------------------------------------------             If row_begin > 0 Then      ' row_end = (P_End_ID) - (P_Begin_ID) + row_begin       'MsgBox "row_begin = " & row_begin & ",row_end = " & row_end      runcount = 0      For i = row_begin To row_end        'MsgBox (i)        P_Number = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value        If IsNumeric(P_Number) = False Or IsNull(P_Number) Or P_Number = "" Then         GoTo Line1        Else        GoTo Line2        End If    Line2:        '初始化待执行的测试用例数据,根据jmxname及工作目录分开统计                '----------------------------------------------------------------        '获取主表的数据        '----------------------------------------------------------------        v_id = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value  '2 ID        'MsgBox "V_id = " & V_id        V_isrun = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 2).Value  '是否运行        If V_isrun = "" Or IsNull(V_isrun) Then            V_isrun = "N"        End If        If V_isrun = "Y" Or V_isrun = "y" Then            runcount = runcount + 1        '----------------------------------------------------------------        '复制测试结果到 runningTestCase            k = Sheets("runningTestCase").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1            Sheets("TestCaseManager").Rows(i).Copy Sheets("runningTestCase").Range("a" & k)        '----------------------------------------------------------------        End If        V_syscode = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 3).Value '系统编码        V_versionid = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 4).Value '版本        V_FunctionModule = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 5).Value '功能模块        V_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 6).Value '用例编码        V_TestCaseDesc = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 7).Value '用例名称        V_WorkDirectorys = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 8).Value '工作目录        V_JmxFileName = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 9).Value 'jmx文件名        V_TestDataType = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 10).Value '测试数据文件名        V_Testdata = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 11).Value '测试数据        V_expResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 12).Value '预期结果        V_actResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 13).Value ' 实际结果        V_testResult = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 14).Value '测试结果        V_testResultDesc = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 15).Value '测试结果描述                V_JmxFileName_next = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i + 1, 9).Value '下一行jmx文件名        V_WorkDirectorys_next = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i + 1, 8).Value '下行工作目录               StrSql_delete = "delete from `jmetertestcasemanager`   where TestCaseCode = '" & V_TestCaseCode & "'"        'MsgBox StrSql_delete        conn.Execute StrSql_delete                StrSql_delete = "delete from `jmetertestdatamanager`   where TestCaseCode = '" & V_TestCaseCode & "'"        'MsgBox StrSql_delete        conn.Execute StrSql_delete        'MsgBox "删除主表成功"               StrSql_Insert = "insert into `jmetertestcasemanager`(" _                        & " `id`  ,`isrun`,`syscode`,`versionid`,`FunctionModule`,`TestCaseCode`,`TestCaseDesc`,`WorkDirectorys`,`JmxFileName`,`TestDataType`," _                        & "`Testdata`,`expResult` ,`actResult`,`testResult`,`testResultDesc`" _                         & " )" _                        & "values(" & v_id & ",'" & V_isrun & "','" & V_syscode & "','" & V_versionid & "','" & V_FunctionModule & "','" & V_TestCaseCode & "','" & V_TestCaseDesc & "','" & V_WorkDirectorys & "','" & V_JmxFileName & "', " _                        & "'" & V_TestDataType & "','" & V_Testdata & "','" & V_expResult & "','" & V_actResult & "','" & V_testResult & "','" & V_testResultDesc & "')"           'MsgBox StrSql_Insert       ' Worksheets("加载巴枪数据-模型").Cells(100, 8).Value = StrSql_Insert        conn.Execute StrSql_Insert        'MsgBox "插主表成功"                childRowStr = SearchTestDataRows(V_TestCaseCode)        'MsgBox "childRowStr = " & childRowStr        If Not IsNull(childRowStr) Or (childRowStr <> "") Then                childrow_index = CInt(childRowStr)                              ' MsgBox "childrow_index = " & childrow_index               '获取子表的数据                 j = childrow_index                VD_id = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 1).Value                VD_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 4).Value '用例编码                VD_versionid = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, 5).Value ' 版本                VD_isrun = V_isrun                For ir = 8 To 255                    colStr = Worksheets("TestData").Cells(j, ir).Value                                       If Not IsNull(colStr) And (colStr <> "") And Len(colStr) > 0 And (Not IsEmpty(colStr)) Then                                colIndex = InStr(colStr, "=")                           'MsgBox "colIndex = " & colIndex                                                   If colIndex > 0 Then                               colName = Left(colStr, colIndex - 1)                               colValue = Mid(colStr, colIndex + 1)                               first_char = Left(colName, 1)                               last_char = Right(colName, 1)                                                              If V_TestDataType = "XML" Or V_TestDataType = "xml" Then                                   If first_char = "<" And last_char = ">" Then                                       V_DataConcatChar = "INS"                                       colName = Mid(colName, 2, Len(colName) - 2)                                   Else                                       V_DataConcatChar = "="                                   End If                               ElseIf V_TestDataType = "JSON" Or V_TestDataType = "json" Then                                   V_DataConcatChar = ":"                               End If                                                                              'MsgBox "colName = " & colName & " , colValue = " & colValue                               '新增数据                               StrSql_Insert = "insert into `jmetertestdatamanager`(" _                                                 & " `versionid` ,`TestCaseCode`,`DataType`, `DataConcatChar`,`ColName`,`colValue`,`isrun`" _                                                  & " ) values('" & VD_versionid & "','" & VD_TestCaseCode & "','" & V_TestDataType & "','" & V_DataConcatChar & "','" & colName & "','" & colValue & "','" & VD_isrun & "')"                                  ' MsgBox "StrSql_Insert = " & StrSql_Insert                               conn.Execute StrSql_Insert                           End If                    Else                        Exit For                    End If                        Next        End If       ' 执行测试用例        'MsgBox "cur jmxname = " & (V_WorkDirectorys & V_JmxFileName) & " next jmx = " & (V_WorkDirectorys_next & V_JmxFileName_next)        'If (V_WorkDirectorys & V_JmxFileName) <> (V_WorkDirectorys_next & V_JmxFileName_next) Then        If StrComp((V_WorkDirectorys & V_JmxFileName), (V_WorkDirectorys_next & V_JmxFileName_next), vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then            'MsgBox "runcount = " & runcount            executeJmx V_WorkDirectorys, V_JmxFileName, runcount, V_syscode            runcount = 0        End If                        newHour = Hour(Now())        newMinute = Minute(Now())        newSecond = Second(Now()) + 1        waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)        Application.Wait waitTime            Line1:        Next        End If    '-----------------------------------------------------------    ' 更新测试统计中的结束时间及运行时长    Worksheets("Summary").Cells(4, 2).Value = Now    SummaryTestEndTime = Now    Worksheets("Summary").Cells(5, 2).Value = DateDiff("s", ScriptStartTime, Now) & "秒" 'Calu duration        'MsgBox (i & "--" & row_end)        If i = row_end + 1 Then        MsgBox ("jemeter执行的测试用例完成!")    End If'rs.Close'Set rs = Nothing'conn.Close'Set conn = NothingCloseDB_P'Application.ScreenUpdating = True'Application.EnableEvents = TrueEnd SubSub executeJmx(jmxpath, jmxname, groupnum, syscode)    Dim jmxfullname, ps, cmdstr    jmxfullname = jmxpath & "jmx\\" & jmxname & ".jmx"    cmdstr = jmxpath & "jmeterauto.bat " & groupnum & " " & syscode & " " & jmxfullname & " " & jmxpath    'MsgBox cmdstr    Call Shell("cmd.exe /k " & cmdstr & "  /e", vbNormalFocus)    'Set DosExec = objshell.Exec("cmd.exe /k " & cmdstr)   ' Set DosExec = objshell.Exec("cmd.exe /c" & " E:\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\\JmeterAuto\\jmeterauto.bat 2 IBS E:\\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\JmeterAuto\\jmx\\IBS-OrderService-auto.jmx E:\\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\JmeterAuto\\  /e", vbNormalFocus)   'Call Shell("cmd.exe /k " & " E:\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\\JmeterAuto\\jmeterauto.bat 2 IBS E:\\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\JmeterAuto\\jmx\\IBS-OrderService-auto.jmx E:\\AUTOTEST\\jemeter\\IBU\JmeterAuto\\  /e", vbNormalFocus)      'Call Shell("cmd.exe /c xcopy c:\tmp.d c:\temp /e", vbNormalFocus)   End SubSub activew()     MyAppID = Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE", 1)    AppActivate MyAppIDEnd SubSub getTestResult()    Dim P_Begin_ID, P_End_ID, StrSql_update    Dim Vid, nextjmxname, nextworkdirctorys    Dim runcount    P_Begin_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 3).Value    P_End_ID = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 3).Value    'MsgBox (P_Begin_ID & "--" & P_End_ID)    If P_Begin_ID = "" Or P_End_ID = "" Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框分别输入加载起始值和结束值")        Exit Sub    End If        If IsNumeric(P_Begin_ID) = False Or IsNumeric(P_End_ID) = False Then        MsgBox ("请在C1和C2输入框输入数字")        Exit Sub    End If        If P_Begin_ID > P_End_ID Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须小于等于结束值")        Exit Sub    End If    If P_Begin_ID < 4 Then        MsgBox ("起始值必须大于等于4")    End If    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(1, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_Begin_ID, 1).Value    Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(2, 1).Value = "'" & Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(P_End_ID, 1).Value'*********       连接数据库     ************************************************************************    ConnectDBC_P        '查看是否连接成功,成功状态值为1    If conn.State = 0 Then       MsgBox "连接OMP数据库失败,请检查网络环境"    Else       'MsgBox "连接数据库成功"    End If     '   rs.Open "select id from testdata_cmp_panel   where id=20161000006", conn     '   Do While Not rs.EOF     '       MsgBox "search result ,id = " & rs("id")     '   Loop'*********************************************************************************    Dim i, j, StrSql_Insert, StrSql_Insert_Log    Dim row_begin, row_end    Dim childrow_begin, childrow_end, childrow_index    Dim childRowStr, childRowArr, childRowCount    Dim ir, colName, colValue, colStr, colIndex    Dim tempstr    row_begin = P_Begin_ID    row_end = P_End_ID    Dim passcount, failcount, totalcount    passcount = 0    failcount = 0    totalcount = 0    '----------------------------------------------------------------    '删除runningTestCase中的数据    deleteAllData    '----------------------------------------------------------------       RowCount = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count      rownum = -1   For i = 4 To RowCount    tempstr = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value        If IsNumeric(tempstr) = False Or IsNull(tempstr) Or tempstr = "" Then       Exit For    Else        totalcount = totalcount + 1        V_isrun = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 2).Value  '是否运行                V_TestCaseCode = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 6).Value '用例编码        If V_isrun = "" Or IsNull(V_isrun) Or V_isrun = "N" Or V_isrun = "n" Then            Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 11).Value = ""            Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 13).Value = ""            Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 14).Value = ""            Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 15).Value = ""        Else                  strSQL = "select group_concat(colnfo) colnfo,testdata,actResult,expResult,testResult,TestResultDesc,TestCaseCode from" _            & "( " _            & "select concat(t.ColName,'=',t.ColValue) colnfo,tm.testdata,tm.actResult,tm.expResult,tm.testResult,tm.TestResultDesc,tm.TestCaseCode  " _            & " from jmetertestdatamanager t  ,jmetertestcasemanager tm  " _            & " where t.isrun='Y'and t.TestCaseCode='" & V_TestCaseCode & "' and t.TestCaseCode = tm.TestCaseCode" _            & ") tall  group by TestCaseCode"            'MsgBox "strsql = " & strsql            rs.Open strSQL, conn                            Do While Not rs.EOF                Testdata = rs("testdata")                colnfo = rs("colnfo")                actResult = rs("actResult")                expResult = rs("expResult")                testResult = rs("testResult")                TestResultDesc = rs("TestResultDesc")                If testResult = "true" Or testResult = "TRUE" Then                    passcount = passcount + 1                Else                    failcount = failcount + 1                End If                               Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 11).Value = Testdata                                Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 13).Value = actResult                Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 14).Value = testResult                Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 15).Value = TestResultDesc                                                Exit Do                 ' rs.movenext            Loop            rs.Close    '----------------------------------------------------------------    '复制测试结果到 runningTestCase          k = Sheets("runningTestCase").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1          Sheets("TestCaseManager").Rows(i).Copy Sheets("runningTestCase").Range("a" & k)    '----------------------------------------------------------------                    End If            End If         Next   ' 写入测试概要统计数据   Worksheets("Summary").Cells(6, 2).Value = totalcount 'passcount, failcount, totalcount   Worksheets("Summary").Cells(7, 2).Value = passcount   Worksheets("Summary").Cells(8, 2).Value = failcount      CloseDB_P   End SubSub deleteAllData()      RowCount = Worksheets("runningTestCase").UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count   row_end = RowCount   If row_end >= 4 Then    Worksheets("runningTestCase").Rows("4:" & row_end).Delete   End If         End SubSub copyRunningTestInfo()    '删除runningTestCase中的数据    deleteAllData    row_end = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count    '----------------------------------------------------------------    row_begin = 4        If row_begin > 0 Then      For i = row_begin To row_end            tempstr = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 1).Value            If IsNumeric(tempstr) = False Or IsNull(tempstr) Or tempstr = "" Then               Exit For            Else                V_isrun = Worksheets("TestCaseManager").Cells(i, 2).Value  '是否运行                If V_isrun = "Y" Or V_isrun = "y" Then                    k = Sheets("runningTestCase").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1                    Sheets("TestCaseManager").Rows(i).Copy Sheets("runningTestCase").Range("a" & k)                End If           End If     Next   End IfEnd Sub'********************************************************************'设计说明: 写SummaryReport'调用举例: WriteSummaryReport'********************************************************************Function WriteSummaryReport()    ConnectExcel TestReportPath        '获取当前Test通过数量    strSQL = "Select Count(1) from [runningTestCase$] Where FinalResult like 'Y%'"    PassNum = ExecuteQuery(strSQL)(0)    '获取当前Test失败数量    strSQL = "Select Count(1) from [runningTestCase$] Where FinalResult like 'F%'"    FailNum = ExecuteQuery(strSQL)(0)    '获取当前Test警告数量    strSQL = "Select Count(1) from [runningTestCase$] Where FinalResult like 'W%'"    WarningNum = ExecuteQuery(strSQL)(0)        CloseDB_P    End Function
