
来源:互联网 发布:上海游奇网络老板是谁 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 10:35
//push.phpheader('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8;');use Workerman\Worker;require_once './Workerman/Autoloader.php';require_once "./CPdo.class.php";$App = new CPdo();function logout($App,$token){    $sql = "update app_user set islogin = 0 where token = '$token'";    $App->exec($sql);}// 初始化一个worker容器,监听1234端口$worker = new Worker('websocket://');// 这里进程数必须设置为1$worker->count = 1;// worker进程启动后建立一个内部通讯端口$worker->onWorkerStart = function($worker){    // 开启一个内部端口,方便内部系统推送数据,Text协议格式 文本+换行符    $inner_text_worker = new Worker('Text://');    $inner_text_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $buffer)    {        global $worker;        // $data数组格式,里面有uid,表示向那个uid的页面推送数据        $data = json_decode($buffer, true);        $uid = $data['token'];        $msgData['type'] = $data['type'];        $msgData['msg'] = $data['msg'];        $msgData['event'] = $data['event'];                $msgData=json_encode($msgData);        // 通过workerman,向uid的页面推送数据        $ret = sendMessageByUid($uid, $msgData);        // broadcast($uid);        // 返回推送结果        $connection->send($ret ? 'ok' : 'fail');    };    $inner_text_worker->listen();};// 新增加一个属性,用来保存uid到connection的映射$worker->uidConnections = array();// 当有客户端发来消息时执行的回调函数$worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)use($worker){    // 判断当前客户端是否已经验证,既是否设置了uid    if(!isset($connection->uid))    {        if(strpos($data,'"') >= 0){            $data = trim($data,'"');        }       // 没验证的话把第一个包当做uid(这里为了方便演示,没做真正的验证)       $connection->uid = $data;       /* 保存uid到connection的映射,这样可以方便的通过uid查找connection,        * 实现针对特定uid推送数据        */       $worker->uidConnections[$connection->uid] = $connection;       return;    }};// 当有客户端连接断开时$worker->onClose = function($connection)use($worker){    global $worker;    if(isset($connection->uid))    {        global $App;        // 连接断开时删除映射        unset($worker->uidConnections[$connection->uid]);        logout($App,$connection->uid);    }};// 向所有验证的用户推送数据function broadcast($message){   global $worker;   foreach($worker->uidConnections as $connection)   {        $connection->send($message);   }}// 针对uid推送数据function sendMessageByUid($uid, $message){    global $worker;    if(isset($worker->uidConnections[$uid]))    {        $connection = $worker->uidConnections[$uid];        $connection->send($message);        return true;    }    return false;}// 运行所有的worker(其实当前只定义了一个)Worker::runAll();
    public function sendToWs($type='',$token='',$msg='',$event=''){        // 建立socket连接到内部推送端口        $client = stream_socket_client('tcp://', $errno, $errmsg, 1);        // 推送的数据,包含uid字段,表示是给这个uid推送        $data = array('type'=>$type, 'token'=>$token, 'msg'=>$msg , 'event'=>$event);        // 发送数据,注意5678端口是Text协议的端口,Text协议需要在数据末尾加上换行符        fwrite($client, json_encode($data)."\n");        // 读取推送结果        // echo fread($client, 8192);    }
class CPdo{ protected $_dsn = "mysql:host=;dbname=app"; protected $_name = "dbuser"; protected $_pass = "123456"; protected $_condition = array(); protected $pdo; protected $fetchAll; protected $query; protected $result; protected $num; protected $mode; protected $prepare; protected $row; protected $fetchAction; protected $beginTransaction; protected $rollback; protected $commit; protected $char; private static $get_mode; private static $get_fetch_action; /** *pdo construct */// 构造 public function __construct($pconnect = false) {  $this->_condition = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $pconnect);  $this->pdo_connect(); } /** *pdo connect */// 连接PDO private function pdo_connect() {  try{   $this->pdo = new PDO($this->_dsn,$this->_name,$this->_pass,$this->_condition);  }  catch(Exception $e) {   return $this->setExceptionError($e->getMessage(), $e->getline, $e->getFile);  } } /** *self sql get value action */// 查询 public function getValueBySelfCreateSql($sql, $fetchAction = "assoc",$mode = null) {  $this->fetchAction = $this->fetchAction($fetchAction);  $this->result = $this->setAttribute($sql, $this->fetchAction, $mode);  $this->AllValue = $this->result->fetchAll();  return $this->AllValue; } /** *select condition can query */// 获取并处理data private function setAttribute($sql, $fetchAction, $mode) {  $this->mode = self::getMode($mode);  $this->fetchAction = self::fetchAction($fetchAction);  $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, $this->mode);  $this->query = $this->base_query($sql);  $this->query->setFetchMode($this->fetchAction);  return $this->query; } /** *get mode action */// 大小写模式 private static function getMode($get_style){  switch($get_style) {   case null:    self::$get_mode = PDO::CASE_NATURAL;   break;   case true:    self::$get_mode = PDO::CASE_UPPER;   break;   case false;   self::$get_mode= PDO::CASE_LOWER;   break;  }  return self::$get_mode; } /** *fetch value action */// model的形式 private static function fetchAction($fetchAction) {  switch($fetchAction) {   case "assoc":    self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; //asso array   break;   case "num":    self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_NUM; //num array   break;   case "object":    self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_OBJ; //object array   break;   case "both":    self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_BOTH; //assoc array and num array   break;   default:    self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC;   break;  }  return self::$get_fetch_action; } /** *get total num action */// 获取结果行数 public function rowCount($sql) {  $this->result = $this->base_query($sql);  $this->num = $this->result->rowCount();  return $this->num; } /* *simple query and easy query action */// 简易查询 public function query($table, $column = "*",$condition = array(), $group = "",$order = "", $having = "", $startSet = "",$endSet = "",$fetchAction = "assoc",$params = null){  $sql = "select ".$column." from `".$table."` ";  if ($condition != null) {   foreach($condition as $key=>$value) {    $where .= "$key = '$value' and ";   }   $sql .= "where $where";   $sql .= "1 = 1 ";  }  if ($group != "") {   $sql .= "group by ".$group." ";  }  if ($order != "") {   $sql .= " order by ".$order." ";  }  if ($having != "") {   $sql .= "having '$having' ";  }  if ($startSet != "" && $endSet != "" && is_numeric($endSet) && is_numeric($startSet)) {   $sql .= "limit $startSet,$endSet";  }  $this->result = $this->getValueBySelfCreateSql($sql, $fetchAction, $params);  return $this->result; } /** *execute delete update insert and so on action */// CURL执行 public function exec($sql) {  $this->result = $this->pdo->exec($sql);  $substr = substr($sql, 0 ,6);  if ($this->result) {   return $this->successful($substr);  } else {   return $this->fail($substr);  } } /** *prepare action */// 预执行 public function prepare($sql) {  $this->prepare = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);  $this->setChars();  $this->prepare->execute();  while($this->rowz = $this->prepare->fetch()) {   return $this->row;  } } /** *USE transaction */// 事务处理 public function transaction($sql) {  $this->begin();  $this->result = $this->pdo->exec($sql);  if ($this->result) {   $this->commit();  } else {   $this->rollback();  } } /** *start transaction */// 开始事务 private function begin() {  $this->beginTransaction = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();  return $this->beginTransaction; } /** *commit transaction */// 事务提交 private function commit() {  $this->commit = $this->pdo->commit();  return $this->commit; } /** *rollback transaction */// 事务撤销 private function rollback() {  $this->rollback = $this->pdo->rollback();  return $this->rollback; } /** *base query */// 基本查询 private function base_query($sql) {  $this->setChars();  $this->query = $this->pdo->query($sql);  return $this->query; } /** *set chars */// 设置字符集 private function setChars() {  $this->char = $this->pdo->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");  return $this->char; } /** *process sucessful action  */// 成功提示信息 private function successful($params){  return "The ".$params." action is successful"; } /** *process fail action */// 失败提示信息 private function fail($params){  return "The ".$params." action is fail"; } /** *process exception action */// 异常 private function setExceptionError($getMessage, $getLine ,$getFile) {  echo "Error message is ".$getMessage."<br /> The Error in ".$getLine." line <br /> This file dir on ".$getFile;  exit(); }}
