简析在React Native中如何适配iPhoneX

来源:互联网 发布:怎么用ps做淘宝店招 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 13:59


iPhone X 发布也有一段时间了,独特的 "齐刘海",以及 "小嘴巴" 带给了苹果粉们无限的遐想,同时也带来众多的吐槽。


扯了这么多,终于上道了。本篇博客内容就是要和大家分享在React Native开发的App中,我们该如何去做适配。首先在做适配之前,我们先了解下iPhoneX在UI上的一些变化。iPhoneX版本引入了一个新名词: 【安全区域】


iOS11前屏幕的分辨率为 375 * 667,而iPhoneX屏幕的高度则变为812,顶部高出145。所以适配的问题基本围绕UI来解决,并且适配的核心思路就是:【避开安全区域,使布局自适应】,我们来看几个对比图:








import {    Platform,    Dimensions} from 'react-native';// iPhoneXconst X_WIDTH = 375;const X_HEIGHT = 812;// screenconst SCREEN_WIDTH = Dimensions.get('window').width;const SCREEN_HEIGHT = Dimensions.get('window').height;export function isIphoneX() {    return (        Platform.OS === 'ios' &&         ((SCREEN_HEIGHT === X_HEIGHT && SCREEN_WIDTH === X_WIDTH) ||         (SCREEN_HEIGHT === X_WIDTH && SCREEN_WIDTH === X_HEIGHT))    )}


export function ifIphoneX (iphoneXStyle, regularStyle) {    if (isIphoneX()) {        return iphoneXStyle;    } else {        return regularStyle    }}


const styles = StyleSheet.create({    topBar: {        backgroundColor: '#ffffff',        ...ifIphoneX({            paddingTop: 44        }, {            paddingTop: 20        })    },})


想必大家都知道,React Native 在前两天发布了0.50.1版本。幸运的是,在该版本中,添加了一个SafeAreaView的Component,来完美支持iPhoneX的适配。并且React-Navigation导航控件库也在^1.0.0-beta.16版本添加对iPhoneX的支持。小伙伴们终于可以轻松的燥起来了。此时也会有一个新的问题,不能升级RN版本的童靴怎么办呢?也不用急,React社区react-community开源了一个JsOnly版本的SafeAreaView,使得在低版本上同样可以解决iPhoneX的适配问题,使用方式也很简单:

<SafeAreaView>  <View>    <Text>Look, I'm safe!</Text>  </View></SafeAreaView>

四、SafeAreaView 核心源码简析



  componentDidMount() {    InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {      this._onLayout();    });  }....._onLayout = () => {    if (!this.view) return;    const { isLandscape } = this.props;    const { orientation } = this.state;    const newOrientation = isLandscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';    if (orientation && orientation === newOrientation) {      return;    }    const WIDTH = isLandscape ? X_HEIGHT : X_WIDTH;    const HEIGHT = isLandscape ? X_WIDTH : X_HEIGHT;    this.view.measureInWindow((winX, winY, winWidth, winHeight) => {      let realY = winY;      let realX = winX;      if (realY >= HEIGHT) {        realY = realY % HEIGHT;      } else if (realY < 0) {        realY = realY % HEIGHT + HEIGHT;      }      if (realX >= WIDTH) {        realX = realX % WIDTH;      } else if (realX < 0) {        realX = realX % WIDTH + WIDTH;      }      const touchesTop = realY === 0;      const touchesBottom = realY + winHeight >= HEIGHT;      const touchesLeft = realX === 0;      const touchesRight = realX + winWidth >= WIDTH;      this.setState({        touchesTop,        touchesBottom,        touchesLeft,        touchesRight,        orientation: newOrientation,      });    });  };


const isIPhoneX = (() => {  if (minor >= 50) {    return isIPhoneX_deprecated;  }  return (    Platform.OS === 'ios' &&    ((D_HEIGHT === X_HEIGHT && D_WIDTH === X_WIDTH) ||      (D_HEIGHT === X_WIDTH && D_WIDTH === X_HEIGHT))  );})();const isIPad = (() => {  if (Platform.OS !== 'ios' || isIPhoneX) return false;  // if portrait and width is smaller than iPad width  if (D_HEIGHT > D_WIDTH && D_WIDTH < PAD_WIDTH) {    return false;  }  // if landscape and height is smaller that iPad height  if (D_WIDTH > D_HEIGHT && D_HEIGHT < PAD_WIDTH) {    return false;  }  return true;})();const statusBarHeight = isLandscape => {  if (isIPhoneX) {    return isLandscape ? 0 : 44;  }  if (isIPad) {    return 20;  }  return isLandscape ? 0 : 20;};


_getSafeAreaStyle = () => {    const { touchesTop, touchesBottom, touchesLeft, touchesRight } = this.state;    const { forceInset, isLandscape } = this.props;    const style = {      paddingTop: touchesTop ? this._getInset('top') : 0,      paddingBottom: touchesBottom ? this._getInset('bottom') : 0,      paddingLeft: touchesLeft ? this._getInset('left') : 0,      paddingRight: touchesRight ? this._getInset('right') : 0,    };    if (forceInset) {      Object.keys(forceInset).forEach(key => {        let inset = forceInset[key];        if (inset === 'always') {          inset = this._getInset(key);        }        if (inset === 'never') {          inset = 0;        }        switch (key) {          case 'horizontal': {            style.paddingLeft = inset;            style.paddingRight = inset;            break;          }          case 'vertical': {            style.paddingTop = inset;            style.paddingBottom = inset;            break;          }          case 'left':          case 'right':          case 'top':          case 'bottom': {            const padding = `padding${key[0].toUpperCase()}${key.slice(1)}`;            style[padding] = inset;            break;          }        }      });    }    return style;  };  _getInset = key => {    const { isLandscape } = this.props;    switch (key) {      case 'horizontal':      case 'right':      case 'left': {        return isLandscape ? (isIPhoneX ? 44 : 0) : 0;      }      case 'vertical':      case 'top': {        return statusBarHeight(isLandscape);      }      case 'bottom': {        return isIPhoneX ? (isLandscape ? 24 : 34) : 0;      }    }  };


class SafeView extends Component {  componentWillReceiveProps() {    this._onLayout();  }  render() {    const { forceInset = false, isLandscape, children, style } = this.props;    if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') {      return <View style={style}>{this.props.children}</View>;    }    if (!forceInset && minor >= 50) {      return <SafeAreaView style={style}>{this.props.children}</SafeAreaView>;    }    const safeAreaStyle = this._getSafeAreaStyle();    return (      <View        ref={c => (this.view = c)}        onLayout={this._onLayout}        style={[style, safeAreaStyle]}      >        {this.props.children}      </View>    );  }}

