
来源:互联网 发布:公安网络监控电路板 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 08:28


Extend is a Less Pseudo-Class which merges the selector it is put on with ones that match what it references.

简单翻译就是Extend是less的伪类选择器,这个伪类选择器会将引用它的选择器与匹配它的选择器合并(英语太渣, 不知道翻译的是否准确,下面用例子来说明)

.box1 {&:extend(.box2);background-color: #eee;margin-bottom: 10px;}.box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: #333;}
/* line 2, http://localhost/about-less/styles.less */.box1 {  background-color: #eee;  margin-bottom: 10px;}/* line 8, http://localhost/about-less/styles.less */.box2,.box1 {  width: 100px;  height: 100px;  background-color: #333;}

.box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: #333;}.box1 {&:extend(.box2);background-color: #eee;margin-bottom: 10px;}
/* line 1, http://localhost/about-less/styles.less */.box2,.box1 {  width: 100px;  height: 100px;  background-color: #333;}/* line 6, http://localhost/about-less/styles.less */.box1 {  background-color: #eee;  margin-bottom: 10px;}
因为less文件中顺序的颠倒,导致最后编译出的结果中,样式顺序也相应的颠倒过来。官方文档的是这样解释的:In the rule set above, the :extend selector will apply the "extending selector"(.box1) onto the .box2 class wherever the .box2 class appears. The declaration block will be kept as-is, but without any reference to the extend (because extend isn't css).简单翻译:extend会把应用extend的选择器运用到extend所匹配的选择器出现的位置

Extend syntax(Extend语法)

The extend is either attached to a selector or placed into a ruleset. It looks like a pseudoclass with selector parameter optionally followed by the keyword


.box1 {&:extend(.box2);background-color: #eee;margin-bottom: 10px;}/*上下分别代表了extend的两种写法*/.box1:extend(.box2) {background-color: #cf002d;margin-bottom: 10px;}

Extending nested Selectors(嵌套选择器)

.box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: #333;.box2Child{color: #fff;}}.box1:extend(.box2 .box2Child) {background-color: #cf002d;margin-bottom: 10px;}
.box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: #333;}.box2 .box2Child {color: #fff;}.box1:extend(.box2 .box2Child) {background-color: #cf002d;margin-bottom: 10px;}
.box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: #333;}/*去掉父元素后,extend匹配不到元素*/.box2Child {color: #fff;}.box1:extend(.box2 .box2Child) {background-color: #cf002d;margin-bottom: 10px;}

Exact Matching with Extend(精确匹配)

.a.class,.class.a,.class > .a {  color: blue;}.test:extend(.class) {} // this will NOT match the any selectors above
*.class {  color: blue;}.noStar:extend(.class) {} // this will NOT match the *.class selector
link:hover:visited {  color: blue;}.selector:extend(link:visited:hover) {}

nth expression(nth表达式)

Nth expression form does matter. Nth-expressions 1n+3 and n+3 are equivalent, but extend will not match them(less是支持nth表达式的,不过1n+3与n+3虽然意义是相同的,但在less里则是不同的)
:nth-child(1n+3) {  color: blue;}.child:extend(n+3) {}
:nth-child(1n+3) {  color: blue;}
Quote type in attribute selector does not matter. All of the following are equivalent.(在less规则中,属性选择器的引号是没有实际作用的,有无引号,单引号还是双引号都没有关系)
[title=identifier] {  color: blue;}[title='identifier'] {  color: blue;}[title="identifier"] {  color: blue;}.noQuote:extend([title=identifier]) {}.singleQuote:extend([title='identifier']) {}.doubleQuote:extend([title="identifier"]) {}
[title=identifier],.noQuote,.singleQuote,.doubleQuote {  color: blue;}[title='identifier'],.noQuote,.singleQuote,.doubleQuote {  color: blue;}[title="identifier"],.noQuote,.singleQuote,.doubleQuote {  color: blue;}

Extend "all"(all关键词)

When you specify the all keyword last in an extend argument it tells Less to match that selector as part of another selector. The selector will be copied and the matched part of the selector only will then be replaced with the extend, making a new selector.(当在Extend参数里指定all关键词时,less会将引用Extend的选择器作为其他选择器的一部分。引用Extend的选择器将会被复制并替换Extend的匹配选择器,从而生成一个新选择器)
.a.b.test,.test.c {  color: orange;}.test {  &:hover {    color: green;  }}.replacement:extend(.test all) {}
.a.b.test,.test.c,.a.b.replacement,.replacement.c {  color: orange;}.test:hover,.replacement:hover {  color: green;}

Selector Interpolation with Extend(Extend选择器插值)

Extend is NOT able to match selectors with variables. If selector contains variable, extend will ignore it.(Extend不能匹配变量选择器,如果选择器包含变量,Extend会忽略这个选择器)
There is a pending feature request for this but it is not an easy change. However, extend can be attached to interpolated selector.
Selector with variable will not be matched
@variable: .bucket;@{variable} { // interpolated selector  color: blue;}.some-class:extend(.bucket) {} // does nothing, no match is found

.bucket {  color: blue;}.some-class:extend(@{variable}) {} // interpolated selector matches nothing@variable: .bucket;
.bucket {  color: blue;}@{variable}:extend(.bucket) {}@variable: .selector;
.bucket, .selector {  color: blue;}

Scoping / ExtendInside @media(媒体查询里的作用域/Extend)(暂时用不到,先把文档中的内容搬过来,以后再翻译)

Extend written inside a media declaration should match only selectors inside the same media declaration:
@media print {  .screenClass:extend(.selector) {} // extend inside media  .selector { // this will be matched - it is in the same media    color: black;  }}.selector { // ruleset on top of style sheet - extend ignores it  color: red;}@media screen {  .selector {  // ruleset inside another media - extend ignores it    color: blue;  }}
@media print {  .selector,  .screenClass { /*  ruleset inside the same media was extended */    color: black;  }}.selector { /* ruleset on top of style sheet was ignored */  color: red;}@media screen {  .selector { /* ruleset inside another media was ignored */    color: blue;  }}
Extend written inside a media declaration does not match selectors inside nested declaration:
@media screen {  .screenClass:extend(.selector) {} // extend inside media  @media (min-width: 1023px) {    .selector {  // ruleset inside nested media - extend ignores it      color: blue;    }  }}
@media screen and (min-width: 1023px) {  .selector { /* ruleset inside another nested media was ignored */    color: blue;  }}
Top level extend matches everything including selectors inside nested media:
@media screen {  .selector {  /* ruleset inside nested media - top level extend works */    color: blue;  }  @media (min-width: 1023px) {    .selector {  /* ruleset inside nested media - top level extend works */      color: blue;    }  }}.topLevel:extend(.selector) {} /* top level extend matches everything */
@media screen {  .selector,  .topLevel { /* ruleset inside media was extended */    color: blue;  }}@media screen and (min-width: 1023px) {  .selector,  .topLevel { /* ruleset inside nested media was extended */    color: blue;  }}

Duplication Detection(复制检测)

Currently there is no duplication detection.(目前还没有复制检测)
.alert-info,.widget {  /* declarations */}.alert:extend(.alert-info, .widget) {}
.alert-info,.widget,.alert,.alert {  /* declarations */}

Use Cases for Extend()

e.g 1
<a class="animal bear">Bear</a>
.animal {  background-color: black;  color: white;}.bear {  background-color: brown;}
<a class="bear">Bear</a>
.animal {  background-color: black;  color: white;}.bear {  &:extend(.animal);  background-color: brown;}
e.g 2
.my-inline-block() {    display: inline-block;  font-size: 0;}.thing1 {  .my-inline-block;}.thing2 {  .my-inline-block;}
.my-inline-block {  display: inline-block;  font-size: 0;}.thing1 {  &:extend(.my-inline-block);}.thing2 {  &:extend(.my-inline-block);}
.thing1 {  display: inline-block;  font-size: 0;}.thing2 {  display: inline-block;  font-size: 0;}
.my-inline-block,.thing1,.thing2 {  display: inline-block;  font-size: 0;}
