
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么继续延长收货 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:59


void CCrawl::DoCrawl()
{ /* set the signal function */
signal(SIGTERM, SigTerm); signal(SIGKILL, SigTerm);
signal(SIGINT, SigTerm); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
// output the begin time char strTime[128]; time_t tDate;
memset(strTime,0,128); time(&tDate);
//gmtime():Converts a time value to a structure.
//将格式化的时间存入strTime strftime(strTime, 128,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&tDate)); cout << "/n/nBegin at: " << strTime << "/n/n";
// get the other info from file
GetVisitedUrlMD5(); GetVisitedPageMD5();
//将ip段从文件中读出,然后插入mapIpBlock GetIpBlock();
//获得无法访问的主机,并且将它的md5值存储在集合setUnreachHostMD5中 GetUnreachHostMD5();
// open the seed url file //读入种子url
ifstream ifsSeed(m_sInputFileName.c_str());
if (!ifsSeed){ cerr << "Cannot open " << m_sInputFileName << " for input/n"; return; }
// open the files for output //打开所需要的所有文件 OpenFilesForOutput();
// Create thread ID structures.
pthread_t *tids = (pthread_t*)malloc(NUM_WORKERS * sizeof(pthread_t)); if( tids == NULL){ cerr << "malloc error" << endl; }
//线程数 /* UNIX环境创建线程函数,具体格式:  
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict tidp,const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
void*(*start_rtn)(void*),void *restrict arg);  
新创建的线程从start_rtn函数的地址开始运行, 该函数只有一个无指针参数arg,如果需要向start_rtn函数传递的参数不止一个, 那么需要把这些参数放到一个结构中,然后把这个结构的地址作为arg的参数传入。 */
for(unsigned int i=0; i< NUM_WORKERS; i++){ if( pthread_create( &tids[i], NULL, start, this)) cerr << "create threads error" << endl; }
string strUrl; CPage iCPage;
while( getline(ifsSeed, strUrl) ){ string::size_type idx;
//空 if(strUrl[0]=='/0' strUrl[0]=='#' strUrl[0]== '/n'){ continue; }
idx = strUrl.find('/t'); if(idx != string::npos){ strUrl = strUrl.substr(0,idx); }
//idx = strUrl.find("http");
idx = CStrFun::FindCase(strUrl, "http"); if(idx == string::npos){ //continue; idx = strUrl.find('/'); if( idx == string::npos ){ strUrl = "http://" + strUrl + "/"; }else{ strUrl = "http://" + strUrl; } }//if
//if( strUrl.length() < 8 ) continue;
if( iCPage.IsFilterLink(strUrl) ) continue;
//否则将url加入url集合 AddUrl(strUrl.c_str()); }//while
// Get the unvisited URL //获得还未访问的url,将其处理后加入待抓取url集合
ifstream ifsUnvisitedUrl(UNVISITED_FILE.c_str()); if( ifsUnvisitedUrl ){
while( getline(ifsUnvisitedUrl, strUrl) ){ string::size_type idx;
//空行 if( strUrl[0]=='/0' strUrl[0]=='#' strUrl[0]== '/n'){ continue; }
idx = strUrl.find('/t'); if(idx != string::npos){ strUrl = strUrl.substr(0,idx); }
// filter invalid urls
if( iCPage.IsFilterLink(strUrl) ) continue;
AddUrl(strUrl.c_str()); } }else{ //cerr << "Cannot open " << UNVISITED_FILE << " for input/n"; }
// sleep(30);
b_fOver = true; cout << "finished to get all unvisited urls." << endl;
// Wait for the threads. /* void pthread_exit(void *retval) int pthread_join(pthread_t th, void **thread_return) pthread_join()的调用者将挂起并等待th线程终止, retval是pthread_exit()调用者线程(线程ID为th)的返回值, 如果thread_return不为NULL,则*thread_return=retval。 需要注意的是一个线程仅允许唯一的一个线程使用 pthread_join()等待它的终止, 并且被等待的线程应该处于可join状态,即非DETACHED状态。 */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_WORKERS; ++i){ (void)pthread_join(tids[i], NULL); }
cout << "closed " << NUM_WORKERS << " threads." << endl;
//将未访问过的url存入文件 SaveUnvisitedUrl();
memset(strTime,0,128); time(&tDate); strftime(strTime, 128,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&tDate)); cout << "/n/nEnd at: " << strTime << "/n/n";}