
来源:互联网 发布:技术分析 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:50


FastDB accepts arrays with dynamic length as components of records. Multidimensional arrays are not supported, but it is possible to define an array of arrays. It is possible to sort records in the result set by length of array field. FastDB provides a set of special constructions for dealing with arrays:


  1. It is possible to get the number of elements in the array by the length() function.
  2. Array elements can be fetched by the[] operator. If an index expression is out of array range, an exception will be raised.
  3. The operator in can be used to check if an array contains a value specified by the left operand. This operation can be used only for arrays of atomic type: with boolean, numeric, reference or string components.
  4. Array can be updated using update method which creates copy of the array and returns non-constant reference.
  5. Iteration through array elements is performed by the exists operator. A variable specified after the exists keyword can be used as an index in arrays in the expression preceeded by the exists quantor. This index variable will iterate through all possible array index values, until the value of the expression will become true or the index runs out of range. The condition
            exists i: (contract[i].company.location = 'US')
    will select all details which are shipped by companies located in 'US', while the query
            not exists i: (contract[i].company.location = 'US')
    will select all details which are shipped from companies outside 'US'.

    Nested exists clauses are allowed. Using nested exists quantors is equivalent to nested loops using the correspondent index variables. For example the query

            exists column: (exists row: (matrix[column][row] = 0))
    will select all records, containing 0 in elements of a matrix field, which has type array of array of integer. This construction is equivalent to the following two nested loops:
           bool result = false;       for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length(); column++) {             for (int row = 0; row < matrix[column].length(); row++) {          if (matrix[column][row] == 0) {                      result = true;     break;                 }            }       }
    The order of using indices is essential! The result of the following query execution
            exists row: (exists column: (matrix[column][row] = 0))
    will be completely different from the result of the previous query. In the last case, the program simply hangs due to an infinite loop in case of empty matrices.



1 使用函数length()获得数组元素的数目。 

2 可以通过操作符[]来取得数组的成员。如果中括号中的数组元素的下标超过了数组的范围,将会产生一个意外。

3 可以使用操作符in 来确定在数组中是否包含in 操作符左边的操作数。





5 通过操作符exists来实现数组元素的循环。

关键字exists之后的变量可以看作是exists 操作符后表达式中数组的下标序号。这个下标变量将会叠代所有可能的数组下标值,直到表达式为真或者下标序号越界。


exists i: (contract[i].company.location = 'US')

将会把所有坐落在US 的公司运输过来的货物信息选择出来,而查询语句:

not exists i: (contract[i].company.location = 'US')

将会把所有坐落在US 之外的公司运输过来的货物信息选择出来。 



exists column: (exists row: (matrix[column][row] = 0))



bool result = false;
    for (int column = 0; column < matrix.length(); column++) { 
    for (int row = 0; row < matrix[column].length(); row++) { 
            if (matrix[column][row] == 0) { 
                result = true;
exists row: (exists column: (matrix[column][row] = 0))


