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Make Menuconfig简介
make menuconfig 图形化的内核配置make mrproper —–删除不必要的文件和目录.
make config(基于文本的最为传统的配置界面,不推荐使用)
make menuconfig(基于文本选单的配置界面,字符终端下推荐使用)
make xconfig(基于图形窗口模式的配置界面,Xwindow下推荐使用)
make oldconfig(如果只想在原来内核配置的基础上修改一些小地方,会省去不少麻烦)
目的都是生成一个.config文件,这三个命令中,make xconfig的界面最为友好,如果你可以使用Xwindow,你就用这个好了,这个比较方便,也好设置。如果你不能使用Xwindow,那么就使用make menuconfig好了。界面虽然比上面一个差点,总比make config的要好多了。 选择相应的配置时,有三种选择,它们分别代表的含义如下:


The main menu if the configuration programs is split out into the following sections: a.  General setup       提供所有linux编译选项     (Provides overall Linux options.) b.  Enable loadable module support      提供加载内核模块的能力。子选项提供了与模块相关的附加功能。     Provides the ability to load kernel modules.  Sub-options provide additional capabilities related to modules. c.  Enable the block layer      这需要启用能够冢任何磁盘驱动器。(感觉应该是 挂载 mount)     This needs to be enabled to be able to mound any disk drive. d.  Processor type and features       默认设置将为您的硬件正确设置其中的大部分,但您可能需要禁用可能不适用的选项,如多核调度程序支持。您也可以设置内核支持的CPU数量。     The defaults will set most of these properly for your hardware, but you may want to disable options that may not apply such as Multi-core scheduler support.  You can also set the number of CPUs that the kernel supports.     您也可以设置对某些特定笔记本电脑品牌的支持。     You can also set support for some specific laptop brands. e.  Power management and ACPI options      控制ACPI(高级配置和电源接口)或APM(高级电源管理)BIOS支持。这些选项在笔记本电脑上最为有用。     Controls ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) or APM (Advanced Power Management) BIOS support.  These options are most useful on laptops. f.  Bus options (PCI etc)(总线选项)               在新系统中,通常只需要PCI支持。去与默认值。     Generally only PCI suport is needed here on newer systems.  Go with the defaults. g.  Executable file formats / Emulations     通常只需要ELF支持。     Generally only ELF support is needed. h.  Networking support      这是网络(包括无线)启用的地方。 Netfilter(防火墙)功能也在这里定义。默认值一般令人满意。     This is where networking (including wireless) is enabled. Netfilter (firewall) capabilities are also defined here. The defaults are generally satisfactory. i.  Device Drivers      这是最重要的配置领域之一。如果你想硬件工作,它必须启用驱动程序。使用`lspci -v`检查当前正在运行的系统上的设备,以确认您拥有的硬件。启用您可能拥有的任何网络或USB设备。视频驱动程序和声卡也在这里启用。     This is one of the most important configuration areas.  If you want the hardware to work, it has to be enabled with a driver.  Check your devices on a currently running system with `lspci -v` to confirm what hardware you have.  Enable any network or usb devices that you may have.  Video drivers and sound cards are also enabled here.       在本节中花点时间,确保为所有要使用的硬件添加驱动程序。     Take your time in this section and make sure you add drivers for all the hardware you want to use. j.  Firmware Drivers(固件驱动程序)     在这里默认一般是OK的。     The default is generally OK here. k.  File systems     如果您需要reiser,ext4,jfs,xfs,内核自动支持程序或nfs,则需要在此处选择这些功能     If you want reiser, ext4, jfs, xfs, kernel automounter support, or nfs,  you need to select those capabilities here. l.  Kernel hacking(内核黑客)     如果你在这里做出改变,你最好知道为什么。     If you make changes here, you better know why. m.  Security options     这里的默认值一般也不错。     The defaults are generally OK here too. n.  Cryptographic API(加密API)     专业加密功能,这里默认是OK的。     Specialized crytographic capabilites. The defaults are OK here. o.  Virtualization (NEW)(虚拟化)     允许使用您的Linux主机在虚拟机(guest)中运行其他操作系统。     Allows using your Linux host to run other operating systems inside virtual machines (guests).  p.  Library routines      各种CRC例程。除非您有特殊的要求,否则这里的默认值通常是合适的。     Various CRC routines.  The defaults are generally appropriate here unless you have special requirements. 